Beauty on the side

Chapter 026 Breeze Curse 4

"Too happy to spare my life!" A maid was dragged out. I don't understand why I should punish the people who brought me since they want to tie me here.

"I ordered not to do too much, otherwise I should be punished." Tai Le Ling looked at me.

"I don't know what's wrong with the happy order calling me?" I asked. Tai Le Ling walked to me and looked up and down at me. Today, when the King of Qin returned, things in the palace were busy. If Tai Leling had nothing to do, the maidservant would retreat first. I said that I was going to get up and leave, but the two maids stopped at the door. Taile made the original arrogant face a haze and approached step by step: "What about the return of the King of Qin? You will know later whether his return is your luck or bad luck!"

Two maids grabbed my shoulder, and then the scream of the maid who was scolded by the staff came from outside the house. Tai Leling gave me a cold look, "If you make a mistake, they are more than just blaming."

This sentence is heartwarming on the surface, but in fact, the sentence is aimed at me. I listened to the screams outside and felt deeply tight. If I run away, everyone here will be punished secretly. To be precise, it should be more than execution.

I pulled back my grasped arm and looked back at the woman in front of me. The woman's face is so arrogant that she can't be brushed, her clothes are colorful and elegant, and a red plum print is painted on her forehead... This place is too much fun!

The woman's beautiful eyes were cold. As she walked slowly, she said to me in that ethereal voice, "The dancer of Taile is sick and can't dance at the banquet of the king of Qin."

"Do you want to replace me?" I was forced to step back by her domineering.

"You must learn this dance music and be sure to be beautiful." Too happy to make it approach step by step.

I suddenly woke up and shouted, "No!"

"No?" Tai Leling wink at the door and came in from the door, dragging the maid who was scolded by the staff. The maid of honor had hung her head and didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

"Do the people of Shang Pharmacy save or harm people?" Tai Le waved her sleeves, and the maid was thrown on the ground motionless. It seemed that she had been scolded and died by the stick. Tai Le Ling glanced at her and said coldly, "I am just ordered to act."

I quietly looked at the dead maid. Taile stroked her long skirt and turned to the door, leaving a sentence: "This happy order will make you dance for nine days in three days."

There is no news from Shang Pharmacy and Chengqian Hall. It seems that someone has gone to say hello to me in the Taile Department this time. Tai Le Ling locked me in a spacious dance hall. It was not until night that the door of the hall was opened, and several musicians slowly stepped in behind me. The wind blowing outside the door brushed her hair and floated with her long sleeves. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in the palace.

"Why is the Taile Office still so cold after the victory of the King of Qin?" I asked.

"Taile Office doesn't like to be lively." Tai Le Ling stopped on my shoulder and turned his head slightly and said to me, "After presenting this dance music in three days, you have nothing to do with the Tai Le Department. You don't need to know about the Tai Le Department."

The slender jade finger stroked the wide sleeves, and leaned back slightly to be slightly lazy. Tai Le made the plum seal low on his forehead. His cold eyes looked out of the distant window, but said to me, "Watch the dance."

She walked slowly to the musician and saluted him to play the piano. A beautiful smile rose from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were bright and clear; his expression seemed to be wind and flowing, but he didn't know who his heart was. The dyeing is soft and frivolous, depicting the peach blossoms of Qinhuai, and the gardenia of Lingnan and the snow lotus in the western region. I don't know where the phoenix butterfly beeping comes from, but it is beautiful. When will the spring flowers and autumn moon come? With a soft smile, he looked up at the red plum beside him, bent his waist, and the music was over. Everything was quiet, as if it had never happened with the disappearance of the music.

The fragrance she danced faded in the wind. I recovered and couldn't help marveling at this amazing flower-like beauty from the bottom of my heart. I walked to her with a smile: "Taile makes her posture so beautiful. Why do you never go to the hall to dance?"

I have been to the Taile Office several times and have seen dancers dancing in the upper hall, but I have never seen the dance of Taileling. Her dances are beautiful, but she only teaches dancers but never dances.

The beautiful eyes were dark when they danced, and then the two coldness had been restored in a blink of an eye. She didn't like to answer my question and just asked me, "Do you understand?"

"A little bit of understanding." I nodded.

Tai Leling knelt on the side of the hall. I stood in the middle of the hall and listened to the music blowing slowly. The beautiful dance slowly flowed in my memory, and I raised my hands and feet to follow the dance music.

Three days later, Li Yuan's celebration banquet for Li Shimin. Asking me to dance is nothing more than a plan. I never thought that I had always thought I was a bystander and became a pawn of others. Thinking that it was Li Shimin's celebration banquet, I was at a loss. My men held their sleeves tightly and looked at the moon of Taile, which was cooler than other places, like this drifting play.

I will never be anyone's pawn! I gritted my teeth and waved my sleeves and danced. Since you want to dance, you have to dance amazingly!

In a blink of an eye, three days later, I came to the dinner hall with a group of dancers and waited outside the dinner hall. I peeked at the dimly lit hall. Li Yuan was sitting on the yellow robe, and Yin Defei and Zhang Meiyi were sitting on the left and right. There are two rows at the bottom of the main seat, and the top seat on the left is Li Jiancheng and the Crown Princess. At this time, the princess looked outside and looked at me. Her eyes flashed and she drank a glass of wine with a smile.

I moved my eyes and the person opposite Li Jiancheng was Li Shimin. Princess Qin sat next to him with a smile and added wine to him. The two looked at each other and smiled from time to time. My heart was like angina, and I looked down at my dance clothes. The red water sleeves were wrapped around my arms, and my skin was dazzlingly white in the moonlight.

A sharp order came from the eunuch in his ear: "Taile Department: Anle!"

Lift the slender arm and move into the hall. The soft light made me a little dazzling. Fortunately, I quickly adapted to it, so I danced with my sleeves. I saw Li Jiancheng's surprised face, secretly holding the cup on the coffee table with anger. I never dared to see Li Shimin, a plain person sitting there. I tried to dance my eyes as if it were a wake-up trance.

Walking to the center of the hall, the water sleeves were pulled out, the music was slowly played, the figure flowed, and the wind blew the fairy. The body dances to the rhythm, and the pavilion is green and plain. Looking back, the ice curtain was half covered and fell in a mess. The music is slow and intense, rotating, swinging sleeves, twisting the waist, hem, and moving in one go. The music slowly slowed down, and the posture softened. The sleeves flew over, pulled out more than five feet long, bent down and knelt down with his head back. The soft eyes are as confused and cold as the moonlight, as shy as blue and white in the night. Touching a red flower makes it fly. For a moment, the hall was red. I danced my sleeves and rotated in the middle of the dance floor. I bent my knees gently and leaned down to sit next to a red plum.

After the dance, everything is quiet. I quietly raised my eyes and looked at Li Shimin. Li Shimin frowned at me. His thorny eyes penetrated deeply into my heartbeat and could not move.

I collected my sleeves and stood in a row with the dancers. He frowned and couldn't look directly at Li Yuan. He is the current emperor and should not face him directly. I didn't dare to look at Li Shimin sitting beside me anymore. When he was still outside, I often thought that I might suddenly see his back, but when I was really in front of him, I was too scared to raise my eyes.

The quietness in the hall made my forehead sweat. Only Li Yuan laughed and shook his sleeves: "Reward!"

"Thank you, Emperor." I knelt down and thanked with other dancers.

"You stay and get the rest!" Li Yuan took it for granted.

My brain shook, my legs were soft, and I tried to stand in the hall. I glanced at the princess, who smiled at me and brought the wine pot to Li Jiancheng, who looked anxious beside her. Then, I peeked at the top. Li Yuan's face glowed red and looked at me for a long time. Yin Defei beside him looked at me coldly for a while, turned to Li Yuan and smiled, "Your Majesty, these wizards can't be wasted. The emperor can let her raise a winning dancer to show my Tang Dynasty dance talent."

Li Yuan was slightly stunned and still took Yin Defei with one hand: "My concubine is right, which shows my Tang Dynasty dance talent!" He turned his head and asked me, "What level are you at?"

"servant..." Since he danced in this hall in a dance dress, Li Yuan must think that I am a member of the Taile Department. If I can show my true identity at this time, I can hide from playing chess, but this will also push me to an extremely dangerous point, not only the hatred of chess players, but also Li Yuan's anger.

The eyes handed over above became colder and colder. I secretly looked at the crown princess, and she looked up elsewhere. The temple was quiet. Seeing that I didn't say anything, Li Yuan began to doubt, "Who are you?"

His majestic voice scared my already nervous heart out of a fine sweat, but the voice of kneeling on the ground was loud: "Don't be a slave, doctor of the Provincial Shang Pharmacy!"

"People from the Provincial Pharmacy Bureau?" With a gradually rising anger, Li Yuan said calmly, "Don't look at the medicine at the pharmacy, and run to the hall to do what!"

When Li Yuan asked this question, I was afraid and nervous, and my hair was tightly pressed to my forehead: "Taile's dancer was sick in bed, and my maidservant came to dance as a substitute for her. If the emperor doesn't believe it, you can ask Tai Leling.

"It's a happy order!"

This sound went straight to the outside, and a sound was far away. After a moment, Tai Leling came in from the hall and knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty, good luck!"

Li Yuan raised his face and asked, "Can you look at this person around you? Did you call the substitute dancer?"

Tai Leling was still the cold look and looked at me and nodded: "Yes."

"Why didn't you come up and make it clear?" Li Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, "The rules in the palace are not what you want to fool. If you don't do things rigorously, do you want me to be in a deep crisis or you bully you!" Li Yuan's men slammed the cabinet table, and the teapot rummed.