Beauty on the side

Chapter 053 Yan's Daughter 3

Everything seems to have come too unexpectedly. I finally understood the same look of the two after knowing Yan Jingwen's identity, and finally understood why Li Shimin no longer pursued himself, and finally understood the reason for returning to the palace immediately. Thinking about it, I finally calmed down. At this time, a maid came in outside the door and bowed her head and said to me, "Don't be in charge, someone is looking for you outside."

I turned around in a trance and looked outside the Chengqian Hall. It turned out to be Zhou Molan.

Zhou Molan asked me to speak. I walked on the side street with him. He said, "The female prisoner who can't be in charge of the investigation that day is still in the prison."

I was shocked and asked him to take me to have a look.

Is Ye Ying still in prison? Was he caught again, or has he never come out? If it is the latter, what I saw was an illusion about the assassination of Wude Hall that day! Then Li Shimin... I shake my head, and everything will come out when I see Ye Yinghou.

He followed Zhou Molan into the prison, but did not go to the usual place of detention. Zhou Molan told me that the place where Ye Ying was closed was not an ordinary cell, but a dark cell, and no one else would find it when they entered here. Coincidentally today, he accidentally entered the dark cell to check, but found Ye Ying. At this time, he remembered me and hurried to tell him. As I walked in, I only felt that the dark truth was about to jump out of the bottom of the water, and I became nervous. The dark road was very dark. Only the torch in Zhou Molan's hand barely saw the front. Until I stood on a place with bamboo lanterns hanging on the four walls, I finally saw an iron fence, and a figure sat silently in it. Against the dim light, I finally recognized that the face was indeed Ye Ying.

Hearing someone coming, Ye Ying opened her eyes, was only slightly shocked when she saw me, and then closed her eyes. I took a breath and asked, "Ye Ying, have you been here since you were caught by Xue Wancher?"

Ye Ying turned his head and ignored my words. I wandered outside the prison door for a while and called Zhou Molan to leave. Zhou Molan was very puzzled and came up to ask me. I said, "She doesn't like to answer questions. No matter how much time she spends, she won't pay attention to it." I turned to ask Zhou Molan, "Is there only one exit in this cell? Who else has been here at ordinary times?"

Ye Ying is still alive now, and someone must often come to deliver food. Zhou Molan thought for a moment and said, "As far as I know, this is the only exit. Occasionally, someone comes, but it's only about a maid in an ordinary prison who sends her master to deliver meals every day. After listening, I raised my eyebrows and said, "Oh? How can there be such a good master? Can you take me to have a look?"

Out of the secret road, Zhou Molan led me to the prison outside. The maid here was not locked up, and coincidentally, I met the person who came to deliver meals every day. I looked at her clothes, which is no different from the ordinary maid. I really don't know which palace she is from. Although I am a little bigger than her, I can't casually ask about other private affairs in the palace, only watch her deliver the food to the woman in prison, and then retreat. Everything seems to be so normal.

I frowned, and it seemed that the speculation in my mind was wrong. The humidity in the prison really made me uncomfortable. I couldn't help thinking of the scene of being imprisoned in this prison by Yin Defei and the crown princess, and the death of Liu Meiren. My chest seemed to be crushed by a boulder. I closed my eyes and was ready to leave. Turning my head, I glanced at the woman in prison, but it made me doubt.

After thinking about it, I turned around and walked a few steps to the door and said to Zhou Molan, "There are still strong chains in the prison. Her lock is a little broken."

Zhou Molan heard this and immediately changed a lock for the prison door. The white light dropped from the wall window of the cell, and I watched the chain shaking. The white light flashed and dazzling. Slowly moving her eyes, the woman in the prison looked back at me in surprise and fiddled with the food in her hand in panic.

I went back to the Chengqian Hall. Today's sunshine is very good, but I can't afford to look at the palace like flowers. Thinking of the outside world, the fragrance of flowers seems to be more refreshing and gentle than here. Some flowers bloom for the flowers to fade. A gust of wind blows, and the innocent and weak flowers wither, just like this deep palace. As long as there is a gust of evil wind and bad words, people who don't know how to guard will go.

Will Yan Jingwen also want to step into this deep palace? In this palace, how many women's hearts are really towards the people around them? These women are destined to live a miserable life. She used to be a Liu beauty, but now she needs more Yan Jingwen? I sighed deeply.

The smiles of several women came from the front, and I was depressed. Are these laughs sincere? I looked up and saw three maids smiling, and one of them was the maid of honor I saw in the prison. Suddenly, I deliberately slowed down. After talking a few more words with the other two, the maid left with a rice basket. I followed her footsteps until she turned into a door, and I looked up and my heart was shocked.

Quietly looking into the door, the maid was leaning over and talking. The person in front of him inadvertently raised his eyes and saw me at the door. His eyes were surprised and dumb. I smiled and took a few steps across the door: "Do you remember teaching me how to play chess? I want to play with you again."

Li Jiancheng's originally stiff face finally eased a little, taking me into the apse and calling people to set up a chessboard in the hall. I sat opposite him, and the hall was very quiet. Only the echo of chess pieces knocking on the chessboard, like a cold water drop of water knocking on the calm water, so far away and close.

Finally, stop. I squeezed my lips and smiled slightly at the corners of my mouth: "The prince is really a good trick. No matter how the maid turns, he can actually follow your path."

Hearing what I said, Li Jiancheng smiled stiffly and reached out to hold me in the palm of his hand: "Xi Ran, even if you follow my way, I will work harder to protect you and stay by your side." I shook my head as if to shake away everything he had said and had done. I said, "Such protection and protection are too illusory. One time is enough for me to tell whether it is true or false, whether it is love or profit."

Li Jiancheng looked at me with his eyes open, and his deep eyes seemed to be afraid that I would suddenly disappear from his eyes, as if he wanted to see me enough at once. I also looked at him, but I couldn't fall into his eyes, as if there was an invisible wall isolated in front of us. I see you and you see me, but you can never touch each other's warmth and heartbeat.

There is no need to say anything more, everything suddenly appears in the eyes.

The maid imprisoned in prison is the one who sends things to Ye Ying every day. It's so easy for the East Palace to get the key to a prison. As long as the person is imprisoned in the prison, with the key in his hand and knows the secret, he can go straight to the secret way out of the ordinary cell. Even if this is not the case, since Ye Ying has never been out of prison, the person who assassinated that day must not be Ye Ying. And this assassination turned out to be a mistake in Li Shimin's plan, but in fact it was Li Jiancheng's plan!

"As long as the prince does his own thing well, no one can take this position." I was hurt leisurely. Li Jiancheng shook his head and suddenly grabbed my hand and said, "What I compete with him is more than this country!"

Looking at his anger mixed with lost heartache, I know what is fighting outside the country. I said calmly with cold eyes, "Well, the prince is too worried. I once thought that if this secret fight could be resolved, it would be good to be with you, at least you care about me very much. As I said, if you give me peace of mind, don't hurt, don't use, don't cheat, I won't fail you. But in the end, for the sake of this country, your use of your deception has wiped out my peace of mind with you. It turns out that in the end, I still share the most favorable chess pieces with you!"

I grabbed a chess piece in a stunned hand and looked at it and said to myself, "You taught me to play chess, it turned out that it was just to play chess."

"Yi Ran!" Li Jiancheng called me like a lost soul and stretched out his hand to me. I set off and dodged. I couldn't help but look at him coldly: "Your Highness, since the chess game has been broken, you don't have to play it anymore!"

He picked up his long skirt and turned around to leave, and there was a suppressed anger behind him: "Is it possible that Xiran has never used it to deceive me!"

The footsteps stopped suddenly, and his chest was breathless. I smiled and turned my head: "Since we are sorry for each other, you and I should stop deceiving ourselves."

After saying this, he was hugged tightly from behind. His forehead was against the back of my neck and whispered in pain, "I once said that if you hurt, if you use it, if you cheat, I will never let you go!"

I trembled and pulled away the hand he held at my waist and whispered, "Prince, I'm sorry for you. I've always been sorry for you. I don't think it's a comfortable thing to hide this from you and be with you. But it's too selfish to be used and deceived at all.

"What about the second brother?" He pulled my body and grabbed my shoulder tightly. "His use, his deception should be better than anyone else in your heart!"

My heart seemed to be pulled fiercely, and my whole body trembled involutarily. I shook my voice and finally said, "As you measured, because he is the person in my heart... But the person in his heart is not me." No matter how he treats me, it is still him who can't let go. He can even forgive everything he has done, and even willing to be used to be deceived. In this way, there is still a trace of use in his heart. And Li Jiancheng actually guessed what my heart was going to do in his heart. He deceived me and even more cruelly deceived himself!

Li Jiancheng lost his mind, slowly pressed his hand on his chest and spit out two words: "It's you."

I pressed the hand on his chest, looked at him and shook my head. I took the palm of his chest and gently put it on the table: "Prince, I beg you one last thing. Do you remember the Liu beauty in the palace? Can you think of a way not to involve more Liu Meiren? Let Yan Jingwen go."

Li Jiancheng held my hand and his eyes revealed some hope: "Xi Ran, are you jealous? You should know that if I marry Yan Jingwen, I don't really love her!"

I pulled back my hand and scattered his warmth in my palm: "I just hope that one more person will be happy."

Away from his sight, I stepped to the door, and there was a sadness of incomparable guilt in my heart, but I could only let it go. Li Jiancheng is good, not unknown, but he can forgive Li Shimin and can't forgive him, because he used to be the person I relied on for guilt, and now I find that he is not.

A figure appeared in front of the door. Since she was pregnant, the princess has been in poor health. The Shang Pharmacy will send someone to the East Palace to check her body every five days, and there are often two maids around her to help her. I stopped and watched her come towards me. Her eyes were still sharp, but there was a little more sad water at this time.

"How can the prince's love be played by you!" Her words trembled and couldn't help but feel the grief in her heart. She couldn't get Li Jiancheng's love, but she saw someone trampling on the feelings she had been dreaming of. Why didn't she feel sad?