Beauty on the side

Chapter 058 Qianjunfa 5

I was worried and still couldn't get any news. At this point, I don't know what happened and I'm confused about the future.

Two days later, there was still no news from the palace. I sat quietly under the eaves and listened to the wind, and my heart was empty. I called the maid of honor to pick up some freshly fallen petals for me. Those petals still have a faint floral fragrance. I'm going to dry them into sachets and put them in every room of Chengqian Hall another day, and I can smell the beautiful fragrance of flowers in the fallen leaves in late autumn. Just thinking about this, my heart was a little sad. I don't know when this matter will end. It turns out that unconsciously, I have paid close attention to the things in Chengqian Hall.

With a sigh, listening to the maid of honor coming back from outside, I smiled faintly. In the past few days, these two maids have become the only people I have spoken to. I often ask them to see what happened in the palace for me. Of course, it is not a matter of Chengqian Hall, otherwise they will never do it. As they came back and put the petals on my hand, they said to me, "The princess's body is really not good. On the way back, I heard someone say that her stomach suddenly hurt for a long time this morning."

Shang Pharmaceutical Bureau once calculated that the delivery period is only in these days, and it suddenly spread that the prince's stomach hurts, and I'm afraid that the child is about to be born. I immediately said to the two maids of honor, "Don't neglect this matter!" One of you quickly went to the Shang Pharmacy, and the other went to inform the prince that the princess was about to give birth!"

"Are you going to give birth?" The two maids of honor were still a little confused and whispered to each other, "But the princess's stomach doesn't hurt very much. Is it just the child to kick her?"

I said seriously and quickly, "I used to be a doctor of the pharmacy. If the child kicks, it won't prolong the pain all the time. You take a snapshot and do what I said, otherwise you won't have time to prepare for it when you give birth! Hurry up!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" The two maids listened to my words, agreed in a panic and ran away in a hurry. I reached out and waved in the air: "Come on, take me to the princess." Another maid pressed my palm and said softly, "No, Your Highness has an order not to leave this yard." I grabbed her hand and said, "Then go out and tell me what's going on outside." Yes." The maid replied respectfully and walked away.

Although I don't get on good terms with the princess, as a woman, I'm afraid I will have no grudge against the new life. Li Jiancheng doesn't like the crown princess, and the crown princess finally has a child. If something goes wrong, she will be sad and desperate. Perhaps the child is the sunshine of her life, making her forget the cruel disputes and put aside the ruthless competition. I think she was also a beautiful woman, but this deep palace buried her, but she just met someone who didn't love her.

I sat in the porch, and the faint sun shone with warmth on my body. Gradually, some noises spread in the distance, and then there was a faint cry of the woman. I sincerely prayed in that direction that the mother and son were safe. After the cool breeze, the maid I sent came back. She praised happily, "Don't take charge of things as expected. The crown princess really gave birth to a little son!"

It turned out to be a boy. This time, the East Palace should be jubilant. I smiled and said, "It's not that I expected everything to be like God. I just stayed in the pharmacy for a while, and the teachers in it taught me well. Hearing that you are so happy, the mother and son must be safe. Let's send blessings for me another day to see the little son.

The maid of honor seemed to be a little disappointed and said, "Mother and son are still safe. It's just that the little son... The doctor said that the little son's body is not very good and needs very careful care.

Also, since the Crown Princess was pregnant, her body has also weakened a lot, and she often asks people from the pharmacy to have a look. This time, she gave birth to a little son. I'm afraid she was stained with her previous illness and had light bones. I sighed secretly and stretched out my hand to ask the maid to help me into the room to rest. I was nervous in the distance all afternoon, and I was really tired.

I lay on the couch and fell asleep unconsciously, but I slept very lightly and didn't know what dream I had. It seemed to be a blank and something happened until someone held my hand, and I suddenly woke up from the unclear dream.

"Wake up?" Li Jiancheng said gently and put my hand into the quilt and pressed it.

I said, "The princess is the only son of the prince. The prince doesn't go there to guard it. Why did you come to me?"

Li Jiancheng said, "Thank you for coming here. I heard from the midwife that the princess had a faint pain before, and suddenly the pain soared that she was about to give birth immediately. Fortunately, you asked the maid to call someone in advance, otherwise I really don't know how much more you will suffer.

I smiled and said, "It's good that the mother and son are safe. The prince doesn't have to worry about my little thing. Nowadays, the prince is also a family of three and should be more thinker of his family. Now there are two little sons in the palace one after another. I don't know how lively the palace will be when they grow up.

Li Jiancheng was silent for a moment and sighed, "Well, it seems to be very happy."

I asked, "Has the prince named the little prince?"

Li Jiancheng thought for a moment and said, "Just follow Chengqian's call, call... Chengzong."

Chengzong, Li Chengzong. Like Li Yuan, a servant of Chengzong, fought all over the battlefield and intended to embrace the world. It seems that Li Jiancheng's feelings for his child Li Chengzong are not as indifferent as the crown princess. Perhaps, Li Chengzong can melt the barrier between the two, so I will be happy.

At this time, there was an eager footstep outside. Xue Wanche's voice appeared outside the door, and Li Jiancheng patted my hand and left. I got up secretly. In the past few days, I have blindly figured out some of the way from the couch to the door. I groped and lowered my head to the door and listened to the outside. I couldn't see but practiced my hearing.

Xue Wanche whispered, "Your Highness, Chengqian Hall has sent someone to take charge of Mo. Look at this..."

Li Jiancheng said in a low voice, "What's going on? Hasn't Chengqian Hall been blocked? How can you have the courage to find someone?

Xue Wancher said, "Today, you have been worried about the Crown Princess in the East Palace. Princess Qi has gone to see the emperor this morning!"

Li Jiancheng was silent and wandered for a long time without saying anything.

Is there a turnaround? I'm a little excited. Since Chengqian Hall sent someone to find me, most of the crisis must have passed. At this time, I am no longer under the supervision of the East Palace! I opened the door and took a few steps outside along the door. I'm not afraid that Li Jiancheng can still put me under house arrest. After all, he still listens to Li Yuan, so I boldly stood in front of them and said, "Your Highness, in this case, it's time for me to go back to Chengqian Hall."

Li Jiancheng did not answer, but Xue Wanche came forward and said to me, "Then don't take care of it. Let me take you out of this courtyard!"

I immediately frowned. Listening to his tone, I didn't want to send me to Chengqian Hall at all, but to take me to another place that no one else could find to hide. Is this what Li Jiancheng means? I sneered and said, "Don't bother General Xue, just send a palace man to Chengqian Hall to say that someone will come."

Xue Wanche said rudely, "Don't be rude, let's go!"

The maid next to me helped me up and took me away. Although they have had a good relationship with them for a few days, they still dare not disobey their orders in front of their real masters. I didn't want to. I struggled and pushed the two maids of honor here. At this time, there was chaos outside the courtyard. When I listened carefully, it turned out that Xue Wanjun came!

The chaotic footsteps were getting closer and closer. I heard that several palace people wanted to stop Xue Wanjun from coming in, but Xue Wanjun was not a weak person and broke in so abruptly. He only heard him say, "Your Highness, the last general is ordered by the Princess Qin to bring him back to the Chengqian Hall to take charge."

Li Jiancheng said coldly, "Is this taking it back or taking it back?" Why did he rush in like this? Is General Xue acting too abrupt or is the land of the East Palace not as majestic as Chengqian Hall?

Xue Wanjun knew that the trip was indeed inappropriate and paused, "The emperor ordered the unblocking of Chengqian Hall. These palace people will definitely refuse to hand over the affairs... In this way, it's the last general's recklessness!"

Xue Wanjun and Xue Wanche have very similar personalities. Both of them are impulsive and reckless people. How can Li Jiancheng not know their two brothers? However, he can forgive Xue Wanche's recklessness when he caught me. Although what he said is very reasonable, he is too stingy in comparison with the two. I asked, "Since it is the order of the emperor, how can the palace people not let General Xue in?" General Xue said that he should not tarnish the reputation of the East Palace.

At this time, Xue Wanche said to Li Jiancheng and Xue Wanjun, "Your Highness, the last general ordered that no one should enter this yard. This time caused a misunderstanding, please forgive me!"

If he is loyal to the Lord, Li Jiancheng is also worth it for him!

Li Jiancheng said in a low voice, "It's okay!" He walked towards me and whispered, "No matter what, I just hope you can figure it out. I'll wait for you!"

I smiled faintly and said in the direction of Xue Wanjun, "General Xue, please take me back." I turned around and bowed to Li Jiancheng blindly, "Thank you for taking care of me for many days, and the maidservant retreated."

Xue Wanjun gave me a guide stick and took me away slowly. I don't know how far I walked and how far it was from the East Palace. I heard someone talking about me on the palace road. I couldn't help but stroke my eyes and threw it into the coldness from my fingertips through the white cloth. This season is starting to get cold.

I don't know how far I have walked. I asked, "General Xue, where is Your Highness now?"

Xue Wanjun said, "I'm still in prison. The emperor only pardoned the blockade of Chengqian Hall.

I asked again, "What can the general see from the maid of honor who asked General Xue's attention last time?"

Xue Wanjun sighed, and I suddenly had a bad feeling. Sure enough, Xue Wanjun said, "On the day when the Chengqian Hall was blocked, the maid of honor committed suicide in the room and left a letter saying that it was because she accidentally fell to the little son, and she was ashamed."

"It's really strange." I muttered that I couldn't bear to make mistakes for this reason. Xue Wanjun said, "I also think it's very strange. This clue has been broken, and there is no way to find it out. Chengqian Hall was only unblocked today, and the body of the maid of honor is still in the side courtyard. Now the palace is busy and has not found a place to bury, which really makes other palace people afraid to approach.

I suddenly woke up: "Is that right? General Xue, can you take me to have a look for me?