Beauty on the side

Chapter 062 Qianjunfa 9

I poured a glass of wine for myself and took a sip. This is my first drink and the last time. The taste of this wine is so bitter that it makes my eyes splash. I smiled, drank another cup, and endured the bitter splash back.

Zhou Molan said that Li Chengzong will be buried tomorrow morning and will also send someone to prison to torture me and send my body to the little son for burial.

June 18... Tomorrow is my deadline in this world. I looked at the sunlight shining through the iron window, sighed in my heart, and turned my head and asked, "Zhou Molan, can I ask you to do something in the end?" Zhou Molan pointed her head heavily and said, "Can you help me find the prince? I want to explain this matter to him, otherwise the little prince will go too unclear."

Zhou Molan bowed his head coldly and looked embarrassed. He said, "His Royal Highness will rush to the frontier fortress to defend the Turks after the burial of the little son tomorrow. At this time, I'm afraid it's... very inconvenient." I asked again, "Where's the princess?" He said, "The princess is heartbroken after losing her son. She has been sick these days and hasn't seen anyone."

Li Chengzong's sudden departure covered the palace in sadness and regret. Li Jiancheng and the crown princess were not the most injured. The more I feel that the little son is pitiful, the more I feel that I can't just calm down. What if this is an accident? How can I make the wrong person feel at ease? Moreover, the East Palace hides such a group of palace people who are afraid of escape, and I don't know how many more serious things will be covered!

The "squeak" of the door of the palace prison only heard another prisoner's panicked call to "see Your Highness". I don't know who came. Li Jiancheng couldn't leave. Li Shimin did nothing, and Li Yuanji didn't go out often after he came back. My heart was full of budding hope and tight doubts. As the footsteps became tighter and tighter, the elongated figure gradually appeared in my sight. Zhou Molan stood at the mouth of the prison, stroked her clothes and knelt down: "See Your Highness!"

When I saw him, I was stunned and knelt down to see him. Li Shimin called Zhou Molan down, looked at the wine and vegetables sent on the ground through the prison door, and frowned. Li Shimin asked Zhou Molan to leave. The door of the prison was open and Li Shimin walked in. I kowtowed deeply to him and said, "Your Highness, please rest in peace for the little son of the East Palace!"

Li Shimin stood in front of me with a trace of helplessness on his locked eyebrows: "There are three possibilities for this: first, you drown the son, second, others drown the son and blame you; and third, this is an accident. Since you have been saying that you have been wronged in the hall, and the whole thing happened under your nose, do you have evidence that this is the second or the third?

I shook my head: "The only evidence is the wet nurse and those maids, but they all said that it was done by the maidservant, but the maidservant was indeed wronged!" I sank my eyes and said softly, "Anyway, please, for the sake of the fact that I have always been loyal to the Chengqian Hall, you must find out this matter, otherwise the little prince will be uneasy and the maidservant will be unwilling to go." Now, he is the only one who can help the East Palace and me.

Li Shimin looked down at me and explored: "Do you want me to help the East Palace for your loyalty to the Chengqian Hall?" He bent down and grabbed my wrist. "Maybe this is the last time. Are you going to give this last wish to the East Palace?" I don't know more and more. Is his position in your heart what you admitted to me, or have I been deceived by you like him?

I pulled his sleeve with both hands and begged, "Your Highness, the son of Donggong is your nephew!" No matter how discord you and the prince are, the child is innocent. He has half the same blood as you. Don't you feel sad or sorry?

Li Shimin shook off my hand and fell into a thought. There was a faint sadness between his eyebrows, and his lips moved slightly: "What about the injury? What about the pain? He has left." The fists hanging on both sides gradually clenched, and deeper sadness spread in his eyes. "I'll help you check, but... this is clueless and can't be found in a moment, you..."

Hearing this, a stone fell to the bottom of my heart. I finally smiled and said, "If you want to die, I have to die. I just hope that your Highness will ask the emperor for an innocent for me after finding the truth, and the maidservant can also smile.

Li Shimin stretched out his hand and pulled me up. Suddenly, there was a piece of jade in his palm. He looked down and saw that it was the jade pendant he had carried with him. From that day, after Li Shimin quietly took away the broken jade pendant and set it, I kept it in the brocade box to avoid breaking the original crack. This time, he brought it to me again. I was really surprised. Touching the jade pendant, it also carried the remaining body temperature when he left him, extending from the fingertips to the whole body, but at the same time penetrated a faint sadness.

"I brought it again quietly. Why don't you take it with you?" Li Shimin asked. I bowed my head and replied, "Because it doesn't bring complete luck."

"Complete luck?" Li Shimin looked up at the high iron window with his back, and the sun fell on his face, emitting clear light, like a dream. There is no complete luck, just like there is no certain recklessness in the world. He frowned slightly and turned his head, and his eyes were like a trembling water, which flowed into my heart so gently. Regardless of everything?" He muttered and raised his hand to raise my chin, "If you die, should I be happy or sad?"

A sentence shocked my heart and dissipated the gentle water from the cracks. I said with a wry smile, "At the end, please don't be happy or sad, as long as it's plain and has no feeling."

"Have you forgotten?" He asked. I smiled faintly and could only forget the complete things in the world. It was plain and had no feeling. When I turned around, I forgot that someone like me had come, and I left so indifferently.

Li Shimin stroked my cheek, with pain in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "You can do it, I can't do it. I've been hesitating about what to do with you, but this time God helped me choose. Finally, I couldn't stand it. I clenched his palm with my backhand and asked, "Why, did I betray Chengqian Hall or kill the little prince? Why has Your Highness been thinking about whether I should die?" Why is your attitude towards me good and bad? Your Highness is conflicting and hesitating!" On the one hand, I hope that he has no feelings for me to leave, so that he will not be troubled by these things, and on the other hand, I hope that he can touch me so much. It turns out that I am just a contradictory person.

"You are presumptuous!" Li Shimin moved his arm and pushed me away.

I hit the hard wall on my back, and there was a burst of tingling pain, but it was not as painful as my heart. Li Shimin wanted to come forward, but he retreated. I looked at him with apologetic eyes and sneered, "I know that Your Highness is not a person with evil thoughts, and I know that I am not worthy of Your Highness, so I can only quietly explore your heart and want to know more. The maidservant understood that if she knew too much in the chess game, she was often killed, and the maidservant had never understood why she was going to die. And now... it turns out that I just missed an accident."

"I can't..." Li Shimin gradually became awe-inspiring with pain. With a fierceness in his eyes, he pushed the door and stepped out, "Those who achieve things, the overall situation is the most important! I remember the story of the son of Donggong. Don't worry about it!"

Everything is unexpected, but it is reasonable.

I really don't know his heart, but I know too much about him about the East Palace and Chengqian Hall. It's reasonable for him to kill me, but I'm too high. Everything is too unexpected today. But I still don't understand what Li Shimin said. If he only hesitates whether to kill me because of the two temples, some words are not right, and I still don't understand the root cause of his good or bad for me. I shook my head secretly, Li Shimin, you are too unpredictable.

My men held the warm jade pendant tightly. It was a good memory, but I could feel it, but I couldn't see it. So I closed my eyes and saw that the deep memory was a moment when I couldn't hold it tightly. Happiness is often only in an instant. When you wake up, there is only one left.

I couldn't figure out what Li Shimin said this night. Thinking about it, it's like a moth rushing to the fire. No matter how you are hurt, you won't regret it, and you don't know how to keep sad. It turned out that missing is the most beautiful punishment. Thinking about it, I was drunk. I really hope to wake up all over the world as a family, but I'm really trapped in a cage. I don't know if it's a vulgar joke or a useful way to be free from death.

Tomorrow, I will get this answer.

This seems to be much longer than usual. I finally saw some blue in the sky from the narrow window. When I turned around, I saw a man standing outside the prison door, and then the dim light recognized that it was Zhou Molan. I smiled gently and said to him, "Although I don't see you very much, I still want to thank you!"

Zhou Molan wiped her tears. I looked at the man younger than me in front of me and smiled bitterly in my heart. It turns out that you will cry and be sad for me. I reached out to him through the prison door: "Don't cry, or my sister will be unhappy."

Zhou Molan looked at my outstretched hand with tears in his eyes. I smiled at him. He walked a few steps and put his hand on my palm. I pulled him over and looked at him so carefully for the first time, I couldn't help thinking of a person. The childishness on my face has not faded. Looking at my hazy eyes with deep sadness, I held his hand and said, "I'm afraid there is nothing to miss in the palace. I'm just worried about my father and brother outside the palace, but they don't know where they are. If you have a chance, please look for me. My brother's name is Mo Hongzhi, and he has a crescent birthmark on his right arm... I can't see him as big as you.

Zhou Molan choked and nodded: "Don't worry... sister."

A sister called me with pain in my heart. I held his hand tightly and smiled, with tears in my eyes. There was a sharp sting, and the door of the prison was pushed open. The time has come.

I wiped the tears off Zhou Molan's face and stood firmly in prison. Zhou Molan opened the lock of the prison door with trembling fingers, lowered his head and retreated to the side, and was called out by the coming again. Two men stood outside the prison door, and three maids came in, one of whom was a little older. I looked at her slightly clenched hands and cold neck.