Beauty on the side

Chapter 064 One Arrow 1

The two eunuchs were shocked and busy pulling the horse. Because it was dark, they had never seen my rowing action and did not know how to deal with it reasonably. If you want me to say, the horse hiss and breaks the sound of the sky, and the army will definitely hear it. If you want to stop the horse from singing, you can only kill it with a quick sword! Unfortunately, Li Yuanji found two unintelligent people and only shouted angrily to suppress the horse. Looking back, he couldn't find me.

Actually, I didn't run far, I just hid near them. After another long cry from the horse, they thought of using their swords. After killing the horse, they disappeared and immediately chased me to the front. After attracting the two, I quickly ran in the direction of the bonfire. I want to find Li Shimin! Li Yuanji said that he would not let him go back alive this time. If I only care about myself to leave, Li Shimin is not on guard against him. I'm afraid what he said will come true. Although Li Yuanji is also in the army, he dares not act randomly under Li Shimin's eyes. I must see Li Shimin and beware of him!

I ran in the night, with only my own rapid footsteps and gasps in my ears. A trace of cool breeze blew in the sultry air, and the long grass around me rustled, tightening my nerves for fear that the two eunuchs would suddenly jump out of the grass and catch me back. I couldn't help looking back in horror, but my footsteps did not stop. The bonfire in front of me was enlarged a little, and I could faintly see the outline of the huge tents.

Yes, yes! I saw temporary fences built outside several tents, and a row of soldiers patrolled back and forth neatly. I looked happy and suddenly saw a cold light flashing by. There was a high platform next to the tent. I looked up. Three figures stood on the high platform. One of them was pulling bows and arrows. I stared at it from a distance. He looked like Li Shimin!

I suddenly remembered that I was still wearing a soldier's uniform and still moving outside at night. It is easy to be mistaken for a spy. When this arrow comes down, even if it is not a spy but my own soldier, it can be said that he does not abide by the military rules and should be punished! And Li Shimin will not ask about such trivial matters in person. At that time, I will really become a dead person, and I am very unwilling to die!

In a hurry, I couldn't care about the distance and shouted, "Li Shimin!" The person on the high platform trembled slightly, and he heard my call. Sure enough, it's him! I raised my arm and waved happily, and my chest was suddenly pushed by a strong thrust. My arm stagnated in the wind, and the smile on my face gradually became stiff. I lowered my eyes, and a long arrow had pierced straight into my chest. The blood seemed to flow back suddenly. I put my hand on my hand and fell to the ground at the mouth of the arrow, and I smelled a smell of dirt and blood in my nose.

I didn't dare to move. The tingling in my chest made me tremble, and there were layers of cold sweat all over my body. Footsteps came from the ground, and the two soldiers put their spears under my neck and shouted angrily: "Who is coming!" I took the other hand and found the jade pendant from my waist and raised it to the two soldiers, and tried to squeeze out a few words: "Qin...Your Highness the King of Qin..."

One of the soldiers took the jade pendant and looked at it and asked the other, "Is this the jade pendant of His Royal Highness the King of Qin?" The two looked at me, and finally took the spear and picked me up, slowly walked to the army tent, and the other took the jade pendant to report first. There were bursts of tingling from the arrow in my chest, and the walking steps gradually lost consciousness. Suddenly, I heard a person's voice in a trance and suddenly woke me up.

"Who is this? No place to enter the army!" Li Yuanji said angrily and helped my soldiers quickly reply, "The deputy commander, this man holds the coach Yupei in his hand. We dare not make our own decisions. Some people have taken the jade pendant to report to the commander!"

I raised my eyes and glanced at Li Yuanji fiercely. He looked at me and smiled: "So, since it is the jade pendant holding the coach, he must be an intimate person next to the commander. The coach is still on the high platform. You send this person to the coach's account first.

"This..." The commander's tent is the highest and most confidential place in the army. How can he put someone in casually, but the soldier thought about it and did what Li Yuanji said. Yes!" The soldier pulled me through several tents, and a slightly larger canopy lifted the curtain to help me lie on the couch. I half-dropped my eyes feebly, hoping that Li Shimin could see the jade pendant quickly and not let me waste it!

The curtain shook and a figure came in. Li Yuanji walked into the tent and motioned the soldier to retreat, and I picked up my whole heart fiercely. Li Yuanji looked at me with a smile, with a trace of evil. He squatted down and shook his head and said, "Oh, you really follow my will and walk so accurately step by step!"

I looked at him inexplicably, and he laughed and said, "Do you really think you can escape? I just let you out on purpose! Those Ma Ming just now have shocked Li Shimin, and you will definitely come to him at this time. It's no wonder that Li Shimin doesn't kill you as a spy!"

Li Yuanji stroked the long hilt of the sword with his hand, and the slight touch brought layers of heartache from the arrow in my chest. I frowned tightly and bit my lips to try not to make a sound, but I didn't dare to reach out to stop his hand on the long arrow, for fear that the fight between my two hands would cause the wound deeper.

Li Yuanji looked at the long arrow stroked and said, "Li Shimin is good at bows and arrows, and his archery is extremely superb. What do you think he would do if he saw you die on the arrow he shot with his own hands?

There was an ominous premonition in his heart, and before I could do it, Li Yuanji's eyes were fierce. He stroked the palm of the long arrow and suddenly grasped the arrow and stabbed the long arrow into my chest again. Ah!" I couldn't stand the pain and shouted. Suddenly, thick sweat came from my forehead. The flesh of my chest seemed to be punctured and cracked, and I couldn't breathe. At this time, a voice sounded outside the tent: "Your Highness, it's in your tent!"

Li Yuanji jumped away in shock and stood in the tent. The curtain of the tent was hurriedly lifted. Li Shimin stood at the door in surprise and looked at me. When he came, I was finally relieved. I closed my eyes gently and breathed carefully for fear that I would touch the wound if it was heavier.

I listened quietly to everything in the account. Li Shimin came to me and called for a military doctor to come over. He asked Li Yuanji why. Li Yuanji said it was to guard the seriously injured me. I smiled coldly in my heart. He wanted to see if I was seriously injured and died! However, it seems that he intended to keep my daughter's identity secret, which is also the ultimate purpose for Li Shimin to ask him why he did this.

Several more people came into the account. I opened my eyes and looked slightly. Li Shimin sat by the couch and looked at me worriedly. He opened his hand and asked the military doctor to come and show me. A middle-aged man looked at the arrow on my chest with a medicine box and turned to Li Shimin and said, "Judging from the external arrow body, this arrow enters the wound very deep. If it is pulled out for a while, it will definitely pull the surrounding muscles, and the pain is unstoppable."

The meaning of the military doctor is obvious. If the pain can't be stopped is death. Since they are going to die, there is no need to save them. It's not that he doesn't follow medical ethics, but that there are limited drugs in the army. If there is a downwind in the war, I'm afraid that there will be enough drugs. But Li Shimin still said as if he didn't hear it, "What should I do? If you don't pull this arrow, you have to pull it out, but the military doctor has a way to relieve the pain?"

The military doctor shook his head and said, "No, paralysis is only for a moment. When you are awake, you can't stand the pain, and you can't paralyze all day long. In the army, soldiers can't be drowsy."

Li Shimin frowned and looked anxious. I reached out and gently pulled the corners of his clothes. He turned his head and smiled at him. From his trembling look, I knew that he had made clear what I meant. Li Shimin turned back to the military doctor with a calm face and said, "Well, please bother the military doctor to take arrows carefully."

"Yes." The military doctor carefully rolled up his sleeves and came to me. His eyes paused on my face for a while, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. Then, he stretched out his hand to unbutton my armor. Li Shimin, who was beside him, suddenly pushed his hand away with an angry face. The military doctor said puzzledly, "Chief, the armor is relatively hard. If it is not removed, it will be more difficult and difficult to get the arrow."

Li Shimin paused and looked down at me and said in a low voice, "Go out! I'm worried. Let him do it by himself!"

The military doctor looked surprised when he heard the words, but he had to put down the medicine and cloth to use and leave. Li Yuanji looked at us deeply and couldn't see any feelings or thoughts. He lifted the curtain out, leaving only silence in the tent. I looked at Li Shimin and reached out to him. I'm afraid that I will really die this time, so I have to remind him first.

Li Shimin looked at my hand and was stunned, and finally held it and sat closer. My lips moved slightly, and my voice became hoarse: "Your Highness, you must be careful in this crusade. Don't move your selfish thoughts to destroy your fighting spirit and miss the overall situation!"

Wang Shichong became emperor. The Tang Dynasty is a great enemy. This person is already very dangerous. If I tell Li Shimin about Li Yuanji, there will definitely be a civil war here, which will definitely disperse the army and lose the overall situation! Therefore, I can only give such a shallow hint, and I hope he can remember it at the critical moment.

Li Shimin nodded, held my palm, and slipped into a moist feeling. He pressed the jade pendant in the palm of my hand, shook my hand and put it in his palm. At this time, I held the warm jade pendant in my cold fist and wrapped his big palm, and there was a faint throbbing and worry in my heart.

"You're still there, but I've made you like this!" Li Shimin said in pain in his eyes. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked my cheeks, as if he was remembering every part of me, and maybe he was deeply recalling every part of me, as if he couldn't believe that it was me in front of him, as if he was looking for a place that was not me. From his eyes, he hopes that it is not me who is injured this time, but he also hopes that it is me in front of him.

Finally, he was affirmed and accepted the truth. He said, "Believe me, I won't let you die. I want you to live well by my side."

Only this sentence is like the melting of thousands of years of ice and snow in my heart.