Beauty on the side

Chapter 069 flirting with the military 3

Qin Shubao and I walked around the forest. There were a few apricots and peach trees in the forest. The soldiers only picked some back in the morning. The weather was sultry and it should be dry now. We picked out the attractive color, and I took it back to the account to peel the fruit and cut it into small pieces, and put the shape on the plate.

Although Li Shimin hasn't eaten well for a few days, the weather is sultry. If he still gives him some dry food now, he will refuse to worry. It's better to take some delicious fruits to moisten his throat and moisten his appetite. On the contrary, he may be happy. I took this plate of fruit and gently entered Li Shimin's tent. Li Shimin was thinking deeply about what to see on the desk. He was shocked by the curtain I touched. When he saw me, he also put the notebook in his hand with a smile.

The next moment, he looked left and right and asked, "Where are Changsun Wuji and Qin Shubao?"

I put the plate on his desk with a smile and replied, "I heard that Your Highness hasn't had a good meal for a few days, so I specially found some fresh fruit nearby for Your Highness to taste. No matter how busy the war is, take care of yourself!"

I handed a piece of fruit to his mouth. Li Shimin pushed my hand away and frowned, "I can't eat it. I'd better ask Changsun Wuji and Qin Shubao to come. I just came up with a plan."

I said, "The two generals are training the army at this time." Li Shimin raised his eyebrows with a little doubt. I continued, "The border city of Luoyang surrendered without a fight. His Highness was busy planning the war for a few days. The soldiers were loosely managed and the army was distracted. Now, Your Highness doesn't rest and eat well, and the soldiers are very worried. Your Highness should take good care of yourself so that the soldiers can be full of confidence in this battle, which is more necessary than any strategy!"

Li Shimin smiled on his back, put his hand on my shoulder and said, "I've been too nervous recently. OK, then I'll have a good rest today!"

I was happy and smiled to clean up the notebook on the desk for him, but he pushed me to sort it out by himself. After that, he pulled me to sit on my account. His series of small movements annoyed me in a low mood, but I didn't dare to show it, for fear that I didn't know what would happen to him in this war, otherwise I would be a sinner. Although women are not allowed to participate in politics, he doesn't have to care so much. Doesn't he believe me?

"Your Highness, do you believe me?" I couldn't help asking.

"How do you say this?" Li Shimin put the cut fruit into his mouth with a smile, and then praised the fruit as sweet enough as if nothing had happened.

I was depressed and said lightly, "Your Highness didn't even let me touch the notebook on the desk or stay on your account for a while. Isn't it because you think I'm a spy?"

Li Shimin smiled, stroked my palm and clenched it, "If I suspect you are a spy, how can I allow you to say half a word more!" However, you don't have to worry about this matter in the war. This is a man's business. It is a man who governs the country and the people.

Li Shimin's words are ambitious and creepy at the same time. What he said was to remind me not to grab what I shouldn't do. That day, I said that I could do what he could do, and now he is telling me that I can't do something that Li Shimin can do!

And he never answered whether he believed me or not. It's really sad that he wants me to believe him, but I don't know if he believes me or not. Looking at his slightly inquiring eyes with a smile, I finally can't see the bottom. He hides a mind that can't be seen through all the time.

I lowered my head slightly: "I understand."

Li Shimin put his arms around my shoulder with a smile and pressed me on his shoulder and gently put his chin against my forehead. Whenever you are unhappy, you call yourself a 'servant'. Well, I just explained that I should remind you that I don't want you to accidentally do something. It's no easier outside than inside!" He stroked the back of my hand and held it with his fingers, "Oh, I can't give you a free life, but I will make you happy and make you happy."

I asked gently, "Your Highness... I still want to be with the prince..."

His hand was held tightly by him, and he said, "Maybe it will stop, but there is a big disgriness in my heart!" He put my hand on his heart and said, "How can I solve the misunderstanding between me and him? How can I resolve this? How on earth did all this come about?

Fee that he was at a loss, and his seriousness seemed to have tens of millions of ants crawling in his heart. I said sadly, "Your Highness is so strong. The victory for the emperor lies in the majority. This high achievement was higher than that of the prince. The prince had some concerns in his heart and had to protect himself, and His Highness was afraid that the prince would take an offensive against himself, so he also secretly made an opposition to the prince. In fact, you don't want to compete with each other, but there is less conversation and trust. And the current situation is really thorny. But the love of flesh and blood dissolves in water. As long as there is still a love, everything will be resolved.

Li Shimin's eyes moved slightly, as if he was recalling deeply, muttering alone and as if asking me: "Love, can really resolve everything? Including hatred, including unforgivable mistakes?"

If it hadn't been for the fact that I had been in love, how could I willingly forgive him for all his use of me, just to stay by his side and help him? I nodded and put my hand around his waist: "Yes, love can resolve all hatred and resentment, people."

Li Shimin helped me with joy: "What did you just call me?"

I didn't believe that he didn't hear it. He twisted his neck and smiled secretly. He shook my shoulders and said, "It sounds very nice, which means that you finally put down the distance between you and me. Call me a few more times!"

I took the fruit plate and talked about the topic and laughed, "No one is so hard to call my name. Now you still eat more to make up for it. You are also very brainstorming these days."

Li Shimin still wanted to speak. I hurriedly stuffed a small piece of fruit into his mouth. After chewing and swallowing, he said angrily, "You are getting bolder and stronger."

I said, "Your Highness doesn't like a woman who is regular and dead all day long. I grew up outside, and I'm very bold in my bones!"

"Okay, I know your nature." Li Shimin opened his hand to protect me in his arms. I leaned his back and held a fruit plate for him. I was also happy to see that he finally raised his eyebrows and feel comfortable. When the feeling was strong, a strong wind came from outside the tent. Li Shimin quickly lifted me up and turned around. In an instant, a fierce arrow with flame flew on the tent pillar beside him, and the fruit plate fell from the air. It broke to the ground with a bang. In just a few seconds, there was a sharp arrow outside, and someone shouted. ! "Fire bow and arrow attack!"

Li Shimin, who had just raised his eyebrows, locked his eyebrows again and ran out of my account. The sky rocket outside has been "squeaking", and many tents have ignited. Li Shimin protected me from running towards the training place while swinging the flying rocket with his sword. All the people gathered at the training place, where there was also a red light. Fortunately, there were Changsun Wuji and Qin Shubao, who stabilized the soldiers and waved their swords and arrows one after another. When everyone saw that Li Shimin arrived, they were secretly ready to fight and slowly walked into a neat queue.

Li Shimin waved his sword and shouted, "The vice general King Qi led a hundred soldiers to ride in the direction of the arrows. The faster the better, leaving only one alive to bring back!"

Li Yuanji was ordered to take a step and led 100 riders to rush in the direction of the arrow. Li Shimin also ordered: "The rest of the people should not panic. They all carry water to guard the grain depot and arsenal! If the two warehouses of soldiers and grain are damaged, you and I don't have to go back to Chang'an!"