Beauty on the side

Chapter 080 Broken Mirror Circle 3

The snow gradually stopped, stroked the snowflakes under him, knocked down the dry branches of the dead trees, raised a high fire, and leaned on his arms. The nervous nerves have been relaxed for days, and I'm a little tired. It was a cold snowy day, but I slept in a very warm place. When I woke up, there was a faint sunset in the west, and it was almost clear.

The big cloak wrapped around Li Shimin, and he was holding me with his head down and gently kissed me on my face. There was still a fire not far away. Although the heat came from him, I still saw him with snowflakes. I reached out and stroked the snow on his hair, and he grabbed my hand and pressed me deeply in his arms. He doesn't speak, I don't speak. I know that this moment is extremely precious!

"There are really three thousand weak water in the world, only one ladle?" Quietly, I suddenly asked.

"No matter how many women live in Chengqian Hall, you will only live here." Li Shimin pressed my hand on his heart, and the pounding heartbeat jumped in my hand, as if he had handed over all his breaths to my hand. I was in pain, and he was even more suffocating.

"My heart will not change as long as you can always guard me with your heart." He said.

"Your heart can't change, otherwise I will really be doomed." I said.

Li Shimin, I hope you can keep your word. No matter how many women stay by your side in the future, you will always have me in your heart.

Seeing that night was coming, Li Shimin whistled into the distance. Yufeng and Qingyun ran back and forth, scattered thousands of snowflakes, and stepped out two lines of following footprints on the white ground. There was a little uneasiness in my heart. I pulled his sleeve and asked, "If I go back so boldly, will Lord Changsun show you again? I'm afraid that I will hurt your harmony because of me."

Li Shimin gently stroked my hand and held it tightly: "He was by my side when I came out. He couldn't stop me, so he should have expected what happened behind. Moreover, everything in the army is determined by me. If I listen to him, it will be useless!"

Even if he said that to me, he still didn't feel at ease. I undeveloped the hair and pulled it according to the men's style. The robe is not necessarily like a woman's. After a little change, the whole appearance is not the same as that of a man. Li Shimin helped me get on the horse, and the wind and clouds walked side by side on the snow. He laughed and said, "The two horses also cherish each other!"

When he said this, he recalled the scene of Yufeng and Qingyun running on the snow from afar, which really revealed some happiness. I peeked at Li Shimin beside me with a smile. His face was relaxed and his eyes were smiling, looking at the vast white snow in front of him. At this time, I am also happy.

Li Shimin returned to the barracks, and all the soldiers came to see him. It can be seen how worried he was when he rushed out of the barracks just now, especially Changsun Wuji. He persuaded him angrily beside Li Shimin. Li Shimin nodded to his group of people with a smile. He didn't realize that he was unbridled and bold, and he seemed to be in a very good mood. Changsun Wuji knew that Li Shimin was half perfunctory. He had no choice but to look at me behind him and sighed back to his account

At this time, Li Yuanji came out from the side and handed Li Shimin a paper roll: "Second brother, this is the newly drawn Luoyang siege map, and the specifics required have been sorted out."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Li Shimin nodded. Two soldiers came up to lead the horse. I quickly pulled Li Shimin, who was going into the tent, and smiled, "I took Qingyun to the stable myself. I haven't seen him talk to it for a long time." Li Shimin smiled and said, "Okay, it's going to be dark. Come back early."

After Li Shimin went in, I led Qingyun to the stable. When the soldiers left, I glanced behind me. Li Yuanji came out from behind and laughed annoyingly: "You are the only person who can make him rush to find without even caring about the wound."

It turned out that Li Shimin was dressing the wound when he came with Qingyun, and because of me, he ignored all this. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him again. I looked into Li Yuanji's eyes with a solemn face and asked, "You are intentional in your words. Have you already guessed that I would come back?" Suddenly, an idea came up, and he was shocked and lowered his voice, "That's what you did, right? It was you who faked his order!"

"I'm also for the sake of the army." Li Yuanji was exposed by me and was not nervous and afraid. Instead, he seemed very disdainful. "With you, there are often internal conflicts in the army. As soon as you left, the contradiction also disappeared, and you just messed up Wang Shichong's end.

"Do you know that portrait?" I asked in shock.

"Not only do I know, but I also know..." Li Yuanji approached my ear and whispered, "I also know that it's not someone else. What Wang Shichong can't forget is your mother!"

Hearing this, I was stunned and my throat trembled a little: "It's impossible, don't talk nonsense!"

When Li Yuanji saw me like this, the smile on his face opened even more: "I thought you should be happy, because it made you see relatives you have never seen before, even though it was just a portrait. By the way, did the old thief Wang Shichong do anything to you? You are still..." His eyes slowly swam on me, staring treacherously and wickedly, as if to see through me. I stepped back a few steps and said angrily, "Don't think nonsense! That's impossible!"

Li Yuanji looked at Li Shimin's curtain: "Really? I'm just worried that the second brother, as the king of Qin, will suffer losses and occupy what others have used. Since you said no, then there is no!"

I asked in a low voice, "What else do you want?"

He darkened his face and said with the impulse to be angry, "What do you want? If he is ruthless to me, I will be unrighteous to him! I won't let him get what he wants, and this is just the beginning.

Li Shimin doesn't want to deal with him. How can he make it clear? I was impatient and helpless: "Actually, he is not what you think, he..."

"Shut up, the sample king knows. Moreover, he has long understood what I have done, and I also understand that if he doesn't do it now, it doesn't mean that he will do it in the future. If you want to live, you can only do it first. Li Yuanji interrupted me and my eyes were cold.

I asked, "Have you ever thought about Princess Qi? Did she ever ask you to promise not to provoke the king of Qin? Did you violate it like this?"

Speaking of Yang Qingyun, Li Yuanji's face was pitiful and angry, and he was still stubborn: "Since she entered the Wude Hall, she is not from Chengqian Hall. This is my business with her. You have no right to ask!" He suddenly grabbed my chin, "And you and him, heh! Your status is enough to make him suffer from the army. You are really a scourge. I'm really glad that the eldest brother finally left you!" Li Yuanji looked at me with an evil smile and said, "Don't forget, you are still guilty! I didn't expect you to be so vicious!"

"I didn't kill the son of the world, I will return my innocence!" I said angrily that I patted his hand, but my heart was not secure. As a guilty person now, people in the palace think that I am dead, and Li Shimin can't leave me outside the palace and enter the palace. Maybe he has been killed by people before the matter is clear. This is really a difficult problem!

Thinking of the little son who died unexpectedly, I couldn't help but add sadness and regret in my heart, but comfort myself: This is good, so as not to be born in the emperor's family and suffer all my life.

My mood was complicated and I didn't want to compete with Li Yuanji anymore. I turned around angrily and found Li Shimin's tent and got in. The army hasn't set up a tent for me yet. At this time, if you want to rest, you can only go to Li Shimin's tent. When he entered, he was sitting on the top seat looking at the map. When he saw me coming, he smiled and asked me to sit next to him.

I just looked at the map and asked, "Your Highness, what do you think of this war situation now?"

Li Shimin pushed half of the map and looked at it with me. He pointed to the mouths of Luoyang City and said, "After the last battle, the royal army was much tired and would not send troops to fight again. This time, we can only attack and break through the gate for days!"

"Your Highness is going to attack the city?" I remembered the narrow entrance that escaped from Luoyang, moved the map to look carefully, and pointed to a place, "There is a narrow entrance, which was quietly dug by the people and covered with rocks. There is one day every month to open the road at noon, and I escaped from here.

"One day of every month... It's too long." Li Shimin looked around the crossing, "The road inside is distorted, and it is not easy to identify the situation ahead. If it is really broken, it is easy to be annihilated on the road, and then it will be a failure!" He thought for a moment and called the soldiers in and asked him to check the narrow road.

This day, Li Shimin was discussing with the army, and I was sitting next to him. The news was soon, and the soldiers reported that there were no royal handlebars around the road that day. The soldiers under the seat were a little excited to hear this, only Li Shimin glanced at the road on the map and directly crossed the roadway. Everyone didn't know. When asked, Li Shimin said, "It is rumored that Wang Shichong, the emperor of the State of Zheng, has always wanted to be a good emperor, but I don't allow anyone beside the pillow to sleep in the Tang Dynasty! And this road is unguarded on the surface. It's not that Wang Shichong doesn't know it. He generously opened his eyes to let the people go in and out of this road without stopping it. There may be only one. This is an ambush!"

Li Yuanji suddenly said, "If it weren't for the ambush, wouldn't you have missed such a good break!"

Li Shimin said coldly, "A war is not a child's play. If you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Instead of always holding such a disturbing situation, it's better to talk about an accurate strategy directly! Isn't it that the vice general... knew something that brought it up like this?

Li Yuanji looked shocked and avoided Li Shimin's seemingly unintentional doubts. He nodded and said, "Second brother is right. It's better to find an unmistakable plan!"

Li Shimin's cold eyes, poured a cup of tea on the cup next to the table and said, "Yuan Jimo, don't be nervous. I have already thought about a plan. How about this and this time?"

Li Yuanji was released, and immediately straightened his look with the soldiers, sat up straight, and listened attentively. I thought that this road might be the road that Li Yuanji sent someone to send me to Luoyang that day, otherwise how could he mention it like that? I couldn't help laughing from the bottom of my heart. Li Yuanji only dared to blame secretly. He was such a coward in front of Li Shimin!