Beauty on the side

Chapter 113 Conspiracy 4

Zhou Molan recognized the most guard eunuchs, and I sent him to secretly inquire about the news at the other end of the Tiance Mansion. The next day, the Tiance Mansion was slightly turbulent. Judging from the palace, they gathered a group of talented people and celebrities seemed to intend to help Li Shimin plot a rebellion. Just as the ministers here were ready to play the medal, the Tiance Mansion suddenly put away its morale, and then it was as calm as water, and there was no more waves.

The letter I wrote worked. The letter sent by Donggong asked the Tiance Mansion to oppose the DPRK, and the letter I wrote said that the emperor's kindness was vast, but I was afraid that everything in the Tiance Mansion would be neglected in the south and asked them to keep their own peace. Don't act rashly. Everything will be decided after Li Shimin comes back.

At this time, Donggong was anxious. Donggong is eager for success, and the fastest on the chapter can't be retreated now. At this jux, as long as you stop Donggong from doing other tricks again, I let Xue Wanjun continue to lurk near the East Palace and observe their situation.

I just didn't want to. Donggong felt that this matter was strange and was also secretly observing. On this day, I went to relax outside the hall and came to a Buddhist hall in the palace. The people of the palace put a strand of incense on the Buddha. At this time, Xue Wanjun also came in from the side door and worshipped me. Just as he was about to ask, a burst of anger suddenly rushed into the side door, and Xue Wanche stood between us.

"It turns out that the person who secretly monitors the East Palace is you!" Xue Wanche said angrily, with elite eyes. Although I was surprised by his appearance, I still smiled calmly and disdainfully: "Is it not that the East Palace sent someone to monitor secretly, and it's not only that!"

Xue Wanche was dissatisfied with me, and now he is even more angry. Xue Wanjun grabbed him and said something really reasonable: "The two sides are fighting, so why do we monitor each other!" When the East Palace attacked, how did Chengqian Hall sit and wait for death? Now Chengqian Hall counterattacked. Did the East Palace send you to investigate? This is the fight for fairness."

If people don't offend me, I won't. If the East Palace didn't have this plan, Chengqian Hall would not push the East Palace to a difficult position. These actions are reasonable and irresponsible to attack and defend.

Xue Wancher sneered and said, "In this way, you have always asked for fairness. Then why are you also an exception to Ye Ying? A little confused, I shook my head: "I don't understand what you're talking about. What does this have to do with Ye Ying?" Xue Wanche was even more sarcastic when he heard the words: "Don't pretend to be innocent. If I hadn't accidentally met her, I'm afraid I don't know where she is and how she's doing..."

He pulled out a dagger from his waist and lit up in front of me. I recognized that Ye Ying had put it against my neck. I also remember the dagger that fell from the maid of honor pulled out of the well, which was very similar to this one. Could it be...

"She died so miserably that no one dared to uphold justice for her, and I couldn't help her, so I had to swallow this resentment. Someone deliberately suppressed it. Who else will be in this palace besides you!" Xue Wanche became more and more angry, and he couldn't help saying that he wanted to draw his sword.

Xue Wanjun hurriedly stood in front of me and scolded him: "Calm down! What should you do if you are wrongly blamed by Mo Zhaoxun!"

It turned out that the person who was killed as a maid of honor was Ye Ying... I had always wanted to get rid of her before, but at this moment I couldn't help but feel sad. Xue Wanche still stared at me fiercely and couldn't wait to kill me with his eyes. I looked down calmly and said, "Ye Ying did have a problem with me, but I said I didn't kill him. Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it!" Xue Wanche squeezed out two words fiercely, stared at me and continued, "You vicious woman! From the moment you appear, the situation in the palace is irreversible. You are weak and kind on the surface, but you are the mastermind of this great change directly and indirectly. You take it for granted to remove the stumbling block with you! In the end, you are just a tool for him to seize power!"

"What if I'm a tool? What if I get rid of the stumbling block? Miyamoto is like this. Don't you understand?" I walked slowly, with firm eyes and some disdain, "I said one is one, two is two, and I said that if I didn't kill Ye Ying, I didn't kill him! Believe it or not, it's up to you. Anyway, your opinion doesn't matter to me at all!"

Xue Wanche's last words hurt me slightly. I still looked at him arrogantly and disdainfully, looking generously at the anger in his eyes burning with resentment and helplessness. It's easy for him to kill me, but the price he costs to kill me is heavy. If you kill me, the palace will definitely investigate this time. At that time, not only will he die, but also his brother Xue Wanjun will also be implicated in the East Palace for his negligence. It's not worth the loss to exchange these three things for my life.

Xue Wanche hummed coldly from his nose: "I won't let Ye Ying go unclear."

I looked at him disdainfully and said coldly, "Then you should check it out, instead of being unreasonable here!" Mix the affairs of the East Palace with private affairs. Do you think the prince will keep you after knowing it?

Xue Wanche is an extremely emotional person. If he mixes Ye Ying's affairs with the Donggong Chengqian Hall, it will only get worse and worse.

Xue Wanche glanced at me angrily, took the sword and left angrily. Xue Wanjun asked me for the next advice. I sighed, "We have shocked the snake. Let's stop for a few days. I'm afraid we can only see the move before Your Highness comes back."

You can't tell anyone about this, especially Princess Qin. She is the heroine of Chengqian Hall. If she is also involved in this matter, the person they want to deal with will be transferred to her. Princess Qin is Li Shimin's most trusted confidant. Whether it is Donggong or Li Yuan, if something happens, she will be implicated in Changsun's family. Changsun Wuji is a genius and Li Shimin's confidant. Li Shimin must not lose these.

Turning his mind and sighing, Ye Ying really died, but he was vaguely puzzled. After Ye Ying's death, something happened to Muyan. Is there really a ghost and psychic in the world? Or is there someone pretending to be a ghost here, and this person should be the one who killed Ye Ying. Did he just kill for some reason or turn his purpose to Xue Wanche to hate me and kill me with the help of others? Although the speculation is a little simple and ridiculous, it does not rule out such a possibility. I shook my head. Ye Ying's matter was annoying from the beginning, and she also left a bigger mystery after her death.

In the past two days, the palace has been very calm, and the snowflakes have melted almost. Li Shimin sent a letter to Li Yuan for disaster relief in the south. The snow situation has eased, and now the channel is being opened. Roughly, he has to stay in the south for a month.

I just have to hold this month secretly. When he comes back, I won't be afraid of anything. Whenever it was quiet, my limbs were cold on the couch, and I didn't dare to close my eyes and sleep. I was always worried about what Li Jiancheng would do to destroy the Chengqian Hall. For the first time, I felt it completely from Li Shimin's perspective. It was so frightening and disturbing. It turned out that it took such a lot of courage and wisdom to carry the peace and happiness of all people.

And it's incredible that Li Jiancheng knows that I still maintain such a calm state after secretly investigating them. On this day, I walked through two Chengqian Temple gates and wandered around the palace, but I didn't see Xue Wanjun. There was a doubt in his heart, and a little worry called the maid to check Xue Wanjun's entry and exit records in the palace. For a moment, the maid of honor replied, "General Xue has been out of the palace since he entered the palace yesterday."

At this time, a maid rushed into the palace and presented an anonymous letter with both hands. I was stunned. I took it and opened it. There were two lines written in it. It was Li Jiancheng who borrowed Xue Wanjun to make a contract with me. Xue Wanjun is the person who protects Xue Wanche. Xue Wancher found that Xue Wanjun would definitely tell Li Jiancheng to investigate the matter for me, and now only Xue Wan has the ability to investigate things in Chengqian Hall. Arresting him is to cut off my way. Li Jiancheng took this opportunity to make an appointment with me. If I don't go, Xue Wanjun will become a witness who peeped into the East Palace. If I go... I don't know what Li Jiancheng will say.

Xue Wanjun can't wrong him for Chengqian Hall, and he can't let Donggong hand him over to Li Yuan for interrogation. I walked for a while and decided to meet Li Jiancheng. I didn't know his other purpose until I got to the side gate of the East Palace. He asked me to meet in the hall where I lived in the past. In this way, people asked me to enter the East Palace to explore my ability to face gossip, and these rumors may one day reach Li Shimin's ears. According to Li Shimin's nature, he may be cold with me. A battle.

I couldn't help thinking so much. I bravely stepped into the East Palace and turned a few corners to the temple. The door of the palace opened, and Li Jiancheng sat on the front chair and drank tea leisurely. When he saw me coming, he smiled as if nothing had happened. I stepped into the temple and respected him. He led me to sit aside and sent someone to make tea for me. After making tea, the maid retreated by herself. Although the door of the palace was wide open, there was no one outside, and the two Taoist roads leading to this side guarded several palace people, all of which seemed to have been arranged by Li Jiancheng in case someone disturbing the conversation between us.

He didn't talk to me. I sat quietly looking down at the green leaves blowing in the corner of the wall. After a while, I finally didn't want to wait. I asked, "I don't know why the prince trapped my people in the Qian Hall?"

"Why are you sleepy?" Li Jiancheng smiled sarcastically and couldn't stop being sad in his eyes, "Oh, do you have to do it right with me? This is a contest between me and him. Don't interfere.

I locked my eyebrows and shook my head and said, "The bargaining chips this time are too big. You don't want him to lose, you want him to die!" He knew that I loved Li Shimin deeply. Why should he think that I shouldn't interfere? How could I not interfere? And I understand that this is also his most painstaking and scruples. He was a little impatient and eager about my words: "Do you know that you did this by jumping yourself into the fire with him?"

"I know, I've said it a long time ago. Isn't it, prince? I will definitely look at him and bite the "prince" son very clearly and forceful. He is the prince, and no one can threaten him, and my call stunned him, and his eyes are sad and hurt. What can threaten him is my guilty infatuation. Pull away from me, distance him and my identity, and infatuation can also turn into a sharp knife, deep into his heart.

Mo Xiran, when did you become so cruel, all you can hurt are people who are good to you!

For Li Shimin, I have become so hard-hearted.