Beauty on the side

Chapter 117 Return 2

Is it really God's will not to leave Li Kuan?

When Li Shimin and Princess Qin arrived, I was already crazy about Li Kuan's soft and boneless body. In a few hours, his remnants will dissipate and become stiff, freezing the once smiling face and angry mouth at this moment. There are still his favorite fruits in the yard, and his favorite pastry balls in the small hall. I still have a lot of tenderness that I haven't told him.

Kwon'er, do you still blame me at the last moment?

The imperial doctor Tian Shi knelt down in front of Li Kuan, looked left and right and knelt down in front of Li Shimin and said in fear, "Your Highness the King of Qin, please forgive me!"

I suddenly leaned back after hearing this sentence. Li Shimin quickly took me from Qinger's arms and protected me. At the same time, he said angrily to Tian Shi's imperial doctor: "How can I forgive my sins? If you cure the second son, you won't be punished!"

The imperial doctor Tian Shi lay down and knocked on the ground several times: "The second son... is gone!"

The palace people inside and outside the ancestral hall suddenly lowered their heads and cried. They didn't know whether it was Li Kuan or himself who cried. I grabbed Li Shimin's cuff and choked and trembled: "It's all my fault. Kuan'er lost her temper with me, and today she thought of this way to scare me. Kuan'er is afraid of you. Tell him quickly and tell him that I know my mistake. Don't joke with me anymore.

Li Shimin was forced to endure the splash, and his tears were also hazy at this time. He choking and hugged me tightly. Princess Qin recruited the maid of honor to take a blanket and cover Li Kuan's body, printing a small ball of Qiuer. I looked at the Qiuer's tears like rain, and my heart trembled. Finally, I cried against Li Shimin's chest. Li Shimin waved to send Li Kuan to the Imperial Palace outside the palace. I burst into tears and rushed to the hill, but there was another force behind me to pull me back.

"The deceased has passed away. Let Kuan'er go well." Li Shimin whispered in my ear.

The deceased has passed away... Why is it so light? This is also his child! I looked at Li Shimin's hazy eyes. He also had tears, didn't he? But I was very cold at this moment. He picked me up and said, "Take Mo Zhaoxun back to the hall first."

I shook my head and looked back, but my feet were numb. Qing'er had to pull me out of the ancestral hall with several maids. I still muttered Kuan'er in my mouth. Qing'er wiped tears and comforted me, "Mo Zhaoxun, you still have a fifth son."

When it comes to Li You, there is a heartache in my heart. If it hadn't been for Li You, Li Kuan wouldn't have blamed me for ignoring him, and we wouldn't have had such a misunderstanding, let alone left this eternal regret! Back to Chengqian Hall, Li You was crying. When the wet nurse saw me coming back, she quickly hugged him and asked me to coax him. I glanced at him faintly and said to Qinger, "Help me to the couch."

The wet nurse followed me into the couch. I lay on the couch and looked at the people in the hall. The baby in her arms turned her head and looked at me crying. I looked at him not talking, and the wet nurse couldn't coax him and didn't see me calling. She grinded her footsteps and retreated. I picked up Li You in her arms and squeezed out a cold sentence: "Let him go out!"

The wet nurse opened her mouth to speak, and I closed my eyes and turned around on my back. The footsteps gradually lightened outside the hall, and I couldn't suppress the sadness in my heart. Tears flowed down from my eyelids and scratched the tip of my nose coldly, reflecting the wet and cold mattress, which cooled my cheeks and hurt my heart even more.

In the past two days, no one came to the hall. When I asked about Li Kuan, Qing'er only shook her head and said nothing. I know that this is Li Shimin's order. I leaned on the couch all day in a trance, and occasionally heard Li You's crying, but I didn't see the nurse hugging me into the hall. In this way, my heart is extremely complicated. Should I blame Li You for Li Kuan's ablinity? Mo Xiran, you are evading your responsibility!

In the afternoon, I ate a few mouthfuls of white porridge and shook my hand to withdraw the meal. Qing'er came forward with a stiff smile: "Mo Zhaoxun, the weather is good today. Do you want to go out for a walk?"

I looked at the window and the weather was really nice. I opened my hand and asked her to help me get up, straightened my robe and walked slowly to the bright sunshine, but the cold of spring was still the same, and the coolness between my fingers was still the same. Because of Li Kuan's death, I pressed a wall in my heart and couldn't breathe all day long, and my body was much weaker. I slowly moved on the palace road and looked at every place near and far and couldn't help sighing: "There are wide figures in every corner of this palace." I turned around and asked, "How's Kuan'er recently?"

Qing'er was stunned and sobbed: "Your Highness ordered the King of Qin to guard the spirit, and also ordered the people of Chengqian Hall to take turns to guard the Qin Palace."

I looked at her tears and smiled. Now it's her turn to cry when I don't cry. In the past two days, I was also tired of crying and my heart was tired. The sadness was overflowing, but I wanted to cry without tears. I couldn't say the feeling and the pain that I couldn't say.

I walked around, and Qing'er didn't dare to stop me, for fear that my hard-won mood would be driven back again. Looking at the scenery of flowers in the palace, my mood was a little open, but I was soon stunned. Now I don't know where I have gone. Suddenly, there were a few wails in front of me. I came back and stopped to look around. I actually came to the most remote place in the palace.

I took a few steps closer to the sound and saw more than a dozen palace people climbing on a barren grassland, and seven or eight bodyguards held thick wooden sticks to beat these people. Suddenly, they wailed endlessly. I pointed to that place and asked, "What crimes have these committed?"

Qing'er hesitated and lowered her head and said softly, "Mo Zhaoxun, those are all palace people who accompanied the second son to the ancestral hall. The emperor has ordered them all to die!"

All die! This is just an accident. No wonder whose fault it is. If you blame it, you can only blame God for not wanting to keep Li Kuan again. Don't you think it's too cruel to die all when you accidentally lose responsibility?

I want to come forward, and Qinger pulled me behind and said, "It's better not to get close to Mo Zhaoxun!" Looking at the palace man rolling on the ground and moaning, I had to close my eyes and cover my ears, but I couldn't move away from it. The rising and rising cry seemed to call my name and begged me for help and asked me to spare my life. I seemed to see Li Kuan's thin body stiffly in the dark. The blood behind his head dyed the futon red, and the candlepost shone with cold red light.

My feet suddenly softened, and I suddenly heard a few rapid calls in my ears. I subconsciously fell into Qing'er's arms. I heard that as she panicked and called the people to go to the Shang Pharmacy to ask the imperial doctor, she changed me to the eunuch and rushed back to Chengqian Hall. There was still a cry of the condemned palace man in her ear, and farther and farther away, but she felt colder and colder all over. My eyelids finally sank, and I dragged my head down and felt dizzy.

I had a long dream, only floating in the clouds, endless head, not sinking or floating. When I woke up again, I saw a figure sitting on the couch in a trance. Gradually, it became clear that it was Li Shimin looking at me by the bedside. Seeing that I woke up, he slightly raised his eyebrows with a trace of joy, bent down and said softly, "I'm awake."

I looked around, and I was already in my own hall. What had happened before slowly flowed into my mind, making me feel chilly and weak. I moved my body secretly and was weak. I asked softly, "What's wrong with me?"

Li Shimin held my hand and kissed his fingers: "Song Fengyu said that you were shocked and couldn't accept it for a moment, so he fainted. Just take a rest." I tried to reach out and hold his arm, and Li Shimin leaned over and held me in his arms. I leaned against his chest and asked in a weak voice, "Your Highness, those people in the ancestral hall..."

"If you neglect your duty, you should kill!" There was an extremely firm word from above, and when he looked into his eyes, there were two angry anger. I still want to say what I think, but my voice is a little lower: "Your Highness said that the deceased has passed away, why do you still make it difficult for those who live? Besides, they are also unintentional. Isn't it too cruel to give them all to death?"

Li Shimin took away the arm on my waist and asked, "What do you want?" Kuan'er's death can't be saved. Now these people are also dead. What's the use of you begging for each other?

There was an inadvertent sneer on my face, and I asked, "Your Highness has never liked Kuan'er very much, right?"

The person behind him stiffened, calmly helped me back to the couch, and slightly locked his deep eyebrows: "How to say this, you'd better have a good rest and don't think too much."

And I still grabbed his cuff and asked unwillingly, "If you like it very much, why do you just look at it from afar when you lie there coldly?" Li Shimin squeezed his lips and looked down, and I was even more convinced of the long-standing conjecture, "Because you don't like Kuan'er's biological mother, but she gave birth to Kuan'er. Do you think this is your stain?"

Li Shimin smiled and covered the bedding for me: "Xiran, are you shocked? You'd better lie down and rest. I'll go back first." He turned away from the couch and lifted the curtain out. I looked at his back and raised my strength to stand by the bed and said, "Shimin, if you don't love me one day, please don't embarrass Youer. I don't want to lose another child."

Li Shimin's back stopped, turned his face slightly, and finally strode out of the hall.

I lay on the couch with dull eyes, and I caught a glimpse of a hesitant shadow in front of the hall in a trance, and I didn't dare to come in. It's the wet nurse and Li You in her arms. I smiled softly and waved gently. The wet nurse suddenly frowned and stepped into the hall with Li You in her arms.

"Mo Zhaoxun, the fifth son can't see you crying these days." The nurse knelt down and said to me by the bed. I looked at Li You in her arms and stroked his white and tender little face. His big round eyes fluttered his eyelashes, and tears were still hanging on his eyes, but he squeezed his lips and smiled at me.

Li You is most like Li Shimin, that is, the dimples on his cheeks, and even cute and pitiful. His eyes are also similar to Li Shimin, but compared with Li Kuan, he is more similar.

I was stunned, my thoughts drifted away, and turned my eyes to Li Kuan's former small temple. The baby in front of me squealed and pulled my long hair with open hands. I looked back at his little face, and his every look seemed to be comforting.

You'er, as your father said, you can always be protected by him.