Beauty on the side

Chapter 132 Xuanwu Gate 6

Li Shimin took less than 100 soldiers and killed the prince of Tang and the king of Qi. Li Shimin also sent Yuchi Jingde to lead troops to Li Yuan and tell him that the prince had been in trouble with the king of Qi and had been killed by the king of Qin. Changsun Wuji led the rest of the people to hug Li Shimin and said, "Your Highness, it's time to carry out the next step."

Li Shimin pressed me into his arms, and there was a strong heartbeat in his ear. In the battle between the East Palace and Chengqian Hall, he is the sinner, the winner, and the king! With a light body, he picked me up and put his cold cheeks against my forehead. Xiran, I'll talk to you when I get back. He whispered, jumped on his horseback and took me to the inner palace. I listened quietly to the morning breeze in my ear, and my heart was desolate.

After that, Li Shimin knelt down to see Li Yuan and personally reported the incident. In the last report, the matter of the past few days is no longer mentioned, and Li Yuan should also understand. When Li Shimin reported the crimes of Li Jiancheng and the harem to Li Yuan, the East Palace poisoned wine and his uncle witnessed the hard evidence that he was poisoned, but he never mentioned it. In addition to what happened today, Li Yuan could do was to sit on the couch and look at the son who killed his two brothers in front of him. However, he turned his eyes to me again and smiled on his back.

Li Shimin secretly clenched my hand, sent someone to guard Li Yuan's palace, and took me away. I have been confused since Li Jiancheng fell from the fall of the horse, and now I am taken by Li Shimin to deal with the affairs after the coup, and I suddenly feel dizzy. And I still don't say a word, let Li Shimin go wherever he goes. Unexpectedly, as soon as I left the hall, someone grabbed my sleeve robe and roared in my ear, "Aren't you dead? Aren't you dead!"

I felt uncomfortable, and I immediately softened my body. Li Shimin hugged me in his arms and pushed away the person who grabbed me sideways. The person who came was Zhang Meiyi. She simply wore a robe, and her hair had not been combed yet. Obviously, she rushed to Li Yuan with the news. I don't know whether she was stopped outside the door or just arrived. She happened to meet Li Shimin and me coming out of the hall. The bodyguard stopped her from moving forward. She stared at me with tears and smiled bitterly, "I have already found out the king of Qin's plan and secretly told the prince to be careful. At that time, the king of Qi wanted to say that he was sick, but the prince thought he was well prepared and didn't care. So, the King of Qin won, you won! Hahaha! I just relied on the power of the emperor and the prince to live in the palace, but in the end I was destroyed by your own hands! My hard days are coming, and they are coming again..."

With a wave of Li Shimin's palm, the bodyguard overwhelmed Zhang Meiyi's square, where there were still two people standing. One is the crown princess and the other is Yang Qingyun. The death of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji was a fierce blow to them. Their husbands were a woman, and their husbands were no longer there, and they suddenly lost their direction. The two looked up at me and Li Shimin below. Yang Qingyun's eyes were full of tears, and the crown princess was different from it. The wind of the imperial city blew her robes, and her locked eyes were still painful but still sharp.

I looked at them and whispered beside Li Shimin, "Your Highness, please let them go."

I was suddenly willing to speak, and a trace of surprise flashed in Li Shimin's eyes. But I lowered my head and bowed to him. If Li Shimin can't kill them, he can't let them go. These two women are afraid that they can only live alone in the palace. This is especially pitiful.

Li Shimin picked me up and looked down at the people below. All the children of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji have been eradicated by Li Shimin. But there was still a girl standing behind the princess in front of her, looking at Li Shimin and me in horror. She must not understand why her uncle wanted to kill her father and brother. Li Shimin also noticed the girl and looked at her for a long time without saying a word. Finally, he couldn't bear to order to kill her again. At the same time, he allowed the crown princess to leave her in the palace and become a princess. The girl's name is Li Wanshun. She was born with Wude for seven years, and the prince became the second daughter.

All the things dealt with after the coup did not come to an end until noon. I sat in a palace in a trance. When Li Shimin came to find me, his face looked a little haggard. He took me back to Chengqian Hall and did not allow anyone to ask questions. My bedroom has always been as it was three years ago and clean as if I live every day.

Waiting to enter the hall, Li Shimin hugged me. I don't know where my strength came from, and my anger immediately broke out. I bit his arm fiercely, grabbed his clothes and scolded, "Didn't you say you know this measure? Just in moderation! How can you be measured!"

Li Shimin suppressed his voice, but I knew how angry he was: "If I don't get rid of him, he will get rid of me!" Do you want me to die or live?"

I covered my ears and avoided him: "Don't ask me this, don't!"

Li Shimin robbed my arm and pulled me a little, gasping hot air on my face, and his eyes were so deep and sad. His eyes have been staring at me, his own brother, his political opponent. When I fired the first arrow, I was also stunned by this arrow. His eyes, as if not blinking, kept looking at me roundly. In an instant, I watched the arrow inserted in his throat, which fell silently from the horse and did not move again. I know, my own brother, let this arrow be completely sent away! At the same time, a knife in my heart scratched fiercely, full of pain, my heart was confused, and I forgot to control the horse under the seat for a while. When I woke up, I had to continue to do it and do it to the end!" Li Shimin covered his chest and his shoulders trembled slightly. "Do you think I'm not sad or heartbroken? That's my brother. It's harder for me to kill him than for him to kill me! But I can't help it. If he doesn't die, I will die!"

I was shocked by his words. At that time, the person who did not hesitate to kill his own brother actually took thousands of times more pain than anyone else! I hurt Li Jiancheng, and at this time, I also felt even more sorry for Li Shimin. I began to speak incoherently.

"Why must there be such a choice? I don't want you to die, but I don't want him to die. I could have left, but I still chose to go back to the palace to fulfill my promise to you, guard you, accompany you, and follow you. I cried again and kept muttering, "I could have gone. I could have seen nothing. I could have been unhappy. I could have covered my face and cried bitterly. Why did I have to choose? Why did I have to fight for power? Why did I have to kill each other!

Two maids came in from outside the hall, holding a basin of warm water in fear. Li Shimin personally twisted the white towel and wiped my cheek. I caught a low glance at the white scarf faintly red, like a blooming blood lotus. I suddenly remembered holding Li Jiancheng on the horse. His body was stiff in an instant, and hot blood fell on my face. He took me out of the horse and his throat was pierced by a sharp arrow. That's how he died, not even a word to explain to me. The swordsman's killing is finally the final chapter, and my face is still stained with his blood on my robe sleeves. I smiled bitterly and the world is full of impermanence, and my mind keeps circulating the scene of him with that sincere glance to me. I pushed away Li Shimin's gentle movements and lay on my back on my back with sad eyes closed.

No matter how gentle he is, I will never forget the look of his arrow and the sadness between his eyebrows at this time!

The body was picked up and gently placed on the couch. He wiped my face with the softest gesture and then untied my clothes. Although I closed my eyes, I didn't fall asleep. I didn't move. He put on a clean robe for me. After that, there was silence in the hall. The hissing crying had already exhausted my strength, and coupled with this silence, I slowly sank into my dream. I had a deep dream. I stood in the huge imperial city, and the morning light was shining through the clouds in the sky, indifferently spreading the whole world with a big net. I can't see anyone. It seems that I am the only one left in this world. I was at a loss. I lost my way and looked blankly at the palace and the sky. This is a prison. If you don't save yourself, there is no way out!

I shook my head uneasily and gradually woke up. A bamboo lamp was lit in front of the couch, reflecting a person. When I saw it clearly, it turned out to be Li Shimin. At the end of the coup, he still had time to stay here. There was a tear in my head. I held my temple and frowned gently. Li Shimin hurriedly rubbed my forehead and gently twisted the acupuncture point. You are too tired and need a good rest. He told me. Li Shimin's technique was good, and the pain soon subsided. I avoided his hand and asked, "Your Highness, why are you still here?"

"I have explained everything. I'm your husband. How can I feel at ease if you are like this now? Li Shimin held my hand and said firmly, "Xi Ran, no matter what I said before and what I have done, I love you and have never changed."

There is a trace of confusion in his eyes, just because he is my husband. Women are like this. No matter how angry and complain about a person, as long as he says something that can touch his heart, he will be completely captured. I asked him, "Your Highness loves me... Does your Highness hate Youer?"

"Naturally, I love You'er." He put my palm on my face and looked at me deeply, "Yiran, can you feel my pain? If you can feel it, you can understand!"

I finally laughed and really laughed from the bottom of my heart. Li Shimin knows too well that the royal wind and clouds are cruel and bloody, so he does not ask Li You to be better than anyone else. He only wants him to be safe and happy. This was also what I expected from the beginning. He remembered and understood that my eyes finally couldn't help rolling down moving tears and approached Li Shimin's arms. He hugged me tightly and patted me gently on the back. The candlelight in front of the bed trembled gently, gradually melting the thick ice stone in the bottom of his heart.

The next day, Qin Shubao asked to see him. I put on my robe and went to the outer hall, and I saw a man standing behind him.

I recognized this person at a glance, and this person also recognized me from his eyes. I opened my arms and looked at him with a smile. He smiled, hugged me gently, and whispered in my ear, "Sister."

Qin Shubao did not participate in the Xuanwumen coup this time, but brought Hongzhi into the palace from the outside at the will of Li Shimin. This person is Hongzhi, my younger brother, whom I haven't seen in nine years, has grown from a child to a strong man. When I asked about my father, Hongzhi's eyes sank and said that soon after he left, he tasted people in the palace to visit his home. So I had to leave. His father died of illness three years ago. At this time, someone inexplicably found him and arranged a life for him, and that person was sent by Li Shimin.

I'm so relaxed for the first time. I looked at the blue sky, and the gloomy days finally turned clear.

Three days after the Xuanwumen coup ( Guihai), Li Shimin was appointed as the crown prince and took over the actual supreme power of the Tang Dynasty from Li Yuan.

In the ninth year of Wude (6 26), on the ninth day of August, Li Yuan was forced to abdicate, and Li Shimin became the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty and changed to Zhenguan the following year.

After Li Shimin ascended the throne, the people of the Qin Palace became more meritorious, and the people of Chengqian Hall also entered the roster of the harem. Princess Qin was awarded the title of Empress, Wei Gui was awarded the title of Noble Concubine, Yang Concubine was awarded the title of Shu, Yan Jingwen was awarded the title of Zhaoyi, Wei Nizi was awarded the title of Zhaorong, and Mu Yan was awarded the title of Zhaoyuan. In order to save the lives of Yang Qingyun and the former crown princess, Li Shimin particularly sealed them as full. Among the princes, Li Chengqian was crowned prince, Li Ke was crowned king of Han, Li Tai was still king of Wei, and Li You was crowned king of Chu. My brother Hongzhi was appointed as the director of the bureau, and I... may be Li Shimin's special to me, and he was awarded the title of Imperial Concubine.