Beauty on the side

Chapter 135 3

The next day, Li Shimin allowed me to remove Xiao Linger from the list of new royal women. A stone fell in my heart, but there were too many ripples. This is the first royal daughter selected by Li Shimin since he ascended the throne. I don't know how many such people there are in the future. How can I be on guard all the time and how can I help the peace of the harem with my strength?

From the court, I asked Qinger to arrange her to clean the hall. Although I met her, I was not familiar with her, so it was inconvenient to take her to follow her, so as not to have more mouths and a few more words. I am used to walking on the palace road in the afternoon. Although it is cold these days, the sunshine is good, and the warm bare branches reflect a few peach blossoms.

Qinger suddenly reminded me in my ear that I looked at the place she said, and I saw Yan Jingwen quietly following Qin Shubao with a maid of honor. Last night, I heard Li Shimin say that he wanted to talk about something with Qin Shubao. He should have just come out of Liangyi Hall, but what is Yan Jingwen doing? My heart moved and followed. Yan Jingwen did not find anyone behind her. She pushed the maid next to her and didn't know what to do. The maid of honor was pushed out of the rockery. Qin Shubao also turned her head at this time. The maid of honor was suddenly shocked, lowered her head and walked to him, and took out a red rope peace charm from her sleeve. Qin Shubao was surprised and foolishly let the maid of honor tie the peace charm to the hilt of his sword.

The maid of honor tied the peace charm and turned her head and ran away. Qin Shubao shook the hilt of the sword, smiled helplessly, and then turned around and left. The maid ran back to the rockery with a red face, but saw me behind her and immediately shouted, "Mother Defei, good luck!"

Yan Jingwen turned around in a panic when she heard the words, looked at my eyes and was shocked. I smiled, turned my eyes from Yan Jingwen and looked at the maid of honor. I came forward and said, "This little maid of honor seems to be interested in General Qin. Otherwise, I will ask General Qin what he means, ask the emperor for a title for you, and marry him to General Qin's mansion.

The maid's pale face suddenly softened her legs and knelt on the ground: "I dare not fantasize!"

Yan Jingwen was even more surprised and whispered with a white face, "I'm afraid that Xi'er can't accompany the general. Please take back your kindness."

I covered my face and smiled: "It's just a joke. Yan Zhaoyi doesn't have to take it seriously. Yan Zhaoyi, I want to sit in your hall. Are you welcome?

Yan Jingwen nodded in a frenying and called the maid of honor who was still scared on the ground to lead the way. When I arrived at the Bixiao Hall, I saw a light gauze robe on the desk. Yan Jingwen blushed and invited me to sit down at the next table.

"There are palace people coming to report in the morning, and tonight... I'm the servant." Yan Jingwen's voice became lower and lower. As far as I know, Li Shimin has never touched her since then, and the number of people he chose this rotation proposed to him by the queen this time is not large, including Yan Jingwen. But I don't think this is the reason why Yan Jingwen was nervous and afraid at this time. I retreated to the palace and asked her, "Now it's just you and me. Let me ask you, are you still interested in General Qin?

Yan Jingwen lowered her eyes in embarrassment and said, and I was even more affirmed. "When I advised you to let her go three years ago, you did agree. Later, Muyan was suddenly favored, and I was in a low mood. You invited me to your hall. I smelled the faint ink fragrance in your hall and saw that the ink in the inkstone was not dry, but there was no paper on the desk. You can recite good poems, but you always don't like to write. At that time, you told me so many philosophical words, which should be your experience for many days, but did you do it yourself?

She muttered, "That was only three years ago..."

I admitted it, and there was nothing to hesitate about. Yan Jingwen's death really gave me a headache. I took a deep breath and tried to keep a low tone with a slight warning: "I can't guarantee what the consequences will be if you persist. I have already told you that this will involve General Qin. How many people want to get close to the emperor now, but you are still thinking nonsense. If someone takes the opportunity to aim at you, you will be determined by them. At that time, you won't even have a chance to think nonsense!"

Yan Jingwen was shocked and realized from my words: "Yes, I can't be fine! My father and my whole family finally raised their heads in the court. I can't be so selfish.

I softened my tone: "Didn't you tell me that there are children in this palace to have a real backer. Sometimes I can't just help you, so you have to be ready to stand alone at any time. The rotation system approved by the emperor is an opportunity, do you understand?

Yan Jingwen finally nodded, "I understand that I promise not to bother you again this time."

Looking at Yan Jingwen trusting me so much, I feel a little ashamed. In fact, I don't just want to help her, but also to help Li Shimin. If Yan Jingwen is impulsive again, not only will Yan Jingwen's family lose a role in the court, but also make Li Shimin have to kill Qin Shubao.

Although I finally got the affirmative answer from Yan Jingwen, my heart was very complicated. Women in the harem have to endure sharing, which is just the beginning. But not only that, the open gun is easy to avoid and the hidden arrow is difficult to prevent, and it is very possible to become a scapegoat or a stepping stone. Yan Jingwen suddenly ran at night, which just confirmed this.

The gauze worn by the servant was exposed from her robe collar. She was ready to serve, but why did she come to me again? I asked strangely, "Jingwen, why are you here? At this time, you should..."

Yan Jingwen shook her head and said, "I don't know what's going on. The palace man has told me that the chariot came, but there was nothing at the door when I went out. I don't understand, so I came to ask you about the emperor's situation. Isn't it... Isn't it that the emperor knows about the day!"

The concubine went to the Dragon Hall for the first time. There was nothing from Li Shimin. If he was not going to have someone to wait on the bed today, how could the chariot suddenly appear and disappear? I immediately called Qinger to the Dragon Hall to explore what was going on. After about half an hour, Qinger hurried back from the outside and said breathlessly, "To tell the Empress, the eunuch of Shenlong Hall said that the chariot has picked up Yan Zhaoyi in!"

"What, I'm still here!" Yan Jingwen was surprised and paced uneasily, "Who pretended to be me? If this person said something nonsense, what if the emperor blames him?"

I thought for a moment and said calmly, "It's not that the emperor doesn't know you. At this time, there is no movement. Most of this person just wants to take this opportunity to win the emperor's favor."

Yan Jingwen was puzzled: "But hasn't the rotation of sleepers been decided? Who else in the harem dares to disobey the order.

I smiled faintly: "We are clear, but it's not clear in the palace."

Yan Jingwen stayed in my hall for a long time. I ordered someone to wait in front of the door of the Dragon Hall, but there was no news in the Dragon Hall for a long time, so I persuaded Yan Jingwen back to the Bixiao Hall first. Not to mention Yan Jingwen's anxiety, I am also extremely uncomfortable. Li Shimin recognized Yan Jingwen. If he found that he had brought the wrong person, he would definitely be summoned again. He didn't know how powerful the person accompanying him in the Dragon Hall was, and he could be peaceful overnight.

The next day, Li Shimin was still criticizing government affairs in the Liangyi Hall. He didn't mention last night's incident. I made tea and water beside him, and was a little absent-minded. After two hours of touching, Li Shimin twisted his eyebrows and leaned back on the chair. I held his palm and gently squeezed it. There was a tired acupuncture point in his palm, which only needed to be pinched and pressed a little. Li Shimin sighed with satisfaction, and his eyebrows gradually stretched. I asked, "Your Majesty, did you call Yan Zhaoyi yesterday?"

Li Shimin seemed to remember something and looked at me and said happily, "I almost forgot to tell you that I found a chess master yesterday, and it was really enjoyable to play chess with her all night!"

The action was slightly paused. I put down his hand-held teapot, slowly poured half a cup of green tea, and said quietly, "The emperor and my concubine only played three games, but last night played chess all night. The emperor has to be busy with government affairs in the daytime. How can he play chess all night?

When Li Shimin heard the words, he laughed and put his hand around my waist and explained, "My time with you can't be just as simple as playing chess. We have to talk about, discuss and other things. I have nothing to say to the royal daughter, and I don't want to touch her, so I have to play chess.

I pushed away his arm at my waist, handed him a teacup and slowly said, "Last night, it was Yan Zhaoyi's servant. Why didn't the emperor retreat from the royal daughter and summon Yan Zhaoyi again? The emperor was with a royal daughter in the palace, and now what the emperor said.

Li Shimin took the teacup and put it aside. He leaned on the chair and looked at me: "Didn't you leave me a chess game the day before yesterday? After the royal daughter came in, she looked at your chess game and came out in a few steps. I was curious for a moment, so I made a few sets with her, but it was dawn. His eyes were burning and he said with a smile, "Are you jealous of Yan Zhaoyi or jealous of me?"

When asked by him like this, my face was immediately burned twice. I turned my head and said, "I am wrong with Yan Zhaoyi."

Li Shimin nodded helplessly and asked with a smile, "In this case, I will show you the arrangements for next month first, and I will definitely make up for Yan Zhaoyi, okay?" I pushed him to other women with my own hands. Although I was my good sister, I couldn't help suppressing my heart, but I answered softly, "I'm good."

Li Shimin moved his seat and motioned me to sit down. I sat next to him, but he pressed me in his arms. I leaned on his shoulder and watched him criticize a stack of folds. The sense of happiness gradually spread, but he said coldly at this time, "The royal daughter spent the night in my Dragon Hall, so I had to give her a seat. Shall we make her a talented person?"

My heart suddenly got cold by him. I said, "The emperor has a plan in his heart, so let's do what the emperor wants."

Li Shimin likes talented people and prefers those who can compete with him. Yesterday's chess all night, whether Li Shimin was moved or not, this person has begun to enter his life and invade the harem.