Beauty on the side

Chapter 141 Rolling Curtain 4

It is nothing more than my habitual work to find out the cause of Zhou Cairen's illness, which can make the imperial doctor take the right medicine and eliminate the suspicion of jealousy and hurting people in the eyes of the palace people. Why not do it?

I didn't leave Tangli Pavilion on this day, but stayed to take care of Zhou Cairen. The palace people in her palace are also sick, and there is no one who can help her. At this time, she is also unconscious and has dreams from time to time, which is so unstable. I twisted a Wenpazi to wipe her face, hoping that she would be better. I plan to send a few palace people to Tangli Pavilion to take care of her tomorrow. Qing'er was puzzled, but it was hard to say when she looked at it. However, I also thought of a plan and thought about it secretly. Looking at Zhou Cai's mind at this moment, his mood is complicated.

On the way back to the palace, Qing'er finally couldn't help asking, "Zhou Cairen, like Wei Zhaorong, has always been unkind to the Empress. Why does the Empress still care about her so much?"

I still thought about that plan and slowly said, "They are not good to me, but they can't be against me. But unlike them, I don't care about them and I can't care about myself. In fact, I'm helping Zhou Cairen, and I'm also helping myself.

Qing'er thought for a moment and shook her head: "Please forgive Qing'er's ignorance. Qing'er doesn't understand. How can she help herself?"

I smiled gently: "You will understand then." Thinking about how to pass through the next few steps, I suddenly remembered and said to Qinger, "I ordered Shang She to go down and change the curb grass and Nantianzhu of Tangli Pavilion. There should be no more smell in the hall."

Five days later, I sent the palace people back to Tangli Pavilion, saying that the people in Tangli Pavilion were fine, and Zhou Cairen personally withdrew them back. I thought for a moment and called someone to quietly go to the hall to guard it. The palace people soon reported that Wenizi came out of the hall and seemed to have gone to Tangli Pavilion. When I quickly asked the palace people to find a way to delay Weinizi, I hurriedly took a jade button with Buddha beads and went to Tangli Pavilion.

When I arrived at Tangli Pavilion, I was relieved, but Wenizi hadn't arrived yet. Xuanli eunuch reported that both the palace and Zhou Cai came out of the inner hall to greet him. I showed my joy and came forward to hold Zhou Cairen's hand and said with concern, "Zhou Cairen feels better. I really scared my palace a few days ago."

Zhou Cairen was surprised and replied in a daze, "My concubine feels much better, and I have to thank the Empress De's care."

"There is no need for so many gifts." I pressed her hand, patted her gently, and sat with her in the hall. I smiled slightly and took out the jade button from my sleeve and stuffed it in her palm: "I gave it to you. I hope you can live a comfortable life in this harem and no more worried thing will happen again."

Zhou Cairen held the Buddha's pearl and jade button and dared not stop for a long time. He looked up at me from time to time, as if he couldn't believe it. I shook her hand and put my hands together: "Have a good rest, I will go back first. If you need anything, just tell me, and I will ask for it for you.

Zhou Cairen looked at me in disbelief. I smiled gently at her and turned around and saw Wenizi standing at the door of the temple. Wenizi turned his eyes from Zhou Cairen's side to my face, and the resentment in his eyes gradually faded into a hypocritical smile and lowered his waist. I nodded slightly to her, but passed her out of the hall. I didn't really leave. I only took a few steps on the corridor, quietly went back to the road, and listened to the situation inside at the door of the temple. Sure enough, when I heard Wenizi's coldness, she said gloomly, "Zhou Cairen has a good relationship with Concubine De, and I don't know if I like this palace."

Zhou Cairen said innocently, "I didn't get on good terms with Defei. I have always stood on the side of Wei Zhaorong."

"Bang!" A loud crisp sound responded to Zhou Cairen's scream. Wenizi said coldly, "Do you dare to call 'me' in front of Ben Gong? You are blind. What is this?"

Zhou Cairen hurriedly and intermittently said, "This... this Buddha beads and jade button is what Concubine De wants to give to me... for my concubine."

However, Weenizi doesn't believe it. She pressed her throat, and her fierce voice echoed in the quiet temple: "This is what she gave you. If you don't want to, will she lean over by herself? Fortunately, I found out early, otherwise I would have been trapped by you! Don't forget that you are the one who helped you to take the top, and I can also pull you down!"

The hall suddenly sank into silence, only angry, nervous and trembling breathing. At this time, Zhou Cairen suddenly said, "My concubine knew that it must have been Defei who deliberately made friends with me in front of you. She wanted to compete with the river clams and make profits!"

Weinzi was very quiet, as if he had thought about it for a while, and then asked in a slow tone, "You really don't plan to make friends with her?"

Zhou Cairen quickly replied, "Absolutely not. The concubine knew that Wei Zhaorong was dedicated to helping the concubine. How could the concubine be ungrateful?

When I heard this, my heart sank and turned away. Along the way, I thought about the dialogue I just heard. Weniczi's trust in Zhou Cairen was not deep, otherwise how could he misunderstand her at the beginning? However, Zhou Cairen's words were on the point. I just wanted the river clams to compete for profits, but unfortunately they failed in Weinizi's micro-depth meditation. Although it is a failure, I am not without gain. At least I know that Weinizi actually doesn't really believe in Zhou Cairen. What she believes most is her own eyes, and this is enough for me.

The next day, I invited Zhou Cairen to sit in the pavilion in the back garden of the palace. She dares not come to call her in my capacity. I sat in the pavilion with her and chatted about the beautiful garden for a while. Then I asked her, "I'm really curious about how you came to the emperor. I clearly remember that the Japanese palace was the day when Yan Zhaoyi served, but I didn't expect it to be you.

Zhou Cairen looked at me cautiously and said, "The emperor will not pursue it. What did the Empress do again!"

I smiled, but it was that kind of false smile: "The emperor is not not to pursue, but happy to cover up for you. If someone provokes this matter, do you think the emperor will abandon the overall situation to protect you?

When Zhou Cairen heard the words, he became nervous and trembled his throat and said, "This matter was arranged by Wei Zhaorong. The concubine boldly thought that the Empress should have guessed it long ago.

Every time she threatens herself, she will shift the blame to others, which I have known for a long time. I then asked her, "How can you repay Wei Zhaorong for helping you so much?"

Hearing this, Zhou Cairen snorted and raised his head and said disdainfully, "Wei Zhaorong's concubine just wants to take my concubine to have a place in the harem. If there is no concubine to stand for her, there is no place for her to stay.

"Zhou Cairen, you are a black-hearted person!" There was a low anger next to him. Looking back, Wenizi was looking at Zhou Cairen angrily.

I smiled secretly. Zhou Cairen didn't know. While inviting her, I also invited Weniezi. I just talked about the time a little bit, and it was time for her to say this.

Zhou Cairen was shocked by the sudden appearance of Zhou Nizi and was a little at a loss, so he had to say, "Wei Zhaorong, you have a misunderstanding."

Hearing this, I said coldly: "Misunderstand? Zhou Cairen's intention of this is to deceive me?" Zhou Cairen sat there speechless for a moment. I picked up the teacup, blew the floating tea inside, looked at the flowers that were not far away and said, "Wei Zhaorong and Zhou Cairen should go there to talk in private. After that, let's talk about it and give me an explanation."

The two looked at each other, lowered their bodies and retreated, and stood against each other behind the uninhabited branches. I sat in the pavilion and looked at the two people from afar from the branches, faintly seeing their figures listening to their voices. Wenizi's chest was undulating and he was so angry that he pointed to her nose and cursed in a low voice: "Fuck! Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, is it easy for you to be a bully!"

Zhou Cairen shook his head desperately and said, "Wei Zhaorong, this is definitely a misunderstanding!"

We Nizi's red eyes and kicked Zhou Caidao away: "Whether it's a misunderstanding or not, you can't believe it anymore. For me, you are already a waste!"

Zhou Cairen sat on the ground in shock and became increasingly frightened with Wenizi's words. I don't know if she is afraid of losing the stepping stone of Weinzi, or whether she is afraid of Weinzi's possible action to overturn the boat, or both. In a word, she and Wenizi are no longer the same. How much can they do alone?

I smiled and looked back to the pavilion from the other end. The palace guards pressed their heads as if they didn't know anything. At this time, Weniczi came out of the other side with an angry face, saying that there was still something urgent, and retreated to me. Then Zhou Cairen also slowly stepped out, with a look of fear on his face. I said to her, "I thought your relationship with Wei Zhaorong was enviable, but she didn't believe you so much."

Zhou Cairen glanced at me quickly and said slowly, "I have dared to say a word. If it hadn't been provoked by the Empress Defei, Wei Zhaorong and I would not have turned against each other!" The Empress hid a knife in her smile on this trip, and my concubine was also very envious!" I was slightly stunned, and then slowly smiled: "There are people in this palace who are grouped and used, and there are people who dismantle fake love. If you want to climb high, you have to ask the people above what they mean!" I got up, approached her and smiled, "Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it. Wei Zhaorong is not the one who is easy to mess with. Since you have touched her, she can also destroy you. Do you still want to continue fighting with me? If you want, I am willing to accompany you. But the premise is... you have the ability to block both sides!" I stared at her eyes without looking at me and sighed secretly, and continued, "I can promise you that as long as you stay calm, I will not deal with you, and I will not let Wei Zhaorong deal with you. From then on, you stayed in the palace obediently and didn't rely on anyone. Isn't that good?

Zhou Cairen glanced at the foot of the pavilion, and his red lips opened slightly: "The Empress Xie De reminded." Then she said nothing, glanced at me slightly, and retreated. She didn't give me an answer, but I looked at her back and sighed. Just now, I caught a trace of hatred in her eyes. She didn't accept my proposal, which meant that she would retaliate against me and Venizi. She is a chess player and a well-thinking woman. Thinking that she began to lay out her mind in the palace, I became nervous. I have encountered so many things with so many people. What I'm most afraid of is not death with one move, but all kinds of torture. If you look at the nature of Wenizi and Zhou Cairen, Wenizi is the former, and Zhou Cairen is exactly the latter. Thinking of this, I am both happy and afraid. I am happy and afraid of Wenizi.

How to say this? If Wenizi does not change this determination, then she will have a way to kill Zhou Cairen; but if Zhou Cairen tells Wenizi about my plan today and Wenitzi just believes her, then the two tortures will cause greater trouble on me. I immediately ordered Qinger to secretly buy the people of the palace and stare at Weinizi's every move for me.