Beauty on the side

Chapter 144 1

"Have you had a better appetite recently?"

When I had nothing to do, I went to the pharmacy. A few days ago, because the weather was too stuffy and had no appetite, I asked Song Yi for an appetizing medicinal diet menu. After three meals, his appetite was really better than before. Today, I walked with him, and he asked about it with care.

"Much better." As I said, I didn't pay attention to my feet and tripped over a small pit. Song Yi, who was beside me, quickly reached out to hold it, so that I couldn't touch the ground. I took a breath and nodded to Song Yi with a smile. He also replied with a smile. However, when I turned around and saw Wenizi standing behind and looking at Song Yi in surprise, I realized from her eyes that she must have had a misunderstanding. Even if she was like this, I would not be here without three hundred taels of silver. I turned my eyes and nodded to Song Yi with a smile, "It's still Xie Song Fengyu to help."

Song Yi also smiled slightly and said respectfully, "Protecting the safety of the Empress is what the people in the palace should do. I don't need to thank you."

I nod and admired, and then turned to Weinizi. Her eyes still turned between me and Song Yi. I smiled and asked her, "Why did Wei Zhaorong come to the pharmacy today?"

Weinizi came to his senses and replied with a smile, "My concubine came today to ask for medicine."

I said, "Just send someone to look for it. Why do you have to come in person?"

Wenizi was still smiling, but with some strangeness: "It was also a sudden thought of passing by, so I came in. What a coincidence, the Empress Defei is also here.

Seeing the intention in her words, I sneered and said, "The pharmacy is equivalent to my mother's home. Is there anything wrong with me coming back?"

Weniczi was stunned, and then responded to my words with a smile. He retreated and turned into the room to ask Tian Shi's doctor for medicine. I was careful in my heart. Whether Wennizi was intentional or unintentionally misunderstood, she should stop using this to make some other trouble. Wennizi can be said to be the most troublesome person in the palace now.

The queen stipulates that the four concubines should write a harem control opinion every month, which contains bad events that occurred during the period and the bad records of individual concubines, so that the strategy can be made to make the harem order order order. It's very hot today, and I can't cheer up with my pen. I just feel that my fingers are soft, and I can't even stop writing a few pictures. I pinched my forehead and closed my eyes, but I was still not in the mood to write. Suddenly, a person among the maids waiting in the hall stood up and whispered shyly, "If the Empress doesn't mind, why don't I write for her?"

I raised my eyes, and she blushed slightly, with her fingers around her belt, which I came from the court. Suddenly, I was a little curious about her and answered her. I said that she wrote it. After a while, a few lines of small words were neatly arranged on the white paper. I couldn't help laughing and praised, "So you have a good hand."

The face of theqian was red, and he bowed his head and said, "I'm flattered."

Qing'er also smiled and said, "It seems that it is a little like a mother-in-law."

I looked carefully, but it was a little similar. Therefore, I added love to picking qian. After finishing the pen, I asked Qinger to give her a reward, and I also remembered that she had this good handwriting.

Li Shimin is not in the palace, and the harem is much calmer. When the sun was about to set on the second day, I woke up from the morning and let Qinger wake up with water. At this time, Cai Ner ran back from outside the hall and breathlessly presented the last letter: "Mother, I found this letter outside the door."

I took the letter and sat lazily in the chair. I opened the envelope and lifted the letter paper. The handwriting on it is beautiful, with a faint ink fragrance, which contains a little herbal smell. The signature of this letter is Song Yi, which asked me to meet in the back garden pavilion tonight and take Nian'er to discuss the matter with the three of them. Therefore, it is important, so it is better not to see it before, so as not to make others suspicious.

The letter does not say that it is something to discuss, perhaps it is important, so it is inconvenient to point out in the letter. Since Nian'er also went there, the two must have encountered something strange and had something to do with me, so they were so cautious.

At that time, I came to the back garden pavilion as promised in the letter. There were already people standing in the pavilion under the moonlight, and the plain gown and elegant back should be Song Yi. I hurried forward, looked left and right and asked, "Song Fengyu, where is Nian'er?"

When Song Yi heard my question, it was also strange: "Didn't Nian'er come with you?"

I was stunned and a little uneasy: "Didn't you write to say that you have something to discuss with me?"

Song Yi took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to me: "But I received your letter."

I was surprised and immediately opened the letter paper. The content was the same as the one I received, and the handwriting of this letter was not the same as mine. What's going on? Where did Nian'er go again?

"It's so late, why didn't Defei rest in Deqing Palace? What are you discussing with Song Fengyu?" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind him, with a little coldness. When I turned around, it turned out that Li Shimin was standing there, followed by more than a dozen palace people. This posture should have come back for some time. Surprised, I couldn't help but say, "Your Majesty? Are you back?"

There was a sadistic smile on the corners of his mouth, and his eyes stroked me and Song Yi like two ice knives: "Is it surprising? You haven't answered my question yet."

I was shocked. Song Yi and I also came here inexplicably. Li Shimin has a misunderstanding at this moment, and there are so many palace people present. There is no evidence of the real situation for a while. I want to explain it to Li Shimin after I go back, so I randomly grabbed a cover: "The palace is too stuffy, and my concubine came out to breathe. Coincidentally I met Song Fengyu. The emperor knew that the concubine came out from the Shang Pharmacy, and thanks to Song Fengyu's care before, he could catch up with the past.

Li Shimin grinned, was very reluctant and a little sarcastic: "No wonder I came back tonight. Every palace came to pick me up, but I didn't see the shadow of Concubine De. So it is. Coincidentally, Song Fengyu, you follow me to the East Palace to see how the prince's foot is.

Song Yi bowed to the order and followed Li Shimin's team. Li Shimin looked at me with a smile and said, "Now you should also pay attention to your identity to avoid being misunderstood. You go back to Deqing Palace first. I'll see you when I'm free.

I nodded and agreed to send Li Shimin and his party away, and my thoughts gradually spread at this time. The prince's foot disease relapsed, and the hunting army returned to the palace in advance. Li Shimin said that the people in each palace would pick him up, but I didn't, but I didn't receive the news that he was going back to the palace, and he met me and Song Yi alone at this time. For various reasons, someone must have designed it.

Back to the end, you have to start from your own palace. I hurried back to Deqing Palace and said coldly to His Highness's palace people, "The emperor rushed back today. Why don't I know!"

Everyone looked at each other doubtfully when they heard this, and Qing'er whispered: "I didn't receive the news of the emperor's return to the palace. It's my duty!"

There was an aggrieved anger in my heart. I drank the cold tea on the table and completely cooled my whole body. My mind gradually calmed down. A trace of clue slowly emerged and muttered, "It's not your fault, it's not your fault." I turned my eyes to the person who knelt to the ground and finally pointed to the qian and said, "Everyone but you, go down." I thought about it again and called Qing'er to tell her quietly. Qing'er nodded and retreated, leaving me and Cai Erjing in the hall.

I sat on the top, she knelt down, and I stared at her closely. She always lowered her head. Soon, Qing'er came in from outside the hall and whispered in my ear. I listened and got the answer in my heart, which made me look deeper. At this time, I looked up slightly and looked at me. I was immediately shocked and pressed my head down again. Therefore, I asked Qinger to take two pen, ink, paper and inkstones from the side, and then pulled the picker up. I straightened the inkstone with a little untrue smile and said to Cai Ner, "I want to have a competition with you. Let's write better than anyone else. I have a word that the emperor has practiced. We write according to these words, and whoever writes like it wins.

Hearing this, Cai Ner said in panic, "I dare not."

I smiled, but it was extremely serious: "Why don't you dare?" If you win, I will reward you; if you lose, you can go back to the court.

She shook her head and said in embarrassment, "It's too difficult for me to be a slave."

I locked every expression of her and said seriously, "I just want you to do your best, but I don't scare you."

I handed her a pen, and she hesitated to take it. The tip of the pen licked the inkstone, and then held the pen for a long time. After a while, she still didn't write, and her hand holding the pen trembled a little. Her forehead sweated heavily because of tension. She fell on the white paper and wrinkled a circle of wet lines in an instant. I said coldly, and she suddenly jumped in shock. I came forward and patted her pen and asked angrily, "I ask you, did you pick up the letter you submitted at the door or write it yourself?"

Caiqi pounced on the ground in horror and trembled in his throat: "I... I dare not lie to my mother. It was indeed picked up by the door."

I raised her chin and stared at her frightened eyes: "But the doorkeeper said that you haven't been to the gate at all!" Seeing the surprise in her eyes, I became more and more sure and pushed her away and said angrily, "The reason why you wrote for me that day is that you wanted to remember the words I wrote clearly. You should also have a list abandoned by Song Fengyu of the Shang Pharmacy. Those two letters were copied by you, right? I didn't expect that there was still a master of imitation characters in the Deqing Palace. I consciously treated you well. Why do you help others deal with this palace!"

Caixuan fell to the ground, and the surprise of his eyes gradually stabilized, and he was determined to say, "Because Chang Chongrong is my master!" I was stunned. I actually neglected that she was the former princess Chang Chongrong's maid. I don't know about the master and servant of the East Palace, and I don't know how much love she has with Chang Chongrong. I turned out to be negligent!

I closed my eyes and heard Cai Neru give up his life and said, "Chang Chongrong hates you and wants me to help Wei Zhaorong deal with you!" Now that you have found out, it's up to you to kill or kill!"

It's Wenizi again. No wonder every time he traveled, Wei Zhaorong seemed to know that it turned out that I had a mole in the temple, so when Wenizi met Song Yi and I when he asked for medicine, I'm afraid he had a plan and took Song Yi's list! The picker in my Deqing Palace, the maid of honor I came from the court turned out to be someone else's pawn! I was so angry that I only hated his stupidity and said angrily, "Do you think this is loyalty to Chang Chongrong? If I tell the emperor about this, not only will you die, but also Wei Zhaorong will die, and Chang Chongrong can't escape this time! Have you ever weighed the crime of bullying the king?