Beauty on the side

Chapter 147 Opening 4

Nian'er retired from the position of medical officer of Shang Pharmaceutical Bureau and married Song Yi seven days later. Before leaving the palace, she came to visit me and told me what happened in the Dragon Hall that day.

It turned out that when Song Yiying met, Nian'er was suddenly told about the choice of medicine. Later, when Li Shimin closed the door of the Dragon Hall and spread Song Yi, everyone thought that Li Shimin was in good health, but Song Yi was aware of what might happen later. At this time, Nian'er also knew the context and went into the Dragon Hall. At that time, Song Yi handed the letter to Li Shimin to clarify, but this letter was in Li Shimin's eyes. Li was too pale and powerless. Nian'er was anxious for a moment and said that he had an affair with Song Yi. At this time, Song Yi was in a dilemma. If he denied what Nian'er said, then the misunderstanding between me and him would be deeper and deeper in Li Shimin's eyes. If he was sure what Nian'er said... He finally had no love for Nian'er.

Speaking of this, Nian'er looked down, and I also understood the situation at that time and Song Yi's choice. Don't say much, otherwise it will become darker and darker, not to mention in front of a person who controls all life and death. In any case, Song Yi's choice will hurt Nian'er more or less, but this is a hole dug by Nian'er himself, just to pull him and me to avoid our grievances.

Li Shimin seemed to be satisfied with this result, saying that it was relatively rather than very much, because he didn't see what he wanted to see on my face. Either I should refuse with all my strength, then he has all the reasons to be angry and even kill me; or I should be happy and sincerely wish the two grow old together, which will relieve the remaining doubts in his heart. But I smiled faintly, and then said the words that made him inexplicable. Whether he realized the meaning of my words or not, he still hadn't called me after the matter was resolved. After thinking about it day, I was more sure of what I thought.

I can't wait for what I'm looking forward to, but an uninvited guest. On this morning, as soon as the sun shone on the whole imperial city, Cai Nee came with two lines of palace money, and the eunuch went to Deqing Palace early to tell him. Looking at the eunuch's appearance, I felt unhappy. Cai Jieyu came. Is it possible that I still need this palace to welcome her? I was still sitting on the temple drinking morning tea. After a while, a few shadows flashed at the door of the temple, and the person in the front was picking urtices. In front of her, the jade bead hairpin on her bun shook, and several open peonies were embroidered on her robe. I'm afraid that only she could dress so boldly, but although she was coated with a layer of pale rouge on her cheeks, she couldn't hide her haggard face. I secretly speculed in my heart, but I didn't dare to think too deeply.

Picking qian stepped into the hall and blessed me with righteousness. I hummed and glanced at her slightly: "Why is Cai Jieyu free to come to this palace today?"

The shiny lip fat suddenly opened a round smile, and her voice was delicate but disdainful. She smiled: "No matter how busy you are, you have to ask the emperor for a holiday to go back to this Deqing Palace." With that, she waved back, and a maid presented a picture with her hands. She took it and came forward and smiled at me, "Yesterday, my concubine went to the library to look for a book for the emperor. I happened to find a portrait. I guess it was the emperor who forgot to give it to the German concubine, so I specially sent it to the emperor."

The tea lid on her hand pressed against the teacup, but it continued without leaving traces. I pretended to look at the picture scroll in her hand and said solemnly, "Since it is the emperor's picture scroll, how can you take it out at will?"

Picking theqian disapprovingly and smiled gently, "After a while, my concubine has to go to the Liangyi Hall and talk to the emperor directly. I believe that the emperor will not blame for this, so please accept it at ease." She invited the maid behind her to take the picture scroll and send it to the desk beside her. She still looked at me with a smile, and then said, "My concubine only knew today that the Empress De and the emperor met so early. No wonder the emperor once loved the Empress too much, which also made me envious."

I laughed, secretly touched the edge of the teacup, and looked at her below and sighed, "What's enviable? Now you are the person the emperor values, and I should envy you."

She shook her head with a smile: "People are always greedy for freshness, and I have the worries of the world." Speaking of this, she seemed to suddenly remember something, straightened her robe and said, "Today, I will plead guilty to the Empress De by the way. On that day, the concubine was not good and misunderstood the meaning of the Empress, which caused a misunderstanding between the emperor and the Empress. Fortunately, the misunderstanding has been resolved, and I have a guilty conscience. I'm here to make amends.

My heart was stunned, and I forced the corners of my mouth and smiled stiffly: "Since it's a misunderstanding, there's nothing to worry about. Cai Jieyu is too much. But I am not patient and can't stand such misunderstandings, so you have to pay attention in the future and don't make such mistakes again.

"My concubine remembers it." She nodded and lowered her eyes slightly shyly. "It's been a long time since I came out. It's time for me to go back, otherwise the emperor should punish me again."

After saying that, she bowed down and retreated. I nodded slightly, and she left with a smile.

In addition to showing off, she also sent a picture scroll. Is it possible that she also saw the clue on the portrait and specially wanted to stimulate me. Unfortunately, I have seen this picture for a long time, so I was not surprised. She also showed disappointment at that moment.

Qing'er had already heard the smell of picking qian's words, and said angrily, "She's just a little girl. How can she show off so in front of the mother!"

I sighed and suddenly asked her, "Qing'er, maybe I was wrong at the beginning. If the emperor sincerely protects me, he won't have such trouble at all. Now that there is an additional woman as an enemy in the harem, is he really going to ignore me? After asking this question, I couldn't help laughing. I still have a ridiculous hope in my heart. I shook my head, stopped Qinger's desire to answer, and slowly walked into the hall.

The best way to keep secrets is to shut up forever. The misunderstanding between me and Li Shimin has been solved. Even if he is not punished, he should punish Cai Ner, Wenizi and often. The former and the latter did not take action, but chose to calm down. This is not his nature. The only explanation is that My dream woke up.

A dream in Xiangshui, when you wake up, you look around your own place. Trustworthy people are like the fragrance of flowers blown in the wind, and few shadows go with the wind. When Nian'er came out of the palace, Song Yi was uncomfortable to say goodbye, and Li Shimin was just an illusion. Among his relatives, it is not easy for Hongzhi to get rid of exile and can't involve him again. Youer is still young, and if I have a lot of trouble in front of him, I'm afraid it will make him psychologically depressed and not conducive to growth. It seems that only Qinger can tell my heart. Over the years, she has been sincere to me.

The weather in late summer is the most sultry, and there is a mixed fragrance of flowers in the hot air. I can't be as relaxed and happy as early spring. The peace days in this palace did not last long. Deqing Palace was calm for two days, and suddenly something happened again. A maid of honor stumbled into the hall and shouted before stopping, "Your Majesty, something happened to the fifth prince!"

I was watering flowers at the window. Hearing this sentence, I almost dropped the kettle. Qinger quickly held me and said angrily to the maid of honor, "Say something slowly and make it clear!"

The maid of honor swallowed her breath and said on her undulating chest, "The fifth prince suddenly talked nonsense while studying, and then fainted."

Qing'er asked again, "Where are people now?"

The maid replied, "I took it to the Shang Pharmacy."

I put down the kettle and was about to go out. Qinger stopped me and reminded me in a low voice, "My mother thinks twice, and I will watch it for you."

During this period, I'd better not meet Song Yi, so that someone will not design it. Li You suddenly had a strange illness and had to think too much. Usually, he took good care of him, which was a little strange. I nodded, and Xu Qinger went to the Shang Pharmacy to visit Li You on my behalf and told her to bring back all the information in detail.

After Qing'er left, I was uneasy and always wandered around the temple gate. Until the afternoon, Qing'er came back, but she didn't see the palace people with Li You. I quickly asked about Li You's situation, and Qing'er said, "Shang Pharmaceutical Bureau judged that it was a kind of flower poison. The light one is anesthetized, and the heavy one is crazy. This flower is extremely poisonous, and a little too much can cause poisoning, hallucinations, deep drowsiness, and even convulsions.

This season is hot and full of flowers. Even I sometimes feel dizzy when I smell such mixed flowers. I hear that it's just poisonous flowers. My heart is slightly in moderation. Then I asked her, "What kind of you belong to?"

Qinger replied: "The fifth prince is still unconscious and poisonous. He is sleepy. Song Fengyu has prescribed medicine to detoxify."

I breathed a sigh of relief and sighed, "There are a lot of flowers blooming this season. Why does Youer prefer flowers**?"

"Mother." Qinger suddenly called me and pulled me to the inner hall. She looked at no one beside her and whispered, "This is extremely poisonous. The fifth prince has hallucinations and nonsense before he falls into a coma. This is not the poisonous smell of ordinary flowers. Moreover, the vegetation in the palace is strict and will not bring such evil flowers in. Therefore, the maidservant thought that the flower poison of the fifth prince was not caused by allergy, but that someone poisoned it. Song Fengyu also confirmed this. Among the fifth princes was the poison of foreign golden flowers.

There are hallucinations, nonsense, mild anesthesia, and severe madness. This symptom seems to be a little familiar. Li You was actually poisoned, but except when he was studying, he was in Deqing Palace at all other times, and he had the opportunity to do it. This palace is so big that it is as difficult to find someone out of thin air as looking for a needle in a haystack. I closed my eyes annoyed and asked, "When will Youer meet Deqing Palace?"

Qinger said, "Song Fengyu first took a pair of medicine for the fifth prince, and then he could take the Deqing Palace. Song Fengyu felt that this matter was not simple, so he came to ask the maidservant what she meant before deciding whether to make the diagnosis public.

Is it a small matter that the poison of foreign flowers appear in the palace? If it is public, Li Shimin will definitely meet Li You to avoid madness and hurt people, and he will also start to investigate this matter. If it is not made public, Li You can treat diseases around me, and this matter will be investigated by me in private. At this time, the only people who can be used and credible are Qing'er, who are weak in ability, such as How can it be found out quickly? I will worry about this person for a moment. I don't know when this uneasiness will calm down, and I don't know what will happen before it calms down.