Beauty on the side

Chapter 170 Luoyang Memory 4

Zhou Molan followed us to Luoyang, and since then, the assassin has disappeared. It must have shocked us without success, and it is inconvenient to take action again. Moreover, we travel day and night, not far from Luoyang City. Luoyang City is relatively prosperous, and the officialdom system is also very good. If they take action again, it will be extremely unfavorable to them. However, we can't guarantee that we will meet them again on the way back, so after arriving in Luoyang City, Li Shimin discussed with Xue Wanjun to change the route.

Arriving in Luoyang City, Xue Wanjun and Zhou Molan went to arrange teahouses and inns respectively, and Li Shimin and I wandered around the town. The streets of Luoyang Town are full of people. It is so lively. From everyone's face, you can see that it is full of food, clothing and harmony. This is Li Shimin's favorite thing to see. Li Shimin hugged me and walked slowly on the street. What he saw all year round was the prosperity of Chang'an City. He also saw this scene in Luoyang, which was so far away from Chang'an. He couldn't stop his joy and nodded his praise.

When we were about to get to the bridge on the river along the street, we saw several people gathered on the street. Xiao Xiancheng, I went to the county government the day before yesterday to see that your pen and ink were old. I specially prepared a pair of four treasures of the study for you. You will do your best for our county. You will definitely accept this.

The county magistrate is an official position under the county magistrate, helping the county magistrate deal with all the literary andmo matters. The county magistrate's money is not much but not small. How can the people take the initiative to send him the four treasures of the study? When we looked along, we saw four or five people surrounded a teenager in plain clothes, and one of the older men held a pair of four treasures in his hand. Is this plain-dressed teenager the county magistrate in their mouth? He looked quite young and beautiful and upright. He looked at a loss in the face of these four or five villagers who wanted to be heartfelt. His red face smiled shyly. He couldn't help wave his hand and said to them, "No matter where I say, everything I do is what I should do. Whether I hold an official or not, I will contribute. As for this big gift, I can't accept it. It's better to give it to the person who wrote the letter for Nishimura. The pen is good, the ink is good, and the letter is well written, and the love is true.

Those few people realized that there was more respect in his eyes. Several people nodded and looked at each other, and the man holding the four treasures laughed and praised: "Xiao Xiancheng's words are reasonable. We will send them away. Xiao Xiancheng is really a great gift!"

The teenager nod happily, took his hand to them and accompanied them to the bridge to see them off. Li Shimin saw it and muttered alone, "This county magistrate is a little interesting."

I laughed and said, "Since I'm going to stay in Luoyang for a few days, it's getting late today. We can visit the county government tomorrow."

Li Shimin nodded happily and hugged me to walk to the bridge. At this time, the teenager standing on the bridge turned around and stared at me. I noticed his eyes, smiled politely at him and passed by.

"Auntie!" With a shout behind me, I paused and thought it was not calling me, so I continued to walk. A gust of wind passed beside me, and someone opened his hand to stop me. It was the plain teenager. I doubted his anxious eyes and didn't understand what he meant by stopping me. He swallowed and asked urgently, "Auntie, don't you recognize me? Auntie.

Do you recognize it? He changed my aunt over and over again, which doesn't seem to be a polite name for passers-by. I looked at it doubtfully. This teenager seems to be only eighteen or nineteen years old. My brother Hongzhi should not have had a baby with other girls outside so early! Besides, I haven't been out of the palace for more than ten years. How can I know someone outside?

Li Shimin protected me behind him and was also very puzzled about this plain-clothed teenager: "What can you do?"

The teenager was a little disappointed and lonely in his eyes. Just now, he still did good deeds, and the surrounding people got along well with him. How could he stop me rudely for a moment? He thought that he had recognized the wrong person, and I didn't blame him. I just smiled a little stiffly: "I don't recognize the prince. Did you recognize the wrong person?"

The teenager was at a loss and grabbed his head and said with some embarrassment, "Did I admit my mistake? I don't think so. Has aunt forgotten? My name is Xiao Zhu. Sixteen years ago, I picked up the snow in front of the door and accidentally wet your shoes. Instead of blaming me, you gave me a bank of silver to support my mother and me in distress. I have been remembering you for 16 years. It is your kindness that has always urged me to help others and make myself happy.

His eyes are full of sincerity, and I try to recall it. I did go to Luoyang 16 years ago, and Luoyang was captured by Li Shimin that year. At that time, Luoyang still belonged to the State of Zheng. When Yang Gongqing helped me escape from the Zheng Palace, I first met Mu Yan, and then we stopped in a village... I remember that it snowed heavily that day, and a child took the snow by the roadside and accidentally wet my shoes. Inadvertently asked, he actually told me that he was going to take the snow to fill his mother's belly. I couldn't bear it. Despite Muyan's obstruction and giving the child a bank of silver, he also told me his name at that time, but he only wrote it down a little at that time, and then I forgot it later. Now I remember that it is indeed the name.

I was overjoyed and looked at him with a smile. This smile made him know that I had remembered, and he was even more happy, which made Li Shimin more and more confused. I made sure that I recognized Xiao Zhu to Li Shimin, and he also gave up the gap in front of me. It seems that Xiao Zhu's joy with the people made him have a good impression on him. I remembered that Xue Wanjun booked a tea room in the teahouse. After I motioned to Li Shimin, I got permission and asked Xiao Zhu to come to the teahouse together. In the past 16 years, he has grown from a child to a teenager. It's no wonder that I can't recognize him by his appearance. When I think of seeing him in those years, I can't help asking, "How's your mother now? Why are you alone?"

Xiao Zhu sat opposite me and listened to my question and smiled faintly: "Mother... At the beginning, she told me that she had asked my uncle next door to help buy medicine, but it was handed over to me completely until the last breath. It turned out that she knew that her limit had come, and she was afraid that I would not survive after she left, so she was reluctant to hide it. She hoped that I would use it for a period of time and find a way out to survive during this period.

The wounds of the past have healed, but they will be sad when they remember. I couldn't help sighing and pitying him, but how did an ingot of silver support him now? What happened in it? I took a cup of slow drinking and listened carefully to Xiao Zhu's words. I found that Li Shimin beside me was also very interested in Xiao Zhu's story, and I couldn't help but have an idea. Opposite, Xiao Zhu calmed down, hid the faded sadness, and continued to say, "After Jian buried his mother, spring had come. I was reluctant to use the silver, so I went to the suburbs to dig wild vegetables for food. My mother did not allow me to go out of the village, but I found that it was not a way to dig wild vegetables all day long, so I came to the town. The owner of the inn in the town was also a good man. He only asked me to sweep the floor in the backyard and gave me the same amount of money as other handymen, so I survived. A few years later, the new emperor ascended the throne and had the foundation for the unification of the previous emperor. Today, the emperor ruled the country well, and every family in Luoyang City soon became rich. In recent years, I have also studied hard and was recommended by the assassin. Now I am the magistrate of the county.

County Chengju Bapin, under the Qipin County Magistrate. His experience is sad and tortuous. At such an age, he has to be appreciated and reached this official position, which can be said to be infinite. And he is well dressed, old plain cloth, and the rinsing floor is very clean, which is more called his eyebrows beautiful. Looking at the people in the town just now, they are friendly and have a pleasant conversation with him. He is in an official position and does not put on official positions. The so-called people are friendly and honest!

The story of Xiao Zhu has ups and downs. Now that I see that he is living well, I laugh with relief. Li Shimin, who was beside him, looked at him and nodded slightly, raising the corners of his mouth and smiling in his eyes. He could see that he was a little happy with Xiao Zhu. He poured a cup of tea for Xiao Zhu, clinked a glass with him, and asked him, "I really want to know why the assassin promoted you at the beginning. Pure talent is favored by the assassin, and the matter must be very wonderful!"

Xiao Zhu smiled and said modestly, "Two years ago, on the Shangyuan Festival, bamboo lights flashed on the street. The most lively place is the competition held by Assassin. The winner can get a thousand taels! Qianliang is not a small number. I don't believe that anyone will put Qianliang on a game, so I went forward to watch it. Later, I found that the topics of the assassin were all drunk.

"Oh? How to say?" Li Shimin was full of interest and leaned forward slightly. From time to time, he added tea to the two, as if he had become an old friend.

Xiao Zhu drank all the tea with a smile, politely served tea for Li Shimin, and brought him a few handfuls of dried fruits. Once the two of them came and again, they really forgot me, and I couldn't do anything but listen to Xiao Zhu's speech quietly. He continued, "At that time, there was an adult family in Luoyang City, and the county magistrate of another county was an acquaintance. The emperor's distribution of grain to the world has relieved the people's suffering, but the two of them took half of the official grain together and distributed it to the people for less than seven days. After this incident, he was discovered by the assassin, but there was not enough evidence, and he couldn't find a good way to take down the two. So there was a competition for Shangyuan Festival. Each question implies a problem. As long as it is solved step by step until the end, then this is the way to subdue corrupt officials. Unfortunately, the people who went up to answer only saw the surface, and often couldn't answer them halfway. I wrote down those questions, went back to think about it all night, and finally had a slight plan, so I wrote an anonymous letter to the assassin. Soon after, the adult family and another county magistrate were taken by the assassin and sent to Chang'an.

Li Shimin turned the jade ring on his thumb and thought, "Well... I'm in Chang'an. I did hear a little about this, but I didn't expect it to be a good plan. But you wrote anonymous letters, and how did the assassin find you?"

Xiao Zhu still smiled and explained, "I don't ask for that thousand taels. I'm not rich but live very freely and comfortably. After all, that's all our business. After that, the assassin found my county magistrate according to the letter notes. When I opened the door one morning, I saw the assassin waiting outside the door. I usually do some calligraphy and painting, and often teach children to read and write on the street. Unexpectedly, it is because he found me. Therefore, the assassin recommended me to be the county magistrate.

Li Shimin's eyes showed a light of praise, laughing and drinking a few more glasses with him. At this time, Xue Wanjun came in from the outside and whispered in Li Shimin's ear.

I don't know when Xue Wanjun was ordered by Li Shimin to go out, but looking at Li Shimin's smile and nod, it should be related to Xiao Zhu. After Xue Wanjun's words, Li Shimin's eyes were crystal clear, and he suddenly said to Xiao Zhu: "The idea is very unique and the insight is very sharp. Your talent is not enough in this county government. Would you like to go to Chang'an with us?"

Only then did I realize that Li Shimin sent Xue Wanjun to inquire about Xiao Zhu's identity information. In fact, when Li Shimin listened carefully to Xiao Zhu's story of 16 years, I realized that he had this intention, and I didn't expect him to mention it so abruptly. Chang'an, at the feet of the emperor, besides, Li Shimin is the emperor, but Xiao Zhu doesn't know it. This is enough to make many people excited and crazy, but Xiao Zhu didn't seem to be happy and suddenly smiled stiffly.

Li Shimin has always loved talent, so he is not discouraged. When he saw that Xiao Zhu had no intention to agree, he added another seductive promise: "If you go back with us, I can mention you to work for the court."

Li Shimin fell into his voice and smiled and flew proudly, as if he were pretending his rights. At this time, Xiao Zhu's face had already turned over. He shook his head and refused: "All the ministers in the court have gone from a low position by step by themselves. If I rely on you to directly enter the important position in the court, not only will I be unfair to other ministers, but also I will feel ashamed. Therefore, Xiao can only thank him for his kindness!"

Xiao Zhu said this without scruples and implied his disapproval of Li Shimin. Unexpectedly, Li Shimin was not angry, but had a deep arc between his lips: "The court has always seen talented people. Who stipulates the rules of rising step by step? If so, don't you miss too many talents? This is the biggest loss of the court!"