Beauty on the side

Chapter 172 Unpremely 1

"What are you doing back again!" He stared at me angrily, but the corners of his red-blooded mouth were smiling, and the light in his eyes suddenly passed. He turned over and stabbed me. There was a scream behind him. A figure fell down, and the big hole in his chest kept bleeding outside. At the same time, I don't know which side suddenly shouted, "No, there are rescuers!"

The man in black paused and quickly jumped away with his sword.

When I looked up, I saw a team of red and white armor running towards this side. When they all arrived, the leading silver armored general was shocked when he saw Li Shimin and immediately knelt down in front of us with a wide knife: "The last general is late to protect him. He deserves to die!"

I helped Li Shimin, who was about to fall into a coma, and shouted anxiously, "Why don't you find a place to settle down and treat the emperor's wounds!"

The chief general quickly led the way. Several people carried Li Shimin into the carriage that smashed the big hole and rushed to the general's mansion at the fastest and stable speed. After arriving at the general's mansion, there were already doctors waiting at the door. The soldiers surrounded the general's mansion and did not allow anyone to approach to keep the environment quiet for treatment. Fortunately, Li Shimin had made arrangements and secretly ordered the general of Luoyang to come to protect him, otherwise this disaster would be more and less fortunate.

The doctor and Xue Wan were both in Li Shimin's room. Li Shimin did not allow me to go in. I knew that he was afraid that I would see blood. After waiting anxiously for three hours, he finally waited for the news that his injury was safe and there was no critical injury. Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't wait to visit. When he saw him, there was no trace of blood around him, which made him pale. He closed his eyes, whether he was in a coma or a refreshed. I didn't dare to disturb him, but I couldn't help touching his eyebrows. At this time, he gently opened his eyes and looked at me. I burst into tears with a smile and choked: "It really scared me to death."

He looked at me worried, but said, "I'm the son of heaven. How can I die so easily!" He closed his weak smile and sighed, "Those assassins guessed that we would fake the truth and divided several groups of people. It's really unpreventable!"

I had a lingering palpit: "Fortunately, you have foresight and let the general on the side of the city come to escort back to the palace early." Gradually, I felt sad and asked, "You have long felt that those assassins didn't hurt me. Why did you want me go first?"

Li Shimin put his hand on my cheek, and his palm was cold: "I'm not afraid that they will hurt you, but that you will find a sword to cut it."

It turned out that he was afraid that I would block the sword for him in a hurry. It's ridiculous. How can he be sure that I will ignore myself for him! But that's how he knows me, that's how he can expect things. And he finally ** his own mind. The assassin didn't hurt me. He didn't doubt that I would still protect me...

My heart was faintly painful and a little breathless. I asked him, "When will you check the identity of those assassins?"

Li Shimin pondered and said, "I know in my heart that I don't need to check it."

After saying that, after hearing a burst of footsteps outside the corridor, Xue Wanjun asked to see him outside the door: "Your Majesty, there is an urgent report in Chang'an."

I motioned for my maid to invite Xue Wanjun in. Xue Wanjun handed over a letter, and Li Shimin took it open it, and his face gradually became solemn. Finally, he closed the emergency report and sighed, "You'er is sick and wants to go back to Chang'an." He turned to me and said slowly, "Let the Shang Pharmacy send a medical doctor to Qizhou for the time being. If it is still not cured, it will set the day to return to the capital."

I lowered my eyes and reluctantly smiled: "I understand. The adult prince should not enter the palace again. The emperor is grateful to send a doctor to Qizhou.

Li Shimin smiled slightly, but felt that the smile was not real enough.

After staying in the general's mansion for ten days, Li Shimin ordered to leave, and two troops escorted back to Chang'an. On the day of returning to the palace, Cheng Yaojin and Changsun Wuji personally responded at the gate. Chang'an City had to report the assassination of Li Shimin, so they had long been looking forward to it. Dali Temple also accepted the assassination, but was ordered by Li Shimin not to scare the snake.

The night when I returned to the palace, I actually had insomnia. Listening to the sound of rain outside, I only felt a burst of coolness sweeping over me. I opened my eyes slightly, and the candlelight in the hall faded out of layers of halo. The outline of the objects in the hall was faint, and the more I looked at it, the more gloomy and strange it became. It was the third day that the wind and rain became more and more urgent, and a muffled thunder came from the dark sky. I lay on the couch. I don't know if it was in a dream or awake. I saw a figure standing beside the couch. With a thunderbolt, a thunderbolt flashed directly from the window and reflected directly on the figure. I turned over and sat up, holding the quilt and huddled in the corner of the bed.

"You, you!" I looked at the person by the bed in horror. I didn't see her drooping face clearly, and I didn't dare to see it clearly. My intuition told me that she was a dark smoke or... the person on the missing painting of the old palace!

I screamed and struggled randomly. A moment later, I suddenly heard the panicked footsteps approaching in the hall. Someone shook me gently, and there was a continuous vague voice calling. Finally, I recovered and woke up. I opened my eyes and saw a row of maids palming the lamp beside the bed. A slightly older man was holding my shoulder and calling me in panic. She was the head of Qing'er. Seeing that I had woken up, the maids knelt down in a row, and the maid in charge bowed her head and said, "The Empress is shocked. Tomorrow, the maidservant will take the calming soup to calm the mother."

"How many times have you updated?" I pressed the tired corners of my eyes and asked gently.

"Go back to your mother, the fifth update." The maid in charge of the palace answered.

"To spread the soup, I need to wash." The rain outside the window has stopped, and the sky hasn't yet spit out for a stroll in the morning. I got out of bed and stood in the hall.

"Yes." The maids of honor retreated one after another and soon came in with a hot basin to clear my face. I looked at myself in the bronze mirror, and my dream was still lingering, and my face was still pale. I sighed gently and told the maid to give me a slightly red rouge. The maid of honor opened the box containing several plates of rouge and suddenly shouted and turned over the rouge box. The maid in charge came when she heard the sound and saw the rouge spilled on the ground. She scolded the maid in a low voice. The maid shook her head with tears and looked at the rouge box turned on the ground with frightened eyes.

I winceed, and the maid in charge of the palace came forward to pick up the rouge box. She was slightly shocked and scolded the maid, "It's just a bunch of hair. What's so scary!"

Hair? I was surprised and asked her to show me the rouge box. The maid on the ground is my hair maid. She was responsible for holding and putting the hair accessories and rouge in the morning and evening. She looked at the rouge box in the hand of the maid in charge and said, "When I put the rouge last night, I didn't have this bunch of hair..."

I glanced at the rouge box and saw a bunch of black hair bent neatly in the box, sticking to the wall of the box to form a round arc, faintly scattered under the candlelight, mysterious and mysterious. I suddenly remembered the nightmare just now, pushed the maid in charge of the rouge box, and retreated and pointed, "Take it out and burn it!" The maids in the palace were shocked and looked up at the rouge box because I began to panic about the mysterious black hair. I breathed disorderly, glanced at the people in the hall, and shouted, "Take care of your mouths. If I find that others know, all the palace people in this Deqing Palace should be changed!"

The maids knelt down in fear and booed. The maid in charge closed the rouge box and bowed to me and left the hall. It took me a long time to recover. At this time, the sky was already bright. I ordered to go to the backyard for breakfast. The maid behind me quickly ran to the backyard pavilion with cushions, hot tea and fruit. By the time I arrived, it was all set up. The winter morning was the coldest. I looked in the direction of the Dragon Hall with hot tea. Yesterday, Li Shimin recruited a sheer to sleep.

The Dragon Hall generally does not leave concubines for the night, unless they are particularly nostalgic. But last night, it was too much to pick qian. I slowly drank hot tea and saw a woman with light makeup in front of the courtyard, which was picking qian. I looked around, and there was no one else around. She came specifically for me. I smiled softly and asked her to sit down. She bowed to Yingying under the pavilion and then sat down. This time, it was quite polite.

But this was not what she was used to. Sure enough, she sat down and squeezed her eyebrows and sighed slightly. The weather was too cold, and she said that the heater of the Dragon Hall was just mild. The maid next to her also said flatteringly to Caiqi, "The emperor is very kind to Cai Rong, and naturally there is no shortage of gifts. Yesterday, when the emperor returned to the palace, we were recruited on the first night! Among the six palaces, I'm afraid that no one can beat the favor of Rongrong. Our position in the emperor's heart must be the first!"

Listening to the maids of Zhuge are really better than one generation! The maid wanted to say to me that she was fearless. If it hadn't been for the support behind her, the last sentence would have been even more rude. Pulling out Li Shimin's position in his heart, where did they put the deceased Empress Changsun? Does she still want to sit in the position of queen and mother in the world? It's presumptuous!

"Fifty hands." I gave a fierce order without hesitation, put down the jade cup in my hand and never looked at the two people.

The maid of honor was shocked, but she knelt down to Caiqi and pointed to me and said, "Cai Chongrong, what the maidservant said in my heart, the Empress Defei wants to punish me, and you have to save me! Ah!"

She shouted and looked at me in surprise. While she was speaking, I had slapped her. My eyes were considerate and said harshly, "Bast thing, this palace is in charge of the harem. You even dare to point out my palace. Is there any palace law in your eyes? Is there an emperor? Twenty more!"

Picking qian hurriedly stopped in front of the maid of honor. I winced and signaled the maid behind me not to worry about picking qiao. Several maids pulled the sheaves aside, and the other maids began to slap them. They gritted their teeth and stared at me fiercely. I grabbed her words and raised my eyebrows: "I know that you love me and can't bear to punish them. Now it's up to teach you these impolite things. You still Don't you thank me?"

Caiqian gave a cold voice and turned his head and didn't say anything. Only the pain of the palm-mouthed maid made her look uneasy. Twenty years after slap, the maid's face has been stained with blood, and the remaining fifty of her palms may not even die. I waved my big sleeves, and that's all.

Zhe's face was blue and white. She did not feel sorry for the maid, but her own face. I'm so strong that she must be very unwilling, and I'll stand closer to her with a smile, warn the maid who was slapped, and stare at her steadily: "You must control your mouth, or you won't be able to keep your head."