Beauty on the side

Chapter 179 Rosemary 2

November of the thirteenth year of Daye (June 17) was the third month of Feng's walk. Li Yuan gathered more than 200,000 troops to besiege Daxing City recently. Daxing City fell into the gate confinement. I was afraid that if he came to me at this time, he would be captured by the sergeant and whether he would turn his head and leave when he saw the closed gate. I'm afraid of missing it. I wander around the gate every day, but what I see every day is the cold gate. In a trance, I even felt that Gao Feng was looking for me. It was the gate that ruthlessly cut off the return road, and it was the Li family army at the door that cut off my line with Kai Feng.

The housekeeper said that the war will not be short, months or years. While waiting day by day, I began to despair. I was afraid that I would never see the smile of Fei Feng coming back to me with the sound of birds or some dusk with the sound of the flute. I'm still afraid that this war will separate me from him.

"Look, you didn't take me away." I said to myself and opened the book in front of me, which contained the little yellow flowers he gave me that day. This yellow flower has been dried up by the book, thin, and will be blown away by the wind. Just like me today, as long as the horn of war rings, I will be completely desperate.

I shouldn't have thought about it.

On the second day, Li Yuan ordered the troops to attack the city, about: "There is no need to violate the seven temples and the king's clan, and those who violate the three tribes of Yi."

The housekeeper hurried back from outside and said that the town was empty and told me to hide in the house and not to come out. I huddled on my bed and listened to the war horn outside. The sound of the army was like a tide, and I could faintly hear the sharp sound of the blade touching each other. I'm afraid that I won't see my father, but also that I won't see my father.

In those months, my father held troops to guard Daxing. If the Li family army broke through the city... I didn't dare to think about it. I covered my head and buried it in my knees.

The door was suddenly kicked open, and I was shocked and thought it was Li Jiajun. The housekeeper rushed in with his brother, took my hand and ran outside.

"The old man refused to defend, resisted Li Yuan's entry into Daxing, and the city was captured!" The housekeeper's face was full of tears and hurriedly wiped, "Miss, come with me. Li Yuan's thief entered the city at this time, I'm afraid he won't stay alive!"

My ears buzzed, full of military horns and military sounds. His feet softened and was picked up by the housekeeper again. He took me with one hand and ran away from the back door with his brother in the other. I only felt numb under my feet and ran all the way with the housekeeper. My eyes were blurred, as if it were blood and the pure starry sky that day.

My father was arrested for breaking the city, so what about you? Are you all right?

We hid in a broken temple in a remote town for a few days. The housekeeper said that when Li Yuan first rose up, his father dug up his ancestral grave and destroyed his temple. When he entered Daxing City, Wei Wensheng was dead, and Li Yuan arrested his father, and Li Yuan would not easily let go of the Yin family.

On November 11, Li Yuan escorted his father, Gu Yi and others to the execution ground. After counting his crimes of resisting the rebels, greed and tyranny, and cruelty harming the people, he beheaded him.

I saw with my own eyes that my father was beheaded by the bright blade, and the hot blood seemed to fall on my veil, which made me cold and piercing. There was a bloody smell from my nose, and the blood on the ground was dazzling. I looked at the rolling head on the ground and couldn't help shaking my body and almost fell. I saw the person sitting on it smiling and watching the executioner raise his father's head. He is Li Yuan. He glanced at the pale and blood-red heads, and the Buddha's hand disappeared into the attic.

But I am too opposite to him. I try to see my father's messy, bloody face, remember his hatred, and remember his unyieldingness. Li Yuan, did you also see that glimpse, so you lost your smile and left with a gloomy face. Li Yuan, even if you break the Daxing City, even if you get the world, there are people in the world who do not give in to you; even if you kill all such people, even if you defeat the people of the world, you are just a bloody executioner!

My drooping arms can't help trembling. Today's sky is gray, but now there is a drizzle. The corpses on the beheading platform have been dragged away, and the blood on it will be washed away by the falling rain, but the smell of blood will flow all over Daxing City with the rain.

I slowly left against the slightly soaked veil. At this time, I didn't know whether it was sad or hateful, but I felt that a cavity of stuffiness was squeezed out of breath in my chest. Unconsciously, I walked to the gate, which was once my father's position and the ferry for me to return. Now, my father is dead and the old man will not return.

I just glanced unintentionally, but my trembling heart was suddenly hammered like a blunt weapon, which made my flesh and blood blurred. If I had known, I would have looked down and walked through the gate of this city.

The man on the tower is wearing black armor and holding a long thin knife. The wind of the tower was very strong, and the black cloak flew wildly behind him. He looked at the occupied Daxing City from afar, and I looked up at him. His eyes were selfless, and my eyes were full of him. This man is eight or nine points similar to Feng Feng. I have never seen Feifeng wear military armor. The Fei Feng I saw only likes to wear white clothes, and this man, except for the black clothes all over his body, is exactly the same as Fei Feng. Not only the appearance, but also the look.

The world is so big that people are similar.

I shook my head with a wry smile. Qi Feng said that he would come back to marry me, so he would definitely come back to me.

The rain is getting worse and bigger, and his hair is sticking to his face. How much I want to reach out and brush his annoying wet hair for him, even if he is just like Fengfeng.

But I'm wrong. This person will hurt another person.

A woman slowly came forward with an umbrella from the side of the tower. He turned to look at her, and she gently covered the two under the umbrella. The moment he held her hand, I seemed to be ruthlessly slapped by his hands. I took a deep breath of cold air, cold to my heart, endless stingling. Watching him leave with her, I saw him smile, and there was clearly a small dimple printed on his side face.

I once lit Feifeng's dimples and couldn't put it down. He said that he would only smile at me in the future.

Are there really two people in the world who are so similar that even small places are born?

Looking at the empty tower, I shook my head helplessly in a trance and smiled bitterly against the cold rain. Have you ever loved someone? Have you ever forgotten someone? That shallow dimple has involved me in the most painful whirlpool in my life.

The pavilion, the peach blossom banquet, and the style of Yinghu Qin. Don't leave the wine, the flowers are clear and thin, the sound is hurt, and the horseshoe runs away. Wait, wait, wait!

Flying eaves, long love sword, old man's love alone. The pavilion is old, the Yi people stay, the finger is broken, and the sound is turned into a dream. Pass, pass, pass!

Suddenly, someone pulled me: "Miss, don't stand here. Come back with me."

The housekeeper pulled me away and disappeared to the gate. The little yellow flower in my sleeve accidentally fell. I looked back at the little flower that fell in the rain. When I paused, I watched it be ruthlessly stepped into the wet mud by a pair of military boots.

I clearly remember that day, he twisted the little yellow flower and asked me to marry him, and now, the man who looks like him is even him, standing in front of another woman. I hope it's not him, but I hope it's him. If he is well, what can he care about, but why does my heart hurt so much, as if it had been scraped down with blood and tears by the big knife in his hand.

I don't know if I cried or not. I don't know whether it's rain or tears on my face. After standing in the rain for so long and being blown by the cold wind for so long, I only felt in a trance, running and sinking on my head and hitting the ground deeply. Before fainting, I smelled the cold and bloody smell of the rain and the distant fragrance of small yellow flowers. I raised my heavy eyelids and looked into the sky, and the rain kept falling on my eyes. What a pity, why is it not a night full of stars?

When I woke up again, I hit a blood stain on my forehead and felt a dull pain. I lay on a board pulling the cart, sitting next to the young Hongzhi. Hongzhi saw that I woke up and quickly called out. The car slowly stopped. I saw the wrinkled housekeeper. His sad and concerned eyes and such an age made me mistakenly think that it was my father, so the three of us lived in a village on the edge of the city and made a living by selling medicine to cure diseases.

After the armies conquered Daxing, Li Yuan made 12 laws with the people to eliminate the harsh prohibition of Sui. As an appointment, Wang You became the emperor, changed Yuan Yining, and respected Emperor Yang as the emperor. On November 17, Li Yuan moved from Changle Palace to Daxing City, taking him as a fake Huang Yue, an envoy, a military secretary and prime minister inside and outside the capital, and became the king of Tang.

This is how the rule of the Tang Dynasty began, and my memory sealed the dust with the demise of the Sui Dynasty!

This is the most painful thing and a turning point in my fate. After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the palace screened women to enter the palace. I was an opportunity for Duke Xu to get rid of his guilt, so he tried his best to force me to enter the palace. And exactly, on the day I entered the palace, the evil fate was not over, and I met Li Shimin. And I didn't know him at that time, and now I understand why he suddenly tightened the palm of my hand, because he saw the jade pendant on my waist, which was the blessing he sent by himself.

Liuyun Baifu... It is unique in the world, because his name is engraved in it, and what he gave me is not the unique one. Does it also mean that the kindness he treated me like that before is fake!

Fake, all are fake! My chest was stuffy and I woke up with a deep breath. The familiar temple, the familiar aroma, and the familiar palace people, but there is a blank in my mind. Although it is familiar, I can't react for a moment.

The maid in charge of the palace cried with joy and knelt beside the bed and said happily, "The Empress finally woke up, but she scared me to death!"

I rubbed my eyebrows with a headache and asked powerless, "What's wrong with me?" Where is this?"

The maid in charge of the palace looked at me carefully and replied, "This is the Empress's Deqing Palace. The Empress accidentally fell into the water and fell into a coma for three days and nights. The emperor sent the royal doctor of Quanshang Pharmacy to see her every day, hoping that the Empress would wake up as soon as possible!"

"Deqing Palace...Fall into the water...Your Majesty." I muttered, and my memory slowly flowed from everywhere. I remembered that I was in the palace. Just now, I argued with Hongzhi. I accidentally fell into the pool and slept for three days and nights. I suddenly stopped and recalled the dream I had in the past three days and nights. It was not illusory, that was... It was a real thing that happened 20 years ago, a parting that could not wait for the return, and there was the most painful and proud man in the world.