Dream Journey

Chapter 15 Truth

Zhao Zilong was even more stunned!

The mercenaries all looked at Zhao Zilong in amaz and couldn't help retreating. They exchanged glances with each other, as if they were asking each other what to do, because they had never met such a powerful opponent, and they could fight back against them in such a serious injury!

It's terrible!

What should I do? What on earth should we do?

They looked at each other and really didn't know what to do for a while!

Although Zhao Zilong was seriously injured, he still tried to maintain his consciousness. When he saw the mercenary fall to the ground, he couldn't help but be surprised!

He turned his head, looked at Lin Xi, and asked in surprise, "Do you know what just happened?"

Of course, Lin Xi looked surprised, "Do you ask me? How could I know?"

But the anger and fear on the faces of those mercenaries are clearly getting heavier and heavier!

"Do you still have any masters to help secretly?"

Zhao Zilong was shocked, "Yes! Could it be true!"

"Has anyone been following us secretly?"

When Zhao Zilong thought of this, he couldn't help but be shocked. "So, what's his purpose?"

Lin Xi said coldly, "Since you know it's like this, you still won't let go!"

"Who is he!" A mercenary immediately said harshly.

"We don't know, but don't you know who has mixed up with the scenario you set yourself? What do you eat? What a bunch of rice buckets!"

When those mercenaries saw that the two people were clearly in a desperate situation, they were still calm. They couldn't help but respect them. As for Lin Xi's just scolding them as a bucket, it was a mantra that the officer would say every day. They had long been a common meal and had long been used to it, so they didn't feel like they were born. Angry, just a smile.

"You seem to be prepared!" A mercenary in the middle looked at them and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. A team member had already been injured. Now if he attacks the two of them again, the secret ambush will definitely completely launch a counterattack. Even if his own strength can annihilate them, the open gun is easy to hide and the dark arrow is difficult to prevent! Who knows if the hidden master will attack them again?

The badge on this mercenary is obviously different from other mercenaries. Obviously, he is the leader of this group of mercenaries. Due to the life and death of the whole team, it is really difficult for him to decide for a while.

Lin Xi saw their appearance and understood that they must be a rat taboo, so he smiled and said, "Since you are so afraid of being attacked by that master, why don't you let us go quickly? Isn't we all happy? Anyway, you work for your superiors just to get What you want, so that we can make a deal. As long as you are willing to let us go, I will give you a large amount of money so that you can strengthen your equipment or enjoy a better life. How about that? I think anyone will inevitably feel a little lonely after staying in this place for a long time.

After hearing this, the mercenaries couldn't help but ** each other for a while. When the captain saw them, he immediately roared: "What are you doing? This is just this girl's rhetoric. How can you believe it? Have you forgotten that we have all taken an oath? Pledge to be loyal to the organization!"

A mercenary laughed and said, " boss, but those people did not keep their promises. They promised that if we would stay here for three years, they would immediately agree to our request and give us a greater training base and wealth, but they suddenly changed their decision yesterday. Do you think we should continue to work for those who go back on their backsies?

"FUCK!" The captain immediately roared, "It's simply nonsense. It's our duty to obey the instructions. How can we have different ideas? It seems that you are no longer suitable to stay in our team. I have no problem if you want to defect to them, but you have to ask these brothers if they will tolerate a scum like you to continue to exist!"

When the other mercenaries heard this, they immediately aimed at the mercenary.

The mercenary waved his hand in a hurry and looked embarrassed. "I'm just joking. Why should you take it seriously?"

The mercenary captain snorted, looked at Zhao Zilong and Lin Xi again, and said, "We don't want to embarrass you, but we are responsible. After being ordered by our superiors, we must kill you. If you cross our defense line, then we are not qualified to continue to be hired by the organization, not only Hong Center, organizations in all countries will no longer hire us, so we will become a group of vagrant soldiers. Can you imagine what a miserable scene it is?

Lin Xi sighed and said slowly, "Then you still want to do something to us, right?"

The mercenary captain nodded and said, "That's right."

Lin Xi said, "If I can make you quickly have the force that can occupy the whole Pudong, will you still insist on killing us?"

The mercenary captain was stunned, "What?"

Zhao Zilong was also shocked and looked at Lin Xi in a daze, "What are you talking about? Are you crazy?"

Lin Xi ignored him and continued to say, "To tell you the truth, I am the daughter of Lin Zhuohang of the First Affiliated Research Institute of Tianhong. Recently, my father has been making the latest terrorist weapons for Tianhong Center, and has made great progress, and some of the weapons are ready to be shipped to Tianhong Center at any time, but this However, it aroused the covet of another terrorist organization. In order to get these weapons, they did not hesitate to coerces and lure us, but my father also did not agree to them out of his loyalty to Tianhong, so he sent me out to find an outstanding and firm person to complete the task with me and escort weapons. Now I finally found this person..."

Speaking of this, she looked at Zhao Zilong, who was completely stunned and looked at her in horror and wanted to say something, but his chest always hurt, but he couldn't say anything.

The mercenary captain looked at Zhao Zilong and asked in a daze, "Is what he said true?"

Zhao Zilong immediately shouted, "No! What she said is all false! It must be fake! She's lying to you!"

If Lin Xi simply threatened them, Zhao Zilong would never be so excited, but she actually said the purpose of being with her, just to ask him to help her escort weapons! So didn't she become the tool she used? It's not just like him and be with him, this... How does this tell him to accept the truth?

"Tell me, you're lying to them, you're just lying to them, aren't you!"

Zhao Zilong stared at Lin Xi closely. Lin Xi looked at his fierce face and couldn't help trembling all over!"