Dream Journey

Chapter 17 Amazing War 1

"It's so fast!"

Lin Xi was shocked, but his men were absolutely unambiguous!

"Come on!"

She only felt a stream of air that seemed to swallow everything through the whole room and also through the time. At this moment, she felt that the air was suddenly frozen in an instant, and she couldn't help making a shocking roar. This roar, which may resist for a moment, will bring a trace of deterrence to the other party?

Unfortunately, she can't do it at all. The other party's airflow has already drowned everything, and the whole space seems to be trembling. How can she avoid it?

She felt that her clothes were being disintegrated into pieces by the airflow, and even the deepest secrets of her body would be completely exposed!

Lin Xi couldn't help but be shocked and angry, and immediately struggled to scold angrily: "Shameless villain! Unexpectedly, such a trick was used! Do you still have humanity? Are you still human?"

When Lin Cong heard this, the airflow in his palm seemed to weaken slightly and said with a ferocious smile, "As long as you obediently say where the weapon is, then I will let you go. You also know how to cherish the girl's reputation and is afraid of spring suddenly leaking, okay! I'll give you this last chance. If you still refuse to cooperate, then... you can't blame me..."

Lin Xi heard this, her face had turned pale. The corners of her mouth moved a few times and finally said, "Okay! I promise you that I will get the weapon with you now, please...please let me go..."

Lin Cong showed a trace of pride and immediately withdrew her hands. Lin Xi was caught off guard and lost the support of the airflow. She fell to the ground heavily.

She held her body tightly, shy and tearful, but this expression only made her original beautiful appearance more pitiful, which made people not only heartbeat, but also heartbreaking!

Lin Cong didn't look at her, but found a policewoman's military uniform from the wardrobe, threw it to her, and said coldly, "Change your clothes and take me away immediately."

Lin Xi had already realized at this time that this person was ostensibly the head of the bomb disposal department, but in fact he had already had a desire to rebel. As for why he planned to rebel and what purpose he planned to achieve, although Lin Xi did not know, she had no choice but to hesitate at this time!

She picked up the clothes on the ground and looked at Lin Cong. Her eyes turned around, but there was no trace of it.

Lin Cong was stunned, so he suddenly realized that he turned around gently, and a smile appeared on his face.

Lin Xi quickly changed into a military uniform, and Lin Cong slowly turned his head. At a glance, he couldn't help but be stunned and then marveled.

Lin Xi, who changed into a military uniform, not only looks heroic, but also has an inviolable pressure all over her body. Lin Cong couldn't help thinking that if she faced herself in this outfit at the beginning, would she still think of using that means to force her to comply?

"Okay, let's go."


Lin Cong frowned and finally couldn't stand it. He shouted, "What else do you want to do?"

Lin Xi said softly, "Can I look at him again?"

Lin Cong was slightly stunned and said, "Why don't you just want me to let him go?"

Lin Xi sneered and said, "If I ask you to do this, it will be too naive. He can threaten me before he gets the weapon. How can you let him go?"

Lin Cong laughed and said, "You really know the current affairs. In this case, why did you force me to take action just now? I really feel sorry in my heart.

Lin Xi ignored him and only lowered his body. Looking at Zhao Zilong, he suddenly spit out a sentence.

Although Zhao Zilong could not hear this sentence in a coma, he would hear it immediately when he woke up. This is Lin Xi's unique stunt. He can temporarily freeze the sound. When Zhao Zilong wakes up, the sound will naturally wake up. Even if Lin Cong can't see it, he is afraid it's difficult for him to understand even if he can see it. It will be wonderful.

Lin Xi stood up and said coldly to Lin Cong, "Let's go."

Lin Cong breathed a sigh of relief, and then waved his hand. The door of the office immediately opened. Lin Xi walked out in a low foot. When Lin Cong passed the door, he suddenly whispered to the two armed police soldiers at the door: "You must take good care of him and don't let him leave here for half a step, okay?"

The two immediately nodded, and then walked into the door, staring at Zhao Zilong coldly.

Walking out of the bomb disposal department, the two came to a seemingly special elevator surrounded by haptics. Lin Cong smiled gently and said, "Do you know what's the difference between this elevator and an ordinary elevator?"

Lin Xi said coldly: "Of course, I know that this is a Wanying elevator specially designed for emergencies. No matter where you want to go, as long as you touch your finger with your mind, you can immediately go anywhere in Tianhong Center and leave here directly."

"Completely correct." Lin Cong smiled and said, "However, not everyone can use it casually. Only the top leaders of Tianhong or those who have made top achievements to Tianhong can freely enter and exit here. Do you know that this used to be my biggest dream, but now, it is just my ladder to my dream, only this That's all."

"So, it seems that you have a high status now, and you don't lack honor status, so what else do you want?"

Lin Xi looked at Lin Cong in surprise. She never understood why people are always so insatiable?

"Because I have always protected the center of Tianhong, it is impossible for Tianhong to stand here today without my existence. Therefore, it can be said that without me, my companions, those teachers and students, those masters, and those self-righteous guys can't live at all. Now, it can be said that their lives and everything they have are given by me! But what did my companion and I get? Not only is the lack of funds, but also Tianhong has been renovated and equipped with everything, but no one cares about everything here. Maybe they think that the world is peaceful and peaceful now, so they don't need us anymore. This is not crossing the river to demolish the bridge, this is simply ungrateful! Therefore, we must take action, otherwise, we will be forgotten here and forgotten by history, so... do you understand?"

"So, what exactly do you want to do?"

Lin Xi looked at him faintly and made him feel that she didn't seem to care about all this, so she only smiled faintly and said, "This has nothing to do with you, because our goal is not you, but those idiots and buckets who hold power. I will destroy them and wipe them cleanly, and you can choose to join or How about choosing to stand by?"