Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 5 Fengqi School District

After the footsteps went away, the man took a breath and pulled Chi Xiaomi out of the bushes.

He turned his head and saw Chi Xiaomi staring at his two big eyes doubtfully and explained with a smile, "Don't be afraid, I'm saving you."

"Help me?"

"Don't you know that Fengluo has a dark patrol at night recently? If you find that the students don't return home at night, they will be locked up.

"Is that so?" Chi Xiaomi didn't believe what the person who suddenly talked to him said. Didn't you just say that I lost something?

"That's right. You lost your soul, don't you lose something?


Chi Xiaomi was a little helpless at the bottom of his heart. If you pick up, you will say pick up, and you will lose your soul. However, when he talked to her like this, Chi Xiaomi's inferiority that would have crushed her suddenly disappeared.

It's just that she doesn't seem to be a beautiful girl who will attract attention or attract people to talk to?

"You are a guard, aren't you?" The boy suddenly changed the topic.

Chi Xiaomi was stunned and said, "How do you know?"

"Good girl, I'm just testing it." The boy suddenly laughed. I have to say that this boy has a particularly bright smile. It made people relax their guard at once, as if they had met the big brother next door when he was a child.

"Then I want to ask, what's so powerful about the Guard?" Chi Xiaomi suddenly became curious.

"Do you want to know?" The boys are brighter.

"If you don't say it, forget it." As soon as Chi Xiaomi bowed his head, he was about to leave. The boy hurried over and grabbed her and said, "You are really boring? Why do you give up so easily?

"Anyway, you don't know. You're not teasing me." Chi Xiaomi hummed angrily.

"I..." The boy wanted to explain something when the phone suddenly rang. He had to let go of Chi Xiaomi's hand and said, "I can't tell you today. If you want to know, come to Fengluo's school infirmary to find me." My name is Xiaotian. At that time, I will give you an unexpected surprise.

After saying that, the boy ran away in a hurry.

In the end, Chi Xiaomi still didn't know the real secret of the Guard. Moreover, she also found a fatal problem.

It's already dark, and she doesn't have a place to sleep!

Oh, my God! This problem is too fatal!

What did she do on the first day of the report? Unexpectedly, this first-class livelihood event has not been solved! Her luggage is still in the teacher's office.

Tonight, I won't want to...sleep on the bench...

It's so cold... Dean, did you take away my quilt again... I know my younger brothers and sisters are also cold, but I'm even colder...

Chi Xiaomi, who was curled up on a bench somewhere on the campus last night, was having a bleak dream. In her dream, she has been looking for a place to keep warm because of the cold. Finally, she picked up a hot sweet potato. She was so happy that she squeezed the sweet potato tightly with both hands and rubbed it back and forth.

It's so warm... Sweet potato, you are sent by God to save me...

She said happily to the sweet potato.

The sweet potato suddenly cracked, revealing its big yellow mouth and said, "Have you touched it enough?"

Water? Did the sweet potato speak? Even sweet potatoes are monsters in Fengluoli?!

Don't let people go to school?!

Chi Xiaomi shouted and sat up. A pair of big dark purple eyes suddenly appeared in front of her, which scared her instinctively shrank back and fell directly under the chair.

"Why are you here?!" Chi Xiaomi asked angrily.

She doesn't need to look at her and knows that the owner of this eye is nothing else. It must be the uncertain and violent Huang Yeyuan!

Huang Yeyuan looked at the embarrassed Chi Xiaomi calmly, slowly put his hand into his pocket, and said, "If you have enough, turn your face. You human beings are really the most shameless creatures."

"Are you reviewing your own evil deeds yesterday?" Chi Xiaomi got up, clapped his hands on the dirt on his forehead, and was about to leave the bench.

"You are a very annoying girl." The voice of Huang Yeyuan came from afar.

I know.

Chi Xiaomi replied in his heart.

However, that actually has nothing to do with you.

As soon as I looked up, I found that Huang Yeyuan had walked in front of her at some point. His thin back shuttled down the road of pink petals, like a movie.

Chi Xiaomi's destination is Mr. Bi's office, and Fengluoli is divided into three main teaching areas. They are the wind rising, the clouds falling, and the stars falling. One of the most famous is the wind. This is also the school district where Huang Yeyuan studied. Fengqi School District is semi-closed in Fengluo College. The students here are the top of the college, so their school uniforms are different from the other two school districts. The school district that Chi Xiaomi is going to is called Xingluo. The students of Xingluo are all specially recruited guards. Because it is a specially recruited student, it has mixed qualifications, and there are even ruffian bad teenagers. In Yunxing, most of them are students with specialties from all over the world.

According to common sense, Xingluo's students are the worst-qualified of the three school districts, and the chance of entering the wind should be the least. But Feng Luo has a strange rule. Every student who rises in the wind must choose an accompanying student in the fall of the stars.

Therefore, many students began to think of ways to make friends with the students of the wind, because the gap between the wind and the fall of the clouds is also quite large.

Now, in the popular high school, in fact, only Huang Yeyuan has not been accompanied by him.

I don't know the reason.

Maybe he is too proud and dazzling, so no one dares to stand beside him!

Mr. Bi is the teacher of Xingluo, and Chi Xiaomi began to walk to Xingluo according to the road signs.

Just as the next intersection was about to turn, Huang Yeyuan, who had been walking in front of him, didn't know when he came to Chi Xiaomi.

"I'm going the wrong way."

Chi Xiaomi looked up at the road sign, pointed to it, and said, "I'm going to Xingluo School District. It's this road."

"I said, wrong." There is unshakable strength in his tone.

Why is this person so unreasonable? He is obviously wrong and righteous. She suddenly remembered what Mr. Bi said yesterday:

"One day, you will call out the name loudly, which doesn't feel uncomfortable."

It's too prescious to think about a lot of words at this moment!

She really wants to shout: Huang Yeyuan, you domineering bad silver!!!

But why does she have to pay attention to him?

At this time, Chi Xiaomi still doesn't know what Huang Yeyuan, or what the title of emperor represents in Fengluo College.

If she knew, if she was timid, she would never turn again at this intersection.

Chi Xiaomi lowered his head to bypass Huang Yeyuan, but Huang Yeyuan stretched out his arm and stopped her.

"Do you hate me very much? Why do you care where I go? I don't care about you as far away as possible?" Chi Xiaomi whispered angrily.

It still hurts where he fell yesterday.

The dark purple pupil of Huang Yeyuan slipped to the corner of his eyes and said coldly, "I usually don't say repeated words, but..."

"But what about it?" Chi Xiaomi wrinkled his indignant little face and asked back.

"If you say it, you will bear the consequences."

"Bah..." That's all...

Chi Xiaomi lowered his head to get under Huang Yeyuan's arm. As soon as he bent down, his feet suddenly lighted and his body left the ground.

Huang Yeyuan picked her up with one hand, raised her hand, and Chi Xiaomi flew directly into the air.

It's too late to scream.

Then, the great Huang Yeyuan threw it all the way, catch it, throw it again, and catch it again. It's like playing with a water bottle, all the way to the windy school district.

The scene seen by the students passing by on the road actually looked at him with admiration.

It's really not what ordinary people can do to play with people like this.

Chi Xiaomi seemed to be on a roller without any security measures, and was constantly flipped. It was not until the windy school district gate that Huang Yeyuan left her at the door.

Chi Xiaomi, who finally landed, fell to the ground, his eyes turned around and foamed at his mouth.

"I don't like anything repetitive, including talking. I'm in the first class of high school. When you leave, remember to come and report.

After saying that slowly, Huang Yeyuan walked away gracefully.

Rough... scum!!!

Don't treat her as a person at all!

Chi Xiaomi vomited for most of the day before he woke up. He reluctantly got up and walked to the gate of the school district. She is really afraid of his rough way of rubbeing.

He should have heard Huang Yeyuan's words, and the student on duty did not question her identity.

After entering the door, Chi Xiaomi was directly stunned.