Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 12 The Most Beautiful Freshman

The two of them went out of the student's office. Chi Xiaomi's legs softened and he knelt on the ground.

There was a trembling in the eyes.

My life, I picked it up!

Ye Qianxiu squatted in front of her. The beautiful Qian Shuifeng looked at her poor face with a smile. With a gentle smile, she stretched out a hand and gently touched the green silk in front of her forehead.

"Don't be afraid, she is not your opponent. In this world, no one is stronger than you.

"You just transferred here, didn't you? How do you know that I am the strongest guard? Chi Xiaomi understood it this way, and what Ye Qianxiu said was slightly different from hers. The strongest is not only the Guards.

"I'm here for fame, so I must know you!"

Pulling Chi Xiaomi to stand up, he opened his warm palm and wrapped her little hand in it. Like an intimate couple.

Feeling the temperature of a strange boy, Chi Xiaomi was instinctively stunned.

There is no shyness, panic, or even the oppression of Huang Yeyuan pulling her. It exists and is inexplicable familiarity.

That kind of warmth once fit in the depths of the soul.

She suddenly wanted to cry, like a long-lost relative.

Maybe Ye Qianxiu just rescued her, maybe Feng Luo was overly frightened, maybe... too many inexplicable, maybe, Chi Xiaomi suddenly rushed into his arms and cried loudly.

"I don't want to stay here. Take me away! I'm afraid of dying. I'm really dead. I'm really dead! Whoo-hoo..."

The students in the corridor all looked back and watched what had happened. Ye Qianxiu ignored anyone's eyes and let Chi Xiaomi cry in his arms for the first time.

Slowly, there were more and more people and became onlookers. A girl suddenly screamed, "Prince Ye came to Fengluo!" Oh my God! The most beautiful god appeared!"

"Do you know him?" The girl next to her immediately asked.

There is no doubt that the girls are amazed at the beauty of Ye Qianxiu. There are many handsome men in Fengluo, but they can't find one that can match Ye Qianxiu.

"Uh-huh, I know. At the National Congress that year, I saw him on the stage from afar. Do you know? In our place, he is the male god that all girls want to marry the most. The girl answered excitedly. It's as if the dream of the past has come true today.

The crowd was in an uproar.

Chi Xiaomi vented his grievances in his heart and suddenly fainted. Ye Qianxiu couldn't hear her crying. He lowered his head and found that she had closed her eyes.

He smiled, and there was an amazing sound around him, both men and women.

After casually asking the people around him where the medical office was, Ye Qianxiu picked up Chi Xiaomi and strode through the crowd and left.

Wherever he walked, there seemed to be pure crystal snowflakes, confused everyone's eyes, and staring at his leaving back.

Wu Ma Jing quietly watched the two people leave at the door of the student office and spit out two words contemptuously: "Waste."

After a class, the news that Ye Qianxiu's most beautiful god came to Fengluo spread

The Lord Ye, who caused **, now calmly appreciated Chi Xiaomi's sleeping face. Several female nurses in the infirmary looked at the warm scene with blushing and stamped feet outside the door.

"That ugly monster saved the country in his last life? Why are all the boys around you so handsome!" The nurse said with formic acid.

"I think she must be the kind of person who can pretend to be poor and take advantage of the sympathy of the princes. Why don't you run to the hospital in three days? Nurse Yixian was jealous.

When Ye Qianxiu heard the discussion, he turned around and smiled gently and said, "You are the ugly, and you pretend to be pitiful."

After saying that, he continued to look at Chi Xiaomi gently.

A cold wind blew, and the two nurses petrified in an instant, and the sound of falling to the ground woke up Chi Xiaomi.

She suddenly sat up and shouted, "Wu Ma Jingyi, you can't kill me!"

Blinking, but there is no female demon who kills in her dream.

"Moon, you finally woke up. My waist hurts when I sit. Sure enough, I'm still not suitable for walking upright. Ye Qianxiu said, lying on the ground, looking at Chi Xiaomi with his lovely eyes.

A moment of sternation.

The chagriny and shyness that was still in the arms of my reckless wolf suddenly disappeared.

Does he think he is a pet?

"That..." Chi Xiaomi said dryly, "Thank you for saving me. I'll take you to the office to report now."

In the streetful gaze of the nurses, Ye Qianxiu and Chi Xiaomi swaggered away from the infirmary.

The moment he walked to the gate, Ye Qianxiu looked back.

There was no figure he was looking for in the crowd. He smiled and caught up with Chi Xiaomi and left together.

After walking far away, a figure quickly disappeared at the corner of the corridor.

He and Ye Qianxiu walked to the office of Fengqi, and Chi Xiaomi secretly looked at the smiling and gentle boy beside him.

Handsome and handsome, there is no doubt about it.

If it is compared with the heavenly emperor's night abyss, it will not be inferior, because he is always laughing, which will make people more like and trust.

Yes, that's how handsome guys can be popular with thousands of girls, really perfect boys.

The tyrant of Huang Yeyuan is simply relying on his face. In addition to his face, he is also a monster and irritable...

Wait, why did she compare these two people together? Can't she resist the beauty of Huang Yeyuan**?

Chi Xiaomi bit her teeth with hatred. Sooner or later, she will escape from Fengluo sooner or later! Wait and see.

After sending Ye Qianxiu to the office, Chi Xiaomi strode back to the classroom.

At the beginning of this section, after saluting the teacher, she hurried to her seat.

Huang Yeyuan was like a big bomb, holding his arms with a black face, and staring at the front fiercely, as if he didn't see Chi Xiaomi coming, but at the moment Chi Xiaomi sat down, he raised his foot and kicked her chair away.


A strong buttocks flattened back, and the classroom immediately laughed.

Wen Jinghong shook his head repeatedly at Huang Yeyuan and said, "Tianjiao, this unique way of spoiling is too fierce for Xiaomi's sister. You have to guide slowly so that your sister can gradually get better~ Otherwise, you can't enjoy the ultimate pleasure. It's really a waste of good spring. Oh, roar, roar~~~"

"The noisy duck." Huang Yeyuan raised his hand and rewarded him with a chestnut on his head.

Wen Jinghong flattened his mouth and said to Chi Xiaomi, "You see it, sister Xiaomi. His brothers and sisters are mutilated, and you will die if you follow him sooner or later. Why don't you follow me..."

Before he finished speaking, Huang Yeyuan had pulled Chi Xiaomi on the ground out of the classroom.

Huang Yeyuan pulled her to the unmanned reserve room with a dark face, threw the door vigorously, and then pinched Chi Xiaomi's chin with a big hand and said harshly, "Do you want to escape?"

In her eyes were anger that could not be seen to the bottom at a glance, struggling to erupt, drowning her helpless.

"I don't have it!"

Chi Xiaomi replied loudly. Didn't he know that she fainted? Wu Ma Jingyi must have known that he would not tell him kindly, and he was so arrogant that he would never put down to ask others.

However, it seems that he spoke so excitedly for the first time today. He was usually lazy to death, and he couldn't hear any emotional ups and downs.

"It's good if you don't have it. In the future, you are not allowed to leave me two meters away without my permission! Even if you die, you will die in front of me.

"That... If I die, I may not be able to control it."

"Shut up, so much nonsense!" He roared furiously, and Chi Xiaomi shivered, remembered the moment when he showed his true appearance, and hurriedly nodded to make peace.

"I understand, Lord Tianjiao!"

"What adult and villain, call me emperor in the future." Huang Yeyuan instantly turned back to the lazy state of the god, opened the door, and his thighs walked away.

Are all monsters so fickle...?

Hehe, it's so difficult for people to adapt.

Chi Xiaomi took two deep breaths and also walked out of the door. As soon as the door was closed, it fell into a warm embrace.

"Moon, let's meet again."

The gentle voice is very familiar. It seems to be the boy who just wanted something...

Chi Xiaomi turned around in surprise, and Ye Qianxiu smiled warmly.

"I transferred to Class One. I won't happen to be a classmate with you, right?"

"Uh...ah?" Chi Xiaomi just wanted to say, yes, what a coincidence, or something, but he felt that the air was getting cold in an and of an age.

Turning his head, Huang Yeyuan somehow turned back and stood there with a haze, staring coldly at Ye Qianxiu.

Ye Qianxiu also put away his smiling face and looked back coldly.

Two cold sights docked in the air, and sparks splashed everywhere.

In the middle of the sound, Huang Yeyuan suddenly stretched out his arm and took Chi Xiaomi in his arm, and said arrogantly, "Newcomer, this is my pet. If you leave your dirty smell, you will pay the price of your life!"