Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 18 Unexpected End

The students are still slowly releasing the roses in their hands, one by one, full of admiration for the male gods.

Lin Ruomeng walked to Huang Yeyuan, who suddenly stood up, and asked softly, "Huang Yeyuan, do you want to quit now?"

Huang Yeyuan looked at Lin Ruomeng coldly and asked for a long time, "Where do you see the word exit?" Is it written on my face?"

"Humor is so cold, but men should be as domineering as you." Lin Ruomeng smiled and raised a rose in her hand and said, "If you vote, I will tell you that I will vote for you." However, a man who gave up halfway does not deserve the admiration of my Lin Ruomeng. Continue, or..."

She whispered two words beside Huang Yeyuan: "Escape?!"

Huang Yeyuan suddenly wanted to pinch this goblin to death.

He didn't want to escape, he just swallowed an unidentified flying creature, which was a little disgusting.

A hateful creature who wants to kill but can't kill and wants to covet his own possessions.

Ye Qianxiu, why do you have to delay Xiaomi? Huang Yeyuan looked up at Ye Qianxiu, who was sitting on the crystal throne, and his mind flashed. Could it be that Chi Xiaomi was the legendary lover in his previous life?

Ye Qianxiu is a well-known aristocrat in the country, so there are many people who want to marry their daughter to him. Unfortunately, his most famous is his infatuation.

A lover who has been dead for many years, Ye Qianxiu has been persistently looking for her, believing that she must still live somewhere in the world.

I feel that she will definitely be reincarnated.

Reincarnation? Return the soul spell with your life?

It is said that cats have nine lives, which actually refers to the spells that can only be used by the top wizards in the cat demon. This spell can preserve the soul and memory of the cat demon and has been reincarnated nine times.

However, Huang Yeyuan believes that this possibility is almost zero. The most powerful man of the cat demon's great wizard family is dead.

Yes, it's a pity that he died so easily...

Huang Yeyuan fell into some place in his thoughts, and returned to the topic after half a sound: Chi Xiaomi.

Chi Xiaomi is a human being, pure can't be pure human. The cat demon has nine lives, but it is impossible to be reincarnated as a human being. So, what is the real purpose of Ye Qianxiu?

Will it be a new trap for King Mu?

The Emperor Yeyuan suddenly ignited his fighting spirit again.

King Mu, you old dwarf really doesn't give up. As soon as the killer left, another nobleman was sent.

So what? Come on, kill one!

The ballot was over, and someone began to count the roses. When the counters counted in a nervous and orderly manner, Huang Yeyuan walked to the front of the stage. Proud and sharp eyes glanced at the students under the stage, and an idea of strangling Ye Qianxiu was formed in his mind.

He is a proud man admired by everyone, and no one can replace him in Fengluo.

No matter how many fans Ye Qianxiu has, it is not as powerful as his appeal.

So, the game is meaningless in any way.

Of course he can't wait to kill him!

Ye Qianxiu, you think you can compete with me, that's because I haven't tried my best.

Huang Yeyuan shouted to the microphone, "Today's grand event is unprecedented, but I suddenly have a sense of crisis and suddenly become unconfident."

The originally noisy students immediately calmed down and waited for what he wanted to say below.

"I have been re-elected since the day I came to Fengluo. By this year, it has been appointed for nine years. The world often says that perfect is perfect. So I hope that ten classmates will come to the stage, support me, and pass on the power of your love for me, so that I can be re-elected as the tenth Tianjiao!"

There was a sudden uproar under the stage.

The Emperor Yeyuan, the supreme indifferent and ruly emperor, actually showed weakness in public today.

No, it should be said that he also played a pro-people card.

Of course, the emperor's fans will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to scramb for registration. Huang Yeyuan selected ten people to go on the stage and let them stand in turn. He took ten red roses from the flower rack, gave them to everyone one by one, and kindly gave everyone a kiss on the forehead.

This move immediately made the fans under the stage cry.

"Emperor, we will always love you! Forever and ever!"

Lin Ruomeng squinted and looked at Huang Yeyuan's every move, and there was doubt in his heart.

Is this person still Huang Yeyuan?

That strong and arrogant man will not make such a fake and numb act.

Huang Yeyuan said to the ten people on the stage, "I have given you my most sincere prayer. Next, it's up to you to tell my opponents how powerful I am!"

Huang Yeyuan turned his head and looked at Ye Qianxiu, pointed and said, "Go and tell him!"

Ten people immediately ran over and surrounded Ye Qianxiu in the middle.

Ye Qianxiu looked at Huang Yeyuan doubtfully and didn't know what medicine was sold in his gourd.

It's good not to be seen through. Ten people, perfect. The ancient and mysterious cobweb spell is the fulcrum that requires ten spiritual powers. If he puts this fulcrum in person, it will definitely arouse Ye Qianxiu's suspicion.

So, there was a scene just now. He put the fulcrum of spiritual power on the foreheads and roses of ten people, so that the surrounded Ye Qianxiu could not fly!

Huang Yeyuan clenched his right palm and was ready to stimulate the spell.

Killing Ye Qianxiu in full view of the public made him feel extremely excited.

He walked over step by step, and the posture on his hand changed faster and faster. Ye Qianxiu looked at the ten people with a smile, and when he was puzzled, the phone on his body vibrated.

Ye Qianxiu lowered his head, took out the phone and picked it up. He didn't see Huang Yeyuan, who was already full of murderous eyes, in front of him. Just when Huang Yeyuan raised his right hand and released the must-kill blow, Ye Qianxiu suddenly stood up and stepped under the stage with an arrow.

Huang Yeyuan's hand was frozen in the air, and it was not until Ye Qianxiu's figure disappeared into the boundless crowd that he slowly let it down.

Are you detected?

Ten students looked back at Huang Yeyuan. He was looking at the place where Ye Qianxiu disappeared with a thoughtful face.

It is impossible to be detected. If he finds that he wants to kill him, he will inevitably fight back.

Because he is not a person who has no ability to fight back.

So, what exactly is the reason...

He was suddenly curious.

Lin Ruomeng, who had been standing behind Huang Yeyuan, saw this scene and narrowed her eyes slightly, like a fox plotting something.

The direct consequence of Ye Qianxiu's sudden departure is that Tianjiao's selection has once again become a personal show of Huang Yeyuan.

Originally, there were two parts of the competition, but now they are all cancelled.

Because the opponent suddenly disappeared, Huang Yeyuan was re-elected as Fengluo Tianjiao.

Since Huang Yeyuan pked all the handsome men and beautiful women of Quanfengluo in the competition in the sixth grade of primary school, in Fengluo College, all the students of junior high school, senior high school and college did not participate in the selection of Fengluo Tianjiao, because in that year, they lost too bleakly. A little boy beat the beauty.

If it hadn't been for the arrival of Ye Qianxiu, there would not have been a long-seen top of the king competition this year.


, the program was nothing more than the fan representatives of the masses expressed their support for Tianjiao. Lin Ruomeng sang a song and had a bonfire dinner for all students.

Huang Yeyuan looked lazily at the bonfire in the distance, with four words in his heart: bored to the top

Suddenly, I don't want to continue to be this toy-like leader. His heart and his ambition are not in the kingdom of toys.

He wants to return to the capital and defeat King Mu, which is a disgrace to the Xue family.

The wind at night is actually a little cold. The wind in the rooftop is even worse.

He curled up on the lounge chair, and the picture of when he wanted to attack Ye Qianxiu repeatedly appeared in his mind... There was no omission. Why did he suddenly leave? Who discovered his murderous intention...

After thinking about it again and again, he fell asleep uneasily.


He never dreams, because he refuses to dream.

The world in the dream is always so cold that people can't stand on their feet. The so-called warmth in the world must not exist for him. Therefore, he turned himself into sunshine and a powerful existence that others could not look at directly.

So, who can tell him that at this moment, what appears in his mind is a dream?

What is that beam of light that is more dazzling than him, coming from the sky far away?

He stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, but found the existence of a person in his fingers.

Who is it? Can you shine stronger than him?

Is it Ye Qianxiu? He doesn't think that person will be so strong.

Looking at it carefully, I was suddenly horred!

The owner of the dazzling light actually came from the unamazing-looking Chi Xiaomi!