Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 20 Ward Battle

The pale face gradually stained with a trace of rosy, and Chi Xiaomi's breathing began to become powerful.

Huang Yeyuan quietly looked at his blood and was entering the body of Chi Xiaomi, who was once sloppy to the point of disgust.

If Chi Xiaomi was more beautiful, maybe he would not treat him so rudely and coldly.

Pretty appearance is common for strange kings, so the ugliness of human beings really disgusts them.

But with the help of the ability of such an ugly creature...


What heavy eyelids...

I slept for a long time. I don't know if it's past class time...

Chi Xiaomi tried his best to summon his reason back from the darkness and opened his eyes with difficulty.

Where is this...?

The sun shines through the window of the mirror, and the warmth falls in the corner. The light green walls and snow-white sheets, the ticking sound of the machine intertwined into a cognition...

This is the ward.

She sat up hard. The body has no strength at all, as if it doesn't belong to me. There is a stream of heat wandering through the limbs and internal organs, which feels very strange.

Why is she like this?

Are you sick?

No, she has never been sick. This is the only place that the dean of the orphanage praised her, which saved a lot of medical expenses!

So, what's the reason...

The last memory in her mind was that she fainted at the gate of Fengluo.

Still recalling, the people in the ward suddenly opened, and a familiar figure came in.

Chi Xiaomi opened his mouth and smiled and said, "It's you..."

Before the word "ah" was exported, it was banned by those who came.

Ye Qianxiu gently closed the door, walked to Chi Xiaomi, and asked softly, "Do you feel better?"

Chi Xiaomi nodded with a smile, but asked doubtfully, "Why am I here?" Am I sick?

Ye Qianxiu's gentle eyes were stained with a trace of anger and said, "You're not sick, you're almost dead. Someone wants you to die!"

For those who wanted her to die, Chi Xiaomi immediately thought of Wu Ma Jingyi.

"She won't!"

"Do you know who it is?" Ye Qianxiu was quite surprised. He doesn't think that Chi Xiaomi knows the thousand-year-old feud between the cat demon and the dog demon.

"Haven't you seen it? Last time she wanted to strangle me, the president of the witch horse. Chi Xiaomi said angrily.

Ye Qianxiu stretched out his hand and gently touched her soft hair, and an indescribable warm current came from the palm of his hand, as if to comfort her.

Chi Xiaomi raised his head in confusion and looked at the prince Yuyan, whom he loved.

Familiar, familiar with bone marrow...

Warm, warm as if it once belonged to...

She slowly stretched out her hand, climbed on his wrist, took his hand away, and gently put her face close to his arms, little by little...

Whether you are too enthusiastic or crazy, as long as you are a person, you will still feel helpless.

Chi Xiaomi had no thoughts in his mind at this moment, but instinctively approached a dependence, a warm embrace that had not been given since birth.

The sunshine is so beautiful.

Chi Xiaomi relied on Ye Qianxiu's warm embrace and suddenly felt unprecedented strength.

Just rely on it all the time...

Ye Qianxiu gritted his teeth silently.

The wound on the back of Huang Yeyuan last night was still faintly painful, and Chi Xiaomi happened to press on his wound. But he doesn't want to destroy this rare moment.

Reaching out his hand, he wrapped around Chi Xiaomi's thin body.

At this moment, he was actually impatient to wait...

Month, do you finally think of me...

"Come with me..." Ye Qianxiu said in a low voice, sighing.

"Where are you going?" Chi Xiaomi asked gently. The soul in the body waved the flag and shouted and followed him. She couldn't understand her sudden thoughts.

This boy can actually bring himself an unprecedented sense of trust.

"Go to a place where you and I are alone. Is it all right?" Ye Qianxiu asked softly.

Answered him with a cold and arrogant voice: "Go to hell by yourself!"

Ye Qianxiu was shocked and looked back to see that Huang Yeyuan didn't know when he stood at the porch, with a murderous look on his face.

"I warned you."

When Huang Yeyuan spit out these words, he had already come to Ye Qianxiu's side, and the spiritual light ball of his hand had gathered. Ye Qianxiu was afraid of being hurt and Xiaomi hurriedly let her go. In an instant, he could not avoid the attack of Huang Yeyuan.

The light ball burst in front of his chest. With a muffled hum, Ye Qianxiu flew into the wall and fell to the ground.

Chi Xiaomi screamed:

"Don't kill him!"

Huang Yeyuan slowly turned his head, and some unknown darkness flashed in his deep purple eyes.

"Are you worried about him?" His voice was as cold as a glacier in the Arctic.

Chi Xiaomi was stunned.

A lot of things came back to my mind in an instant.

Huang Yeyuan is a monster, which will hurt Ye Qianxiu, but Ye Qianxiu is also a monster. Why does she worry about a monster? What she should worry about is herself!

Was she just thrown into the arms of a monster?

Is this the rhythm of death?

Chi Xiaomi grabbed the quilt and stopped talking. Like a frightened rabbit, he stared at the two boys nervously.

Ye Qianxiu had slowly climbed up from the ground at this time.

Anyway, I have to take Chi Xiaomi away today. Sooner or later, she will be killed by him if she stays with Huang Yeyuan!

"Huang Yeyuan... I know that you had a blood transfusion for Chi Xiaomi yesterday, and you saved her, but you also know in your heart that she will be killed and you can't get rid of it. Let go of Chi Xiaomi. You want to fight until King Mu has nothing to do with me. I just want her."

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth began to bleed.

Huang Yeyuan didn't look at him at all and stared straight at Chi Xiaomi.

"I'm asking you something. Are you worried about him?" He raised his hand and pointed to Ye Qianxiu and roared.

Chi Xiaomi's body shook and stared at Huang Yeyuan.

Why are you angry? Finally, I can't help eating her? No, Mingye Qianxiu said that he saved her. So, she is worried about what Ye Qianxiu is worth being angry about?

Why did he save her? Or is it for her ability? Or is he actually very kind?

Chi Xiaomi's mind is already in a mess.

Afraid, confused, incomprehensible, I don't know how to answer Huang Yeyuan's question.

Are you worried about Ye Qianxiu? She asked herself.

Yes, even if he is a monster, he gives her warmth that human beings have never given her.


"Yes, I don't want him to get hurt or die."

Chi Xiaomi answered seriously. When Ye Qianxiu heard this answer, he suddenly smiled happily and said, "Huang Yeyuan, let's complete us."

The obscurity in Huang Yeyuan's eyes suddenly disappeared, leaving only the lazy brilliance.

That kind of cold arrogance is the pointlessness of not seeing everything in the world.

Ye Qianxiu pressed the wound on his chest and slowly walked to the front of Chi Xiaomi, stretched out a hand to invite: "Come with me..."

Chi Xiaomi took a look at Huang Yeyuan.

In fact, she doesn't have to go with Ye Qianxiu. What's the benefit for her to go from one monster to another?

It's just that Ye Qianxiu's place is really too warm.

Touch the weakness that you didn't know.

Chi Xiaomi instinctively got out of bed, put on his shoes, and took Ye Qianxiu's hand.

The gentleness from another world, a boy who was kind and only good to her, Chi Xiaomi said to himself that even if he was a monster, she was not afraid of him.

Supporting each other, the two of them walked out of the door.

Huang Yeyuan stood straight in place, motionless like a statue.

Walking out of the door of the clinic, Chi Xiaomi couldn't help looking back.

Huang Yeyuan let her go so easily?

Is this...still the self-respecting emperor...

Since she came to Fengluo, everything seems to have been pushed by the hand of fate to push her forward, and she didn't have any spare time to experience and accept it.

In the world of monsters, are they monsters from Hefang?

Why did you form an alliance with her?

What is their real purpose?

Who hurt her after she escaped?

Huang Yeyuan would actually save her...

There was a lot of traffic on the street, and Chi Xiaomi's mind suddenly kept replaying the scene when Huang Yeyuan heard her answer. She was so indifferent, as if she had never known her!

Somewhere in the heart, tens of millions of vines are born, entangled and growing, and crawling everywhere in the body.

Limbs, internal organs, and even the perils of nerves.

She suddenly stopped and suddenly turned around!