Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 29 Crazy Again

At the top of the Crystal Palace is a giant glass sculpture like a crown. The place where the elevator arrives is the center of the crown. Standing at the top, as if standing in a crystal world.

Huang Yeyuan got out of the elevator and saw that the boy was still roaring madly in the sky.

"The world is also a dirty world. God is unjust for the law of the jungle. I work so hard, why can't I get the respect of others, and you still laugh at me!" The boy shouted at the bloody head in his hand, "You laugh, why don't you laugh now!" Hahahaha--!"

Huang Yeyuan frowned and had a bad feeling in his heart. He hurriedly shouted, "You poor man!"

The boy standing high in the middle of the ups and downs of the crown connection turned around stiffly and looked at the two people not far behind him.

The eyes are about to be covered with bright red blood.

"Who do you think is the poor man?" He asked in panic and trembling all over.

Huang Yeyuan winked at Wen Jinghong. Wen Jinghong retreated to one side, and he strode forward and walked towards the boy.

"I said you, why, you don't like to listen!"

"I'm not a poor person!" The boy bowed his body and shouted loudly, and the blood head trembled in his hand, as if he was about to fall off his hand.

"I'm not a poor man... I studied hard, but in the end, I was laughed at by someone who was not as good as me. He said that I was a waste, a garbage, a bedbug.

"Aren't you?" Huang Yeyuan asked loudly.

"Of course I'm not!" With a hoarse answer, the boy threw the head in his hand at the feet of Huang Yeyuan and shouted, "He is! In order to conclude with your alien king, he flattered and framed me and took away my chance to become that person's guard. Let me conclude with a weak alien king. Do you understand the weak? That strange king can't even maintain his human form at all. How can it help my life?!!!"

Huang Yeyuan's face turned black.

Who revealed this matter?! Absolute sin is unforgivable!

There will be a meeting for all the strange kings tomorrow to find out who leaked it, so he doesn't want to stay in Fengluo.

"Hahahaha!" Huang Yeyuan laughed loudly, raised his hand to the boy, and said harshly, "A man who can only find reasons in others in his life will always be a waste! Do you have the ability to kill him, so as not to expose him when he flatters? Now you want to kill others, but you say it's someone else's fault. You are really shameless!"

The boy was reprimanded by him and suddenly froze in place.

The body trembled slightly and shook, and the eyes were empty. It seemed that Huang Yeyuan's words were very reasonable...

Huang Yeyuan blinked at Wen Jinghong.

Wen Jinghong, who had made a detour to the side of the boy, raised his foot and hit the back of his head.


The boy fell to the ground in response, and Huang Yeyuan was slightly relieved. It turns out that dealing with this kind of madman's direct physical attack is the most effective. If I had known, I would not have used those fancy spells in the morning.

Wen Jinghong said to the people on the ground with a playful smile, "I'm sorry, brother. His feet were a little fierce, but this was also to save you..." The more he said, the lower his voice became, because the boy had slowly got up from the ground.

She said, "Poor people must have something to hate. You think that others bully the weak and fear the strong, and sigh that the world is weak and strong. Aren't you the same? You think both of them are better than you. You can't beat them and can't kill them, so you came for the weak me, didn't you?

"I..." The boy was speechless.

Huang Yeyuan and Wen Jinghong applauded in their hearts and said that they were in place.

"Lease it." Chi Xiaomi ordered the boy with a smile.

"No... want..." The boy refused in a low voice, and his fingers pinched harder.

"I said... let go." Chi Xiaomi did not panic at all, but simply repeated the order.

"No!" The boy shouted loudly in resistance and pinched down fiercely. Wen Jinghong and Huang Yeyuan wanted to go up to help, but they felt a shock.

A huge shock wave centered on Xiaomi suddenly burst and shook, directly shaking the boys Huang Yeyuan and Wen Jinghong out.

The whole Crystal Palace also shook for it.

The boy was bumped into the corner of the wall in confusion, and his forehead was broken and bleeding.

And Huang Yeyuan and Wen Jinghong landed their bodies smoothly with spiritual power, but they were also shocked by the power of Chi Xiaomi.

"Your Majesty, have we created a bigger trouble?" Wen Jinghong suddenly felt a little worried in his heart.

Huang Yeyuan did not answer, and he didn't know what his blood made Chi Xiaomi mutate into.


troublesome or a new starting point?

Unknown Chi Xiaomi, what will you bring?

The boy stood up staggeringly again, with much less blood in his eyes.

Chi Xiaomi said with a smile, "Dear classmate, does the pain make you wake up a little? Or do you want to die directly?!" She said that the second shock wave that broke out of her body was surging!