Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 34 The Natre of Memories 2

The saddest place in the world, in the depths of people's memories, is an untouchable place of despair.

Chi Xiaomi stood by the door in the dream and gently opened the door.

This is a ward.

** Lying quietly was a young man with a withered face and deep cheeks, as if he had been tortured by the disease for a long time. On the side of the bed stood a beautiful young woman, looking at the man with a sad expression. When the woman saw Chi Xiaomi coming in, she pulled up a smile and said, "Xiaomi, you're finally here."

"Do you know me?" Chi Xiaomi asked blankly. She doesn't recognize the person in front of her.

"Silly child, how can a mother not know her own child... It seems that you have grown up. It's good. My Xiaomi finally has the courage to come back to see me!" The young woman stretched out her arms with relief, "Come and let mom see you."


Chi Xiaomi has no memory of his mother in his mind. The dean said that both of her parents died when she was three years old, so she had no memory of her parents' appearance.

"Do you say that you are my... mother?" Chi Xiaomi asked nervously.

Countless longings, the person named Mom will appear in her dream. She finally appeared tonight, but it is a little difficult for her to accept.

The dream is so illusory that it makes people sad.

"My child." The young woman looked at her with expectation and expression, always with open arms.

Chi Xiaomi did not hesitate any longer. He strode into the young woman's arms and hugged her tightly. He choked and shouted, "Mom, why did you leave me alone... I'm so scared..."

The young woman patted her on the shoulder comfortingly and said gently, "My poor child, my mother also wants to see you grow up. But mom didn't do it, and even mom couldn't save your father. The only thing I can leave for you is this dream. When you are strong enough, you will not see the dream. When you see this dream, maybe there are people around you who have been assassinated like your father, and their symptoms are such crazy self-harm. When you see this dream, all my sealed memories will be opened. You will understand what happened that year and the cause of our death..."

As the young woman said, her body began to slowly blur...

Chi Xiaomi looked at the gradually nihilistic body in his hand and shouted in panic, "Mom, don't go! Don't leave me alone..."

"Silly child, people always have to grow up. We should also accept the cruelty of the world.

"Mom... I don't want to grow up..." Chi Xiaomi cried in panic, "Don't leave me, I just found you..."

"No one will never grow up. My child, Xiaomi, you have to be strong, be strong, and conquer the world. I know you can do it, my child. Find the murderer and avenge us! Xiaomi, you have to be strong..."

The young woman kept shouting, and her body slowly disappeared.

It was immediately dark all around, and there was no sound.

Chi Xiaomi sat softly in the darkness, crying sadly.

Finally see, father and mother, finally know, father and mother.

I'm not a wild child, and I also have parents. It's just that they can't be with me. They... can't be with her because they were killed. Who killed her parents and who let her live alone in this world?! She wants to find this person, and she wants revenge!

Take away all the happiness that belongs to her, she will find out!

Chi Xiaomi suddenly sat up from **, gasping for breath, and bullying violently on his chest.

The ward was quiet, and only the cool wind slowly blew in through the window.

There seemed to be something different. Chi Xiaomi suddenly widened his eyes.

People's memories before the age of three are basically zero.

Even if it happens in front of you, you won't remember it. But Chi Xiaomi suddenly found that the memory that should not exist appeared extremely clearly in his mind.

In memory, it is a sea of pain...

The young father didn't know what illness he had. He had been howling in pain, and his handsome face had dried up in just a few days.

When he gets sick, he will always throw things irritably and destroy everything in the house.

Occasionally, when he wakes up, he will look at Chi Xiaomi sadly and say hoarsely: Xiaomi, save Dad, can you save Dad... Dad hurts so much... Can you take out the things in Dad's mind with your little hand...


, there is a deep sigh.

Chi Xiaomi frowned and recalled the sad scene.

Maybe her father is seriously ill?

The memory continues.

The tortured father began to beat his mother manicaticly. When he went crazy, he threw Chi Xiaomi to the ground and fell to death. My mother tried hard to stop it and saved Xiaomi. The tragic days went on and on, and finally one day, my father was completely crazy.

He raised his shotgun and aimed it at his beloved wife.

A shot, the father and mother fell into a pool of blood at the same time...

The young Chi Xiaomi staggered to the two people and innocently looked at his parents who were motionless. The father's eyes became extremely red, and the corners of his eyes kept bleeding, while the mother held her father's hand tightly. A blood hole in the chest was shocking.

Memory, that's all.

Chi Xiaomi tightly grabbed the corner of the quilt and shouted in pain!

Why! Why did the father kill the mother, and why did he do such a cruel thing?!


Hearing the cry, Wen Jinghong hurriedly opened the door and walked in, and asked, "What's the matter, little one?" What happened?"

"Mom... My mother is dead..." Chi Xiaomi looked at the front with empty eyes, "It was killed by my father himself!"

Wen Jinghong was silent for a moment, walked to her near her, and gently hugged her in his arms.

"Little one, don't be afraid... Everything has passed and it won't happen..." He raised his hand, gently gathered a ball of spiritual power, and attached it to the back of her head.

A warm stream of words came from the palm of his hand into Chi Xiaomi's brain, and slowly she closed her eyes.

I'm sorry, little one, I'm hypnotizing you with spiritual power.

It's just at this moment that you can't have any unexpected situation. Your Majesty, I really need your help.

The sun penetrates the eyes and wakes up the sleeping person.

Chi Xiaomi opened his eyes and felt that someone was holding her hand tightly. He turned his head and looked at it. Huang Yeyuan fell asleep by the bed, clenched his big hand, and relaxed for a moment.

Do you need her ability?

Chi Xiaomi looked at his face quietly, and what kept chumping in his mind was the memory of last night.

Whe woke up, she was no longer excited and afraid, but she couldn't help but feel pain in her heart...

Mom said she would avenge her and her father, but she was killed by her father. Her father is also dead, so who does she want to take revenge with? This human tragedy has come to an end early.

Suddenly, she remembered the girl in the ward last night.

The mother left her own dream. She was awakened when she saw the crazy girl, right? After all, my mother said that it was because people with the same symptoms as my father appeared that she saw the dream. Moreover, the symptoms of the girl's madness are the same as what she said when her father had an attack.

If she was really assassinated and drove her father crazy, there might be a clue to that girl.

Thinking of this, Chi Xiaomi gently pulled out his hand, got out of bed and walked out.

Outside the door of the intensive care unit.

When Chi Xiaomi came to the door, a group of nurses were moving the girl's body out of the ward, and the snow-white sheets had been covered above her head.

Is it dead? So fast?

Chi Xiaomi was stunned for a moment, and then stepped forward to hold the nurse and said, "Can you show me her?"

One of the nurses said, "Classmate, she is infected with an unknown disease, and contact is dangerous. Please get out of the way. We're going to take her to the autopsy room.

"She is my best friend, just let me take a look at her!" Chi Xiaomi pleaded.

The nurse hesitated for a moment and said, "Well, you can only look from afar, not by hand." With that, she pulled up the sheets.

Chi Xiaomi slowly walked closer. When the girl's face appeared in sight, she suddenly covered her mouth in panic.

He stepped back a few steps and ran out without looking back.