Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 42 The Battle of the Different King

Putting aside his personal grudges, Huang Yeyuan also felt that Ye Qianxiu was the most suspicious.

The day when Chi Xiaomi had an accident in the forbidden place, that is, the day when Ye Qianxiu disappeared. Hold down Chi Xiaomi's character, and she won't run around. Then the only reason why I will go to the forbidden church must be to follow Ye Qianxiu.

This is how Huang Yeyuan initially determined, although Chi Xiaomi said that she had forgotten what happened at that time.

Again, crazy guards appeared one after another in the college. According to Master Wen Jinghong, Ye Qianxiu once went crazy, so even if he did not maliciously transmit madness, people who contacted him might be infected with the virus. Moreover, his lover was still betrayed by the guards, so he was even more suspected of doing this.

As for his persistence in Chi Xiaomi, maybe it's just to kill her, the strongest guard.

However, if it is a white curse, everything seems to be denied.

If it weren't for Ye Qianxiu, or if Ye Qianxiu didn't give Chi Xiaomi the strange instruction sheet, or if he didn't tell Chi Xiaomi that all this was caused by the white curse, why did Chi Xiaomi track down the murderer?

The Emperor Yeyuan is very puzzled.

The person in front of him is obviously the murderer, but everything becomes unreasonable because of Chi Xiaomi's investigation.

Is it true that everything is a trap?

Ye Qianxiu used his missing design to attract Chi Xiaomi to meet this Xiaotian, and then he must expose the killer Chi Xiaomi, so that Ye Qianxiu himself has no suspicion?

Or is it that Chi Xiaomi has been hiding something from him?

Countless ideas appeared in Huang Yeyuan's mind in a flash.

"Recently, the red and white curses in Fengluo have anything to do with you?" Huang Yeyuan asked directly.

Xiaotian shrugged his shoulders and said in a natural tone, "Do you think there is a second person who has this ability? Oh, that's right. It turns out that your cat demon is called the Red and White Curse. I'm a dog demon, and I don't know your lowly spells at all. Although it is very similar to the effect of the Red and White Curse, it is our great uncomplaining skill. A kind of self-defeat that allows all living creatures to taste their thoughts and have no regrets. It's much better than your simple and crazy spell.

It turned out to be a no-grudge art, and Huang Yeyuan cursed in his heart.

I have been doubting according to the red and white spell. It's extremely stupid to lock the object of suspicion between the cat demons.

"So the blood case in the library in the morning is also your masterpiece?"

"It's all me." Xiao Tian looked at Huang Yeyuan with a grim smile and said, "You don't have to ask one by one. You must want to know the reason. Why did I kill all the guards?

Huang Yeyuan stared at him with cold eyes and said, "I asked you to make a final statement."

Xiao Tian laughed and said arrogantly, "It's up to you?! Even if you are the king of cat demons, I don't see it. You should know that our dog demons are born stronger than your spiritual power, otherwise you don't need to rely on the power of any guards, right?!"

"It seems that you still don't know me. What is King Mu!" Huang Yeyuan said disdainfully.

"Ouch, oh, it's arrogant enough, it's worthy of Huang Yeyuan. It's just that the only one of your cat demons who can be counted as my opponent is the dead moon. I remember you once lost to her..."

That's why he chose to kill the guard with the skill of no complaints when he accepted the order of God again. This method not only allows the guards to kill each other, but more importantly, the spell will not touch the law of heaven. He used the loopholes of the law of heaven to kill people, just like human beings escaped the punishment of the law.

In fact, at the beginning, Xiaotian did not intend to kill Chi Xiaomi. The first day Chi Xiaomi came to Fengluo happened to be the day when Tianye gave him an order: kill all the guards in Fengluo.

Hearing the rumors about the strongest guard, Xiaotian was immediately ready to start from Chi Xiaomi.

In the dungeon, he had no complaints about Chi Xiaomi for the first time. Unexpectedly, Chi Xiaomi could resist the control of the uncomplainted skill, and he found that Chi Xiaomi had the fragrance of a dog demon guard on his body.

That's right, the dog demon actually has a guard.

Speaking of the origin of the guards, it probably dates back to a human catastrophe thousands of years ago. This earth-shaking catastrophe is the key to the existence of cat demons and dog demons in the world today!

Thousands of years ago, the world was completely ruled by human beings. There are no goblins, only powerful and magical powers among human beings.

These power clans have special abilities that surpass ordinary people. They can operate the wind and clouds, change the landscape, and even cross the wall with their bare hands. They can do almost nothing.

Human beings regard them as gods and honor them.

However, it is not the powers who rule mankind, but the leaders of mankind. Legend has it that the people of this clan rescued the power from the seal, so they assisted the leader family to rule mankind in order to repay their kindness.

Until a mutant heart appeared in a branch of the power family.

The mediocre leaders of the leader family made them dissatisfied, and human beings were ruined because of the mediocre leaders. Finally, the disgruntled branch united with another branch and raised the flag to rebel, killing all the leaders, but also angered the most powerful power branch of the leader.