Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 44 Life and death are uncertain

Maybe Huang Yeyuan fell in this blow, which was also the death of the hero. He died at the hands of a great wizard, and he did not wrong his invincible ability.

However, if he really dies, he will also kill back from hell angrily to revenge.

Staggered, Huang Yeyuan stood up from the ground.

The clothes have been completely torn into indesters, revealing that none of the body's skin is intact, and all of them are bleeding.

He wiped the blood from his forehead with his hand and smiled.

"The great wizard is nothing more than that. It was a fatal mistake that you didn't do your best to kill me just now. Because now I'm coming to kill you!" Huang Yeyuan did not give Xiaotian a chance to speak, and the spiritual power around his body turned into tens of millions of beams of light rotating and rising into a whirlwind of light in mid-air.

It's not only the great wizard who can fall the star. The wind and spirit of his emperor's night abyss is also more powerful, even more powerful than the falling star of the little sky!

Wen Jinghong opened his mouth wide in surprise. Huang Yeyuan was shocked to be able to stand up, and his tricks were even more than his understanding of Huang Yeyuan!

It turns out that this man is so powerful!

Mixed with angry blood, the wind surged and spiritual power rushed to the sky.

Xiaotian does not dodge, and the spiritual power of the light network opens up to fight.

The wind rushing spiritual force rudely broke through Xiaotian's powerful light net. Xiaotian did not panic. Several light nets gradually opened, forming several barriers to intercept the wind rush spiritual power.

However, Huang Yeyuan did his best in this blow. Several light networks of Xiaotian were also broken. Xiaotian stepped back a few steps and was ready to launch a light ball to fight against Huang Yeyuan, but his body suddenly stagnated.

The body was instantly pierced by the light whirlwind, directly taken to the sky, and then fell to the ground!

A stream of dust flew in the air and quietly dissipated.

Xiao Tian shed blood from the corners of his mouth and lay motionless on the ground.

"Successful?" Wen Jinghong shouted in disbelif. Huang Yeyuan looked coldly at Xiaotian's body without moving for a while, and finally took a step back and staggered on the ground.

Wen Jinghong hurried over and used his medical spiritual power to treat his internal injury.

"Is Chi Xiaomi dead..." Huang Yeyuan said with difficulty. The serious internal injury and the outburst of the overdraft made him no longer have the strength to speak, and he sounded like a mosquito.

"Not very optimistic. I just entered spiritual power into her, but I couldn't feel any breath of life. Even... According to human normality, her heartbeat has stopped.

Huang Yeyuan closed his eyes silently, and another mouthful of blood was used on his throat.

"Don't get excited. You should pay attention to adjusting the internal interest now." Wen Jinghong warned him.

Although he knew that if Chi Xiaomi really died, even if he was indifferent, he would still be hit, and the original greatest hope eventually turned into the greatest regret.

At this moment, Huang Yeyuan did not think that his revenge plan would be affected. Even if it was not Chi Xiaomi, he could completely defeat King Mu. Of course, with her, he has a greater chance of winning.

There was a faint place in my heart, as if I had lost something very important.

He doesn't understand where this inexplicable feeling of emptiness comes from, but he is very bored.

The two did not continue to talk and focused on healing. So much so that he didn't find that Xiaotian's body, which was still, moved gently.

With lightning, Xiaotian's body suddenly soared into the air.

Wen Jinghong found that he hurriedly made a defensive posture and only listened to "Bang--!" With a sound, an extremely dazzling ball of light exploded in mid-air, and the light made the two people unable to open their eyes and look directly.

Finally, when the light dissipated, Wen Jinghong suddenly found that Xiaotian had disappeared.

"Your Majesty, the great wizard has escaped?!"

Huang Yeyuan opened his eyes and suddenly turned his head and asked, "Where's Chi Xiaomi?"

Wen Jinghong turned around and suddenly found that the place where Chi Xiaomi was lying was empty.

"It won't be kidnapped by that bastard, will it?" Wen Jinghong's face changed, and Huang Yeyuan's face turned blue.

The answer is yes.

What's the intention of that bastard kidnapped Chi Xiaomi, who was already half-dead?! Huang Yeyuan frowned and another mouthful of blood spewed out! His eyes turned over and he fainted.

Wen Jinghong didn't care about anything else, so he picked up Huang Yeyuan and ran to the infirmary.



It hurts...It hurts...

It seems that there is a tingling sensation in the gap between every cell in the body.

Chi Xiaomi frowned and opened his eyes.

The ordinary white wall appears in the line of sight, a bed is placed in the middle of the room, and there are no other decorations. Looking around, there seemed to be no window, and an incandescent lamp fell in the dark in the air.

Where is this?

Chi Xiaomi moved his body doubtfully before he found that his limbs were firmly tied by the chain.

The last picture of memory is that the cheerful and kind Xiaotian suddenly changed her face, and her bloodthirsty spells and huge spiritual power pierced her body.

At that moment, she thought she would die.

But hell should not be like this. At least ghosts don't need to sleep. That bed should belong to human beings.

So she was saved?

Who saved her? The most likely and fastest is that Huang Yeyuan found her killed. But Huang Yeyuan will not tie her up.


Chi Xiaomi was still thinking. The only wooden door in the room was pulled open, and Xiaotian came in with gauze or something.

Looking up, he saw Chi Xiaomi looking at his dark eyes stained with a smile.

Xiaotian is actually a pure beautiful man.

Although Xiaomi doesn't want to admit it in such a situation, her brain can't deny that it is cognition. Taking off the doctor's white coat, Xiaotian, dressed in casual black casual clothes, was as dazzling as an idol who came out of a Korean drama.

The copper-colored hair and the fair face complement each other, and the lips are ruddy and the corners of the eyes are narrow. Compared with the noble and arrogant Huang Yeyuan, Xiaotian is more friendly to the people and makes people feel close.

However, his heart is cold and terrible.

A terrible monster who changed his face in an instant when she discovered the secret, Chi Xiaomi, you can't be confused by his appearance again.

"I woke up so soon. Would you like something to eat?"

Xiao Tian put down the things in his hand, took out a loaf of bread and shook it.

Chi Xiaomi didn't know that he had been in a coma for three days, and only felt that his stomach was so hungry that his intestines were twisted together. When I saw the bread, I unconsciously swallowed my saliva.

"You won't starve me to death." Chi Xiaomi said steadfily.

Xiaotian smiled when he heard the words. He sat lazily and turned his head to look at Chi Xiaomi. He sighed and said, "It's a miracle that you can live. I want you to die again. I'm afraid it's God's will."

Come back to life?

So she almost died after being attacked by Xiaotian?

"Don't tell me, did you save me?" Chi Xiaomi can't and doesn't want to accept such a cruel reality.

Do you want to hate him or thank him for beating another person half to death and then save him?

Besides, people who can do this are all perverts, right?

"Maybe you don't want to, but it's true. I'm a doctor. It's so easy to save you. However, if you fall into the hands of other doctors, you will definitely die. So, you have to be grateful to me.

Xiaotian is already smiling like a flower.

What are you proud of... Chi Xiaomi asked with a black face: "I want to thank you for saving my life?" Please, my mouth hurts."

"There should be no pain all over your body now, right?" Xiaotian actually approached her, pinched her chin and stuffed the bread into her mouth.

Chi Xiaomi didn't refuse. Anyway, she was starving to death.

Seeing that she did not refuse, Xiaotian said with satisfaction, "What you want to thank is my kindness to not killing."

Chi Xiaomi didn't have time to talk and chewed the bread.

Countless curses in my heart, Xiaotian's death.

I finally finished eating. Originally, I wanted to be cheeky and ask for water to drink, but Xiaotian's face suddenly turned pale.

He curled up and squatted down, clutching his chest tightly with his palms, which looked very painful.

Suddenly, his body twitched, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

Chi Xiaomi didn't have time to say anything. Xiaotian's body fell to the ground and was unconscious.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?! Hello...!"

Chi Xiaomi suddenly panicked, not because he was worried about Xiaotian. But if he really dies, what will she do? No one will find that she is tied up here at all, but she is going to starve to death!

"Xiao Tian! You bastard! If you want to die, let go and I'll die again!"

Chi Xiaomi struggled and roared at the little sky on the ground.