Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 69 The Good Show begins

With the attention of thousands of eyes, Huang Yeyuan led Wu Ma Jing into the door of the auditorium with a smile.

It shines from afar, like falling stars into the mortal world.

Most of the time, Chi Xiaomi feels that Huang Yeyuan is extremely suitable to be a star who attracts attention. The more people, the more he can show his charming demeanor.

At that moment, Chi Xiaomi felt that Wu Ma Jingyi and him complemented each other.

The two of them walked to the front row. Huang Yeyuan saw Chi Xiaomi, raised his hand, and said with a smile, "Ugly Chi Xiaomi, do you mind if I sit next to you?"

Chi Xiaomi rolled his eyes directly and spit out two words: "I mind!"

Huang Yeyuan was not angry. After losing his memory, he became more and more cheeky. In this regard, it is actually much better than before amnesia. The hot cold-faced king is more vulnerable to injury. He went straight to Chi Xiaomi and bent down, quickly kissed her red lips, and then sat next to her.

frivolous hooligan!

Chi Xiaomi really wanted to hang up and scolded the audience, but he knew that no one would be more eye-catching.

I can only turn my head and stare at Huang Yeyuan angrily.

Wen Jinghong behind her pressed her shoulder and motioned her to be patient first. She had to snort angrily and turn around with her arms in her arms.

Next, Lin Ruomeng also appeared on the stage. She was dressed in a fiery red close-fitting buttock bandeau dress, which reflected her snow-white and delicate skin, which was mouth-watering. The big black wavy hair danced with the footsteps and was charming. Wen Jinghong immediately grew his mouth, his eyes emitted a flashing green light, and silently pinched Zixue's little hand. Lin Ruomeng, no matter how you look at this woman, it is his Wen Jinghong's type. One day, he will let this woman submit to himself and turn to Chenghuan... A child-friendly association...

Lin Ruomeng didn't know the idea of Wen Jinghong, a man's heart that was difficult to change. Her bright phoenix eyes swept in front of her, and her face was slightly stiff.

Mu Xueming hasn't arrived yet.

Today, it is only shown inside Fengluo College. Originally, Mu Xueming, the only actor who was not a Fengluo student could not have come. Last night, she informed Lin Ruomeng that she would be there today.

But at this moment, she was not in the audience, and an uneasy feeling suddenly gushed out of Lin Ruomeng's heart.

According to her understanding of this youngest sister, Mu Xueming said that she would come, and she would definitely come. If she doesn't arrive at this time, she will definitely do something amazing when she appears.

Lin Ruomeng knew that Mu Xueming wanted to kill Huang Yeyuan, but he also knew the reason why others didn't know that Mu Xueming was obsessed with this task.

If a killer falls in love with his prey, it is destined to be a tragedy.

Recalling the years, that year was the first time I saw Mu Xueming and knew the cat demon named Huang Yeyuan.

At that time, Mu Xueming had not received the training of the killer. He had always been a little wild cat running around, but he was the best successor in his father's mind. The heartless little girl killed the evil mouse and was always killed with a knife. The superb killing rate made my father happy.

(Note: The evil mouse is a low-level food that survives in the world of cat demons. It is cunning and difficult to catch. Hunting evil mice is one of the skills that cat demons must learn from an early age)

Wen Jinghong looked around and suddenly said, "It doesn't seem to be interesting for everyone to wait. Why don't you let the good play start!"

He stood up and walked to the podium. When he came to the microphone, he coughed twice and said, "Please be quiet. I have prepared an opening program here, which will take a few minutes for everyone."

Everyone calmed down and saw what he wanted to do next.

"Everyone knows that I, Wen Jinghong, am a good friend of the proud emperor Yeyuan... However," he smiled bitterly, "he himself forgot this fact."

Chi Xiaomi turned his head and looked at Huang Yeyuan and found that he heard it very seriously.

I hope... This time Wen Jinghong can successfully awaken the memory of Huang Yeyuan...

Wen Jinghong continued: "He forgot me, his guard, and everyone and his responsibilities. His personality has changed greatly, more sex than friends, and even frivolous. He is no longer Huang Yeyuan. He hates all the people who were good to him before, but only likes the people who have been deliberately alienated and indifferent before... Don't you think it's strange? President Wu Ma, what do you think?

Wen Jinghong's dark green eyes stared at Wu Ma Jingyi attentively, and Wu Ma Jingyi's cold face showed a trace of embarrassment.

Huang Yeyuan turned his head and asked, "Sister, is he talking about you and me? Did I hate you before? Why are you so beautiful..."

Wu Majing said dryly, "What he said is true."

"Please come to me... If you refuse, I will tell you everything I know in public. Including..." Wen Jinghong interrupted their conversation and threatened.

Wu Ma Jing had a vague hunch in her heart. What she had been trying to hide seemed to be revealed in public.

In order to get the unbearable mind of a boy she likes, a woman has to clearly show the world.

What should I do? Go or not?

Wen Jinghong really seems to know something. She still knows this boy. If she says it, she is fully sure.

Before she could decide, Huang Yeyuan stood up first and said, "Let's go, sister, let's go and see what funny things the thinger can say?"

"Aren't we the same here?" Wu Ma Jingyi was actually a little timid... What should I do... If what she thinks is true, then it means that everything between her and Huang Yeyuan is about to end.

"Let everyone listen with us? That's so boring. I want them all to be curious to death. Hahaha, let's go." Huang Yeyuan got up and took a big step on the platform with Wu Ma Jing.

His hands are warm and domineering, with some dependence on her.

But once her secret was revealed, her greedy feelings disappeared in an instant. She was about to lose all this, which made her tremble a little.

Seeing that Wen Jinghong succeeded in letting the two people come to him, he raised his hand and turned off the microphone.

"Sissy, what on earth do you want to say?" Huang Yeyuan looked excited.

When Wen Jinghong heard the title, he really wanted to break up with him from now on. He thought that he was sick and had to endure it, and finally put up with it.

"President Wu Ma, such a superb camouflage skill really makes me willing to kneel down and admire him! As a human being, you can disguise yourself like a supernatural king..."

Wu Majing's face changed instantly when she heard the word human.

She didn't expect Wen Jinghong to even know about this matter. She instantly widened her eyes and scolded loudly, "What are you talking about!"

"Is there any nonsense? You know it!" Wen Jinghong took out a test sheet and showed it to two people, "This blood test certificate, you, Wu Ma Jingyi, is a complete human being!"