Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 71 Killing Lori

Mu Xueming's empty eyes but sadly looked at the bloody head of Huang Yeyuan and recited in a low voice: "The sacred blood washes the sins of life. May your soul enter the church of eternal life and get rid of the evil body and the Holy Spirit be perfect."

Wu Majing didn't care about what she was reading. She dodged in front of Huang Yeyuan and attacked Mu Xueming with condensed spiritual power in her hand.

At this moment, her instinctive first reaction is still to protect Huang Yeyuan!

The Emperor Yeyuan collapsed on the ground in pain, and the blood flowed on the ground in an instant, losing his mind and lying in a pool of blood.

Wen Jinghong saw that Wu Majing blocked Mu Xueming. He hurriedly hugged Huang Yeyuan and put medical spiritual power into his body to stop the continuous gushing of blood.

Is Mu Xueming always waiting for this opportunity? Wen Jinghong couldn't help guessing. If it hadn't been for the fact that the emperor Yeyuan had just been lifting the spell and losing his mind, it would have been impossible to give Mu Xue Ming a chance to win. All strange kings know that if they want to assassinate the alien king of purple light, there is no chance of winning unless they wait for him to weaken. Mu Xueming couldn't bear it and joined the crew, probably because she knew the experience circulating in the alien world.

"Chi Xiaomi, what are you waiting for!" Wen Jinghong shouted.

When Chi Xiaomi heard the shout, he immediately stood up and ran to Wen Jinghong.

No one knows what happened, and nothing can appear in the dark.

Mu Xueming looked blankly at Wu Majing's attack. His body was deft and slipped behind Wu Ma Jingyi like a puppet controlled by steel wire. A cold light flashed on his hand, and the cross needle was immediately inserted into Wu Ma Jingyi's back spine. Wu Majing fell forward in pain.

What a weird weapon!

What a quick hand!

At the moment of the attack, her inner spirit had begun to defend, but it was easily pierced by the inconspicuous needle. Wu Majing suddenly felt that this lovely Lori was quite terrible.

Although the duel between her and Chi Xiaomi failed, it does not mean that she is a weak person. Because Chi Xiaomi's current spiritual power is above Huang Yeyuan.

And a weapon is not so easy to pierce into one's own body. Especially if you have done a good job of defense.

Wu Majing fell to one side, and Mu Xueming turned around and continued to walk in the direction of Wen Jinghong and Huang Yeyuan.

Wen Jinghong moved back with Huang Yeyuan's heavy body and shouted, "Don't come over, or I will die with you!"

"Both lose, die together? I have been prepared for this for a long time. In the dark, I couldn't see the expression of Mu Xueming's face clearly. Wen Jinghong can only keep retreating.

Suddenly, a figure stood in front of Mu Xueming and said loudly, "Mu Xueming, this is the human world! Do you want to violate the law of heaven?!"

"That's right..." Mu Xueming muttered in a tender and delicate voice, which made people think that she was about to die...

"Chi Xiaomi, she is going to die with Huang Yeyuan! Hand her, or Huang Yeyuan will definitely die!"

Without Wen Jinghong, Chi Xiaomi also knows Mu Xueming's means. Even if there are ten thousand reasons not to save Huang Yeyuan, she can't think about it now.

As a reward for your kindness, and also as a revenge for the injury on that day

Chi Xiaomi thought in his heart that he began to condense the purple ball of light in his hand and held it high above his head. The shining light shone on the faces of the two girls, vividly and hostile.

"I said, don't stop me. I will hurt you by mistake, Mr. Chi Xiaomi. You are different from Wu Ma Jing. I don't want to hurt an innocent human being.

Mu Xueming raised the steel thorn in his hand, aimed at Chi Xiaomi's eyes, and said, "The next action target is the eyes."

Chi Xiaomi doesn't know how to communicate with this cute and cold-blooded Lori, and he doesn't even have the confidence to stop her.

"Wen Jinghong, wait a minute, if I can't beat her, you can quickly escape with Huang Yeyuan!" Chi Xiaomi shouted loudly.

"I can't leave you behind and run for my own life!"

"It's useless for you to be here! One move, if I can't take a single move, just run away!" Chi Xiaomi shouted, and his hand had fallen back, and the roaring light rushed to Mu Xueming, rushing her blue and black hair into the air.

Mu Xueming never hesitated. The killer's cold and ultra-fast instinctive reaction ordered his body to flash side tightly, aimed at Chi Xiaomi's spiritual arm, which was quick and neat, so that there was no extra time to react.

After all, Chi Xiaomi has no experience in fighting. She once suffered such a loss in the battle with Wu Ma Jingyi. This time, her opponent is several times more powerful than Wu Ma Jingyi. If she can't avoid it quickly, her arm will be waiting to be pierced!

Wen Jinghong behind him immediately broke out in a cold sweat when he saw Mu Xueming's tricks.

In the case of high tension, Chi Xiaomi still saw Mu Xueming's intention, but his body could not keep up with the brain's reaction. Between the flashes, the sharp acupuncture has touched the skin of Chi Xiaomi's arm. She screamed and manipulated the spiritual power in her hand to the right and sprayed at the needle.

With a loud roar, the grand auditorium of thousands of square meters was lit up in an instant!

All the students screamed and lay down on their seats.

All the people who fight with Mu Xueming thought that her seemingly ordinary cross needle seemed to have little power to remove the sharpness, and most of them were just afraid of her dexterity as as a ghost.

In fact, it is not the case. The reason why all the needles launched by Mu Xueming make everyone unable to resist is that the invisible spiritual power hidden in the needles that cannot be found by any opponent. As we all know, when the spiritual power is emitted, it looks like a variety of colors because of its power and the burning flame of the air. Mu Xueming's father, the godfather of the assassination of the cat demon clan, has a special control skill that hides spiritual power. This mysterious control is not only passed on to Mu Xueming, even Lin Ruomeng and other strange kings who are also descendants of the Mu family have never known the existence of this spell.

The outsider is even more out of the way.

The biggest advantage of hiding spiritual power is to let the enemy relax their vigilance and not know how to defend with greater spiritual power. Just now, Wu Ma Jing was stabbed by Mu Xueming's needle, because she thought that Mu Xueming was just a simple physical attack on her, but Mu Xueming's intention was to win with one blow.

The glory slowly dissipated, and the darkness returned to the auditorium. Because of the sudden light, things in the dark can't be seen clearly.

Wen Jinghong also closed his eyes. When he opened it, the two girls in front of him were gone!

And the Emperor Yeyuan, who had been holding in his arms, also disappeared.

He stood up in a hurry, and there was a mixed inquiry from Wu Majing: "What happened? Wen Jinghong, is Huang Yeyuan missing?!"

The alien kings have an absolute advantage over humans and even human protoss in the night, because they get a substance that can see the night from the food rat. It's just that now the cat demon has given up the low-level food of rats, so their night vision has also declined, but they still see it more clearly than humans.

Many strange kings on the stage probably guessed what had happened under the stage, but most of them were ordinary alien kings with spiritual power, and they did not have much desire to stand out. None of the members of the student union are on the scene today.

They were sent by Wu Ma Jing to do another thing, monitoring Mu Xueming.

So after Mu Xueming solved all the surveillance students, he came a little late, but the timing was just right.

Wen Jinghong said in fear, "No, the three of them are missing together!"

"How come?!" Wu Majing struggled to stand up, and a sharp pain in the back of the spine forced her to fall back to the ground.

She couldn't see the situation around her, and she didn't know what had happened at the moment of the spiritual explosion. Coupled with her disobeding body, a feeling of frustration surged into her heart for the first time.

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't given that spell, I wouldn't have given Mu Xueming a chance to do it!" Wu Majing pounded the ground with his hand angrily.

Lin Ruomeng, who has been in the backstage projection room, heard the sound of the explosion of spiritual power, opened the door and walked to the crystal chandelier that opened the auditorium.

Brightness relieved all the students who were restless in the dark and began to guess what had happened.

Lin Ruomeng looked at Wu Ma Jingyi, who was usually sitting on the ground and unable to move, and then looked at Wen Jinghong, whose hands were full of blood, and immediately understood that it was probably his sister's action. The first row of the audience has lost the shadow of Huang Yeyuan. This matter must not be good.

She turned her head and said to Wen Jinghong, "Let me deal with it. Hurry up and find the whereabouts of Huang Yeyuan."

Wen Jinghong nodded and turned around to leave. Lin Ruomeng hurriedly stopped him, hesitated for a moment, ran to him and whispered something. Wen Jinghong nodded gratefully and hurriedly chased after the doorman.

Lin Ruomeng sighed helplessly... Everything is difficult in the world...

Love and loyalty, little sister, how will you choose...

The moment when the light flashed, and the moment when the dazzling brightness took everyone's attention, no one may have thought of what happened.

In an emergency, Chi Xiaomi used his powerful spiritual light ball against Mu Xueming's seemingly powerless cross needle. The ball of light suddenly broke through the hereditary light and rushed to Mu Xueming. At this moment, it seemed that the ordinary steel needle suddenly vibrated fiercely, and a strong blue light floated out of the long handle of the needle like smoke, but the speed was several times faster than the smoke, and it quickly condensed into a block, wrapping Mu Xueming.

The blue streamer and purple light waves condensed and intertwined, hitting and bursting out the collision star.

In this moment, Mu Xueming moved manually.

The speed was so fast that Chi Xiaomi thought he was dazzled. But Mu Xueming's hand came to her chest in an instant, and the huge blue light instantly hit Chi Xiaomi's defenseless chest, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of her mouth violently.

It's not that she is not strong enough, but that Mu Xueming is really fast and makes people want to cry!