Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 75 Killing Spirits

The black smoke lingered and rose, like a demon, soaring to everyone.

said and did it.


Chi Xiaomi raised his right hand, and the speed of black smoke suddenly increased several times faster. The sky immediately darkened strangely and depressing like a large cloud. The huge black devil seemed to open its evil mouth and wanted to devour everything in the world.

Lin Ruomeng stood in the middle of the darkness against Chi Xiaomi.

"Xiaomi, do you still know the teacher?"

At this moment, Chi Xiaomi was about to cry in her heart. She wanted to say: This is not me, teacher, help me! But it didn't make a sound.

Lin Ruomeng looked at her eyes that were already blinded by black and said, "I know you must recognize me. Even if you don't recognize me, you will still recognize Huang Yeyuan... You can even hurt him. Chi Xiaomi, are you too cowardly!"

Her angry accusations were just to arouse Chi Xiaomi's fighting spirit and fight against the demons in her body.

Chi Xiaomi shouted loudly in his heart: I don't want to hurt anyone, teacher! But I can't control my behavior. This girl who is doing terrible things is not me at all... Although...

Although she feels that her behavior is terrible, she does not reject it. Even she can experience the pleasure brought by the blood and the comfort when piercing other people's bodies. All these made her realize that she was not resistant to killing and injury. Could it be that she is also a cruel person? Is there a bloodthirsty devil living in his heart?

Lin Ruomeng didn't know how Xiaomi felt at this moment. Seeing that she did not respond, she scolded loudly again: "Xiaomi, do you still have a teacher in your eyes?! The teacher worked hard to cultivate you, not to make you such a monster!"

"You woman are so noisy..." Chi Xiaomi opened his mouth coldly, raised his finger to the tip of her nose, and the black smoke-like sword went straight to Lin Ruomeng's beautiful face.

Lin Ruomeng hurriedly turned to the side and slid towards Chi Xiaomi. The fingers condensed at the same time, forming a spiritual claw and instantly grabbed Chi Xiaomi's neck.

With a frown, Lin Ruomeng's heart softened. What should I do if I really want to kill Chi Xiaomi?

At the moment of her hesitation, the corners of Chi Xiaomi's mouth gently raised to one side, and his neck suddenly tilted to one side like a break in the place where Lin Ruomeng pinched, and his neck was bloody and cracked.

Lin Ruomeng exclaimed. She didn't work hard. How could she disconnect it? Looking at Chi Xiaomi in horror, in an inexplicable moment, a black smoke suddenly spewed out of her broken neck and rushed to Lin Ruomeng's face. She snorted and fell to the ground without moving.

"Lin Ruomeng!" Wen Jinghong widened his eyes and shouted in panic. He couldn't believe that Chi Xiaomi would stun Lin Ruomeng in this way.

Now Chi Xiaomi is completely a devil!

Huang Yeyuan was also hurt by her. Maybe he thought that he had done too much in the past. Mu Xueming had a reason. For him, it can be said that she did not miss the past. After all, he did not do much to help her. It was not the word friendship, but Lin Ruomeng was different. She helped her again and again, made her grow strong, gave her confidence and help her become famous. She was really her benefactor, and she actually took action without mercy.

"Chi Xiaomi, you bastard!" Wen Jinghong roared and was about to rush over. Mu Xueming gently raised his arm and stopped him.

"Let me..."

Mu Xueming gently highlighted these words, and there was no hatred or pain in his tone. Just fighting for war? But it's not... If it's love? Family affection? Love? But it's not true.

She doesn't know why she took action. If it were her style in the past, she would have returned to the country at this moment without any threat to her life.

Living in this world, there will always be moments when you don't play cards according to common sense. Let's take this moment as that moment.

Mu Xueming held a cross needle, walked to Chi Xiaomi and said, "If you kill me today, take it as my life." If you die, treat yourself as the one who will live in the future. Don't talk about right and wrong. There is no reason for this war.

After saying that, she didn't wait for Chi Xiaomi to answer. She rushed up and jumped up in the air and raised the needle in the middle of Chi Xiaomi's head and sprinted.

At this moment, Chi Xiaomi was still guilty for hurting Lin Ruomeng. Seeing Mu Xueming rushing up again, his sincerity penetrated for a moment, and everything was mixed.

An old saying: I don't kill Boya, but Boya died because of me.

I don't want to hurt you, but you are all so seriously injured in my hands.

Although Chi Xiaomi didn't have a good impression on Mu Xueming, he felt a little guilty when he saw that she became extremely embarrassed because of her attack at this moment. Mu Xueming's originally beautiful and clean blue dress had been damaged and sloppy, and her white little face had turned into a cat full of blood stains. The ponytail was so loose that it seemed to be **, and it was not the elegant little Lori image at all.

How did things become like this? Obviously, she came to save Huang Yeyuan and fought with Mu Xueming.

As a result, Mu Xueming actually stood with everyone to deal with her?

She was obviously the one who helped others, and finally became the enemy of everyone?

Why? Why is it like this... She can't comell out!

And the demon's Chi Xiaomi didn't look at Mu Xueming on his face. With a wave of his arm, the black smoke in the sky quickly condensed into a huge long sword, and aimed at the cross needle attacked by Mu Xueming.

The acupuncture light collapsed, and the sword of black smoke instantly disappeared into Mu Xueming's body, poof--! Flesh and blood are scattered all over the sky. Mu Xueming shouted without any pain. While his body was pierced, he threw out a needle and ran to the middle of Chi Xiaomi's eyebrows.

Wow--! I couldn't even see the flight of the needle, and the needle of the cross had gone into Chi Xiaomi's eyebrows.

Chi Xiaomi immediately hugged his head and roared in pain: "Ah---!!!"

The body stumbled, fell aside, and rolled in pain with his head in his arms. The black smoke then disappeared completely.

Mu Xueming also fell to the ground fiercely, spit out blood, and fainted.

Her desperate blow finally suppressed Chi Xiaomi, which was worth it...

Seeing that the two women fainted, Wen Jinghong hurriedly put down Huang Yeyuan, took the two women away from the range of Chi Xiaomi's struggle to roll, and began to show medical skills to them.

While casting spiritual healing, he observed Xiaomi's reaction.

I hope this thorn will not kill her. Wen Jinghong knew the reason why Lin Ruomeng hesitated, and also knew that Mu Xueming succeeded because she didn't care about Chi Xiaomi's life or death.

In many cases, feelings can affect a person's behavior.

I hope Chi Xiaomi will recover and return to normal due to pain. I didn't expect that the assassination of Mu Xueming would turn into a bloody battle of spirits and demons. Can you really get through this difficulty?

Lin Ruomeng's injury was not too serious. She was just suppressed by the smoke and fainted, and soon woke up.

Seeing the bloody wound on one side, Lin Ruomeng was silent.

"Don't worry... She still has salvation..." Wen Jinghong knew what she was worried about.

"I know she won't die so easily, but..." She sighed. She looked at Chi Xiaomi, who was still struggling on the ground, and said, "This matter doesn't seem to be so easy to settle. After all, the spiritual demon is a spiritual demon. The spiritual demon with the powerful spiritual power of Huang Yeyuan may really be a hidden danger. The world may no longer be at peace..."

"You don't want to..." Wen Jinghong suddenly widened his eyes. Lin Ruomeng should not want to kill Chi Xiaomi!

"She is my student, and she may become my pride or harm the world. One-day teacher, lifelong teacher, I don't come to clean up and educate this bad student, who can still have this qualification?

Lin Ruomeng stood up and slowly walked towards Chi Xiaomi, who was struggling on the ground.

She knows that there is only this opportunity to subdue the spirit demon Chi Xiaomi at this moment. They are not the opponents of powerful evil demons. The next time the demons may be stronger, and they may really be powerless.

But her heart doesn't want anyone to be sad.

Chi Xiaomi is a student who bet on all the enthusiasm and painstaking efforts. It is the hope of her to have the future world. It is the work she most wants to complete in this life. As a result, she is asked to destroy this work in person, destroy her hope and destroy her children!

Fate, fate... Why are you so cruel and so mean!!!

Lin Ruomeng closed his eyes and put his hands together. The blue light on his body loomed. Suddenly, the light rushed into the sky and formed a huge aperture in the air.

Lin Ruomeng, with her eyes still closed, stood up more and more quickly with the spell on her mouth.

The aperture began to rotate slowly, and it began to be very slow, and then it turned faster and faster, such as the rapidly rotating turbine, mixed with faint electric light.

Suddenly she opened her eyes, and the edge of the aperture began to slowly fall snowflakes formed by light.

Snow knot!

Wen Jinghong's day was really an eye-opener. I have never seen the spell used by the killer in the alien king, and I was addicted to this day. This snow knot art is the most beautiful and irresistible of all assassinations. All the spiritual power will condense into a hard shell of light and ice on the body of the caster. Although the person who is hit by this move will not die immediately, he will never break the ice independently because of the ice of the inspiration. It is often used for sleep. Chinese sneak attack and kidnapping.

Of course, this is also a killing skill!

If the killer who casts snow nodule wants the life of the practitioner, he can control the spiritual power to enter the body of the practitioner, form ice in the body, and let him coagulate blood to death, but the appearance is the same as the normal alien king, and there is no sign.

So, is Lin Ruomeng frozen, or will she kill her?