Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 80 Accidental Confession

"I'm going to the toilet..." Chi Xiaomi didn't expect Wen Jinghong to suddenly jump out. He panicked and thought of an excuse and turned to go out of the classroom.

Wen Jinghong grabbed her and said jokingly, "Now you retreat, but it's cheaper for that guy."

"What do you mean?" Chi Xiaomi asked puzzledly.

"He will never bully you in the future. You are his 'savior'..." Wen Jinghong said pointingly. Now he can't tell Chi Xiaomi the details of the anti-contruction. Huang Yeyuan decided to slaughter him after knowing it, but he doesn't want to be led by that guy all the time. With a proper counterattack, life is also more interesting, isn't it?

He pulled Chi Xiaomi and pushed her to the seat and pressed her shoulder to force her to sit down.

Wen Jinghong threw a flying eye at Huang Yeyuan, which means how righteous I am to help you catch people back...

Huang Yeyuan glanced coldly at his salted pig's hand pressing Chi Xiaomi's shoulder and frowned.

Wen Jinghong immediately raised his hand over his head and hurriedly fled back to his seat.

Be good... Was that guy jealous and dissatisfied with that look just now?

If a man is dissatisfied with the physical contact between another man and a woman, it is not ** naked jealousy, but what?!!

Roar-ho-ho-!!! Thinking of this, Wen Jinghong laughed wildly in his heart. Oh, his good brother is finally enlightened...

Huang Yeyuan looked at Chi Xiaomi with slanted eyes at this time. At this time, she sat there stiffly as if she was scared.

God knew that her heart was about to jump out of her throat at this time.

What are you panicking about! Chi Xiaomi, it's not the first time you've been at the desk with this boy, let alone the first time you've seen him. Are you nervous?

She shouted at herself with a voice in her heart.

I know! But I'm so nervous that I can't do it?!

Another voice from the bottom of my heart roared back fiercely.

Yes... What on earth is making her nervous?

"Didn't you have breakfast?" Huang Yeyuan asked unintentionally.

"Ah... no... I ate... I mean, I didn't eat." After saying that, Chi Xiaomi's head immediately hung down. What should I do? Why was she so nervous that she saw him in Fengluo's corridor for the first time?

"You're nervous..."

"I didn't..."

"But you eat it."

"That's... it's too hot..." Chi Xiaomi pretended to be very hot and picked up the textbook on the table and pretended to be a fan.

She is not completely pretending. In fact, she has been nervous and sweating for a long time.

He shook the textbook violently, and his eyes did not dare to forget the direction of Huang Yeyuan.

Although Huang Yeyuan didn't know anything about ambiguity and flirtation, he also understood something.

The source of her tension is him.

This cognition suddenly made him very happy. He raised the corners of his mouth and simply held his chin to appreciate Chi Xiaomi's nervous and awkward appearance.

The corners of his eyes saw Huang Yeyuan staring at her without hesitation. Chi Xiaomi sweated even more fiercely and muttered, "What the hell is the weather too hot... It's so hot..."

The Emperor Yeyuan is laughing.

The action of Chi Xiaomi's fan is even more fierce. "It's too hot. Is the school's air conditioner broken? Why didn't anyone reflect..."

Huang Yeyuan is still smiling.

Chi Xiaomi's fan was sore. She simply slapped the textbook on the table and stood up to escape from this ambiguous atmosphere. Huang Yeyuan immediately stretched out his hand and pulled her back to the seat.

"Fan..." He simply ordered.

"Ah...?" Chi Xiaomi was stunned for a moment.

"Aren't you very hot? Keep fanning."

"The fan doesn't solve the problem. I'd better wash my face and cool it down." Chi Xiaomi wanted to break free from the arm pulled by Huang Yeyuan.

The place held by him seemed to be on fire, which was so hot that it made people panic.

"No, I'll fan you..." Huang Yeyuan said with a smile, raised his hand to pick up the textbook put down by Chi Xiaomi, and slowly fanned the wind on her face.

I don't know why he doesn't want her to leave his sight for a moment.

Chi Xiaomi immediately petrified into a stone statue, which was so stiff that it could not move.

He...he actually fanned himself...

It's impossible... It's not scientific!

Who is Huang Yeyuan? It is the god, the uncle, the ancestor, and it is absolutely impossible to do this kind of servant-like person.

Didn't he recover his memory? But why does she think he is so abnormal?

And she herself was about to go crazy by his abnormal behavior...

The heart that she thought was hurt and broken by him, and thought that it would never touch him again, began to grow slowly in those broken places, and began to repair the wounds that hurt at the touch.



I used to like you so much, but you didn't like me...

I know you hate me, so I ran away...

But you won't let me escape...

Let me continue to be used by you...

I don't know how I can be used by you...

I don't know how to protect my heart from your indifference...

Until the heartbreak turned into a river of blood...

I thought the first love would become a cruel memory...

But you're back...

With the initial smile...

The smile that makes my heart move...

The wound on the heart healed like this...



Chi Xiaomi knows that he can no longer deny the cruel fact that she likes Huang Yeyuan.

She likes him very, very, very much.

He is not here, the world is winter.

He smiled and was full of spring.

Her will, her body, all her souls will tremble for him. No matter how much she controls herself and doesn't like it, no matter how many times she tells herself that this boy is a goblin and is using herself, her heart can't stop or escape.

"Huang Yeyuan, I like you..."

Chi Xiaomi didn't know that he had said it.

Huang Yeyuan's hand, which was fanning, stopped, and Ruxing's eyes stagnated for a moment.

"What are you... talking about..." He asked gently, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

Chi Xiaomi suddenly came to his senses, "What did I say? I didn't say anything..."

Huang Yeyuan's face sank, and he squinted and watched Chi Xiaomi pretend to be stupid.

His ears are very smart. Just now, he thought he had heard it wrong, because Chi Xiaomi, a coward, would never have the courage to say such a naked confession. But now he is more sure that she said that.

I want to cover it up!

This little girl turned out to be... she likes herself...

Huang Yeyuan suddenly couldn't stop laughing and covered the corners of his mouth with his hand and smiled charmingly.

Chi Xiaomi liked his cognition that he didn't know why it made him so happy. A kind of joy that seemed to be full of sunshine filled his chest back and forth, and everything around him became pleasant.

She likes him...

She couldn't help confessing... How much she liked him...

Chi Xiaomi looked at the great god emperor smiling in the dark, which was very puzzled. After a while, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have said something she should not have said just now.

He hurriedly covered his uncontrollable mouth with his hand and widened his eyes.

How can you say it!!

I can't live!

She buried her head under the desk in shame and could no longer lift it.

Huang Yeyuan laughed enough, reached out and patted her on the back, and said, "I'm sure you like me and keep it."


I still regretted that I was so shameless. I told the secret of my heart in class in front of all my classmates. When I heard Huang Yeyuan's words, I didn't react for a moment.

He hurriedly wanted to ask for a clear question. He looked up in panic and said, "Dong!" Install it at the bottom of the desk.

At that time, she grinned in pain, and it took her long time to straighten up with her head in tears on her face.

Huang Yeyuan was laughing like crazy. This silly girl is really stupid and cute...

In the past, I only thought she was stupid, but now it seems that the fool has the ability to make people happy.

"What did you just say?" Chi Xiaomi asked with a bitter face.

"Say you're a fool." Huang Yeyuan laughed so much that he couldn't close his mouth. He had never seen him smile like this before. At most, he smiled coldly.

"What's so funny..." Chi Xiaomi is almost crazy. Did anyone tell him what's going on with Huang Yeyuan now?!

In the end, Chi Xiaomi did not know the reason for his laughter from Huang Yeyuan's mouth, because he began to go to class.

Someone quietly posted the story of Chi Xiaomi and Huang Yeyuan to the school forum.

When the class is over, the news that Chi Xiaomi confessed to Huang Yeyuan has become the biggest news in Fengluo.

After the first class, it is the time of the inspection as usual.

Without Wu Ma Jingyi, only the members of the student union waited for Huang Yeyuan at the door of the classroom. Wen Jinghong followed Huang Yeyuan out of the classroom door. Seeing that Wu Ma Jingyi was not there, he asked, "What are you going to do with Wu Ma Jingyi?"

"It has been dealt with." Huang Yeyuan replied blankly, and there was no anger that Wen Jinghong expected.

"Your Majesty, you are not angry?! She did such an excessive thing! She is..."

Huang Yeyuan raised his hand to interrupt him and said, "I know everything in the past... You don't have to say it again. It may be the most correct way to let her go.

"Emperor, she didn't just come to study and muddle along! There must be some premeditation of the protoss. If you let her go, it's the same as letting the tiger go!"

"Oh? Return to the mountain... or return to the cage, not necessarily. Huang Yeyuan smiled thoughtfully and led the student union to strode forward, and pulled Chi Xiaomi with him by the way.

So, what is Wu Ma Jingyi doing at this time?

Where will she go back to?

Is she so willing to say goodbye to the man she has always loved the most?

What mysterious corner of the world is the so-called human protoss hidden?

Will Huang Yeyuan and Wu Ma Jingyi meet again?

Wu Majing left quietly, but left so many puzzles that could not be solved...