Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 89 Change Location

When he woke up in the morning, Chi Xiaomi washed his face with cold water and was suddenly stunned.

Why is the flame in the dream so real? The real hot temperature stays in your heart.

Her dreams have always been weird. They seem to indicate something, but they never come.

Order yourself not to think about it and leave for breakfast.

Move away from the desk against the door, open the door, and she was stunned by the scene in front of her!

Standing at the door of Chi Xiaomi Apartment, you can see the luxury villa of Huang Yeyuan.

Even if you don't look at it specially, the golden splendor of the villa will make people unconsciously take a look.

But at this time, the sparkling and noble villa turned into a pile of scorched ruins, rising with a few wisps of black smoke, which was disgusting like a huge burning garbage heap.

The pungent burning smell came to his face, and Chi Xiaomi hurriedly covered his mouth and nose.

How could this happen?

The villa that let them film yesterday turned out to be gone. Is it true that the fire in the dream last night happened?

She suddenly widened her eyes, Huang Yeyuan... Where is he now?

He took a walk and rushed to the front of the ruins in two steps. He was choked by the smoke and coughed, but he still looked inside on titipe.

There is really nothing left. Except for the dark residue, nothing can tell what it was before it was burned. What she cares about most now is not to regret those precious things, but to think that if the fire was burned when Huang Yeyuan was asleep, would he be burned to death in his sleep? Even if he is a cat demon, he will still be physically restricted. If he's all right, why didn't he stand in front of his villa and yell at the bastard for burning his house?

The more I think about it, the more scared I am. Isn't it really something wrong?

"Emperial Night Abyss! Huang Yeyuan!" She shouted at the ruins.

I know that there will be no one here, but I still want to hear that person answer myself.

Even if you shout at her: idiot, shout something.

"Emperial Night Abyss! ...Cough...Huang Yeyuan!"

While coughing, he kept shouting, and his tears were choked out, but Huang Yeyuan still had no response.

That's not right. He is such an all-incompetent goblin, and he can't die so fragile!

And with such a big job, there is no one to rescue or watch the scene. It's so wrong!

She is going to find Wen Jinghong, Lin Ruomeng, and ask someone who may know what's going on!

Turn around and get ready to run to the school district. I saw a person from a distance.

A petite girl stood quietly on the path in the distance and couldn't see the expression on her face.

"Reassured?" Chi Xiaomi recognized her, hurried to her, took her hand and said eagerly, "So you didn't leave!" I thought you were angry and went home and ignored me!"

An Huaixin put out his tongue and said softly, "How can I be angry with my favorite Xiaomi!" I know you like that person is with you, so I'm sorry to bother you.

She said pitifully, as if she were jealous.

Chi Xiaomi probably understood. She knew that Huang Yeyuan seemed to have been shooting at the gate of the villa for a whole morning before she went to shoot yesterday. What Lin Ruomeng said can't be replaced, that's what was taken that morning!

"Is there only that villa in the wind? What about the others?"

"There are many villas, but this one is the only one!" Lin Ruomeng said excitedly, "Where he would choose at the beginning is because his villa is not only luxurious, but also from a dead designer, and there is only this unique one in the whole wind. The director's particularity here is also one of the selling points to attract the audience. If you knew there would be a fire, it would be better to use other ordinary villas directly. Director, think of a way!"

Lin Ruomeng was so anxious that she went to the director again.

Unique... When Chi Xiaomi heard this word, he thought of Huang Yeyuan.

The villa is unique, and the people living in the villa are also unique. Is this the meaning?

Looking up at Huang Yeyuan, who stood proudly in the crowd, he felt a ache and walked to him.

"I heard that your villa is on fire..." As soon as the words came out, Chi Xiaomi wanted to find a seam to get in.

"I heard?" Huang Yeyuan smiled coldly and said, "You can see it at the door of your dormitory. Do you still need to hear about it?"

Sure enough, he caught a speech disease.

"It's all a small matter. Why do you care about it... I'm here to ask if you're hurt?"

"I just want to ask you, you didn't get up to have a look at the loud noise when the fire was put out last night. Do you really hate me too much, or do you sleep more than a pig? Or, don't you go home for a private lover at night?


She cursed in her heart. Brother, can't you give me some options to be a human being?

Huang Yeyuan didn't wait for her to answer and said to himself, "Anyway, you have friends with you, and you don't need to care about the life or death of others. I'm fine. I'll take care of you."

After saying that, Huang Yeyuan looked up and looked at An Huaixin behind her meaningfully, turned around and ran to Lin Ruo Meng.

Chi Xiaomi's chest hurts.

What's wrong with him... She was very happy to see that he was not hurt, and even wanted to give him a hug, saying that he was really awesome. She liked his all-powerful strength. The heat in the bottom of his heart was poured by a basin of cold water on his head.

It's shining, and the tears are gushing out of the eyes.

Seeing Huang Yeyuan leaving, An Huaixin walked to Chi Xiaomi and asked softly, "Mi Mi, are you sad?"

Chi Xiaomi looked up at her concerned face and nodded sadly.

An Huaixin held Chi Xiaomi in his arms like a small adult, gently patted her on the back, and muttered, "Didn't you say don't like him? Why do you still feel sad for him? Isn't it said that he is just a stranger..."

"...Um...I really don't want to like him anymore. However, it's useless. Even if he is a stranger, I still want to care about him..."

"Girls are all fools..." An Huaixin sighed and said.

Lin Ruomeng and Director Li have discussed it, but there is no result. It seems that they will do whatever they want to do.

"Do you want to use a computer as a virtual background?" Lin Ruomeng came up with another way.

"It takes a long time to make a realistic 3D background!" Director Li immediately denied the proposal.

"So change places now?"

"It's too late to say. Do you think I'm a divine guide?"


Just when everyone's discussion was fruitless and deadlocked, An Huaixin let go of Chi Xiaomi's arm, pulled her to Lin Ruomeng and Director Li, and said crisply, "Are you looking for the same house as yesterday?"

"That's right." Lin Ruomeng replied, "Do you want to tell me where you know the same villa as it?"

Lin Ruomeng is not troubled by children's questions like other adults. She always thinks that children also know a lot, and there are many effective ways that are different from adults.

"Yes, teacher. Although I don't like you, I really know it!"

Lin Ruomeng stared at the phoenix in surprise.