Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 91 Ann's bad intention

An Huaixin blinked his big eyes and bent the corners of his mouth and smiled gently.

He turned around in contempt and walked in front of him with his head held high.

She despises Huang Yeyuan. Huang Yeyuan could see it, but she didn't know what she despised, and she didn't think there was anything she could despise. She just felt that there was something wrong with her head.

Chi Xiaomi was pulled behind him by Huang Yeyuan and hit his nose.

"I said, what on earth are you crazy about?"

Huang Yeyuan lowered his head and looked at her coldly. In an instant, Chi Xiaomi saw an idiot in his eyes.

"It's obvious that you are inexplicable, Huang Yeyuan, let's talk about it!"

Chi Xiaomi was deeply stung by the contempt in his eyes. This time, she wanted to ask his eldest brother to understand.

"When is it? Are you still a child? You've been making trouble!" Huang Yeyuan blackened his face and roared seriously.


I said that the god man is the god man, and the person who is crazy has no reason to say. What did she do to make him say that? And...

"I'm a child, what's wrong? You are still pulling when you are mature.

Huang Yeyuan frowned and looked down to warn her: "Don't mess around!"

"I didn't make trouble!"

Lin Ruomeng looked at the two enemies' childish quarrels like two chickens and smiled. Step forward.

"You two are half-hearted. Don't say a word. Xiaomi, follow Huang Yeyuan obediently and be obedient.

Why did even Mr. Lin say that? Chi Xiaomi calmed down, looked at the two people confusedly, and finally obediently followed Huang Yeyuan and walked forward. But I didn't listen in my mind. Today, everyone is very strange, and An An is also strange. Needless to say, Huang Yeyuan, even Mr. Lin is mysterious.

Everyone... Is there something hiding from her?

"Xiaomi, I suddenly hope you can grow into an adult overnight..." Lin Ruomeng suddenly said quietly behind Chi Xiaomi.

Do you grow up?

She turned around doubtfully and wanted to say that she was growing up? But suddenly he died. Maybe Lin Ruomeng didn't grow up in the usual sense.

Mr. Lin probably said... She should become more mature and sensible, right?

In fact, she doesn't need Lin Ruomeng to remind her. After experiencing this hardship again and again, she knew the deep blood feud of her parents' murder. It's time for her to become mature.

Disaster and rubbing will erase a person's innocence, smooth a person's edges and corners, and eventually become mature and smooth, which she understands.

It's just that I haven't done it yet.

She has a strong spiritual power beyond ordinary people, and has also found the real murderer who killed her parents. Normally, the most important thing she should do is to find the enemy dog king to revenge and comfort her parents in the sky.

But she has been in place.

Is it because she doesn't love her parents at all and has no feelings for her, so she doesn't have the impulse to revenge?

Or is she reluctant to give up for Huang Yeyuan, surpassing this hatred?

Maybe not.

Chi Xiaomi stopped.

Powerful is her ability, but not her heart.

Deep in her heart, Chi Xiaomi is still the poor little girl who came out of the orphanage and was a little silly and humble. She has never had the strong heart that Lin Ruomeng said. Even if she is occasionally forced to be angry by those who bully her, when the anger subsides, she is like a balloon and immediately returns to its original shape.

The boy said to Huang Yeyuan, "It's too hot. Let's go into the house and have a rest. After that, I will lend you this house and use it as you like!"


Lin Ruomeng raised his eyebrows and replied loudly, "Thank you so much, handsome man! You're welcome. We'll pay for the venue.

"I'm giving my schoolgirl a face, and it seems empty to raise money."

"Oh, it's better to obey than to be respectful. Thank you, handsome man." Lin Ruomeng was not polite, thinking that I didn't give you money at all, okay? Let's see how long you will act.

The boy pulled An Huaixin into the door first. Huang Yeyuan turned his head and looked at Lin Ruomeng, and the two nodded at each other.

Lin Ruomeng pushed Chi Xiaomi and said, "You and the good emperor Yeyuan, listen to what he says, you can do it and don't ask too much."

Everyone began to enter the villa one after another. The pattern inside is also about the same as that of Huang Yeyuan's villa, and even some furniture is very similar. The only difference is the bed.

The lavender bedspread looks very different from the style of the political villa, and even makes people feel that it is a girl living here. Although no one stipulates that boys should not use lavender bedspreads.

Huang Yeyuan, Lin Ruomeng and Chi Xiaomi finally entered the villa.

After entering, Huang Yeyuan found a sofa to sit down and pulled Chi Xiaomi to sit beside him.

Lin Ruomeng didn't sit down and looked around at the environment and furnishings in the house, not sniffling.

No abnormal taste was found. Walking around, I didn't find a goblin-like trap set secretly. Is it that she is over nervous?

Although she did not find the boundary trap, she found a strange thing.

This villa is so clean that no one has lived in it.

Lin Ruomeng pretended to inadvertently walk to the boy and asked, "It's so troublesome for you. I don't know what your name is?"

The boy smiled gently and looked like a good gentleman.

"Just call me Xiao Nian."

"Then you don't have a surname, do you?"

"I haven't heard of this surname?"

"I'm kidding." Lin Ruomeng's face was tight, not like a joke at all.

An Huaixin pulled Xiao Nian's arm and said, "Senior, I'm so thirsty. Bring us some drinks."

"Okay, wait a minute. Errove me, beauty. Xiao Nian smiled kindly at Lin Ruomeng and turned to the kitchen.

After a while, the iced watermelon juice was sent up. Xiao Nian asked all the staff to come and drink. An Huaixin took two cups and handed them to Chi Xiaomi. He turned his head and looked at Huang Yeyuan. He put the cup on the coffee table in front of him and turned his head and left.


Huang Yeyuan felt happy for a while. He fought with me and felt good for you.

In the hot weather, the refreshing watermelon juice was quickly consumed by everyone. Some people still want a second cup.

Xiao Nian looked around at everyone and suddenly smiled strangely.

The smile flashed, and someone began to feel dizzy. One of them fell to the ground and shouted.

People around him laughed at whether he was suffering from heatstroke and that his body was too poor. But they fell down one after another.

Lights, field notes, and finally even Director Li softened.

Xiao Nian smiled and turned to look at Lin Ruomeng and Chi Xiaomi Huang Yeyuan sitting on the sofa, and said, "The good play is about to start, my lovely prey."

"I knew it was a trap." Lin Ruomeng calmly put down the quilt in his hand and walked to An Huaixin. He said, "Little girl, your heart is bad."

An Huaixin raised his face, and his face was no longer as innocent as before, and bloodthirsty desire flashed in his eyes.

"I have never said that my heart is good. Maybe you don't know that my name is called An Huaixin."

When Chi Xiaomi heard this, his eyes suddenly widened.