Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 102 Breaking through the sky

According to incomplete historical records, the divine power of the protoss has a total of five systems: wind, electricity, water, light and fire. Among them, there are hundreds of subdivisions.

The spiritual power of the cat demon king of the same vein belongs to the light system.

And the Wuma God clan belongs to the fire system, so there is also a reason why Wu Ma Jingyi can disguise the spiritual power of the light system.

But although Wu Ma Jingfu is said to be the best of all the protoss, he does not have any divine power himself, nor can he manipulate the fire magic power. Naturally, he will not be able to do those Raushizi spells.

He is an alien of the Wuma family, with a terrible power that can be controlled by everything in time.

If you are told to stop, you will stop. If you are told to get out of here, you can't stand and leave.

Don't say that no one can compete with the Wuma god clan, and none of the alien kings can compete with this power.

Although his abnormal magic power is respected by everyone in the Wuma family, there is no information about this character in the cat demon and dog demon. Naturally, I don't know why he is so arrogant.

Lin Ruomeng was set in place. It didn't wait for Chi Xiaomi and Huang Yeyuan to react. Lin Ruomeng's body suddenly flew into the air and shook back and forth, shaking violently like a flag.

The original fluttering long hair, like a water plant encountering an undercurrent, weakly swinging back and forth.

Chi Xiaomi looked up at Lin Ruomeng in surprise and couldn't figure out why she suddenly used this strange move. Wu Ma Jingfu's hand gently put it down, and Lin Ruomeng's body immediately fell down like a broken kite.


A stream of dust rose, and Lin Ruomeng's face was deeply embedded in the slate floor.


Chi Xiaomi screamed and rushed to Lin Ruomeng's side and hurriedly pulled her up. The slate on the ground had been shattered by the impact, and Lin Ruomeng's good face was blurred, which was very frightening.

"What the hell do you want to do?" Chi Xiaomi turned his head and questioned Wu Ma Jingfu indignantly.

Wu Ma Jingfu held his arms and hooked the corners of his sarcastic lips and said, "I know you."

"You can't hurt people casually like that."

Chi Xiaomi stood up. In the past, when people said they knew her, she was so happy that she thought that someone could finally see her humble. But now she finally understands that this is just a polite and meaningless word, and most of people's original intentions are not expressed in words.

Finally, it's what the other party is doing, not what he is saying.

He hurt his teacher, so he was the enemy.

No matter what the enemy says, it's nonsense.

Wu Ma Jingfu continued to say something. Chi Xiaomi's right hand had gathered spiritual power and raised his hand and waved.

The light ball, with a beautiful light tail, roared straight to the white face of Wu Ma Jingfu.

"I haven't finished my words yet."

Wu Ma looked at the aperture calmly, smiled, and didn't even move his fingers. The photosphere immediately broke a piece of light.

Chi Xiaomi and Huang Yeyuan were shocked when they saw this scene.

If Wu Ma Jingnian is already a difficult opponent, then Wu Ma Jingfu in front of him is a god-like existence. Maybe this is the real terrible face of the God.

"Protoss, you are finally well-deserved."

Huang Yeyuan strode to Chi Xiaomi, bowed his head and said, "When there is a man, women should not show off their ability."

"I didn't..." Chi Xiaomi just wanted to refute. Huang Yeyuan had reached out and pulled her behind her back, holding her big hand to feel wet.

She looked up and looked at the back of Huang Yeyuan.

In the past, she could only look up at him, because he was so tall and upright that she was so petite that she couldn't look at him at all. Now she has grown taller, but she suddenly feels that his greatness has not changed at all.

Whether he likes her or not, he stands in front of her.

Huang Yeyuan looked at Wu Ma Jingfu coldly, and his expression was still as indifferent as ever. His eyes were half drooping, and his purple eyeballs seemed to have no focal length.

In other words, I didn't pay attention to the person opposite at all.

"Who are you from Wu Ma Jingyi?"

"Jingyi's sister is my favorite sister. Of course, I'm the only one sister. I don't like who she likes.

"You have too much nonsense and it's annoying."

"I didn't let you like it either. Thank you for your good attack."

Huang Yeyuan's eyebrows twitched. Can he pull it on this? Should he be said to be too thick-skinned? Your Wuma family has been moving. Why did you suddenly fight for a girl this time?

"Big move? I think you misunderstood. The Wuma family has nothing to do with this matter, and I have nothing to do with today's trap. Oh, by the way, I don't think you know that my stupid brother set up a boundary for you. After the rabbit died, he changed a hole, and then you disintegrated the boundary. You could have escaped after that. However, I didn't know that two good dog demons passed by and deliberately came to design a boundary, and then you were trapped again. I think you don't know about this yet, do you?"

I have to say that Wu Ma Jingfu's words are really okay. It turns out that not all the proud and awesome people are as stingy as Huang Yeyuan.

Chi Xiaomi sighed in his heart and heard Wu Ma Jingfu continue to say, "By the way, if I hadn't told you today, you wouldn't have known about this in your life, would you?"

He looks complacent, like a child.

"Have you said enough? Do you still fight or not?" Huang Yeyuan has reached the limit of patience, and all kinds of nagging have violated his taboo.

Wu Ma Jingfu shook his head gently and said regretfully, "Do you know why I have to say so much?"

"I'm not interested, let's do it. Why don't I go first?" Huang Yeyuan's hand has been raised. He knew that a single spiritual power alone could not be Wu Ma Jingfu's opponent. As soon as he raised his hand, more than a dozen light balls were suspended in front of him.

Wu Ma Jing didn't look at it and said to herself, "I think you'd better listen to me and do it."

"It's not necessary."

The light ball flew out of his hand and went straight to Wu Ma Jingfu. The photosphere alternates up and down, attacking his body from different directions.

His body did not move at all, as if he didn't care about these light balls at all.

The ball of light is spinning, and it is already less than three centimeters away from the body.

Is it going to succeed?

Chi Xiaomi secretly leaned his head out from behind Huang Yeyuan, and a magical scene appeared in front of him: those purple light balls were still in mid-air out of thin air, like stars hanging in the sky, shining brightly, but did not move.

Wu Ma Jingfu smiled gently and moved his body out of the gap in the middle of the light ball.

"This is unscientific. How did you do it?" Chi Xiaomi couldn't help asking curiously.

"Sure enough, you still have a vision. Do you envy my special ability?" Wu Ma Jing seemed to show off and said to Chi Xiaomi.

The existence of the cat demon has already broken all of Chi Xiaomi's understanding of the world, and the divine power shown by Wu Ma Jingfu can be called amazing.

What you are doing is not in line with the law of energy.

Even if it is spiritual power, there are still some scientific evidence to refer to. For example, special cells can convert physical energy into a certain kind of light... Well... In fact, this is very ridiculous.

"Huang Yeyuan, this person is so strange. Shall we go back and discuss countermeasures first?"

Chi Xiaomi pulled Huang Yeyuan, and Huang Yeyuan's body immediately fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Chi Xiaomi jumped in front of him and found that the corners of his mouth were full of blood, his eyes were wide open and fixed in a frightened expression, and his limbs were still in the state of standing.

Needless to say, these are all masterpieces of Wu Ma Jingfu's strong magic power.

What kind of ghost power is this falling to the ground? You can hurt people without saying a sound!

"How's it going, Chi Xiaomi? This time, you should envy my super invincible magic power, right?" Wu Ma Jingfu still said like a treasure. Oh, by the way, I just forgot to tell this man that the reason why I talked a lot is that if I do it, I can get rid of the opponent in one move..." His eyebrows were evilly pressed down. "It's to deal with all the opponents!"

The sunset suddenly sank into the sky, and the sky and earth were swallowed up by darkness, and the shadow shrouded in the beautiful figure of Chi Xiaomi.

With his back to Wu Ma Jingfu, he slowly stood up. Long hair flies in the evening breeze.

"Yes... you are awesome." Chi Xiaomi's voice suddenly became a little low.

Like a child affirmed by adults, Wu Ma Jingfu said with a more and more proud smile, "That's inevitable. If I don't say more, how can I appear a little longer? Everything can be done without moving a finger. I think this is no longer a god, but a god in God?

"Is it your ancestral power to boast about yourself?" Chi Xiaomi suddenly smiled and turned around with a glow in his eyes.

Wu Ma Jingfu's expression became serious, "Chi Xiaomi, do you want to do it with me?"


"I advise you not to."

"It must be."

"You will die."

"I have died many times."

"This time it's really dead. Don't think this is a novel. If the protagonist dies, he can't write it. If you die, the novel of your life will be over..."

"You talk so much. Are you too lonely because no one wants to talk to you?"

"You hurt me..."

"You also hurt my teacher and the people you like."

"Like it? Do you like this waste? Wu Ma Jingfu suddenly made a move and excitedly pointed to Huang Yeyuan on the ground to question Chi Xiaomi.

"This has nothing to do with you. You are the same as your brother. From now on, you are my enemy. I'm going to kill you." Chi Xiaomi said very seriously. She never said anything about killing people, because she was still a little girl.

But not now.

All things forced her to a path of rapid growth.

"Ha ha ha..." Wu Ma Jingfu suddenly sneered, "It's none of my business... Yes... From childhood to adulthe, everyone is you just need to stay. Don't worry about it. Don't interfere in your business... But... This time, it really has something to do with me."

Wu Ma Jingfu suddenly grabbed his heart and gasped, as if he was really sad.

Suddenly, he widened his eyes and raised his other hand high. With a sigh, the two people who fell to the ground suddenly flew to the sky, like a launched missile, and lost their sight in the sky in an instant.

"Where did you get them?" Chi Xiaomi shouted in horror.

Wu Ma Jingfu looked up and laughed, "I'm scared, you're still scared... Hahahaha, I'm sorry, I let them take a rinner, take a good trip on the clouds, and then..."

Before the voice fell, there were two loud noises around him.

Boom! Boom!