Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 107 The Return of the Little Sky

The teenager who is brighter than the roses in the red rose bush is the dog demon Xiaotian, Tiansomeone.

Chi Xiaomi did not expect that he would dare to appear in Fengluo brazenly when his identity was exposed, and he appeared in Fengqi School District where cat demons gathered.

Xiaomi grinned happily at Chi Xiaomi, turned his head and said to the rude green-eyed cat demon, "Incompetent cat demon, why do you talk to my allies like this?"

Mu Rie snorted coldly, "Are you that green onion?"

Someone in the crowd recognized him and whispered, "Isn't this our school doctor? I heard that he is a dog demon?

"Dog demon!" Mu Rie had heard the discussion in the crowd for a long time. In an instant, people from all over the world quickly retreated and made preparations for battle one after another.

Xiaotian gently slopped and fell in front of Mu Riezao. He said unhappily, "I'm asking you. What kind of garbage are you? Do you dare to shout with my allies?"

"Shameless dog demon, you are here to die!" Mu Li had already shouted strangely, "Since you are impatient and come all the way to Fengluo to die, I will send you on the road for free!"

Mu Lie shouted arrogantly, but no one of the cat demons sighed at him, because he did have arrogant capital.

Let's not say how powerful his spiritual power is, whether it is really stronger than the strongest Huang Yeyuan, but his identity is also afraid of other cat demons.

Although many people in the cat demon are surnamed Mu, Mu Li has long been a direct relative of the Mu family of the current king of cat demons. Calculate, he also needs to call King Mu an uncle.

One person gets the way, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

The same is true among the cat demons. Since King Mu became the king of cat demons at that time, the Mu clan, who was originally a noble in the cat demon, jumped into the royal family. All other cat demons who heard that it was a cat demon of the Mu clan would be respectful and in awe.

So why don't you stay in the capital of the country and come to the "small" place of Fengluo College?

Other cat demons don't know. In fact, Mu Riezao is a spy inserted by King Mu in Fengluo, monitoring Huang Yeyuan's every move.

Huang Yeyuan also knows his identity, but he doesn't care at all.

If you want to defeat the king directly, just let the other little shrimps toss around at will!

Huang Yeyuan ignored Mu Liezao, but was regarded by Mu Liezao as Huang Yeyuan and afraid of him, so he became more and more arrogant. Therefore, when Huang Yeyuan patrolled the school in the morning, he casually stopped Huang Yeyuan's guards, and naturally he did not pay attention to Huang Yeyuan.

Xiao Tian smiled coldly, "You're welcome. I don't have that friendship with you."

"Don't die yet!"

Mu Li had not known that Xiaotian was the great wizard of the dog demon. He thought that he was a rural wild dog demon. He was holding a spiritual power and slapped Xiaotian's heart directly. His spiritual power actually used his own 100th of his ability, and he desperately wanted to kill Xiaotian with one blow!

And the retained part is that he arrogantly believes that there is no need to do all his strength to deal with a dog demon.

"Waste materials." Xiaotian was bored and waved casually. The huge spiritual power flew out of his palm of his hand and neatly smashed Mu Zhazao's spiritual power. The rest of the spiritual power knocked him upside down by the way. His body flew high, and it was embedded in the wall. The poor beautiful rose petals were knocked to the ground.

"What? Can't you even get close to him?"

Xiao Tian then told the original story of all the things that he immediately delayed Xiaomi.


After leaving the shabby house, Xiaotian went straight back to the dog king's palace.

The territory of the dog demon king is different from that of the cat demon. There are white bones piled up everywhere, and even the dog king's palace is a huge skeleton-shaped palace made of white bones.

A general will become famous for a long time. I don't know how many dog demons have died in battle for thousands of years.

Stepping on the high steps made of white bones, Xiaotian rushed to the front of the palace.

The doorman stopped him, and Xiaotian's face pulled.

"Why, even the great wizard dares to stop it?"

"I'm sorry, the wizard, the king is not in the palace now. Please go back!"

"Isn't there? Go back? Humph... Where are you going back?"

"This is at your own convenience."

"You are so bold. Believe it or not, I want your life now?" Xiao Tian shouted coldly.

The two doormen immediately knelt on the ground and said in unison, "Please spare my life!" The king was really not in the palace. He left an order when he left, and no one was allowed to enter the palace! The little ones just act according to the order. Please forgive the big wizard!"

"Humph!" After hearing this, Xiaotian snorted coldly and thought to himself, the timid Tianye, did someone come to inform you? Do you know that I'm coming to settle accounts with you?

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and I'm not in a hurry to see when you can hide.

"When Wang Shang comes back and informs me, he will say that someone has come."

"Yes, Lord Wizard."

Xiaotian left the dog king's palace with a cloudy face and returned to his palace. He suddenly found that all the servants of the palace had disappeared, and even the decorations inside had disappeared. The huge palace was empty, leaving only a thick layer of dust.

It seems that this place is empty early. God, it seems that this move has been designed since the day you sent me to Fengluo...

This is no longer his home.

Xiaotian clenched his fist silently, and he was more determined to break up with Tianye.

Looking around the empty palace, there is no need to stay here.

Originally, he wanted to confront the dog king, but now Xiaotian changed his mind. He wanted to unite with all his forces to overthrow the dog king's rule.

Since you are not kind, don't blame me for injustice!

Next, Xiaotian went to find the residence of the general who had been with him for many years. When he got there, he finally realized how cruel and straightforward the dog king's means were.

The remaining charred wall put the purpose of God's complete rooting of his great wizard's power in front of Xiaotian!

After that, Xiaotian went to the homes of several subordinates, and the situation was the same. A vicious fire appeared in his heart, and a mouthful of blood gushed up.

It's the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other...

Dog king, I want to fight your life!

I want to avenge all my subordinates!

In the following days, Xiaotian tracked the whereabouts of the dog king everywhere. The dog king seemed to have lost all his traces. Even Xiaotian sneaked into the dog king's palace. The dog king was indeed not in the palace.

Where exactly did you go?

Xiaotian was traced around alone. There was no clue. Instead, the dog king issued a wanted notice for the whole world. Seeing that Xiaotian, a traitor, could be killed.

Fortunately, Xiaotian's spiritual power was strong, otherwise he would have died in the hands of those bonus hunters.

Just tracking the whereabouts of the dog king was seriously obstructed. Time passed day by day, and Xiaotian felt that there was no way to drag him like this, so he came to Fengluo to discuss with his allies to see if there was any new way.

Chi Xiaomi's first intuition after listening to it is, Brother Xiaotian, you really like me...