Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 120 One person on the road

After solving the problem of the Ye clan, Ye Qianxiu was in a particularly good mood. He asked Xiaomi to wait on the sofa. Soon, a table of food with full color, fragrance and taste was placed in front of her eyes.

"I'm so hungry... The food looks delicious... But... What kind of dish is this? The color is a little..." Chi Xiaomi pointed to one of the red leaves that looked like spinach.


"That blue one..."

"Oh, mouse ears."

"Rat? Mouse's ears...?!!?"

"Hmm." Ye Qianxiu's soft answer made Chi Xiaomi almost vomit, and there was no appetite left.

"Do you usually eat these?!"

"This is a palace-level delicacy, and ordinary cat demons don't have a chance to eat it."

"Yeah, people... don't eat mice. It's disgusting..."

Ye Qianxiu smiled clearly and said, "As far as I know, there is nothing that human beings don't eat... I remember a news also reported that roasting mutton with mice, don't you humans like barbecue the most..."

As he said, he picked up a mouse ear and threw it into his mouth and chewed it.

Looking at his mouth moving, Chi Xiaomi felt that his stomach was also twitching.


Ye Qianxiu looked at her twitching face and smiled more happily, leaning forward and backward like a child who had won a prank.

"You lied to me, these are all vegetables, and there are no mouse limbs or anything like that. Although we do like something, after staying in the human circle for a long time, I also feel that eating mice is very cheap.

Chi Xiaomi didn't move. "You won't tell me again after I eat it. In fact, it's mouse ears, right?"

"Son, have you been cheated?"

There was a hungry purr in his stomach... Chi Xiaomi rubbed his stomach. Although it looks weird, it smells good. If the world is full of this kind of food, will she starve to death if she doesn't eat it?

That won't work.

Chi Xiaomi picked up the chopsticks again, picked up a vegetable leaf tremblingly, and sent it to his mouth with difficulty...

After filling his stomach, Chi Xiaomi felt that it was time to open his mouth.

"Yeah, when will we... go to Huang Yeyuan?"

Ye Qian was cleaning up the bowls and chopsticks. When he heard about Chi Xiaomi's problem, his body stopped.

"You just came here, are you still a little unconvinced? Get used to it for another two days..."

"There was a lava eruption at the entrance. If he is in danger, we can go earlier, and maybe we can save him in time..." Before Chi Xiaomi finished speaking, Ye Qianxiu suddenly interrupted her and said, "Moon, wake up."

"I'm sober, and I'm not the month you said. My name is Chi Xiaomi.

"You still don't understand..."

"What don't you understand?"

"You are the moon, the moon of the curtain, the greatest wizard of our Ye clan! It's my wife, my princess! How can you miss another man?!" Ye Qianxiu was a little excited.

He was so happy that Chi Xiaomi successfully crossed into the world, which undoubtedly proved that she was the moon. Without the protection of the soul of the month of the curtain, the law of heaven will not let her pass through that entrance.

Chi Xiaomi strode to the nearest flower field and came to a purple flower field. Only then did he find that the small purple flower from a distance was as big as a square meter, and a flower could make an adult. A petal is also five times more than a human palm.

The boss of Chi Xiaomi's mouth is so amazing.

In her eyes, the flower field continued to move forward. All kinds of flowers in front of her were competing for glory, of all sizes, heights and heights, all of which were not seen in the human world. There was a kind of flower that was completely transparent petals, full of water in the center of the flower, but the fragrance was like a lily.

Chi Xiaomi was just about to take off the flower when he suddenly heard someone talking.

"Don't move, it's poisonous!"

This sound is very strange... Why is it strange... The voice is very sharp, but it is very gentle, and the frequency of the sound vibration actually makes Chi Xiaomi's body resonate with it.

Chi Xiaomi withdrew and stretched out his hand and raised his head. He didn't find any trace of people around him.

Is it that she is guilty of being a thief?

He stretched out his hand again, and the voice came decisively: "I said don't move. It's poisonous."

Only then did Chi Xiaomi find that the sound seemed to come from his feet. He squatted down and saw a guy who looked like a cat and a bear in a small puddle, a little raccoon.

The two eyes were very black and cute, and the little pointed claws were shaking with a stalk.

"Are you talking?"

Chi Xiaomi is not surprised that she can understand the cry of cats now, but she doesn't think she can understand the voices of all her animals.

"I'm your life-saving bear!" The little raccoon said and jumped out of the puddle. He jumped on Chi Xiaomi's shoulder three or two times, stretched out his little claws and pressed Chi Xiaomi's nose. "Don't talk, you will be poisoned..." Before it was finished, Chi Xiaomi already felt dizzy and light-headed. One of them fell to the ground without standing firmly, and then lost consciousness.

At the end of consciousness, she seemed to see the little raccoon covering his mouth and smiling, and the yellow and black tail shaking proudly...




... I slept for a long time, and I was so tired. My limbs were paralyzed, and I didn't feel it...

...Isn't it summer now...Who opened the window...It's so cold...


Chi Xiaomi suddenly woke up. She fainted in the flower field. How could she sleep comfortably?

I hurriedly opened my eyes and suddenly found that I was no longer in the flower field, but in a cold and dark place, and the wet smell of yin and mold permeated the whole space. Her hands and feet were firmly tied and could not move at all.

Are you kidnapped when you come here? It is unlikely that anyone will know her identity to kidnap her... Or did she offend the raccoon?

While she was thinking, the door of the dark and small room opened, and the previous raccoon appeared in front of her.

"Wake up, it's pretty fast."

"Put me down."

"It's not available for the time being."

"Why did you tie me here?"

"With my ability! Hee hee, if you have the ability, you can escape. The little raccoon didn't feel that he had done anything to hurt his demon at all, and his face was innocent.

This guy is obviously a cute guy, but why is it so treacherous at this time?

Can't the bear look good?

"I must have the ability to escape, but there must be some reason why you tied me here. Tell me, maybe I'm in a good mood to help you, and you don't have to work so hard..."

Chi Xiaomi pretended to cooperate and said, actually thinking about another thing in his heart.

Isn't this the world of cat demons? How can there be a raccoon? Is it possible that all living things except humans can enter? This law of heaven is too powerful...

"It's not that I need your help, it's my master."

The raccoon was talking when the door of the small dark room opened and a man came in.