Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 126 The world is in chaos

With a blow of wind, thunder and lightning, the dark forest turned into a polar day in an instant.

The light flashes and the force bursts out.

It's roaring!

Several dog demons hurriedly defended their own spiritual power to meet the spiritual power covered by the sky. This blow contained the rapid and huge spiritual power of Chi Xiaomi's anger, and several dog demons barely welcomed it. After the electric light docking, several dog demons involuntarily retreated and prepared for defense, and there was no more look of previous contempt on their faces.

"What exactly do you come from? The feud between the cat demon and the dog demon, I advise you not to interfere with a human! Otherwise... we don't mind having one more soul." The led dog demon shouted.

Chi Xiaomi replied coldly, "What if I want to intervene?"

"Then wait to die!" Several dog demons quickly exchanged eyes, and seven or eight people quickly dispersed and surrounded Chi Xiaomi in the center.

Chi Xiaomi glanced at several dog demons and said, "Why, do you want to bully less with more?"

"It doesn't matter who has more and who has less. The important thing is who wins!" The head dog demon said arrogantly.

There was also an undead cat demon beside him who woke up and struggled to remind Chi Xiaomi, "Be careful... they are going to make a boundary!"

Although the voice was weak, Chi Xiaomi still heard it.

Although she didn't know how powerful these dog demons were, she knew how powerful the boundary was. The boundary of the protoss left a huge shadow in her heart. When she heard the word boundary, she immediately jumped up.

"You can't let her escape!" The first dog demon ordered, and immediately two dog demons jumped in the air higher than Chi Xiaomi, and quickly hit her with two spiritual powers! Chi Xiaomi did not dodge, and let the spiritual power hit him. Only at the moment when the dog demon's spiritual power was about to hit his body, he immediately emitted spiritual power in that part. The spiritual power of the dog demon completely lost its effect on her body. Chi Xiaomi flew to the high branch.

"Don't worry, I won't run away if you don't die!" Chi Xiaomi shouted to the dog demons below. Her voice has never been so firm and loud.

She knows that she is not fighting for anyone, but only fighting! Killing can't go on!

I was at the entrance the day before yesterday, and I'm here today. I don't know how many cat demons died. Although I don't know who is right and who is wrong, whoever launches the war is the murderer!

In the past, she would have been scared to death, but now she has the ability to severely punish the murderer, so she will not flinch!

"God rest today, let me take God's place to deal with you murderers!"

Chi Xiaomi said and jumped to another branch. Several dog demons thought she was going to escape and jump to the branch quickly. With this jump, the formation of several people immediately dispersed. The boundary definitely cannot be released.

Here comes the opportunity to break it one by one!

Chi Xiaomi stepped on the trunk of the tree and quickly aimed at one of the dog demons who was moving upwards. In the process of the dog demon going up, he couldn't dodge. He was hit in the shoulder by Chi Xiaomi and fell down immediately. Chi Xiaomi kept for a moment, aiming at Lin, an upward dog demon, once again with a spiritual power. The dog demon raised his vigilance. As soon as Chi Xiaomi's spiritual power arrived, he deftly dodged. Unfortunately, Chi Xiaomi played two spiritual powers this time. He dodged one, but was hit by the other, and immediately lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground.

Chi Xiaomi's body suddenly gave birth to a huge light screen blocking the pierced lightsaber and bounced the dog demon back. She stood up and looked coldly at the dog demon behind her. It turned out to be the dog demon that was just the leader.

"You're not dead?"

"I can't lose my life in the hands of a humble human being."

"I'm afraid I'll use your companion to resist my attack... It's you who are despicable."

The means are not important, the important thing is that I am alive. So you have to die!" The dog demon said that it was another sword aimed at Chi Xiaomi!

Chi Xiaomi immediately opened his arms, and a huge light screen opened in an instant. The dog demon's fragile light sword was immediately smashed, and the power of the light screen forced the dog demon to retreat a few steps.

The dog demon's expression has changed. The spiritual power of this human being is more powerful than all the cat demons he has met in his life. Is it... "Are you a protoss?"

This dog demon has never seen a real protoss, but he believes that it is impossible to have such a powerful spiritual power except for the protoss with a human smell.

Chi Xiaomi did not deny or argue. In her view of this moment, there is no need to explain anything to the dog demon in front of him. He is already a dead demon.

The blood on the chest is flowing, and more bloody breath in the air is mixed with the smell of her blood, entangled and dissolved.

The world is originally planted by you and me, and I have you. Why do both human beings and demons, and the high-ranking protoss want to dominate the world?

Only when the infinite self is strong can we prevent others from bullying ourselves.

Now you don't know how powerful I am, then I will tell you with action!

Chi Xiaomi will not have much fancy control spells. She only has simple, direct and powerful spiritual power, and directly throw out this power that no one can resist, so that the enemy knows that she is the strongest one!

The turbulent spiritual power suddenly flew to the sky, the passionate light roared, and the green silk also fluttered upside down. Chi Xiaomi's face only had a sacred smile, pure and flawless, and did not stain the evil in the world.

She walked slowly towards the dog demon, and the huge power brought by her footsteps was so full that the opposite dog demon could not stand, as if she was about to be blown down by a hurricane, struggling to be washed away.

What a terrible person!

It's so terrible that he wants to escape directly. I hope he has never appeared here and has never seen this person!

It's too late to turn around and escape in horror.

Chi Xiaomi has come behind her, and the purple light in the palm of her hand is extremely bright. It pierced his back heart in an instant!

The dog demon fell down with a scream.

The woods became quiet in an instant, and it always seemed to be so quiet,

Chi Xiaomi put away all his spiritual power and stepped forward to the side of the head dog demon.

"I hope you can die this time."

The dog demon fell to the ground motionless, and the blood hole penetrated by the spiritual light behind him was gurgling with blood, as if life had left the broken body.

"Although you don't talk, I won't make the same mistake again!" Chi Xiaomi said to the dog demon with a blank face, slowly raising a ball of light, squatting down and pressing on the dog demon's head. This blow will definitely penetrate the dog demon's head and make him die completely.

However, at this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from the forest of the fund and shouted, "Don't kill him!"

Chi Xiaomi's hand paused. The voice was so urgent that it seemed to be the last call of that life.

And there is also a woman's voice.

Is it possible that she killed someone's lover...

The light gradually disappeared. Chi Xiaomi got up and looked around. In a few seconds, a girl hurried to Chi Xiaomi.