Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 130 Not ruthless

The night of the castle is both a quiet night and an awkward night.

Since Ye Qianxiu and Chi Xiaomi confessed, Chi Xiaomi has always felt that they could not face Ye Qianxiu. When the two looked at each other, the convection of the air became ambiguous in an instant.

Don't you like him?

He raised his head at the dinner table and inadvertently bumped into Ye Qianxiu's focused eyes. He blushed and took a big mouthful of the food in the bowl.

"You are shy." Ye Qianxiu said carelessly.


"Isn't it embarrassing and angry after being exposed in such a hurry to refute?"

"Ye Qianxiu, you are abominable."

"I'm not hateful, I'm cute, will you come to love me?"


Damn it, Chi Xiaomi was speechless by his unintentional or intentional confession, so he had to put more and more food into his mouth.

Ye Qianxiu smiled gently and seemed to be very satisfied with Chi Xiaomi's satisfied expression.

"I'll buy a plane ticket later. Do you want to go back to Fengluo?"

"Okoo, okoo!" Chi Xiaomi nodded happily, touched Ye Qianxiu's disappointed eyes, and immediately lowered his head.

"Do you feel so uncomfortable when we spend time alone? Are you in such a hurry to leave?"

"No, the teacher hasn't found it yet. Of course, I hope to go back earlier to help.

"Chi Xiaomi, you don't like me. You don't need an excuse. You can say it directly."

"...really...I don't like you..." Chi Xiaomi actually said it. As soon as the words came out, her heart immediately pounded. Good boy, she actually told the truth. Can Ye Qianxiu accept it?

Although she didn't like him, she didn't want him to be sad.

Such a beautiful boy, who can bear to hurt...

Unexpectedly, Ye Qianxiu said in dispertion, "Very good."

"Aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry? There are many people in the world who don't like me. If I want to be angry, won't I be angry to death?" you still like yourself? This is not the attitude of liking people at all, is it? When Huang Yeyuan refused her, she was going to be sad to death. Ye Qianxiu's performance was painless, and she was actually a little unhappy.

Ye Qianxiu continued: "Anyway, I will definitely make you like me, so now, I need to know what you really think. I don't want you to lie to me."

Another invincible aromaniac...

Chi Xiaomi put down the cutlery and said seriously, "In this case, I will directly explain for the last time. What I like is Huang Yeyuan. Although you are very good and really good, I just don't like you. I can't explain the reason... Maybe it's because you've always been regarded as another girl, maybe... It's because I think you're too far away to belong to me..."

The crystal light, the night breeze touches the cloth, and the fragrance of flowers is rich and the atmosphere is ambiguous, but she is talking about such a disturbing thing.

Chi Xiaomi doesn't understand why she has been resisting Ye Qianxiu all the time. Her feeling for Ye Qianxiu is not as she said. Even many times, she also wants to indulge in his gentle ocean without hesitation and be a happy girl who is loved.

"Your speculation is very reasonable, but there is one thing you may not know."

"What's the matter?"

" Huang Yeyuan will not go to his clan for help. This is not right."

"Why? Is it because he is too arrogant?"

" There is this reason, and more importantly, he and his brother, the patriarch of the royal family, have long broken off their brotherhood. Everyone who knows Huang Yeyuan knows about this matter. Moreover, his brother once ordered him to be killed. Therefore, he can't ask his people for help, and no one dares to help him. I think Huang Yeyuan found a thousand miles away, but they were taken away together!

"Where to take it?"

"The territory of the royal family."

"Why did you kidnap him back?"

"I think his brother is probably going to put him to death, right? However, there is another problem. There is still a reason to capture Huang Yeyuan. There is no reason to take it away even if you smell it for thousands of miles?"

"Ah? Punied... Will they kill each other? Or, will that brother change his mind and take Huang Yeyuan back for another purpose?

"Maybe... It's really a little strange."

"What are you going to do now? Ye Qianxiu, are we going to the royal territory to save him?"

"If Huang Yeyuan is really imprisoned by the royal family, it will be really troublesome."


In the world of cat demons, there are three major families, the Mu clan directly under the king of Mu, our Ye clan, and another family, that is, the royal family. The Ye and Mu people are two long-standing families in the cat demon, and their spiritual power and status are much higher than that of other families. The royal family is a family that has only recently emerged. They stood out among all the small rural ethnic groups with super strong spiritual power and quickly became the third largest family. Although there are few cat demons in their clan, each of them has a powerful purple spirit. The energy of the purple spirit can be defeated by one hundred in the cat demon. Even if the number of them is small, the Ye clan and the Mu clan are not their opponents. If any clan fights against them, there will be the possibility of extermination. And the royal family has always wanted to replace the Mu clan to inform the cat demon capital, but the time is not yet ripe, so they have been motionless. So, Xiaomi, if we want to save Huang Yeyuan, with our strength alone, even if I am the king, you can't do it by all!"

"Is the royal family... so terrible? No wonder Huang Yeyuan said that he could not return to the cat demon capital.

Huang Yeyuan... Why don't you explain this... You know that you may die, why do you have to go back? You are not a hot-blooded boy...

Chi Xiaomi's eyes are suddenly a little wet...

It turns out that you are not so cold and ruthless. It turns out that you are willing to take such a big risk for me...

Huang Yeyuan, where are you now? Are you still alive?

I'm here waiting for you to come back. Can you feel that I'm thinking about you...

Ten million times of denial in my heart, Ye Qianxiu's affectionate confession, and my hundred struggles can't stop me from liking you.

Huang Yeyuan, you must live and wait for me to save you!

"Ye Qianxiu, I must save Huang Yeyuan, I must save it!"

She clenched her fists tightly like an oath.