Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 137 Looking for Memory 1

There was a silence in the main hall. Everyone saw the shocking purple light just now, which represented the strongest color.

Chi Xiaomi looked around as if nothing had happened and said, "Who else is not convinced? Come and compare with me again."

She stood proudly in the middle of the hall, like a flower blooming after a proud flower.

The beauty of girls is not only in its shape, but also the most beautiful charm comes from the inner self-confidence.

Chi Xiaomi has never been a very confident girl. Until just now, when she heard so many people's respect for the moon of the curtain, she had a yearning in her heart. Powerful is not only synonymous with boys. A woman in the month of the curtain can convince so many strong cat demons. She suddenly wants that feeling.

A feeling of supreme respect for people who will still be mentioned after death.

The lower the starting point, the higher he is often expected to climb higher, because he understands the pain of being in the trough more deeply than others.

Chi Xiaomi is also the same at this time. After experiencing all kinds of pains, she has who she is today. She wants more affirmations to prove her strength and never wants to be a humble self again.

Therefore, she fought against all the elders of the Ye people.

Now everyone is waiting for the cat demon who will take the post.

The air is heavy, and Xiaomi is waiting.

All the elders are also waiting.

Finally, Ye and Lun walked to Chi Xiaomi and said, "Little girl, they are all afraid of you. Why don't I have a try with you?"

"This...uncle..." Chi Xiaomi looked at him hesitantly, and then turned his head to look at Ye Qianxiu.

Ye Qianxiu was also stunned when he heard that Ye Yulun was going to compare with Chi Xiaomi, "uncle, you are..."

"Don't be surprised, children. I won't compare with this little girl. I'm afraid these elders will not be convinced in their hearts. Everyone knows that I have always been trustworthy and honest, and I will not make a false comparison. And I tried with her just to find out how good she was, and I wouldn't hurt her by mistake.

Chi Xiaomi said secretly in his heart: Uncle, I'm afraid of hurting you...

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Ye and Lun wanted to persuade her to do it again. Ye Mu Zhichen said loudly above the temple, "I don't think I need to compare!" Didn't the elders' eyes and hands see the purple spiritual power? The cat demon king's strongest attack on Ziling, what else is unconvinced!"

As soon as he said something, he really annoyed some elders who usually didn't like his cat demon.

"Zhichen, can you say that Ziling can be the patriarch?! What we want is the great will and strong control of the month of the curtain. The man who got up and spoke was a slightly fat man of about 40 years old. "But you're right. We all see that this girl is really good at having a purple spirit, and there is no need to compare. What is needed is to let her prove that she has the memory of the moon of the curtain!"

Immediately, the cat demon echoed and said, "That's right, little girl, can you think that the memory of the past still exists?"

Chi Xiaomi frowned... Memory, if there was a memory, she would not resist going to be the moon of the curtain at all, or she would directly point out the names of these uncles and uncles, instead of standing here foolishly.

Will that memory really exist?

Silently hold down your chest...

Is there really the soul of the moon in this body?

If there is, why didn't she notice it at all?

Suddenly I want to go to all kinds of strange actions in the past, and the spiritual power of her unknown origin is even more powerful than Huang Yeyuan. She suddenly looks a little similar. Maybe it is the existence of the soul that makes her so strange, and even out often out of her control, right?

So if the moon of the curtain is released, will you never be able to control yourself again?

A trace of fear suddenly surged in her heart, and she took a step back silently.

Ye Qianxiu saw that Chi Xiaomi began to hesitate and hurriedly stepped forward to hold her hand. When the other elders saw Chi Xiaomi retreat, they naturally understood that she had no past of the month of Yemu at all.

There were criticisms for a while.

"It's ridiculous that Ye Mu Zhichen wants to pass on the patriarch to a human who lives shorter than him..."

"What's the use of spiritual power without memory!"

"Is she a spy of our Ye people sent by King Mu? It's incredible that human beings have spiritual power, but she is also a humble human being.



Chi Xiaomi looked at the elders in a daze, saying relevant or irrelevant sarcasm.

Ye Mu Yue, if you are really in my body, have you heard their ridicule and disapproval?

Will you appear because of anger?

I expect you to appear, because I really hate this kind of criticized situation... However, I don't want you to appear.

The main hall was chaotic for a while. Ye and Lun made it easy for Chi Xiaomi to prove his ability to successfully become the patriarch. In his opinion, what the Ye clan needed at this time was not the moon of the curtain, but a kind of centrifugal force.

But the development was beyond his expectation. Looking at those indignant faces, he knew that the girl in front of him must have the memory of the moon, otherwise, he would not think about being the patriarch.

He sighed and shook his head. The oppression of the Ye people by the Mu people today is not exactly the cunning of King Mu and the simplicity of Zhichen, but that there is little left in the condensed heart. When will there be such a situation of elders in the Ye palace in the past?

He said to Ye Qianxiu, "Qianxiu, it seems that today's transmission of the throne seems to be temporarily put on hold... Zhichen still wants to continue to be his patriarch, or you come and be the patriarch of the Huiye clan. I know that if you want this girl to be the patriarch, there must be something you have to do. Isn't it the same as her if you want to be the patriarch..."

"I... I'm afraid I can't. When I become the patriarch, it is equivalent to declaring war on King Mu. In the past few years, the elders have been lying that I was crazy to avoid this war. I can't be a patriarch. Ye Qianxiu has thought about it for a long time, but now he has no intention to be the patriarch, and he can't be the patriarch.

"Then... there is nothing you can do, unless you wake up the memory of the moon."

"It seems that this is the only way..."

A special meeting was disbanded in this way, and the elders left the temple one after another. Finally, Ye and Lun and Ye Qianxiu went to the palace to talk about the past, leaving only Chi Xiaomi and Ye Muchen in the hall.

"Sister, I'm sorry..."

"I don't blame you... and... don't call me sister..." Chi Xiaomi answered him mechanically.

"Sister, are you angry?" Ye Mu Zhichen asked anxiously. He just found his sister and was very afraid of making her angry and no longer paying attention to him. Since his father seemed to, he has grown up alone. If possible, he wants to exchange power for the father and sister he wants.

"I'm very angry, but not to you. If you don't prove that you are the month of the curtain, don't call me sister.

Chi Xiaomi said muranly and walked out of the hall.

", that...where are you going?"

"Go to a place that can prove myself."

She left the main hall without looking back.



When Ye Qianxiu and Ye Mu Zhichen heard the report from their subordinates and rushed to the Fairy Hall, the ground of the Fairy Hall was already bleeding.

Chi Xiaomi grabbed Lingying's feet. Lingying kept screaming and struggling, and the vines on the top of her head had been broken.

Both of them lay in the pool of blood.

"Moon...Xiaomi, what are you doing?!" Ye Qianxiu shouted in horror.

Chi Xiaomi closed his eyes weakly and didn't seem to hear him. He muttered something in his mouth, and Ling Ying screamed: "I don't know! I don't know, I don't know!! I don't know--!"

I have been trying to open the palm of Xiaomi.

When Ye Qianxiu heard that Chi Xiaomi went to the Fairy Hall, her first intuition was that she would be eaten by the spirit baby. In fact, he was relieved to see that she still existed. But when he saw the room full of blood, his heart rose to his throat again.

He walked over and said to Chi Xiaomi, "Let go, you will die!"

Chi Xiaomi's mouth is still whispering something.

This time Ye Qianxiu heard it clearly. What she said was: Tell me how to retrieve my memory...

Is Chi Xiaomi here to ask Lingying how to retrieve her memory?! This is too risky! However, she is right about one thing. Only this psychic baby knows about the way to awaken the soul memory of the moon of the curtain.


"Let go first, and you will die!"

"Tell me how to retrieve my memory..."

"I don't know! I don't know!"

Ye Qianxiu didn't know that before he came, the two guys had been deadlocked for a long time and had changed from many dialogues to these two simple sentences.

Tell me how to retrieve my memory...

I don't know...

"Ling Ying Zun, please tell her, otherwise you will die if you leave the life-sustaining bed and life-sustaining vine for too long!" Ye Qianxiu couldn't persuade Chi Xiaomi, so he had to persuade Ling Ying.

Ling Ying doesn't know this, but she can't let this woman find her memory and bully herself!

"I won't tell her even if I die!" Lingying continued to scream.

"What's wrong with you!"

"I'd rather die than live in humiliation!"

"Your honor, what if I can guarantee that she will set you free after she regains her memory?"

"..." Ling Ying hesitated for a moment, "It's impossible! I know best what kind of bastard the moon of the curtain is! Unless...unless she swallows my saliva!"


Ye Qianxiu was a little hesitant. It was not that Ling Ying's saliva was too disgusting, but her so-called saliva, which was actually a kind of venom she secreted. If she swallowed it, once she repented and did not detoxify, Chi Xiaomi would surely die.

"If you don't promise me, I will die with her!" Ling Ying screamed at the threat.

"No! Can I swallow it for her?"

"No, I want her to swallow it!" The spirit baby screamed hysterically, and his body had begun to turn white, as if it was going to work.