Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 151 Release Conditions

The Imperial Heavenly Hall in the Royal Territory.

This is a palace that is much more shabby than Ye Qianxiu's residence.

Simple masonry structure, red tiles and white walls, without too many gorgeous marble and jade and other precious materials, even in this palace can only be regarded as a larger residential house, and the furnishings inside are very simple. The tables and chairs are made of rattan, not even a decent chair similar to the patriarch.

The emerging family of the royal family does not have much money for them to build a palace comparable to the Ye and the Mu people, but even so, now in the minds of all the different kings, the royal family is already known as the three strongest races among the cat demons.

They rely on strong spiritual power.

However, they need more funds to expand their power, so at the beginning, Huang Tianji moved the territory of the royal family to the border of the Ye people, which was early coveted the vast territory and rich resources of the Naye people.

At this time, Huang Tianji had been standing in the hall and quietly listening to his report for a long time.

His flying eyebrows are awe-inspiring, as rich as ink dyeing. A pair of eyes were as purple as Huang Yeyuan, and even the indifferent thin lips were raised like a withdrawal of charm. The two brothers stood together, afraid that anyone would admit their mistakes.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that the two people are different.

They have different hearts.

The heart of Huang Yeyuan is indifferent and stubborn, and the heart of Huang Tianji is the abyss that no one can see to the end.

He always smiled kindly, but used the most vicious means to eradicate dissidents.

He doesn't seem to have any ambition, but in just a few decades, he has made the royal family the third largest clan among cat demons, and even now he wants to occupy and annex the Ye clan. His ambition can be said to be extremely powerful.

And he was so low-key that all the Ye people and the most cautious Mu kings of the Mu people did not know that the emperor Tianji, the head of the royal clan, had always focused on Huang Yeyuan.

Huang Tianji, in the view of Huang Yeyuan, is the most terrible goblin in the world, more terrible than King Mu.

He never does things according to any reason, and even family affection can be ignored.

Therefore, many people will not misregnize Huang Yeyuan and Huang Tianji.

The relationship is born from the heart.

Their hearts are different, so when you see them, although you will admit your mistake at first glance, you will soon find that this is definitely not the same person.

After listening to his subordinate's report, Huang Tianji suddenly became interested in the colorful spiritual power they said.

"Is there really a spiritual power in this world that is more powerful than Ziling? Colorful spiritual power... I've never heard of it.

The colorful spiritual power that shocked the world in those years is actually unknown to many cat demons, because Lao Ye Wang is a low-key king. He has been hiding his daughter's strength. He doesn't want too many people to covet her strong spiritual power and do something to hurt her. In fact, only a few of them have fought with her and a few important elders in the clan know about all the colorful spiritual power of the month of the curtain. Most of the strange kings who fought with her died under the spiritual power, and the clan naturally did not talk more about the colorful spiritual power to outsiders, so many strange kings did not know that the most powerful spiritual power in the world was not the purple spirit.

"The patriarch is indeed a colorful spiritual power... That spiritual power is so powerful that we were defeated with just one blow!" One of the cat demons said with a lingering heart that the alien king they took the lead was still unconscious.

Huang Tianji smiled and said, "I believe what you said. Since there is such a strong opponent, I have to study the countermeasures. You can go back and have a rest first!"


Several strange kings left his palace, and Huang Tianji's face showed a look of fatigue that had never been shown in front of others.

Fight, expand, occupy, kill.

It starts again and again.

He knew that all this was destined to be a cat demon king.

Once upon a time, he also wanted to live quietly in that small mountain village and grow up carefree around his parents. It was the iron hooves of the powerful who broke through the tranquility of the mountain village, it was they who killed their indisputable parents, and it was they who forced them to leave the place where they lived and wandered around.

Because of their natural strong purple spirit, their royal family has become a thorn in the side of those so-called famous clans.

The blood of the same clan, parents can't close their eyes to death, and the killer who viciously chases them, as long as he closes his eyes, he will appear in front of his eyes.

That time, he understood that only by making himself the highest ruler in the world can he ensure that his compatriots will not be hurt!

At that time, he decided that no matter who stood in front of him, he could not stop him from making the royal family the hegemon who ruled the world!

Kill, no matter how much and how long he kills, he will not blink.

The king's firm will will not be shaken by blood!

No one can waver!

Even his own brother Huang Yeyuan can't!

It's just that I occasionally feel tired.

No one can understand that behind his vicious means is actually to protect more people...

No one knows that he is tired of death and blood.

No one knows that now he can't vomit when he sees blood...

Colorful spiritual power...

Huang Tianji closed his deep purple eyes. What kind of opponent is this? Unexpectedly, there will be an opponent he couldn't imagine, and there will be a situation he has never thought of...

When he forcibly captured Huang Yeyuan, he once said that he was afraid that Huang Yeyuan would threaten his position and replace him as the patriarch.

Yes, the spiritual power of Huang Yeyuan is indeed the most powerful and pure one in the royal family.

Although the royal family are all purple supernatural kings, their purple spiritual power is also divided into ten classes, and the purple spiritual light is also different. The deeper the spiritual power, the stronger the attack power. It is an indisputable fact that his spiritual power is not as pure as that of his younger brother Huang Yeyuan.

He can become a patriarch because his strong willpower and means have little to do with spiritual power.

Huang Yeyuan only knew that he was afraid that he would threaten his position...

The emperor smiled very dullly.

His brother is still so proud that he can't think about anything else.

Everyone only saw him on the surface, and no one knew what he was like.

God doesn't pity him. He doesn't send a confidant who understands his inner pain, but only let him work hard.

When I was young, my father once said that Xiaoyuan's natural pride did not know the depth of heaven and earth, and he had to endure a little hardship and learn a little lesson to be mature and take over the position of patriarch.

That's why he let him know that the world is not spiritually powerful and everything is good. If he wants him to let him know, wisdom will also make him doomed. He did so, using all kinds of traps and lies, and even sacrificing his dependence and trust in himself, just to make him grow up.

Today's Huang Yeyuan is no longer the time when he was innocent and thought that he was invincible in the world. He also knew how to protect himself and knew that spiritual power alone could not live well in this dangerous world.

Everything he did was exchanged for the result he wanted, but he lost his brother and called him brother affectionately.

No one asked him why he did that, and all his relatives thought he was for power.

No one knows that from the beginning, he was going to give the position of the patriarch and even the country he played to Huang Yeyuan.

Forget it... No one will know.

Now Huang Yeyuan is still in prison by him.

There was a girl in the Ye clan that he had never heard of, a powerful patriarch with colorful spiritual power. He knew that his spiritual power might not be able to compete with it.

For the sake of all the compatriots of the Ye nationality, he should consider releasing Huang Yeyuan out of the war!

At this time, Huang Yeyuan was about to get moldy in prison.

He closed his eyes and sat in the chair without moving.

How long will the damn Emperor Tianji be detained?

The prison is full of boundaries, and I can't escape from it!

Day by day, I don't know if Chi Xiaomi has been waiting for Fengluo to go crazy...

Thinking of this, he sighed, opened his eyes and said to the strange king who was looking at him, "I want to eat..."

"I didn't expect you to be able to eat..." Huang Tianji appeared outside the prison with a smile on his face and said to the cold through the iron railing.

"Is it impossible to starve yourself to death? It's ridiculous. When did you let me go? Otherwise, when are you going to kill me?!" Huang Yeyuan sneered and looked into Huang Tianji's eyes.

"You can let go, but you have to do something so that I can let you and the old man go."

"Oh?" Huang Tianji actually wanted to let him go?

The emperor laughed very deeply.

******** dividing line******

"Report to the patriarch! Well... The patriarch of the Ye clan has killed the holy place with a large group of people! ..." The guard came to report to Huang Yeyuan in a panic. Seeing that there were two patriarchs standing in the lobby, he was a little confused for a moment.

"It's so fast... I know. You go down and inform the elders and say that we are going to fight against the Ye clan!"


Huang Tianji turned his head and said to Huang Yeyuan, "What I want you to do is to repel the patriarch of this Ye clan. As long as you can repel him, I will let you go!"

"Is it that simple?" Huang Yeyuan looked at everything in his eyes. He never thought that what the man in front of him did was as simple as on the surface.

He said that he was scared by the emperor's trap, but he was suspicious.

For Huang Tianji, he must be prepared for any other tricks.

"Simple? My dear brother, when did I do something simple? When Huang Tianji said this, Huang Yeyuan wanted to nod and say, you really know yourself...

"You don't have any conspiracy, do you?"

"Ha ha... There is no conspiracy this time. I'm afraid you can't do it." Huang Tianji said calmly with a smile, looking at Huang Yeyuan's eyes was so contemptuous.