Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 183 Reappearance of the Protoss

For the search of Wan Yuan God clan, Lin Ruomeng and Wen Jinghong replied to Chi Xiaomi that there was no clue.

"I think the Wanyan protoss has been extermined, right?" Wen Jinghong crossed his legs, and one hand was still restless. Lin Ruomeng's arm swam. The relationship between the two had broken through into a lover, and the speed was so fast that Chi Xiaomi was a little uncomfortable.

She smiled gently, "It seems that I'm going to call you master in the future."

"That's inevitable, inevitable, hahaha." Wen Jinghong threw a wink at Lin Ruomeng very happily. Lin Ruomeng lazily pulled back her arm and said to Chi Xiaomi, "Xiao, do you absolutely have to find you a butterfly master who flies in the pile of women all day long? This kind of man is too insecure, isn't he? What do you think..."

"Hey... woman, are you going to change your mind?" Wen Jinghong suddenly became anxious.

"What does it have to do with you?" Lin Ruomeng said in a hurry.

"There must be a relationship, Lin Ruomeng, listen to me. You, a woman, can only have a relationship with me in your life!" Wen Jinghong said loudly.

"But don't you mind that my nose is fake?" Lin Ruomeng blinked and said.

"Hahahaha..." Wen Jinghong didn't say anything, and Chi Xiaomi suddenly laughed. I couldn't help laughing.

Lin Ruomeng and Wen Jinghong looked at the girl who suddenly laughed dumbfoundedly and didn't understand where the laughing point was.

With a smile, the two of them found that something was wrong with Chi Xiaomi.

"Xiaomi, what's wrong with you? What's going on?" Lin Ruomeng stood up and asked.

"It's okay...Hahaha...I'm fine...It's great. You two are so funny. Oh, I can't. I'm laughing so much that my stomach hurts. I'm going to calm down... Hahaha..."

Chi Xiaomi laughed and covered his stomach and walked out of Lin Ruomeng's dance classroom.

When I went out, the smile on my face suddenly disintegrated, leaving only cold tears.

There are so many happy people in this world, why can't you count me...

He lowered his eyes gloomily and slowly walked forward.

She didn't know where she was going. When she woke up, there was an endless blue sea in front of her.

I don't know why there is no one at the seaside. Maybe it's because of the cold weather. The wind at the seaside is cold and humid, which is so cool.

The waves set off low waves with the wind, and occasionally rushed to the feet of Chi Xiaomi, sending broken shells.

It's the first time she has seen the sea of Flying Wings City.

The wind was getting stronger and worse. Before long, the originally sunny sky was suddenly covered with clouds.

"It's going to rain, it's time to go back..." When Chi Xiaomi said to himself, he had not yet taken a step. The raindrops had fallen, and the heavy rain poured out in an instant, and everything between heaven and earth became blurred.

Chi Xiaomi stood in the rain and suddenly didn't know what to do...

The rain has wet her. Is it necessary to hide?

Can the person who has fallen in love still forget it?

Fall in love?

Who do you fall in love with?

Huang Yeyuan?

It's ridiculous.

You are the great moon of the curtain. How can you fall in love with that bastard who has been bullying you repeatedly...

"What's going on now? Why don't you wake up?"

"Who knows, even if she is not awake, I can't help it." Wen Jinghong spread his hands.

"The quack doctor." Huang Yeyuan spit out two words coldly, came to Chi Xiaomi, and reached out to hold her cold little hand.

Lin Ruomeng looked at Wen Jinghong, and the two of them withdrew from the ward knowingly.

Chi Xiaomi did not move, like a princess in distress. Huang Yeyuan stretched out his hand to push away the wet hair on her forehead, gently put it on the side, and thought about it. Suddenly, he raised his predecessor and leaned over to her forehead and gave a gentle kiss.

"Wake up quickly, you have to be fine..." Huang Yeyuan said to Chi Xiaomi's forehead, and suddenly found that she had opened her eyes at some time and was looking at Huang Yeyuan inexplubless.

Huang Yeyuan immediately looked embarrassed, and immediately straightened up, stunned for a moment, hurriedly turned around, and bit his lips angrily.

He knew that he was calculated by the hateful quack again, and Chi Xiaomi had nothing to do at all.

"Why are you here... Where is this..." Chi Xiaomi frowned sadly and sat up with difficulty.

"That... I'm going to find Wen Jinghong..." Huang Yeyuan hurried out of the ward. Chi Xiaomi was stunned for a while, and suddenly blushed and smiled.

Just he shy?

Hehe... I never knew that Huang Yeyuan was so cute and shy. She thought he didn't know what it was at all.

She raised her hand and touched the forehead with a cold touch, and she laughed to herself.

So when Wen Jinghong entered the door, he saw a silly girl holding her head and giggling.

"Good boy, you're not really damaged by thunder and lightning, are you?"

"What thunder and lightning?" Chi Xiaomi asked puzzledly.

"You were struck by lightning when you went to the beach, don't you know?"

"There is no thunder and lightning..." Chi Xiaomi looked at Wen Jinghong confusedly, suddenly jumped up from illness and shouted, "Protoss, Pros!"

"What kind of protoss?" Wen Jinghong did not react, "Wu Ma God?"

"No, no... We are looking for it, Wanyuan!"


A group of people drove straight to the seaside of Chi Xiaomi, regardless of the pouring rain outside.

The turbulent sea slapped the shore fiercely, and the wind roared and even the umbrella couldn't beat it, and it was directly blown over.

Chi Xiaomi was useless. He stood in the rain and tried to open his eyes and look around.

She won't be wrong. The protoss teenager clearly appeared.

The moment the sea overflowed over her head, she saw a teenager standing in the sea.

The teenager's face was pale, and his dark eyes hung on such a pale face, looking like a water ghost waiting to drag the victims in the water.

Later, she saw the tornado. The moment the dragon absorbed water, the teenager grabbed her arm, and then she was swallowed by the powerful whirlpool.

But at that moment, she had already felt the breath of the protoss on him.

That teenager is not a water ghost!

Because he hit her body with lightning, it was good that she instinctively resisted with spiritual power, but later she fainted by the sea water, not fainted by lightning.

Although she felt the breath of the protoss, she was not different from the Wuma protoss she had contacted before, so she dared to conclude that it was the Wanyan protoss.

Maybe the Wanyan protoss was attracted by the light of the guide of her other half...

Thinking of this, Chi Xiaomi took out a metal box containing the light of the guide from his body and slowly opened the box.

The golden yellow ball rose in the air in an instant, forming a huge barrier around the light ball, and the rain could not enter.

Huang Yeyuan, Wen Jinghong and Lin Ruomeng all gathered around. They didn't understand what Chi Xiaomi did with the light of the guide at this time.

Several people looked at the strange light ball in surprise. Suddenly, Chi Xiaomi raised his hand and grabbed the light of the guide in his hand and turned around with a sneer.

"I caught you!"