Fairy Road

Chapter 8 Hope

These things that can't be seen at ordinary times are actually real.

After listening to Baling's explanation, Shi Miao suddenly felt a little ashamed. She didn't expect that Xiuzhen had so many uses. She thought that there were only practitioners and monsters in the world. Unexpectedly, ghosts also existed. Zhao Meng was Yuyu's boyfriend. No matter how good he was, she couldn't say anything to make Zhao Meng suffer misfortune.

"So how can we save Zhao Meng? What can I do to see the black gas?" Shi Miao asked Baling eagerly. He is still a novice now, and he has to rely on Baling for many things.

Shi Miao relies on the I Ching to wash the marrow and her hearing is different from ordinary people, but she has not learned to see it, which really makes Baling a little anxious.

This is called Wangqi from Taoist's point of view.

Wangqi is not only used in feng shui, but also in xiangren, phase and other aspects. Qi is the foundation of appearance, which determines temperament and longevity. Human qi comes from three aspects. First, it inherits the five qi of heaven and earth, which is born with yin and yang. Second, it is acquired adjustment and cultivation. Third, it is the edification of the external environment. In the past, experienced Taoist priests could judge their recent good or bad luck at a glance according to human qi.

ordinary people know that masters of feng shui should know how to look at Qi and distinguish whether this vein is appropriate, but they don't know that Qi is the first basic skill for practitioners. Only by learning to look at Qi can they practice Qi.

Baling pondered for a moment and looked at Shi Miao with his eyes: "It's very simple to save the boy surnamed Zhao. Now I can save him, but if you want to see this black gas, it will take some strength. I'm not a true person and I can't teach you. However, since you want to learn, you must remember that this is a road that can't be turned back. Baling's eyes were deeply lonely. He hoped that Shi Miao would become stronger and stronger, but in the same way, this decision must be made by Shi Miao himself.

This road that is incompatible with the world is likely to affect Shi Miao's life and the lives of the people around her in the future. The first time she saw Baling's expression so solemn, Shi Miao began to meditate. This step is to change her life!

"Zhao Meng, come on! We continue to drink..." In the bedroom, the fish fish talked drunk and kept talking, but every word did not leave Zhao Meng, and Shi Miao had made a choice.

In the past, she was just an ordinary country girl. She was abandoned and lost her job. Her sister in the countryside had never been well taken care of with Zhang Guirong. It was by chance that she met Baling and got lovesick beans that changed her fate. For her sister, for her future life, for her friends, and no longer be bullied. She decided to go on, because she was not just herself! And the people she wants to protect and those she doesn't want to lose!

"I've figured it out. I'm going to learn to be angry." Shi Miao's eyes were firm, and such an expression was rare among girls of her age. Looking at such Shi Miao, Baling was stunned for a moment. Two thousand years ago, there was such a person with a firm face. Now that two thousand years have passed, that the man's appearance has become blurred in his memory, but he is still Remember that look.

Seeing Baling staring at him without opening his mouth, Shi Miao was a little embarrassed. Anyone would feel uncomfortable to see a teddy dog with such deep eyes.

For good, Baling quickly returned to normal and continued to say, "Today's world is very different from the past. I guess that the cultivation sect in the past has already withered, and hope is not a great skill. Maybe some wandering magicians will teach you." Although Baling can't teach Shi Miao in person, he can guide Shi Miao. Although he is not a practitioner, he has lived for so many years, and there are always magic weapons suitable for practitioners.

As the saying goes, the master is in the folk. That night after thinking hard, Shi Miao made a decision and began to find someone who could help her. At this time, Shi Miao did not know that one of her decisions had given herself a key to open the door to cultivation.

The next morning, Shi Miao woke up the fish that was still lying in bed and was interested to go fishing with Yuyu and Zhao Meng.

Yuyu is a person who likes to stay in bed. After turning over, he finally got up sullenly. There is nothing he can do. As long as he can make Shi Miao happier, it is worth doing as a friend.

Zhao Meng and Yuyu were in love. Yuyu immediately hooked Zhao Meng over with a phone call. As soon as they met Shi Miao, they quietly looked at Zhao Meng, but they still couldn't see that Zhao Meng's eyebrows were black.

But it doesn't matter. She also has a magic weapon, the Baling teddy dog.

Throwing Baling directly on the table, Baling reluctantly glanced at Zhao Meng, and his pupils changed slightly. Then the three Shi Miao had a cold war one after another. In this hot July, the temperature suddenly dropped, and the fish looked up at the sun, which was a little puzzled.

Shi Miao understood that Baling was going to clean up the resentment.

Baling's pupils turned into a strange ice green, but Zhao Meng's head became more painful, as if he felt some danger. Zhao Meng's resentment began to become restless. Baling approached Zhao Meng quietly, but Zhao Meng did not notice it. He still resisted his physical discomfort and laughed with the fish in broad daylight. The black gas floated from Zhao Meng's body, and the black gas gradually became a humanoid. A middle-aged man with a half a rotten face looked at Baling with fear. He was about to escape but was firmly locked by Baling's divine consciousness.

"Let me go... Let me go..."

Although Shi Miao couldn't see the resentment, she heard the oozing call for help. The sound seemed to have been run over by a car, and the words were chilly. Then Baling opened his mouth slightly and immediately swallowed the unmoving resentment into his stomach, and then had a loud hiccup.

"All right."

"Is that all right?" Shi Miao couldn't believe it. Looking at Zhao Meng again, he obviously found that Zhao Meng was much more energetic, but... Is it necessary to draw a charm to eliminate resentment, how to get a mahogany sword or something?

"Put it in the past, this little resentment is not even qualified to stuff my teeth." Baling said with disdain, and then told Shi Miao, "Next time you can only do this kind of thing by yourself." Shi Miao is now like a fangling baby, and he won't grow up without too much strength.

The resentful spirit doesn't even have the qualification to stuff Baling's teeth. What kind of identity did Baling have in the past? Shi Miao thought to herself, but did not ask Baling. Originally, Zhao Meng wanted to save herself, but she suffered from inability and could not even see the black gas. In the future, she learned to look forward to anger and naturally had to take action by herself.

Besides, Zhao Meng had a headache at first. If it hadn't been for the hook of fish, he wouldn't have been willing to fish, but he didn't expect that his head would not hurt as soon as they met, and he was more energetic. There was a cool breeze by the riverside and the fresh air. Zhao Meng was no longer troubled by the headache. In a trance, I also have an interest in fishing.

During this period, most of the riverside were small fish. After fishing for a while, they lost interest and pulled Shi Miao under the umbrella to chat and asked Shi Miao about his recent plans.

"I want to find a job first. It will take a while to buy and decorate the house. I need to settle down before taking Yueyue over." Looking up at the rippled river, Shi Miao told the fish the plan in his heart.

Hearing Shi Miao say this, the happiest thing is Yuyu as a friend. As soon as she patted her thigh, Yuyu immediately said righteously, "What job do you want to find? Let me introduce you." In the past, Shi Miao only cared about working and saving money every day, and had no money to socialize at all, but Yuyu was different. In this big city, Yuyu knew many good-faced people.

"I want to find a job that has access to antiques." Shi Miao replied for a moment that the past work can no longer be done. It's better to change to a job and get more contact with antique ancient books. Maybe you will learn a lot. It can also be said that because of this adventure, Shi Miao became interested in antiques and history.

Yuyu doesn't know about Shi Miao's idea, but his good friend is now a million rich woman, and it's okay to find a leisurely job.

However, the places where ancient books are most preserved are provincial libraries and museums. Naturally, Shi Miao, the grassroots, can't get in these places. At this time, Zhao Meng, who was fishing, suddenly opened his mouth.

"Why don't I introduce you to work in a pawnshop! The boss there is an antique fan. He seems to have collected two ancient books and always go to auctions, which should be very suitable for you.

There are also many opportunities for pawnshops to come into contact with antiques. Shi Miao also knew that this job was much more leisurely than expected, so she responded.

In the evening, the three people drove home. This time, they didn't go out to eat and returned to Yuyu's home. In order to celebrate their finding a job, Shi Miao decided to cook some good dishes in person.

Zhao Meng caught more than a dozen river fish. The river fish is different from the fish he usually eats. It tastes more delicious and has higher nutritional value. The crucian carp is made into delicious fish soup, and then made sweet and sour spareribs, a braised carp, and fried meat with bamboo shoots. In a few dishes, it was served by Shi Miao.

"This fish is really good." Zhao Meng and Yuyu are both people who often eat out and have eaten a lot of delicious food, but they can't help praising Shi Miao's cooking skills as soon as they move their chopsticks.

Shi Miao picked up a piece of fish and tasted it, but found that the wild river fish was indeed much more delicious than the fish he usually eat. Even Baling, who didn't like food, saw several people eating so hard, and he was greedy and endured with a bitter face. Shi Miao had already told him that people nowadays are different from the past. In the past, people will admire and worship people who have magical power. Nowadays, if they see them, they can only think that the other party is crazy. The modern world of cultivation has withered, so he can't speak easily in front of outsiders. Now he is just a dog, an ordinary dog...

The crucian carp soup is steaming, but it tastes nutritious and delicious. The three of them eat while chatting and eating pleasantly, but some people are not comfortable at all.