Fairy Road

Chapter 34 Meet the deceased

In the living room, there is a person and a dog, but their eyes are all on the shabby ancient book.

Shi Miao reached out and touched the ancient book, but was bounced back by an inexplicable power.

Is there any prohibition in this Dan King's classics?

Baling noticed a little bit here, walked to Shi Miao and touched the king of Dan's classics. After a moment, he smiled and said, "It seems that this book is still a treasure. ordinary people can't open it. If you want to open this book, you must go to the training period!"

A medicine book can only be opened after the qi practice period. Shi Miao hasn't reached the qi practice period yet! Taking the classics of King Dan into his bag, Shi Miao sat in the living room and settled down.

When fighting with the python in the dream, Shi Miao has made a breakthrough, but this is not enough to meet the requirements of the early stage of qi training.

A few hours later, Shi Yue finished school and came back with Yuyu.

It turned out that Yuyu planned to go home this week and was about to take the two of them together. It has not been a day or two that Shi Miao wants to visit Yu's parents. This time, the decoration of the house has saved a lot for himself. This time, he has to choose two good gifts before going there.

S is the largest jewelry store in the Huang family's treasure pavilion. Unlike the jewelry in the mall, the jewelry in the treasure pavilion focuses on jade jewelry, followed by gold and platinum and pearls, a seemingly ordinary jade. The most precious Xuan has to buy at least tens of thousands of yuan for no other reason, just because the treasures are sold in the real ones. Good thing!

"Miss, what do you want to see?"

As soon as Shi Miao walked into Zhenpinxuan, a salesman greeted him. The salesman's eyes were very clear. As soon as he saw people's clothes and temperament, he could determine how much purchasing power many parties had.

Shi Miao took a look at the salesman and said, "I want to buy a pair of jade bracelets and a jade cigarette holder, which should be suitable for about 50 years old."

Hearing this, the salesman immediately led Shi Miao to the counter beside him and took out a pair of jade bracelets. "Miss, what about this jade bracelet? The price is about 100,000 yuan, which is a good jade from Myanmar.

Shi Miao picked up the jade bracelet and looked at it carefully and frowned slightly. The lack of aura in this jade bracelet is pitiful! Unexpectedly, such a pair of jade bracelets will be sold for 100,000 yuan. How much does it cost to buy a pair of jade bracelets with sufficient aura?

"Is there anything better?" Shi Miao looked up and asked the salesperson.

The salesman looked at Shi Miao's clothes and saw that the clothes were not very high-end, so he smiled kindly: "Miss, it's not that I won't show you, but the better one will be more than 200,000, and it's not much different from this. If you want to give it to someone, I suggest you consider this bracelet."

After listening to the salesman's words, Shi Miao laughed. No wonder she has been staring at her clothes. It turns out that she is estimating her purchasing power!

"Then show me the cigarette holder first!" Shi Miao said this, but other ideas came to her mind, that is, to buy the raw stone and find a master to process it!

Hearing this, the salesman took out two kinds of jade cigarette nozzles to show Shi Miao and introduced them, "Miss, you see, these two models are very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people, and the color is also very beautiful. Like the bracelet just now, they are all bought from Myanmar, and the price is not expensive, only 50,000 yuan."

It's only 50,000 yuan? Shi Miao smiled unnaturally, and there were only hundreds of thousands in her card! It seems that it is more affordable to buy raw stones!

After made up her mind, Shi Miao asked the salesman to put away her cigarette butt, and then asked, "Miss, how long will it take for me to process jewelry with jade?"

The salesman didn't expect such a beautiful girl to ask such a whimsese question and replied with a serious face, "Miss, we process jewelry for three days at most, but I still want to remind you that not everyone can recognize jade, and many people spend a lot of money to solve it is only a few thousand. The value of the block, you might as well buy it directly in our treasure pavilion.

Indeed, many people lost tens of millions of yuan overnight. Shi Miao also knew that the salesman was kind and replied with a smile, "I know what you mean, but I still want to go and have a look. If I fail, I will still buy jade jewelry at your house."

Seeing that Shi Miao was so stubborn, the salesperson could not say anything more, and enthusiastically told Shi Miao a market selling jadeite.

Out of the Treasure Pavilion, Shi Miao drove to Huangshi Street according to the route provided by the salesman. Although Shi Miao in the Huang family's yard still remembered how to go, he did not want to go again. The last time it was enough to attract people, and Shi Miao did not want to attract people like Guan Guan because of jade.

Huangshi Street is more like a night market. The long street is full of jade and various jade jewelry stalls. There are not too many people looking at things on the street, but they are all rich owners. Without the guidance of salesmen, Shi Miao did not know that there was such a market in the city.

"Would you like to see the well-made snake-patterned jade?"

Shi Miao shook his head gently and walked around the street. Shi Miao found that there were all kinds of quality of things here. Take jade as an example. Some of them can't see aura, but some have enough aura, but the price is about the same. In case you accidentally look away, you will lose a lot of money.

"Old man, I want that." A familiar voice sounded after itself, and Shi Miao turned around slightly and saw a familiar face.

The person who came to buy jade turned out to be Ji Qingtong's cousin Zhao Jingwen.

Zhao Jingwen is completely different from Ji Qingtong. She has always been modest and respectful in the company and gentle to all people. It is reasonable that such a girl should be welcomed, but Zhao Jingwen is different. No matter what she does, she can't attract everyone's attention. Both male and female colleagues don't like Zhao Jingwen.

When Shi Miao first entered the company, he could often see Ji Qingtong having fun with Zhao Jingwen. Even Shi Miao couldn't figure out why he didn't have much impression of Zhao Jingwen.

Zhao Jingwen turned her back to Shi Miao and was bargaining with the stall owner, and she pointed to the worst raw stone on the whole stall. The whole stone had no aura. Such a raw stone was just a stone at all. How can Zhao Jingwen like such a rotten stone?

At this time, Zhao Jingwen had opened his wallet and was ready to pay. Seeing this scene, Shi Miao quickly stopped Zhao Jingwen.

"Zhao Jingwen, why are you here?" Shi Miao quickly walked to Zhao Jingwen and took Zhao Jingwen's left hand, who was about to take the money.

Zhao Jingwen was stunned, stared at Shi Miao for a long time, and then blushed and said, "Shi Miao... why... why are you... me..."

The whole company now knows about Ji Qingtong and Chen Anyu. Everyone is scolding Ji Qingtong as a coquettish fox, seducing Shi Miao's boyfriend, and expiling Shi Miao. Some people scold Chen Anyu for being a thing. Ji Qingtong is his cousin. Zhao Jingwen dares not say Ji Qing Tong, but he felt very sorry for Shi Miao. When he suddenly saw Shi Miao, he suddenly stuttered.

Zhao Jingwen is still the same. She stammed when she was nervous. Shi Miao looked at Zhao Jingwen and smiled and asked, "Are you also here to buy the raw stone?"

"No..." Zhao Jingwen lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I'm buying a gift for...for...for my grandfather..."

It turned out that I was going to buy a gift for Ji Qingtong's grandfather! Although Ji Qingtong is hateful, Zhao Jingwen is indeed a good girl. If she doesn't help Zhao Jingwen today, I'm afraid Ji Qingtong will laugh at Zhao Jingwen in front of everyone. Let's help her.

Shi Miao smiled, pointed to the piece next to the original stone selected by Zhao Jingwen, and said, "Since it's for your grandfather, I think this piece is much better than the one you like."

The boss who sells raw stone can't laugh or cry when he hears Shi Miao's words. What's the difference between a raw stone?

Taking a closer look, the boss's face became a little ugly. Shi Miao pointed much better than what the lady just chose. If he sold this at the same price, he would make much less.

"Miss, what does the emerald stone look good or not? Buy raw stone! It's luck. This lady buys jade. What are you going to do with it? If you can't cut green, aren't you cheating?" The boss politely advised that if she hadn't been a beautiful girl, he would have scolded her.

Hearing this, Zhao Jingwen looked at Shi Miao timidly, "Why don't I buy that?"

Shi Miao glanced at the boss and said to Zhao Jingwen, "I think I've been very lucky recently. I want to lend you some luck. If you still think the original one is good, you can buy the original one."

It seems that Shi Miao is going to be angry.

"That's up to you." Zhao Jingwen paid.

Seeing that Zhao Jingwen had bought the original stone, Shi Miao went to another stall and looked around. Finally, he spent 10,000 yuan to buy a raw stone and walked out of Huangshi Street. Shi Miao turned around warily, "Who has been following me?"

"Yes... I'm sorry..." Zhao Jingwen came out of the alley with her bag on her back.

It turned out to be Zhao Jingwen! She thought who coveted the raw stone in her hand! Shi Miao looked at Zhao Jingwen and said helplessly, "Why have you been following me?"

Zhao Jingwen saw that Shi Miao was not angry and said nervously, "I... I... want to process the raw stone with you, okay?"

I followed myself for a long time for this! Shi Miao promised generously, "Let's go."

Shi Miao took Zhao Jingwen into her car. Although Zhao Jingwen and Ji Qingtong were cousins born in the same month of the same year, their lives were very different. Zhao Jingwen didn't even have a decent dress.

The two came to the Zhenpin Pavilion. Shi Miao handed over the original stone and Zhao Jingwen's in her hand, and then issued a ticket. Under the leadership of the salesman, she came down to the third floor of the Zhenpin Pavilion. The original stone was to be cut in front of them.

"Do you want to wipe or cut this piece?" The master of the Treasure Pavilion pointed to Zhao Jingwen's jade stone and asked.

"Cut." After saying that, Shi Miao drew twice on the stone and motioned the master how to cut it.

After the master of the Treasure Pavilion solved the whole stone according to what Shi Miao said, everyone was stunned. It's really green!