Fairy Road

Chapter 36 Lost Contract

On the way home, Shi Miao repeatedly thought about the fish mother's words. Indeed, many things in life are not something that you can control. However, as a friend, Shi Miao still has to support Yuyu to fight to the end.

If you can't control your life, what's the point of living? Isn't all the efforts you have made now to control your own life? If I had chosen to be submissive at the beginning, I'm afraid I would have been married by Zhang Guirong's arrangement.

Turning to look at the sleeping Yueyue, Shi Miao is more convinced that her choice is not wrong!

After returning home and holding the sleeping Yueyue to **, Shi Miao returned to his room to meditate. Since practicing Emei Twelve Villages, Shi Miao's bed has lost its original function, and there is very little time to lie in ** to sleep.

Early the next morning, Shi Miao opened his eyes full of spirit. Now the aura in his body is no longer as elusive as in the past. It seems that if he wants to reach the early stage of qi practice, it is just around the corner.

Shi Miao got up and opened the window and looked at the scenery outside the window. Now her eyes can see far away, and any small movements can't escape Shi Miao's eyes. Standing in front of the window for a moment, Shi Miao's phone suddenly rang, and the customer actually wanted to break the contract that day!

After arriving at the office, other colleagues immediately quietly looked at Shi Miao, who could have their own free time and often travel with the boss. This is something that many people envy and envy, so Shi Miao's appearance is destined to attract everyone's attention.

"Shi Miao, it happened that you came. The contract you signed that day was found out, and the other party suddenly wanted to break the contract." As soon as Dai Yuhong saw Shi Miao, he began to ask questions.

Shi Miao also came to the company today to deal with the problem of the contract that day. At that time, she signed the contract and handed over the matter to Chen Mei. After signing the contract, the things were sent to the appraisal department for appraisal and developed according to normal procedures. Now the antique is already a famous pawn. I don't understand that the other party suddenly wants to break the contract to the end. For what?

In a vague way, Shi Miao felt that something was going to happen.

Shi Miao took out the key and opened the drawer, and then her face turned white to black. What she was worried about finally happened. It turns out that all this is premeditated! All the contracts in my drawer are gone!

"Who moved my contract?" After a drop, everyone else looked up at Shi Miao.

That day, after Chen Mei helped Shi Miao sign the contract, she found an opportunity to hand over the contract to Shi Miao. The things were put into the safe. There was a drawer on Shi Miao's desk. Everyone in the office, like Shi Miao, would temporarily lock the contract in the cabinet and keep the keys by themselves.

But today, Shi Miao opened the drawer and saw that the contract was gone! Not only this contract, but also other previous contracts are missing!

After listening to Shi Miao's words, Dai Yuhong's face sank. No matter who stole the contract, if he lost it now, he will lose it. If he can't find it, how can he get to ter the contract with the customer? What a mistake!

Chen Mei helped Shi Miao turn over the whole desk again, but still couldn't find the contract. Seeing that Shi Miao had an accident, those who were not used to seeing Shi Miao were happy.

Especially Zhu Liju, whose face smiles like a blooming**. If it hadn't been for the presence of Yuhong, she would have been eager to laugh out loud!

After a few minutes, seeing that the contract could not be found, Zhu Liju walked to Shi Miao with her arm in her arms and said strangely, "I said Xiao Shi! Don't be too complacent! Look at you, you just became a regular and got a good job, and you made such a big mistake. That's a contract! What an important thing!" Zhu Liju appreciated the constantly changing color on Shi Miao's face and was very happy. She said, "This pheasant can't be a phoenix even if it climbs on the branch!"

After listening to Zhu Liju's words, Shi Miao smiled angrily, "It seems that Sister Zhu cares about me very much? But don't worry, this matter will always come to light!"

"I can also say big words. You'd better think about how to face Mr. Cheng first!" Juliet said in a shrill voice, and she was even happier at the thought that this nuisance was about to be kicked out of the company.

"I'm going to confess to Mr. Cheng." Shi Miao snorted coldly at Zhu Liju and turned around and walked out of the office. Anyway, this matter must be reported to Cheng Yi first. The contract was lost by himself. Shi Miao did not want Dai Yuhong to be involved.

After Shi Miao left, Dai Yuhong looked at Zhu Liju with a straight face. There were many people in this office, but how could a good contract disappear? Who did it?

Without evidence, everyone is suspected!

In fact, Shi Miao has already known who did it, and Zhu Liju's expression has already betrayed her. Moreover, with the help of Acacia Bean, Shi Miao has already heard Zhu Liju's voice, but what can this do? Everything should be told with a piece of evidence!

Walking to the door of Cheng Yi's office, Shi Miao took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

After the response, Shi Miao straightened up and walked into the office. He saw Guan Qing sitting there on the sofa and chatting with Cheng Yi. The two were chatting happily. Seeing Shi Miao, the smile on Guan Qing's face was a little more.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Cheng Yi asked Shi Miao with a smile.

Shi Miao nodded to Guan Qing, said hello, and then looked at Cheng Yi and confessed, "Mr. Cheng, I want to tell you about the contract."

After telling the story, the smile on Cheng Yi's face gradually convered, picked up the inside phone and called Dai Yuhong up.

After Dai Yuhong finished talking, he said with a serious face, "Mr. Cheng, I suggest calling the police. This matter must be well investigated.

"You're right. We must investigate it carefully. Let's watch the surveillance video first!" Cheng Yi took Shi Miao and several others to the monitoring room.

In the monitoring room, I quickly found the record. On the date last night, a woman with a similar figure to Shi Miao left the office, easily opened Shi Miao's cabinet, took out all the contracts, put them in her backpack, and then left the office.

Looking at this video, Dai Yuhong and Shi Miao can't say anything. They look like Shi Miao and have long hair. They can't see each other's appearance at all. How can they prove each other?

After watching the video, Cheng Yi squeezed the corners of his lips and said, "It seems that those people who are similar to your figure are suspected."

In the whole pawn company, there are no less than 15 people with their figure and Shi Miao's imagination. Can't they get rid of their grievances like this? Shi Miao doesn't care whether he can keep the job or not, but the contract must be found! You can't bear the charge of thieves!

Just when Shi Miao was at a loss, Guan Qing said, "I'm sure to find that person."

Shi Miao raised his head and looked at Guan Qing with clear eyes. The two looked at each other. Guan Qing's face turned slightly red, but comforted Shi Miao with his eyes. His eyes were telling her that everything was fine.

Half an hour later, Shi Miao and others came to the office of the People's Department. Cheng Yi looked around the people in the office and said in a low voice, "I already know who stole the contract. It's better for this person to stand up and admit his mistake, otherwise, I will never forgive her!"

The harsh voice sounded throughout the office, and no one made a sound. There was a smile in the eyes of those who cared about Shi Miao, while those who usually looked down on Shi Miao were very disappointed, but no one stood up.

Shi Miao stared coldly at Zhu Liju. She is the person most similar to herself!

Seeing that no one took the initiative to admit his mistake, Cheng Yi was a little disappointed, and then patted Guan Qing on the shoulder and let him aside.

Is there any way for Guan Qing to find this person?

Guan Qing walked to Zhu Liju with extremely confidentness. Zhu Liju saw that everyone's eyes were on her and asked with a panicked face, "Why are you looking at me? It's none of my business!"

"You stole the contract. Do you think I don't know?" Guan Qing sneered at the corners of his mouth and pulled Zhu Liju all the way to Cheng Yi's front. "Last night, didn't you sneak into the company with a wig and steal the contract from Shi Miao's desk? Do you want us to release the surveillance video?

"Nonsense! There were so many people working overtime yesterday. Why me? Zhu Liju retorted harshly. It was true that she came to the company last night, but who could see that she stole the contract? My hairstyle is completely different from that of Shi Miao!

Hearing this, Guan Qing snorted coldly and threw a pile of photos on the ground, "Let yourself see who this is!"

Everyone gathered around and saw that the photo was Juliet who took off her wig and discarded the contract! Under the solid evidence, who has anything else to say?

Looking at the photo on the ground, Cheng Yi snorted coldly, "Xiao Dai, call the police immediately. Let's find the police to deal with this matter."

Hearing Cheng Yi's words, Zhu Liju immediately panicked, "Please don't call the police! I did it! Miss Ji asked me to do this!"

Zhu Liju finally told all the truth. It turned out that Ji Qingtong was playing tricks behind her. After returning from the antique exhibition, Ji Qingtong found Zhu Liju in order to discredit Shi Miao.

Zhu Liju originally wanted to drive Shi Miao out of the company, but she suffered from not having a chance. Now that she has such a good opportunity, she will naturally seize it tightly, so she staged today's farce.

The matter came to light, proving Shi Miao's innocence, and Zhu Liju was also fired for stealing the company contract.

Cheng Yi believed in Shi Miao from beginning to end. Seeing Shi Miao, he kept silent and said seriously, "I know some of you are jealous of Shi Miao, but I want to tell you here! We are famous and never raise idle people! I am optimistic about Shi Miao, all because Shi Miao can create benefits for our reputation! If such a thing happens again, I will never tolerate it!"

Cheng Yi's words are undoubtedly telling everyone that everything Shi Miao now is obtained by strength! It's really a blessing to have such a boss.

Shi Miao knew that if there was no photo in Guan Qing's hand today, she would have jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it. She secretly warned herself that she could not be so careless, "I really want to thank you today. If it hadn't been for you, I would have been in big trouble."

After listening to Shi Miao's words, Guan Qing smiled slightly, "I accidentally found that Ji Qingtong was drinking tea with her, so I followed her. Today I came to your company for this matter. I can't let anyone hurt you."

There are words in Guan Qing's words. Shi Miao listened and lowered his head. In Shi Miao's eyes, Guan Qing has always been a good friend and has never involved men and women.

After the return of the lost contract, Shi Miao immediately found the customer who wanted to terminate the contract, terminated the contract with him, and returned the things to the other party. After the smile on Shi Miao's face slowly converened. Ji Qingtong really can't be idle! It seems that some people really don't know how to restrain themselves. Does she really think she is a good man in the past?

This time, she, a good man, won't put up with it like this!