Fairy Road

Chapter 39 Zhao Jingwen's Birthday Ceremony

Shi Miao never thought that the biggest harvest of returning to Zhangjia Village was not bran seeds, but the message of his aunt who had not seen him for many years.

Although she only met her aunt once at her mother's funeral, Shi Miao was extremely impressed with her. Her father always talked about the hard life of his only sister beside Shi Miao. After getting married, she didn't have a good day. Now that her father is gone, she will naturally continue to contact her aunt instead of her father and continue her family relationship. Go.

It's just that there is a vast sea of people. My aunt didn't find their sisters this time. Will we meet again next time?

Shi Miao wrote her phone number on the paper and handed it to Aunt Guo, "Auntie, if my aunt comes to us again, please help me keep her and call me." Thinking about it, she felt that it was not enough. Shi Miao quickly wrote her address to Aunt Guo, so that it was convenient for her aunt to go to the city to find their sisters. If there is anything wrong with Aunt Guo's family, she can also find herself.

"Don't worry, if she comes back, I will definitely keep her!" Aunt Guo took the address and sent Shi Miao out of the yard.

Looking at Shi Miao who drove away, Guo Jinsheng's heart became empty again.

Back to the city, after dinner, Shi Miao returned to the house to meditate. The company had nothing to do for her for the time being. Because of the loss of the contract, Cheng Yi also wanted to let Shi Miao rest for a while.

So, Shi Miao stayed at home to practice while studying how to refine this beauty elixir.

If you want to refine elixir, you naturally need an alchemy furnace, and a good alchemy furnace will also reduce the loss rate of elixir. Shi Miao is now empty-handed and can't alchemy at all.

Seeing that Shi Miao frowned at those medicinal materials every day, Baling couldn't help asking, "Why are you worried about it?" Normally, she should be happy at the beginning of the practice!

In Shi Miao's eyes, Baling was also his teacher, so he honestly told Baling that he wanted to refine Yan Dan. Baling couldn't help laughing when he heard it: "After a long time, it turned out to be for such a trivial matter. Who told you that you must use an alchemy furnace?"

Can you do alchemy without an alchemy furnace?

"The elixir fire of the Jiedan monk and the Yuanying monk's Yuanying fire can be alchemy, but it's just more troublesome." Baling said with his head held high, very disdainful. If any monk in the Yuanying period is willing to spend energy on practicing such a low-class elixir!

Hearing Baling's words, Shi Miao was a little discouraged. This is the same as what I didn't say! She is just a little female practitioner in the early stage of practice. When will she reach the cultivation of the Jiedan period?

It seems that there is no other way.

In the bedroom, there was no sound, and Shi Miao began another day of practice.

S City at night is full of traffic and prosperity.

In Ji's old house, there is an endless stream of vehicles to celebrate Mr. Ji's 80th birthday.

At eight o'clock, everyone saw that Mr. Ji's face was tired, so they all left. Now all the relatives left in Ji's old house are the relatives of the Ji family.

When several generations came together, they naturally had to compete with each other. As soon as the guests left, Mr. Ji's eldest grandson immediately sent a special pure gold longevity peach. When he handed over the gift, he also patiently explained: "Grandpa, this is the meaning of happiness and longevity. My grandson wishes you a long life!"

"Have a long life! Xiaohai, you have made great progress recently!" Although this pure golden longevity peach can't spend too much money, it is deeply satisfied with Mr. Ji. As soon as people get older, any money and status become less important. The most important thing is longevity!

How blessed and long-lived! Ji Qingtong looked at his cousin contemptuously. When did this illegitimate son learn this set of sayings?

The Ji family looked harmonious on the surface, but there were many struggles behind their backs. The jade pendants taken by Ji Qingtong that day could not be sent out, so they took Chen Anyu to Mr. Ji and sent an ink picture.

Although this ink drawing is not an antique, it is made by a famous contemporary teacher, which means auspicious Kangtai. As soon as Mr. Ji saw this ink drawing, he suddenly showed a smile.

"It's worthy of being my beloved granddaughter since I was a child, and you know Grandpa's heart best!" Mr. Ji said happily and ordered the servant to hang the painting directly on the living room.

Grandchildren have been given away, but there are still people among the younger generation who have not given birthday gifts. This person is Zhao Jingwen, who is not even seen by his elders.

Zhao Jingwen's mother is Mr. Ji's only daughter. According to common sense, Mr. Ji should also love her very much, but the people of the Ji family hate her completely

Not long after Zhao Jingwen was born, the Zhao family lost all its business, and Zhao Jingwen's mother died in a car accident. If it hadn't been for Ji Qingtong's father, the Ji family would not have had its current status.

Although Mr. Ji is good to Zhao Jingwen, it's all for the face of his dead daughter, but the rest of the Ji family are different.

There is such a nuis at home, and it is clear that he wants to divide the property! Who doesn't want Mr. Ji's property?

Ji Qingtong walked to Zhao Jingwen with his head down with his arms in his arms, reached out and pushed Zhao Jingwen, and asked with a smile, "Jingwen, where's your gift? What good things are you going to give Grandpa this year?"

Ji Xiaohai next to him also echoed: "No, I can't wait to take it out quickly."

Mr. Ji sat firmly on the sofa. Several people sitting around him were friends of the Ji family. Several people only frowned at such a situation. After all, this kind of drama is too common, and they outsiders can't care about it!

The elders of the Ji family also looked at it with a smile. They didn't have feelings for Zhao Jingwen after that. They just hoped that Zhao Jingwen would not be treated by Mr. Ji. He would have less family property every day!

Under the different eyes of everyone, Zhao Jingwen, who was a little cowardly, finally made a move. She took out a red box and handed it to Mr. Ji's hand. At the same time, she whispered, "Jingwen wants to give Grandpa a jade pendant and wish Grandpa a long life and good luck."

Mr. Ji listened to Zhao Jingwen's words, smiled and opened the box directly. When he saw the jade pendant in the box, the Ji family did not say anything.

When he saw the jade pendant in the box, Ji Xiaohai sneered: "Jingwen, look at you, you don't have money to tell me!" At least for grandpa's birthday, did you give such a small piece of jade pendant?

Ji Qingtong glanced at the jade pendant and sneered when he saw that it was not an antique: "Zhao Jingwen, you are really getting more and more stingy! This kind of inferior goods dare to be given to my grandfather as a birthday gift!"

"Jingwen is really careless this time. It's a waste of your grandfather to love you so much!" When the elders of the Ji family saw the situation, they also quickly followed Zhao Jingwen to attack. They didn't see what Yupei looked like, but how could they easily let go of this opportunity?

At this time, the smile on Mr. Ji's face slowly converged, and his eyes stared straight at the jade pendant.

Seeing that everyone said that the jade pendant was not good, he sneered and took out the jade pendant and was ready to make Zhao Jingwen make a fool of himself.

Listening to everyone's words, Zhao Jingwen suddenly felt ashamed. Usually, her life is very poor, and her father is not in good health. If it hadn't been for her grandfather's birthday, she wouldn't have wanted to buy a piece of raw stone to make something. Unexpectedly, such a jade pendant still could not satisfy everyone. Thinking of this, Zhao Jingwen's eyes were full of tears.

At this moment, one person opened his mouth.

"I think this jade pendant is a good thing." The speaker was a man in his fifties. As soon as the man's words fell, everyone's face changed.

The first person to be unconvinced was Ji Qingtong. Ji Qingtong looked at the man unhappily and said very carefully, " Uncle Gong, where is this jade pendant? Why can't I see it?"

This person's surname is Gong, and he is a famous feng shui master in the whole S city. Only this person, Ji Qingtong, dares not offend him easily. He is a person whose father and grandfather respects very much.

Master Gong did not answer Ji Qingtong. He came forward, grabbed the jade pendant and stroked it carefully, and then smiled, "Although this jade pendant seems ordinary, the aura contained in it is very sufficient. Judging from the appearance, it is also a good thing. I don't know how much did Miss Zhao spend to buy it?"

Master Gong's words gathered all the problems on Zhao Jingwen. You should know that Master Gong's words can change many things. He said that if this thing is good, this thing must be a treasure. Zhao Jingwen's family is very poor. How can he afford to buy such a jade pendant?

For a while, the faces of the Ji family changed again and again. Mr. Ji was the first to be angry and questioned Zhao Jingwen loudly: "Say! Where on earth did you get this jade pendant? Where did your money come from?"

Zhao Jingwen didn't dare to lie. She was shouted by her grandfather and immediately replied honestly, "I bought it in the raw stone market."

Everyone in the original stone market is familiar with everyone in the original stone market. Who is rich who hasn't played with a few pieces of jade? But... How did Zhao Jingwen buy such a good piece of jade?

"Miss Zhao, you'd better tell everyone the story in detail, otherwise your words will be difficult to convince." Master Gong said with a straight face, but a trace of calculation flashed in his eyes.

"Why don't you say it honestly quickly!" Ji Qingtong snorted coldly and reminded Zhao Jingwen, but he was very jealous.

Under the pressure of everyone, Zhao Jingwen didn't dare to hide anything, and immediately honestly explained everything, including the details of being helped by Shi Miao to buy the original stone.

After listening to Zhao Jingwen's words, the people of the Ji family looked different. Mr. Ji was relieved. He took the jade pendant from Master Gong's hand. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He praised Zhao Jingwen for the first time, and others also echoed.

Only Ji Qingtong screamed and retorted: "Impossible! How could a country girl who doesn't know anything suddenly gamble and gamble stones! I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" He is still in place, but Shi Miao has developed like this. How can Ji Qingtong be willing?

Master Gong's eyes lit up when he heard this and asked, "Did she know nothing in the past?"