Fairy Road

Chapter 41 Killing and Treasure

In the comfortable bedroom, Shi Miao is closing her eyes and meditating, and beside her is the emerald stone that has become thin.

The four Yangyan pills in my hand were given to Gao Lifen yesterday. The Yangyan pills were simply flattered by Gao Lifen. Shi Miao's medical skills are so exquisite that I think this Yangyan pills are also very precious.

Seeing that Yangyan pills are so popular, Shi Miao is still very happy and wants to take this opportunity to try to make Pi Gu pills, but now she still has to take care of her sister's diet and daily living, and Pi Gudan is really not needed for the time being.

The holiday is also coming to an end. Yesterday, Guan Qing called and asked him to go to the stone gambling conference. Shi Miao hesitated for a moment and agreed.

Originally, I planned to practice well in these days, and the cultivation naturally had the support of emerald raw stone. In fact, Shi Miao originally planned to buy some raw stones, but now in order to practice, Shi Miao has less and less money in her hand, and she has to make more plans for the future of herself and her sister!

It seems that money is really a good thing! Without money, neither practitioners nor ordinary people can survive!

After sighing, someone sat down cross-legged and began to meditate. He directed the aura in his body to continue to swim in the body, and the aura absorbed by the outside world also began to enter the purification stage, swam around, and finally fell into Dantian.

At midnight, a brand-new BMW parked outside the gate of Shiyue Community. A man in black night clothes got out of the car. The man who got out of the car entered the community very easily. The man smiled strangely while walking: "Is this building where Shi Miao lives? I can't wait!"

In the dark, the fifties-old palace master's eyes were full of greed, and he was a little excited at the thought of getting a strange treasure soon.

Walking to the front of a unit door, Master Gong looked at the locked unit door and sneered, "I thought I couldn't help you if I lived in a high-level building?" I have a lot of babies!" With that, Master Gong opened a porcelain bottle and released a black gas, which had an annoying evil atmosphere.

Master Gong ordered, "Go in and open the door for me!"

The evil black gas obeyed the order of Master Gong and slowly got into the corridor from the crack of the small door. With a "pop", the door unexpectedly opened from inside.

Master Gong, who walked into the corridor, was not in a hurry to put away the black gas and ordered, "Don't you find out the details of the other party!"

The black gas that got the order rushed upstairs without hesitation, while Master Gong followed with a sneer, laughing that he was too careful, but what can a rural girl know? It's not a moment to win the treasure!

In the bedroom, Shi Miao was still practicing quietly, but Baling in the living room suddenly opened his eyes and snorted coldly with great disdain: "Xiao Mouse." Feeling that the other party's strength was not strong, Baling lay on the sofa and closed his eyes.

At the corner of the stairs, the black gas was extremely fast. It didn't take long to arrive at the door and feel the human breath in the room. The black gas became a little restless. At this time, Shi Miao suddenly opened his eyes, and someone stared at him, and he had already reached the door!

Get up and walked to the living room. Shi Miao took Baling directly to his sister's bedroom and told him, "Take good care of Yueyue."

Baling has long told Shi Miao that she would not help Shi Miao again, so Shi Miao only expected that he could help protect his family, and the enemy outside the door should be dealt with by herself!

At this time, I saw more and more black gas at the door. Looking at the black gas, Shi Miao was not timid, and mobilized the aura around her body to meet directly with Emei Twelve Zhuang.

The black gas operated by Master Gong is not an ordinary product. Feeling the danger, he immediately escaped from the crack of the door. Shi Miaojiao shouted, "Where are you going!" He also ran out immediately.

Hearing the delicate shout upstairs, Master Gong said in his heart, "Okay, I won't go up now, and she will come down by herself!"

In an instant, Shi Miao had chased to the position of Master Gong. When he was upstairs, Shi Miao already knew that there was a person hiding here, but Shi Miao did not expect that the other party was also an immortal like himself.

Master Gong was also stunned when he saw Shi Miao at the stairs. He only heard from the Ji family that the other party could turn stones into jade, but he didn't hear that he was also an immortal! However, as soon as I saw Shi Miao's cultivation master of the palace, I was happy. It turned out that it was only the early stage of Qi practice, but I was in the later stage of practice!

The strong practitioners can often see through the cultivation of the weak at a glance. Shi Miao only knows that the other party is an immortal practitioner like himself, but he does not know what the other party is. However, Shi Miao is secretly alerted when he sees that the other party doesn't seem to care much about him.

"May I ask why the senior released this evil thing into my house late at night?" Shi Miao straightened his back and was neither humble nor arrogant.

If it is normal, Master Gong may still say a few words with Shi Miao and grab the treasure, but today is different. As soon as he sees Shi Miao as a monk in the early stage of Qi practice, Master Gong is more convinced that Shi Miao is pregnant with foreign treasures. Nowadays, the aura is thin in the city, and materials and magic weapons are in short supply. As a teacher, there are only two kinds. Weapons are simply poor.

In this short moment, an idea formed in the mind of the palace master, that is - killing and winning treasure!

The girl in front of her must be backed by a teacher in the early stage of qi practice in a short time, so she can't win the treasure, and she must kill her mouth!

Master Gong's eyes flashed with a trace of fierceness. He made up his mind to deceive the little girl in front of him before killing and grabbing the treasure, so he pretended to be kind and amiable. He hugged Shi Miao and said, "I also occasionally learned that there are like-like people here, so I sent my men to investigate. My little friend came to practice at a young age. At the beginning of anger, it was really a good situation!"

After listening to Master Gong's words, Shi Miao frowned slightly. I'm afraid this person is not as kind as he seems. If it's just for a visit, why does the black gas dodge? I'm afraid that the weasel didn't have the good intentions to pay New Year's greetings to the chicken.

Although he thought so, Shi Miao still said modestly, "I'm also a master and has been practicing painstakingly. You are always a real capable person!"

Seeing Shi Miao move Master out, Master Gong snorted coldly in his heart. Does this girl still think she is a fool? She has been found out clearly these days, and there is no master around her!

It seems that this girl is quite scheming! But what can this do? Among the world, the strong are respected! Today, my treasure has been decided! Thinking of this, Master Gong smiled again, and the kindness on his face was also hidden a lot. He said directly, " girl, I think you are very clever at a young age. It's better to throw yourself into my teacher!" As long as you follow me, I promise that you will soon enter the middle of training.

It sounds good, but how credible is it? I'm afraid there is no point. It's true if you are unfavorable to yourself!

Although he knew the sinister intentions of this person, Shi Miao still couldn't refuse. Since it was better to go outside than to fight a war, at least it would not involve innocent people, so Shi Miao pretended to know nothing and said two words of gratitude, "The senior's heart for me really touched me! I'd like to go with my seniors!"

Seeing that the trick was successful, the smile on Master Gong's face was deeper, and there was no noble posture in the Ji family.

In this way, an old man and a young man left the community of Shiyue Mingzhu. Although there was no car, the two walked very fast. In a blink of an eye, they had arrived at a desolate place. This is a nearby construction site, surrounded by old houses waiting to be stripped. There was no living person within a few miles, which looked even more in the night. Plus gloomy.

Standing in the open space, Shi Miao was more or less afraid, but what made Shi Miao feel the most threatened was the person who stood in front of him, who claimed to be the head of the palace!

"Master, didn't you say you wanted me to enter your master? Why did you bring me here?" Shi Miao asked puzzled and refused to take another step forward.

At this time, he has arrived in a desolate place. Master Gong is not worried that he will be found, and he doesn't have to hide his sinister face. He immediately took out his sword and sneered, "This is not my teacher at all, but I can give you a chance. As long as you hand over the magic weapon, I will let you enter me. Shimen!"

"The magic weapon? Gong Daochang, what are you talking about? What magic weapon do I have?" Shi Miao finally understood what the Taoist priest had made the idea. What made Shi Miao not understand was that where could his ordinary little girl arouse the suspicion of this stranger?

"Hmm! Since you still don't want to hand over the magic weapon when you die, don't blame me for killing and grabbing treasure!" Now the magic weapon is in front of him. How could Master Gong be willing to talk more nonsense with Shi Miao? He took out an excellent quality sword in a storage bag and drove the sword directly to stab Shi Miao. Shi Miao was unarmed and could only resist it with the skills of Emei Twelve Villages.

Seeing the twelve villages of Emei performed by Shi Miao, Master Gong knew that he had a chance of winning, and there was no comparison between the early stage and the late stage of qi practice!

After a few rounds, Shi Miao dodged the palace master's sword, but a small fireball went straight to Shi Miao's face. Shi Miao secretly shouted bad in his heart and jumped up to avoid the opponent's attack, but a thorn suddenly appeared on the ground, almost pierced Shi Miao's instep.

It turns out that the palace Taoist priest is a true spiritual root, with two spiritual roots of fire and earth.

Shi Miao frowned and was secretly anxious. The other party's cultivation was higher than his own and sword, and he also knew the five elements of magic, but now he can't even know the five elements of magic. How can he defeat this palace Taoist priest?

Seeing Shi Miao run around like a monkey, the palace Taoist priest here couldn't help laughing and said, "I don't even know what kind of spiritual root I have to help you!" Speaking of this, a strong murderous intention appeared in Master Gong's eyes, "Since you can't do anything, then die!" While talking, the sword in Master Gong's hand had stabbed directly into Shi Miao's abdomen. At this time, Shi Miao, who only cared about avoiding the sword, did not notice that the palace Taoist priest had quietly released a thing just now. Now this thing is slowly getting bigger. When it reaches the top of Shi Miao, it turned into a cage and directly held Shi Miao to death.


Merry Christmas~O(∩_∩)Ohaha~