Fairy Road

Chapter 45 Aunt Comes to the Door

This rain lasted for half a day.

A rain washed away all the heat in the city, and even people's mood became much more comfortable.

Standing in front of the window and looking at the world outside, Shi Miao's heart became very calm.

The monk is very knowledgeable, and she can feel the changes in the early stage of Qi practice. In the rain, why didn't she notice Chen Anyu standing under the bus stop?

Sometimes, people will only find that the pain of the past is nothing more than this when they face it.

I have gone out and welcomed a brand-new future, but Chen Anyu is still staying in the past. Only because of this, Shi Miao pretends not to see Chen Anyu. The boy who used to be simple and liked to read books has now become greedy and vain, and is more and more ugly immersed in the big dyeing tank of the world.

Therefore, today's Chen Anyu is just an ordinary passer-by in Shi Miao's eyes. In addition to all that Ji Qingtong has done, Shi Miao still regards Chen Anyu as a stranger, which is already good.

At this time, Shi Miao did not know that the sudden appearance of the palace master was not accidental. It was all caused by the emerald stone, and all the disaster was caused by Ji Qingtong's fanning.

When Shi Miao was distracted, Shi Yue suddenly ran over with Shi Miao's mobile phone and whispered, "Sister, Aunt Guo's phone!"

Shi Miao's eyes lit up when she heard this. Is it because her aunt has a letter again? Touching Shi Yue's head, Shi Miao quickly answered the phone.

Most of the villagers in Zhangjia Village are simple. If it hadn't been for my aunt's business, Aunt Guo would certainly not have called Shi Miao.

As soon as Shi Miao picked up the phone, she heard Aunt Guo say loudly on the phone, "Shi Miao, your aunt is here. I took your address to the city to find you. My aunt didn't keep her!" While making the phone call, Shi Miao's aunt Shi Guiying has already got on the bus to the county.

Shi Yue has almost no impression of this aunt she hasn't seen for many years, but Shi Miao still remembers it clearly. Anyway, this is the only family of the two.

The bus from Zhangjia Village to the county is always so dilapidated. The bus smells of gasoline, and even the seats are covered with dust. More than an hour later, the bus arrived at the county.

At the same time, Shi Miao also drove to the bus station in S City. The county bus would definitely go here, afraid that her aunt would get lost. Shi Miao had been waiting here and secretly remembered the dress described by Aunt Guo in her heart.

More than an hour later, and the bus from the county to the city arrived. Shi Miao quickly got out of the car and waited at the exit. She saw a middle-aged woman with gray short sleeves and blue trousers getting off the car. Her face was full of wrinkles and she was holding her address to ask others.

This person is my aunt!

Looking at her aunt with similar eyebrows to her father, Shi Miao quickly went out and took her hand and choked, "Auntie, I'm Shi Miao!"

Bloodness is a family affection that will never be cut off. Shi Guiying glanced at Shi Miao and remembered that her brother who died young left such two lonely children. He couldn't help crying. In this, her aunt and nephew hugged each other and cried bitterly.

"Miao Miao, how have you and Yueyue? The last time I went back, I saw that the shrew even occupied the house!" After crying, Shi Guiying took Shi Miao's hand and asked about their living conditions. Shi Guiying had been divorced for a long time. She had a child and lived a comfortable life. However, when she remembered that her two nieces of the Shi family were kicked out by her stepmother, she couldn't help but blame herself, "It's all aunts who couldn't stand it!" If I have the ability, I won't let you be bullied..."

This is a relative! Hearing Shi Guiying say this, Shi Miao took her aunt's hand warmly and said softly, "Auntie, we are doing well now. Let's talk about it later!"

Shi Guiying wiped her tears and followed Shi Miao out of the passenger station until Shi Miao walked to a black car and opened the door for herself. Shi Guiying was completely stunned: "This is...this..."

Until he arrived at the home of the Shi Miao sisters, Shi Guiying fully realized that his two nieces were much better than himself, and thought that Shi Guiying, who had always been strong, was also a little bitter.

Shi Yue obediently greeted Shi Guiying and greeted Shi Guiying to eat fruit. Shi Miao brought a cup of tea and put it in front of Shi Guiying and asked, "Auntie, I heard that you are divorced from my uncle. You took Xiaoshun yourself. How are you doing now?"

As an elder, it is impossible to tell his niece the details of his divorce anyway. Shi Guiying smiled bitterly and said, "Xiao Shun is also working here. I only have a phone number." In fact, Shi Guiying went to Zhangjia Village to find Shi Miao sisters because her son also came here to work.

As soon as she heard that her cousin was working in S City, Shi Miao felt a little guilty. She didn't even know these, so she quickly said, "Then call quickly, call your cousin over and eat here!"

Of course, Shi Guiying misses her son, so she gave the phone number to Shi Miao, and she took Shi Yue's hand to ask questions.

Holding Xiaoshun's phone number, Shi Miao called and handed the phone to her aunt. Thinking of having dinner with her cousin who had never met, Shi Miao was still very happy. Her aunt was honest and hardworking, and she thought that her cousin was also a simple child.

After my aunt called, Shi Miao began to prepare meals in the kitchen. Eight dishes were difficult for Shi Miao, a person who often cooks. At 4 p.m., the food was ready, and the doorbell also rang.

The person who came must be my aunt's son, Xiaoshun!

Shi Miao wiped his hands and walked to the door to open the door. Unexpectedly, Xiao Shun was not an honest child. He saw a long hair with yellow hair entering the room, smoking a cigarette and asking Shi Miao, "Are you a cousin?"

"Oh... it's Xiaoshun! Come on in!" Looking at the gangster Xiaoshun, the flame in Shi Miao's heart went out in an instant, but anyway, this was his cousin. Pretending not to see the calculation in Xiaoshun's eyes, Shi Miao led Xiao Shun to the living room.

As soon as Xiaoshun entered the house, he couldn't help but look at the house and marveled that he still had such a rich relative! I scolded my mother for not knowing how to enjoy it, but she didn't mention it to herself!

Shi Guiying was very happy when she saw her son at the dinner table. She took Shi Yue's hand and introduced it to Xiaoshun, "This is your cousin, Yueyue."

What cousin, a little kid! Xiaoshun gave an extremely impatient "um" and realized that the people in charge of the family were Shi Miao, and secretly concuous in his heart, "Wait a minute, I have to cry and be poor!"

Looking at such Xiaoshun, Shi Miao snorted coldly in her heart. If Xiaoshun did not know how to be filial to his aunt, he would be very willing to help his aunt educate him.


At the end of the month, the unit has built a new factory building, and there are a lot of things to do~Sorry~Group~~