Fairy Road

Chapter 120 turned out to be you

The barbarian bulls in the rear had already rushed here for a long time. The fan-shaped team gradually began to collapse because of a gap. Many intelligent bulls began to find a breakthrough from here. Seeing that the bulls in the rear were about to hit themselves, Qian Lele's brain was instantly blank and he closed his eyes directly.

Just when Huang Chu and others were regretting Qian Lele, a white figure suddenly flew to the bull without looking at Qian Lele. The Qingming sword in Shi Miao's hand quickly stabbed the bull. The blue light flashed, Qian Lele only felt a hot current sprayed directly on his face, and there was a strong smell of blood in his nose.

The bull had already been cut into several large pieces and scattered on the ground. There was only Shi Miao on the ground, holding the Qingming sword in his hand, and his white clothes were better than snow, but he was not stained with any dust.

The Chinese monk who reacted almost immediately came to Qian Lele. Lei Wuchen took his sister Qian Lele's arm. When he saw Qian Lele's bloody face, he couldn't help smiling and asked, "Sister, are you all right?"

Qian Lele was stunned for a long time, looked at Shi Miao not far away, and suddenly cried out with a "wow".

Since he came to this team, the senior brother has been very enthusiastic about that strange woman. In the past, he was the stone Miao, but now he is this woman. Why is the only one who is ignored! Her family background is so good! Thinking of the gap between himself and Shi Miao just now, Qian Lele cried even more sadly.

Lei Wuchen knew from the beginning that the woman was Shi Miao, but he didn't mention it to anyone. The people who knew Shi Miao in the team were almost tacit. Seeing that his sister cried so fiercely, Lei Wuchen only thought that she was scared by the bull and kept comforting his sister. His little sister was not bad-hearted. , it's just that people are too delicate. They will always be like flowers in the greenhouse, and they will never have the proud posture of red plums in the snow.

Seeing Shi Miao cut the barbarian cow in a few moves, the practitioners in other countries were secretly surprised, the blood clan put away their contemptuous eyes, and the monks in other countries did not dare to underestimate the Chinese monks, but the little devils continued to hide as if nothing had happened.

Monks from all over the world are still fighting against the bulls. In the place led by Shi Miao and Eurah, the number of bulls is constantly decreasing, and the bulls are not as crazy as before. Looking at the island monks hiding in the dark waiting for the opportunity, Shi Miao snorted coldly and threw out a small fireball casually. The little fireball burned on the little devil, but he didn't dare to shout loudly. Finally, he couldn't stand it, so he shouted and fell to the ground and began to roll.

The fire was extinguished, but when the bull saw the prey that had been hiding in the dark, his two corners were hard, and the people on the ground died directly.

"Ba Ga, Mr. Xu, what do you Chinese monks mean! How dare you hurt our team members!" The captain of the island country was angry.

Xu Zhe smiled faintly, "He was killed by a barbarian cow. What does it have to do with us? Your ninjutsu is so good that we can't see where you are hiding!"

A few understatement left the responsibility of the Chinese monk completely, but this man was still killed by a bull and had nothing to do with Shi Miao.

Now that the bulls have come out in chaos, and it is not difficult to rush out. People in each team have been injured, and the thoughts of monks from all over the world have emerged. When the Holy See this scene, the people of the Holy See, they say, "Xu, why don't you lead the team? We are ready to Let's rush out of the herd!"

I didn't expect that at a critical moment, the people of the Holy See would be willing to get well with the werewolves. The Chinese monks silently despised these foreign practitioners, but this job could not be shirked.

Taoist priest Zhaoyuan, who was mixed in the team, was only slightly injured. As soon as he heard this, he began to complain about Shi Miao, thinking that if the female practitioner had not been a hero and hurt the island practitioner, such a thing would not have happened!

Angeredly put away the horns scattered at his feet, Taoist priest Zhaoyuan said, "Whoever causes the trouble will clean up the mess by himself. We all have important things to do."

Naturally, Wang Wu and Huang Chu also agreed, and only another strange male Xiu had been silent, but Xu Zhi and others had already noticed that the other party's skills were also very good.

Shi Miao walked to Yula's side, held the Qingming sword in her hand tightly, and proved her decision with her actions. Xu Lu and others also followed Shi Miao. Guan looked at Shi Miao's straight back, as if he had thought about it. Did Shi Miao learn such a good hand from the demon senior? Why didn't that man follow?

Judging from the man holding her, it is clear that Shi Miao is very important. What is the relationship between the two?

In the end, everyone still followed Shi Miao. The werewolves were on the left side of the Chinese monks. They had already spent a lot of effort in the previous fierce battle. Now they are holding the barbarian bull and nibbling bloodily. They need to replenish their energy. Unlike ordinary werewolf warriors, she looks very eating. Sven, even eating raw meat does not damage her attractive image.

After experiencing this fierce battle, the bulls also consumed a lot of strength. They are not like practitioners who can replenish energy anytime and anywhere. The ground is full of gravel and dust. They are no longer in their previous manic state, and their attacks are not as fierce as before. Gradually, a gap appears.

Seeing this gap, the blood clan was the first to turn into a bat and fled, and the little devils lost their tracks. The monks of other countries also had their own strengths and began to escape. This is the moment when the alliance disintegrates. The practitioners of various countries no longer have friendship, and those who escape are considered victory.

The practitioners also have a variety of ways to escape, and there are also sudden ** body limits. Like monkeys, they begin to jump flexibly in the jungle. Chinese practitioners are in the practice period. They can't fly and can only jump, but this speed cannot be guaranteed. For a moment, everyone begins to commit Difficult.

Qian Lele sacrificed the Jinpa passed to her with tears, and the Jinpa slowly floated in the air. Qian Lele stood on the Jinpa with a tip of his feet, but the Jinpa was too narrow to accommodate Lei Wuchen and Qian Lele at most.

"Brother, come on!" Qian Lele stood on the Jinpa and urged Lei Wuchen. At this moment, she was not afraid and just wanted to get out of here quickly.

Others looked at the handkerchief in the air and their eyes were hot. They didn't have such a good life as Lei Wuchen's brothers and sisters.

"Brother, hurry up!" Qian Lele didn't notice the eyes of others and stood on the Jinpa to urge Lei Wuchen.

Lei Wuchen looked at Shi Miao standing next to Guan Mian and said, "At this time, it should be the nun to leave first. You and Lele are both girls. You can leave together."

No one expected that Lei Wuchen would give such an opportunity to an unknown little nun. Each of them beat her chest with hatred in their hearts. Zhao Yuan looked at Guan Mian beside him and Xu Lu and asked, "Don't you have any magic weapons that can fly?"

Xu Zhi shook his head helplessly, "Some of them are all technological and useless at all."

Guan Mian sensed Shi Miao's contemptuous eyes and raised the corners of his mouth helplessly, "In the early years, I also thought about finding a flying weapon, but I spent a lot of money to find it."

It seems that the shrewd Master Guan can't get anything. Shi Miao shook his head and caught a glimpse of Qian Lele almost standing as a sculpture on the Jinpa. He quickly waved his hand and sacrificed the Qingming Sword.

The Qingming Sword became bigger and bigger in the air, and the sharp sword body emitted a dazzling cold light. Under the enviable eyes of the group, Shi Miao easily jumped on the Qingming Sword. This method of imperial sword was originally given to himself before leaving Baling. It should be a way to escape. Unexpectedly, it would be useful as soon as it arrived here.

Shi Miao stood on the sword and said to the underground group, "If you don't mind, come with me. Sister Lele's Jinpa is too small to carry too many people."

Now the size of the Qingming Sword will not look crowded even if ten people stand up. Finally, with the flying magic weapon, who will refuse it again. Guan Mian was the first to jump on the Qingming Sword, Xu Zhi, Zhaoyuan Taoist priest and others also jumped up one after another. Lei Wuchen looked at Qian Lele, and then looked at the group of people on the Qingming Sword, and finally He also jumped on the Qingming Sword.

It's not that he doesn't care about his sister, it's just that men and women don't kiss! If he stands on the Jinpa, he will definitely have to put Qian Lele in his arms. Only then can the two of them guarantee that one will not suddenly fall from the air. Lei Wuchen doesn't want to do this.

Get rid of the crazy bull herd, and everyone also consumed a lot of aura. Each of them looked spiritless. Both Huang and Wang Wu suffered different degrees of minor injuries, while Xu Lu was more serious. The whole wrist was broken. Shi Miao had no choice but to take Xu Zhi aside, picked up his wrist, and fed another one. One breath returned the blood elixir to Xu Zhi.

When he appeared in front of everyone again, Xu Zhai was obviously much more energetic. Although his wrist could not move, he was no longer in the previous state. He guessed that this matter might be related to Shi Miao, and there was a healing elixir and a good flying sword. It seemed that this man's master must be very good. If the master is not very famous, then These things...

Zhao Yuan's eyes turned twice and asked Shi Miao, "I don't know what this Taoist friend's name is and where the teacher is?"

Shi Miao had long guessed that as soon as he took out the Qingming sword, he would be coveted. He snorted coldly and said lightly, "The Taoist priest is really a noble man. We have seen it in the past."

"Have you seen it? Where have you seen it?" Zhaoyuan Taoist priest looked at Shi Miao in surprise, but he thought about the place he had walked in the past. Everyone he had seen thought about it, but did not find that he knew the nun in front of him.

Shi Miao did not explain. As soon as she raised her hand, she lifted the magic on her face, and her originally beautiful face was exposed to everyone.

"It turned out to be you!" Taoist priest Zhao Yuan shouted uncontrollably, and his voice trembled faintly.

(To make up for the update of the last day, O(∩_∩)O haha~Cats are good children~~~)