Fairy Road

Chapter 134 Sister

Countless evil spirits tightly surrounded Shi Miao, and the soul flag provided a steady stream of power for these evil spirits, but such a trick was not enough to trap a foundation-building monk. Lv Huaniang patted the coffin behind her, and a stinking blue-purple corpse spewed out of the coffin and instantly wrapped Shi Miao. Live.

Since ancient times, the corpse has not been separated from the evil spirit. Lv Huaniang is also an evil practice. What she knows is also some evil skills. The corpse is cold and cold, and it is also poisonous. It can be called the most poisonous biochemical weapon in modern times, but such a lethal thing is the most warm for the evil spirits that attract souls. Countless evil spirits cheered in this corpse.

In this way, the evil spirit nourished by the corpse gas became more capable. Shi Miao, trapped in the corpse gas, noticed that Lv Huaniang released the corpse gas and quickly reminded: "Hold your breath!"

Qian Lele has been hiding in the dark because Lv Huaniang is still practicing her. In addition to dealing with Shi Miao, another purpose is to pay Lele. Qian Lele, who has never dealt with zombies, didn't know that Lv Huaniang would have such a move. It was too late to hold her breath. The corpse poison entered Qian Lele's body through the nasal cavity. Qian Lele's eyes were blurred and only shouted weakly, "Senior sister." Then he fell directly to the ground.

Lv Huaniang looked at Qian Lele who fell to the ground and sneered, "Do you think you can do anything about me by holding your breath?"

Three people have knocked down one, so the remaining two will be easy to do. Lv Huaniang took out a bell and carried the coffin back.

"Sister, why don't you show them some color!" Lu Huaniang shook the bell in her hand.

The female zombie who was fighting with Lu Jian immediately roared as soon as she heard the bell, and her arms grabbed Lu Jian's neck directly. Lu Jian was willing to arrest her. She took out a thunderbol and hit the female zombie directly. Seeing that Shi Miao was surrounded by evil spirits, Lu Jian shouted uneasunted, "Are you all right?" "

Shi Miao did not answer Lu Blade. At this moment, she is focusing on distracting the corpses and evil spirits.

As soon as the bell rang, the power of the female zombie was much stronger than before, and even some minds. The thunder and fire charm hit the female zombie's body and ignited heavy flames. The female zombie screamed and broke her left hand directly with her bare hands. After her left hand was broken, a black and smelly blood came from the left side of the female zombie. The arm sprayed thinly, and there was a thick corpse poison in the blood. As soon as it came out, the flame was extinguished, and even the ground was corroded by the corpse poison.

This scene almost scared Lu Blade. The whole scene is a self-harming female zombie!

However, this is only the beginning. After the thunder and fire charm did not have any effect, the female zombie immediately took a new round of attack on the land blade with the corpse poison on their bodies. Each attack was not only the murderous move of the female zombie, but also the deadly corpse poison sprayed on the landing blade, and the land blade fell down in an instant.

Shi Miao, trapped in the circle of evil spirits, also noticed that Lu Jian was falling into the wind. He was a little anxious and raised his hand to attack the evil spirits, but those evil spirits seemed to have a mind and deftly avoid Shi Miao's attack. As long as Shi Miao made a move to welcome Shi Miao, it must be the strong poison gas. These gases can It is much more terrible than the poisonous blood of the female zombie. If it hadn't been for the critical moment, Lv Huaniang might not have been willing to use it!

As soon as the hook came out, she hooked the arm of the female zombie. The female zombie struggled to pull the iron hook. When one body was dead, Lv Huaniang shook the bell in her hand again. As soon as the bell rang, the female zombie actually gave up resisting the power along the hook and rushed to the landing blade.

Realizing that something was wrong, Lu Jian quickly threw out a few thunder and fire charms, but unfortunately, when he met the zombie's blood thunder and fire charms, they were useless.

The zombie slapped Lu Blade on the body, and a mass of blood was sprinkled directly on Lu Blade's body. The strong poisonous blood contained more poison than the corpse poison in the river. Lu Blade almost had no chance to resist and fell to the ground, and his whole body began to disobey.

After cleaning up the Lu blade, Lv Huaniang is in a better mood. Now there is only the foundation-building nun controlled by the soul prayer flag. Lv Huaniang raised her hand and stuffed an elixir into the mouth of the female zombie and said with a smile, "Good sister, you can go to rest when we catch this nun."

The female zombie who finished the elixir seemed to be very emotional and stood beside Lv Huaniang, waiting for Lv Huaniang's next order.

Although Shi Miao in the encirclement could not break this corpse for the time being, she also heard Lv Huaniang's words clearly. At first, Lv Huaniang called Shi Miao as if she had heard it wrong, but she didn't expect that Lv Huaniang really called the zombie a senior sister. Many monks said that the evil cultivation was crazy, and they didn't expect that the evil cultivation that could refine the corpse was even more The madman among the madmen, Lv Huaniang is actually commensurate with a zombie sister.

Layers of flames floated in the Qingming Sword, and Shi Miao seemed to mention it inadvertently: "It seems that you are crazy to be a zombie sister."

Lv Huaniang laughed when she heard the words and looked at the female zombies around her and burst into tears. "Hahaha, I'm not crazy. Do you think I will make myself crazy? For the sake of your death, I will tell you generously that this zombie is really my junior sister!"

"Refining your sister into a zombie, are you still a human!" Shi Miao only felt a chill in his heart when he heard the words.

Who would have refined his sister who got along with him day and night into a zombie? It's so inhumane!

I don't know whether this sentence was in Lv Huaniang's heart or evoked Lv Huaniang's memories. Lv Huaniang looked at Shi Miao in the fog and sneered and said, "Do you know how difficult it is to find a zombie with foundation-building cultivation? Do you dare to say that I am inhumane? They are the ones who are inhumane! Since they did those careless things behind my back, you can't blame me for being cruel! Not only my sister, but also my father-in-law has been refined into a zombie by me, but he is now busy sucking the blood of those monks and has no time to see you, but you don't have to worry, you will see him soon!"

I didn't expect that Lv Huaniang had two zombies. These two zombies turned out to be her own husband and sister. It was indeed immoral for her husband to have an affair with Lv Huaniang behind their back, but Lv Huaniang was so horrible that she killed both of them and refined them into zombies. I heard that the souls of the monks who were refined into zombies could not Enough to be liberated.

Knowing that she was facing such a terrible person, Shi Miao should be careful! The flame of the Qingming sword in his hand finally accumulated to a certain extent. The Qingming sword accompanied by the blue flame rushed directly to the evil spirits like an angry fire dragon. This move was so sudden that even the evil spirits did not have time to hide under the corpses. Wherever the flames went, the evil spirits immediately turned into ashes, and other evil spirits also sent out all kinds of misery. With the unique cry, the place where the evil ghost was killed revealed a dark corpse. There was a blood elixir in Shi Miao's mouth and began to stimulate the aura in the body. Whether he can successfully leave here depends on this time!