Fairy Road

Chapter 154 in Amber

Everything in the Wuyun magic mirror should follow the rules, just like a person falling into the array. Only when you find the array can you have a chance to leave. Although the tree demon can trap the intruder in amber, the tree demon also has to follow the rules in the five magic mirror. You must not release people in person or leave without authorization. Open the magic mirror, and even this space tree demon can't leave.

The words of the tree demon are reasonable. From the clothes and romance of the tree demon alone, it can be seen that the tree demon has not left here for at least tens of thousands of years, otherwise it will not even know the current situation in China. Not to mention sword cultivation, even the Holy Sword Sect has long disappeared, and it is unknown whether it still exists.

Seeing that Baling didn't say anything, the tree demon looked at Baling and smiled and said, "I'll go to bed first. If you think clearly, you can call me directly, and I will use my best to send you to her dream."

At this moment, Baling didn't need to figure out what to do. He immediately said, "I'm going to save her now, and you can send me there now."

Baling's voice was very eager, and he couldn't wait to see Shi Miao soon. The girl who woke up from the formation was by his side. At this moment, he couldn't say what kind of emotion he was. In short, when Shi Miao was not by his side, he couldn't rest assured, sleep at ease, let alone look for his body. Body.

As if he saw something interesting, the tree demon pointed to Baling and said, "Do you still say you don't worry about her? You are restless if you can't see her. For her, you don't even care about danger. She can control your emotions. How dare you say that you don't like her in your heart?

"No! No!" Baling can't believe that he can't fall in love with a yellow-haired girl. He obviously...

Baling doesn't know what this emotion is. He only regards this emotion as an inexplicable habit. He is used to Shi Miao around him, just like getting used to the soul-killing knife in his body. How can he feel at ease once he lacks it? What's more, he has already promised those juniors outside to protect Shi Miao and bring them back!

As soon as he raised his hand, the tree demon took Baling to the tree. There were many ambers like dewdrops hanging on the tree. The amber firmly stuck to the tree, which was difficult for people to notice.

"She's in here."

Baling looked at the amber on the branch. The amber on the branch is made of oil. It looks like dewdrops hanging on the tree from afar, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a clear seal in the amber. The five magic mirror is full of all kinds of illusions, and each illusion may even confuse people. Intoxicated without knowing it, they are immersed in living a life in the magic mirror, and some people will never even wake up.

And Shi Miao is now one of these thousands of ambers. When he came to the crystal clear amber, Baling stretched out his hand and stroked the amber, and a demonic power was slowly injected. Immediately, there was a force in the amber to bounce back the demonic spirit of Baling.

The tree demon came to Amber and looked at Baling and said with a smile, "It seems that she likes her current life very much and is reluctant to leave at all. I don't know what kind of illusion makes her so reluctant?" Seeing Baling's face getting darker and darker, the tree demon continued to laugh maliciously and said, "Maybe she is living with her favorite man in this illusion, and there is no you at all."

"Huh!" Baling snorted coldly, and his heart seemed to have been scratched by claws for some reason. It was really uncomfortable. His anger kept tossed in his chest, and he couldn't wait to burn the tree demon together with his body.

The tree demon is also a master who knows how to accept it as soon as it is good. After choreographing Baling, he dared not continue to say anything more. He was afraid that it would really provoke the evil star. As soon as the soul-killing knife came out, it was himself who suffered. He stretched out his hand a little towards the amber. The dew-sized amber began to enlarge in front of the two, and finally became as big as an apple. Small, what can be seen in the amber at this time is the mirror of the person's life in the amber.

Thousands of amber, thousands of different magic mirrors, and the power of these magic mirrors in these ambers is provided by the five magic mirrors and tree demons, so you can see how high the cultivation of tree demons is.

Baling's eyes were attracted by the small amber from beginning to end. When the amber was slightly enlarged, the illusion of Shi Miao appeared in the eyes of Baling and the tree demon. Seeing that the illusion was just a small mountain village. The people around Shi Miao were all relatives of Shi Miao's relatives. Baling felt that a heart seemed to be melted in the honey pot. Even the corners of his mouth involuntarily rose.

There is no man. It turns out that the illusion that trapped Shi Miao is the home in Shi Miao's heart!

The tree demon said, "This illusion seems ordinary, but it is the most difficult thing to give up in the heart of this nun. It is precisely this that she will give up doubting the authenticity of the illusion and would rather live in the illusion every day. Even if you go, you can't use demon power without authorization. You can only impress the other party with your words and let her Su Wake up, otherwise even if you force her to wake her up, the balance in the five magic mirrors will be broken, and the real disaster will come.

No illusion can trap a person forever. What traps them is their own hearts.

Ba Ling nodded when he heard this and said in a low voice, "Let me in. I must bring her back."

The tree demon covered his mouth and smiled. He couldn't figure out where Baling's blind self-confidence came from. He had to put the amber bigger, and then injected a very strange power into the amber. This power came from the tree demon body, which was peaceful than the demon power but much more mellow than the spiritual power of the immortals. This power is in the five magic mirror. The power of the source.

However, at this moment, Baling's mind is not on the tree demon at all. He noticed that the tree demon uses the power of the source, and Baling is too lazy to ask questions, so that it will cause some trouble in the future. This is all about later.

After injecting his own power, the tree demon immediately opened a special channel, and Baling immediately went to the amber through this channel. After the purple light completely disappeared into the amber, the tree demon drew back its power, and then the amber changed back to the size of dewdrops.

Lying on the tree trunk, the tree demon pinched the little dewdrop in his hand and said to himself, "For a woman who is willing to go to the illusion alone, you are worthy of a soul-killing knife. You are also a man, what about your own?"

With a bang, the ground was smashed into a big hole by the palm wind of the tree demon. The tree demon lay on the tree trunk and looked at the small amber with a gloomy face. This magic mirror seemed to be true and false. I'm afraid only the tree demon himself knew whether it was true or not.